blob: c7c41870961958367923fc978203353ef033fe54 [file] [log] [blame]
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package shim
import (
v1 ""
// shim scheduler watches api server and interacts with unity scheduler to allocate pods
type KubernetesShim struct {
apiFactory client.APIProvider
context *cache.Context
appManager *appmgmt.AppManagementService
phManager *cache.PlaceholderManager
callback api.ResourceManagerCallback
stopChan chan struct{}
lock *sync.RWMutex
outstandingAppsFound bool
var (
// timeout for logging a message if no outstanding apps were found for scheduling
outstandingAppLogTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
func NewShimScheduler(scheduler api.SchedulerAPI, configs *conf.SchedulerConf, bootstrapConfigMaps []*v1.ConfigMap) *KubernetesShim {
kubeClient := client.NewKubeClient(configs.KubeConfig)
// we have disabled re-sync to keep ourselves up-to-date
informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(kubeClient.GetClientSet(), 0)
apiFactory := client.NewAPIFactory(scheduler, informerFactory, configs, false)
context := cache.NewContextWithBootstrapConfigMaps(apiFactory, bootstrapConfigMaps)
rmCallback := callback.NewAsyncRMCallback(context)
appManager := appmgmt.NewAMService(context, apiFactory)
return newShimSchedulerInternal(context, apiFactory, appManager, rmCallback)
func NewShimSchedulerForPlugin(scheduler api.SchedulerAPI, informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory, configs *conf.SchedulerConf, bootstrapConfigMaps []*v1.ConfigMap) *KubernetesShim {
apiFactory := client.NewAPIFactory(scheduler, informerFactory, configs, false)
context := cache.NewContextWithBootstrapConfigMaps(apiFactory, bootstrapConfigMaps)
rmCallback := callback.NewAsyncRMCallback(context)
appManager := appmgmt.NewAMService(context, apiFactory)
return newShimSchedulerInternal(context, apiFactory, appManager, rmCallback)
// this is visible for testing
func newShimSchedulerInternal(ctx *cache.Context, apiFactory client.APIProvider,
am *appmgmt.AppManagementService, cb api.ResourceManagerCallback) *KubernetesShim {
ss := &KubernetesShim{
apiFactory: apiFactory,
context: ctx,
appManager: am,
phManager: cache.NewPlaceholderManager(apiFactory.GetAPIs()),
callback: cb,
stopChan: make(chan struct{}),
lock: &sync.RWMutex{},
outstandingAppsFound: false,
// init dispatcher
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeApp, ctx.ApplicationEventHandler())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeTask, ctx.TaskEventHandler())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeNode, ctx.SchedulerNodeEventHandler())
return ss
func (ss *KubernetesShim) GetContext() *cache.Context {
return ss.context
func (ss *KubernetesShim) recoverSchedulerState() error {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Info("recovering scheduler states")
// step 1: recover all applications
// this step, we collect all the existing allocated pods from api-server,
// identify the scheduling identity (aka applicationInfo) from the pod,
// and then add these applications to the scheduler.
if err := ss.appManager.WaitForRecovery(); err != nil {
// failed
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Error("scheduler recovery failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
// step 2: recover existing allocations
// this step, we collect all existing allocations (allocated pods) from api-server,
// rerun the scheduling for these allocations in order to restore scheduler-state,
// the rerun is like a replay, not a actual scheduling procedure.
recoverableAppManagers := make([]interfaces.Recoverable, 0)
for _, appMgr := range ss.appManager.GetAllManagers() {
if m, ok := appMgr.(interfaces.Recoverable); ok {
recoverableAppManagers = append(recoverableAppManagers, m)
if err := ss.context.WaitForRecovery(recoverableAppManagers, 5*time.Minute); err != nil {
// failed
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Error("scheduler recovery failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
// success
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Info("scheduler recovery succeed")
return nil
func (ss *KubernetesShim) doScheduling() {
// add event handlers to the context
// run main scheduling loop
go wait.Until(ss.schedule, conf.GetSchedulerConf().GetSchedulingInterval(), ss.stopChan)
// log a message if no outstanding requests were found for a while
go wait.Until(ss.checkOutstandingApps, outstandingAppLogTimeout, ss.stopChan)
func (ss *KubernetesShim) registerShimLayer() error {
configuration := conf.GetSchedulerConf()
buildInfoMap := conf.GetBuildInfoMap()
configMaps, err := ss.context.LoadConfigMaps()
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Error("failed to load yunikorn configmaps", zap.Error(err))
return err
confMap := conf.FlattenConfigMaps(configMaps)
config := utils.GetCoreSchedulerConfigFromConfigMap(confMap)
extraConfig := utils.GetExtraConfigFromConfigMap(confMap)
registerMessage := si.RegisterResourceManagerRequest{
RmID: configuration.ClusterID,
Version: configuration.ClusterVersion,
PolicyGroup: configuration.PolicyGroup,
BuildInfo: buildInfoMap,
Config: config,
ExtraConfig: extraConfig,
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Info("register RM to the scheduler",
zap.String("clusterID", configuration.ClusterID),
zap.String("clusterVersion", configuration.ClusterVersion),
zap.String("policyGroup", configuration.PolicyGroup),
zap.Any("buildInfo", buildInfoMap))
if _, err := ss.apiFactory.GetAPIs().SchedulerAPI.
RegisterResourceManager(&registerMessage, ss.callback); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// each schedule iteration, we scan all apps and triggers app state transition
func (ss *KubernetesShim) schedule() {
apps := ss.context.GetAllApplications()
for _, app := range apps {
if app.Schedule() {
func (ss *KubernetesShim) Run() error {
// NOTE: the order of starting these services matter,
// please look at the comments before modifying the orders
// run dispatcher
// the dispatcher handles the basic event dispatching,
// it needs to be started at first
// run the placeholder manager
// run the client library code that communicates with Kubernetes
// register shim with core
if err := ss.registerShimLayer(); err != nil {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Error("failed to register shim with core", zap.Error(err))
return err
// run app managers
// the app manager launches the pod event handlers
// it needs to be started after the shim is registered with the core
if err := ss.appManager.Start(); err != nil {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Error("failed to start app manager", zap.Error(err))
return err
// recover scheduler state
if err := ss.recoverSchedulerState(); err != nil {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Error("failed to recover scheduler state", zap.Error(err))
return err
// start scheduling loop
return nil
func (ss *KubernetesShim) Stop() {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Info("stopping scheduler")
select {
case ss.stopChan <- struct{}{}:
// stop the dispatcher
// stop the app manager
// stop the placeholder manager
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Info("scheduler is already stopped")
func (ss *KubernetesShim) checkOutstandingApps() {
if !ss.getOutstandingAppsFound() {
log.Log(log.ShimScheduler).Info("No outstanding apps found for a while", zap.Duration("timeout", outstandingAppLogTimeout))
func (ss *KubernetesShim) getOutstandingAppsFound() bool {
defer ss.lock.RUnlock()
return ss.outstandingAppsFound
func (ss *KubernetesShim) setOutstandingAppsFound(value bool) {
defer ss.lock.Unlock()
ss.outstandingAppsFound = value