blob: 46aaeb80af64d6e9dde169cb23b345dfd356267c [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package user_group_limit_test
import (
v1 ""
amCommon ""
amconf ""
tests ""
siCommon ""
type TestType int
const (
largeMem = 100
mediumMem = 50
smallMem = 30
sleepPodMem = 99
user1 = "user1"
user2 = "user2"
group1 = "group1"
group2 = "group2"
sandboxQueue1 = "root.sandbox1"
sandboxQueue2 = "root.sandbox2"
userTestType TestType = iota
var (
suiteName string
kClient k8s.KubeCtl
restClient yunikorn.RClient
ns *v1.Namespace
dev = "dev" + common.RandSeq(5)
oldConfigMap = new(v1.ConfigMap)
admissionCustomConfig = map[string]string{
"log.core.scheduler.ugm.level": "debug",
amconf.AMAccessControlBypassAuth: constants.True,
var _ = ginkgo.BeforeSuite(func() {
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
suiteName = common.GetSuiteName(filename)
// Initializing kubectl client
kClient = k8s.KubeCtl{}
// Initializing rest client
restClient = yunikorn.RClient{}
ginkgo.By("Port-forward the scheduler pod")
var err = kClient.PortForwardYkSchedulerPod()
ginkgo.By("create development namespace")
ns, err = kClient.CreateNamespace(dev, nil)
var _ = ginkgo.AfterSuite(func() {
ginkgo.By("Check Yunikorn's health")
checks, err := yunikorn.GetFailedHealthChecks()
Ω(checks).To(gomega.Equal(""), checks)
ginkgo.By("Tearing down namespace: " + ns.Name)
err = kClient.TearDownNamespace(ns.Name)
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("UserGroupLimit", func() {
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxresources_with_a_specific_user_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
if err := common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "user entry",
Users: []string{user1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", mediumMem),
}); err != nil {
return err
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{Name: "sandbox2"})
// usergroup1 can deploy the first sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
// usergroup1 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because memory usage is less than maxresources")
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final memory usage is more than maxresources")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1})
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox2
usergroup1Sandbox2Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
usergroup1Sandbox2Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue2, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox2Pod1, usergroup1Sandbox2Pod2})
// usergroup2 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
checkUsage(userTestType, user2, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1, usergroup2Sandbox1Pod2})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxapplications_with_a_specific_user_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
if err := common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "user entry",
Users: []string{user1},
MaxApplications: 1,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
}); err != nil {
return err
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{Name: "sandbox2"})
// usergroup1 can deploy the first sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
// usergroup1 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because application count is less than maxapplications")
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final application count is more than maxapplications")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1})
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox2
usergroup1Sandbox2Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
usergroup1Sandbox2Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue2, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox2Pod1, usergroup1Sandbox2Pod2})
// usergroup2 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
checkUsage(userTestType, user2, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1, usergroup2Sandbox1Pod2})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxresources_with_a_specific_group_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
if err := common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "group entry",
Groups: []string{group1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", mediumMem),
}); err != nil {
return err
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{Name: "sandbox2"})
// usergroup1 can deploy the first sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
// usergroup1 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because memory usage is less than maxresources")
_ = deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final memory usage is more than maxresources")
checkUsage(groupTestType, group1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1})
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox2
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
// usergroup2 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxapplications_with_a_specific_group_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
if err := common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "group entry",
Groups: []string{group1},
MaxApplications: 1,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
}); err != nil {
return err
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{Name: "sandbox2"})
// usergroup1 can deploy the first sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
// usergroup1 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because application count is less than maxapplications")
_ = deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final application count is more than maxapplications")
checkUsage(groupTestType, group1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1})
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox2
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue2, true, "because there is no limit in root.sandbox2")
// usergroup2 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, fmt.Sprintf("because there is no limit for %s", usergroup2))
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxresources_with_user_limit_lower_than_group_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
if err := common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "user entry",
Users: []string{user1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", mediumMem),
Limit: "group entry",
Groups: []string{group1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
}); err != nil {
return err
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{Name: "sandbox2"})
// usergroup1 can deploy the first sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
// usergroup1 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because memory usage is less than maxresources")
deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final memory usage is more than maxresources in user limit")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxresources_with_group_limit_lower_than_user_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
if err := common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "user entry",
Users: []string{user1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
Limit: "group entry",
Groups: []string{group1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", mediumMem),
}); err != nil {
return err
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{Name: "sandbox2"})
// usergroup1 can deploy the first sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
// usergroup1 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because memory usage is less than maxresources")
_ = deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final memory usage is more than maxresources in group limit")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxresources_with_a_wildcard_user_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "user entry",
Users: []string{user1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
Limit: "wildcard user entry",
Users: []string{"*"},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", mediumMem),
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than user entry limit")
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is equal to user entry limit")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1, usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2})
// usergroup2 can deploy 1 sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than wildcard user entry limit")
// usergroup2 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final memory usage is more than wildcard maxresources")
checkUsage(userTestType, user2, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxapplications_with_a_wildcard_user_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "user entry",
Users: []string{user1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
Limit: "wildcard user entry",
Users: []string{"*"},
MaxApplications: 1,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than user entry limit")
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is equal to user entry limit")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1, usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2})
// usergroup2 can deploy 1 sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than wildcard user entry limit")
// usergroup2 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final application count is more than wildcard maxapplications")
checkUsage(userTestType, user2, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxresources_with_a_wildcard_group_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "group entry",
Groups: []string{group1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
Limit: "wildcard group entry",
Groups: []string{"*"},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", mediumMem),
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than user entry limit")
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is equal to user entry limit")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1, usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2})
// usergroup2 can deploy 1 sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than wildcard user entry limit")
// usergroup2 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final memory usage is more than wildcard maxresources")
checkUsage(userTestType, user2, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1})
ginkgo.It("Verify_maxapplications_with_a_wildcard_group_limit", func() {
ginkgo.By("Update config")
// The wait wrapper still can't fully guarantee that the config in AdmissionController has been updated.
yunikorn.WaitForAdmissionControllerRefreshConfAfterAction(func() {
yunikorn.UpdateCustomConfigMapWrapperWithMap(oldConfigMap, "", admissionCustomConfig, func(sc *configs.SchedulerConfig) error {
// remove placement rules so we can control queue
sc.Partitions[0].PlacementRules = nil
return common.AddQueue(sc, constants.DefaultPartition, constants.RootQueue, configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "sandbox1",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "group entry",
Groups: []string{group1},
MaxApplications: 2,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
Limit: "wildcard group entry",
Groups: []string{"*"},
MaxApplications: 1,
MaxResources: map[string]string{
siCommon.Memory: fmt.Sprintf("%dM", largeMem),
// usergroup1 can deploy 2 sleep pods to root.sandbox1
usergroup1 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user1, Groups: []string{group1}}
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than group entry limit")
usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2 := deploySleepPod(usergroup1, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is equal to group entry limit")
checkUsage(userTestType, user1, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup1Sandbox1Pod1, usergroup1Sandbox1Pod2})
// usergroup2 can deploy 1 sleep pod to root.sandbox1
usergroup2 := &si.UserGroupInformation{User: user2, Groups: []string{group2}}
usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1 := deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, true, "because usage is less than wildcard group entry limit")
// usergroup2 can't deploy the second sleep pod to root.sandbox1
deploySleepPod(usergroup2, sandboxQueue1, false, "because final application count is more than wildcard maxapplications")
checkUsage(userTestType, user2, sandboxQueue1, []*v1.Pod{usergroup2Sandbox1Pod1})
ginkgo.AfterEach(func() {
tests.DumpClusterInfoIfSpecFailed(suiteName, []string{ns.Name})
// Delete all sleep pods
ginkgo.By("Delete all sleep pods")
err := kClient.DeletePods(ns.Name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(ginkgo.GinkgoWriter, "Failed to delete pods in namespace %s - reason is %s\n", ns.Name, err.Error())
// reset config
ginkgo.By("Restoring YuniKorn configuration")
func deploySleepPod(usergroup *si.UserGroupInformation, queuePath string, expectedRunning bool, reason string) *v1.Pod {
usergroupJsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(usergroup)
sleepPodConfig := k8s.SleepPodConfig{NS: dev, Mem: smallMem, Labels: map[string]string{constants.LabelQueueName: queuePath}}
sleepPodObj, err := k8s.InitSleepPod(sleepPodConfig)
sleepPodObj.Annotations[amCommon.UserInfoAnnotation] = string(usergroupJsonBytes)
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("%s deploys the sleep pod %s to queue %s", usergroup, sleepPodObj.Name, queuePath))
sleepPod, err := kClient.CreatePod(sleepPodObj, dev)
if expectedRunning {
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("The sleep pod %s can be scheduled %s", sleepPod.Name, reason))
err = kClient.WaitForPodRunning(dev, sleepPod.Name, 60*time.Second)
} else {
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("The sleep pod %s can't be scheduled %s", sleepPod.Name, reason))
// Since Pending is the initial state of PodPhase, sleep for 5 seconds, then check whether the pod is still in Pending state.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
err = kClient.WaitForPodPending(sleepPod.Namespace, sleepPod.Name, 60*time.Second)
return sleepPod
func checkUsage(testType TestType, name string, queuePath string, expectedRunningPods []*v1.Pod) {
var rootQueueResourceUsageDAO *dao.ResourceUsageDAOInfo
if testType == userTestType {
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Check user resource usage for %s in queue %s", name, queuePath))
userUsageDAOInfo, err := restClient.GetUserUsage(constants.DefaultPartition, name)
rootQueueResourceUsageDAO = userUsageDAOInfo.Queues
} else if testType == groupTestType {
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Check group resource usage for %s in queue %s", name, queuePath))
groupUsageDAOInfo, err := restClient.GetGroupUsage(constants.DefaultPartition, name)
rootQueueResourceUsageDAO = groupUsageDAOInfo.Queues
var resourceUsageDAO *dao.ResourceUsageDAOInfo
for _, queue := range rootQueueResourceUsageDAO.Children {
if queue.QueuePath == queuePath {
resourceUsageDAO = queue
appIDs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(expectedRunningPods))
for _, pod := range expectedRunningPods {
appIDs = append(appIDs, pod.Labels[constants.LabelApplicationID])