blob: 7b8af71fd465031bebf92e0ae0f68adf34bddec1 [file] [log] [blame]
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package scheduler
import (
// Responsibility of this class is, get status from SchedulerCache, and
// send allocation / release proposal back to cache.
// Scheduler may maintain its local status which is different from SchedulerCache
type Scheduler struct {
// Private fields need protection
clusterInfo *cache.ClusterInfo // link to the cache object
clusterSchedulingContext *ClusterSchedulingContext // main context
preemptionContext *preemptionContext // Preemption context
eventHandlers handler.EventHandlers // list of event handlers
pendingSchedulerEvents chan interface{} // queue for scheduler events
func NewScheduler(clusterInfo *cache.ClusterInfo) *Scheduler {
m := &Scheduler{}
m.clusterInfo = clusterInfo
m.clusterSchedulingContext = NewClusterSchedulingContext()
m.pendingSchedulerEvents = make(chan interface{}, 1024*1024)
return m
// Start service
func (s *Scheduler) StartService(handlers handler.EventHandlers, manualSchedule bool) {
s.eventHandlers = handlers
// Start event handlers
go s.handleSchedulerEvent()
// Start resource monitor if necessary (majorly for testing)
monitor := newNodesResourceUsageMonitor(s)
if !manualSchedule {
go s.internalSchedule()
go s.internalInspectOutstandingRequests()
go s.internalPreemption()
// Create single allocation
func newSingleAllocationProposal(alloc *schedulingAllocation) *cacheevent.AllocationProposalBundleEvent {
return &cacheevent.AllocationProposalBundleEvent{
AllocationProposals: []*commonevents.AllocationProposal{
NodeID: alloc.nodeID,
ApplicationID: alloc.schedulingAsk.ApplicationID,
QueueName: alloc.schedulingAsk.QueueName,
AllocatedResource: alloc.schedulingAsk.AllocatedResource,
AllocationKey: alloc.schedulingAsk.AskProto.AllocationKey,
Priority: alloc.schedulingAsk.AskProto.Priority,
PartitionName: alloc.schedulingAsk.PartitionName,
ReleaseProposals: alloc.releases,
PartitionName: alloc.schedulingAsk.PartitionName,
// Internal start scheduling service
func (s *Scheduler) internalSchedule() {
for {
// Internal start preemption service
func (s *Scheduler) internalPreemption() {
for {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
func (s *Scheduler) internalInspectOutstandingRequests() {
for {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
// inspect on the outstanding requests for each of the queues,
// update request state accordingly to shim if needed.
// this function filters out all outstanding requests that being
// skipped due to insufficient cluster resources and update the
// state through the ContainerSchedulingStateUpdaterPlugin in order
// to trigger the auto-scaling.
func (s *Scheduler) inspectOutstandingRequests() {
log.Logger().Debug("inspect outstanding requests")
// schedule each partition defined in the cluster
for _, psc := range s.clusterSchedulingContext.getPartitionMapClone() {
requests := psc.calculateOutstandingRequests()
if len(requests) > 0 {
for _, ask := range requests {
log.Logger().Debug("outstanding request",
zap.String("appID", ask.AskProto.ApplicationID),
zap.String("allocationKey", ask.AskProto.AllocationKey))
// these asks are queue outstanding requests,
// they can fit into the max head room, but they are pending because lack of partition resources
if updater := plugins.GetContainerSchedulingStateUpdaterPlugin(); updater != nil {
ApplicartionID: ask.AskProto.ApplicationID,
AllocationKey: ask.AskProto.AllocationKey,
State: si.UpdateContainerSchedulingStateRequest_FAILED,
Reason: "request is waiting for cluster resources become available",
func (s *Scheduler) updateSchedulingRequest(schedulingAsk *schedulingAllocationAsk) error {
// Get SchedulingApplication
app := s.clusterSchedulingContext.GetSchedulingApplication(schedulingAsk.ApplicationID, schedulingAsk.PartitionName)
if app == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find scheduling application %s, for allocation %s", schedulingAsk.ApplicationID, schedulingAsk.AskProto.AllocationKey)
// found now update the pending requests for the queue that the app is running in
_, err := app.addAllocationAsk(schedulingAsk)
return err
// Recovery of allocations do not go through the normal cycle and never have an "allocating" state.
// When a node registers with existing allocations this would cause issues as we cannot confirm the resources.
// Set the allocating
// Confirm an allocation proposal.
// Convenience function around updating the proposal with a change of +1.
func (s *Scheduler) confirmAllocationProposal(allocProposal *commonevents.AllocationProposal) error {
return s.processAllocationProposal(allocProposal, true)
// Reject an allocation proposal.
// Convenience function for updating the proposal with a change of -1.
func (s *Scheduler) rejectAllocationProposal(allocProposal *commonevents.AllocationProposal) error {
return s.processAllocationProposal(allocProposal, false)
// Process the allocation proposal by updating the app and queue.
func (s *Scheduler) processAllocationProposal(allocProposal *commonevents.AllocationProposal, confirm bool) error {
// get the partition
partition := s.clusterSchedulingContext.getPartition(allocProposal.PartitionName)
if partition == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find scheduling partition %s, for allocation ID %s", allocProposal.PartitionName, allocProposal.AllocationKey)
err := partition.confirmAllocation(allocProposal, confirm)
if err != nil && allocProposal.UUID != "" {
log.Logger().Debug("failed to confirm proposal, removing allocation from cache",
zap.String("appID", allocProposal.ApplicationID),
zap.String("partitionName", allocProposal.PartitionName),
zap.String("allocationKey", allocProposal.AllocationKey),
zap.String("allocation UUID", allocProposal.UUID))
// Pass in a releaseType of preemption we need to communicate the release back to the RM. The alloc was
// communicated to the RM from the cache but immediately removed again
// This is an internal removal which we do not have a code for, however it is triggered by the ask removal
// from the RM. Stopped by RM fits best.
event := &cacheevent.ReleaseAllocationsEvent{AllocationsToRelease: make([]*commonevents.ReleaseAllocation, 0)}
event.AllocationsToRelease = append(event.AllocationsToRelease, commonevents.NewReleaseAllocation(allocProposal.UUID, allocProposal.ApplicationID, allocProposal.PartitionName, "allocation confirmation failure (ask removal)", si.AllocationReleaseResponse_STOPPED_BY_RM))
return err
// When a new app added, invoked by external
func (s *Scheduler) addNewApplication(info *cache.ApplicationInfo) error {
schedulingApp := newSchedulingApplication(info)
return s.clusterSchedulingContext.addSchedulingApplication(schedulingApp)
func (s *Scheduler) removeApplication(request *si.RemoveApplicationRequest) error {
if _, err := s.clusterSchedulingContext.removeSchedulingApplication(request.ApplicationID, request.PartitionName); err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("failed to remove apps",
zap.String("appID", request.ApplicationID),
zap.String("partitionName", request.PartitionName),
return err
log.Logger().Info("app removed",
zap.String("appID", request.ApplicationID),
zap.String("partitionName", request.PartitionName))
return nil
func enqueueAndCheckFull(queue chan interface{}, ev interface{}) {
select {
case queue <- ev:
log.Logger().Debug("enqueued event",
zap.String("eventType", reflect.TypeOf(ev).String()),
zap.Any("event", ev),
zap.Int("currentQueueSize", len(queue)))
log.Logger().DPanic("failed to enqueue event",
zap.String("event", reflect.TypeOf(ev).String()))
// Implement methods for Scheduler events
func (s *Scheduler) HandleEvent(ev interface{}) {
enqueueAndCheckFull(s.pendingSchedulerEvents, ev)
func (s *Scheduler) processAllocationReleaseByAllocationKey(allocationAsksToRelease []*si.AllocationAskReleaseRequest, allocationsToRelease []*si.AllocationReleaseRequest) {
// For all Requests
if len(allocationAsksToRelease) > 0 {
for _, toRelease := range allocationAsksToRelease {
schedulingApp := s.clusterSchedulingContext.GetSchedulingApplication(toRelease.ApplicationID, toRelease.PartitionName)
if schedulingApp != nil {
// remove the allocation asks from the app
reservedAsks := schedulingApp.removeAllocationAsk(toRelease.Allocationkey)
log.Logger().Info("release allocation ask",
zap.String("allocation", toRelease.Allocationkey),
zap.String("appID", toRelease.ApplicationID),
zap.String("message", toRelease.Message),
zap.Int("reservedAskReleased", reservedAsks))
// update the partition if the asks were reserved (clean up)
if reservedAsks != 0 {
s.clusterSchedulingContext.getPartition(toRelease.PartitionName).unReserveUpdate(toRelease.ApplicationID, reservedAsks)
if len(allocationsToRelease) > 0 {
toReleaseAllocations := make([]*si.ForgotAllocation, len(allocationAsksToRelease))
for _, toRelease := range allocationsToRelease {
schedulingApp := s.clusterSchedulingContext.GetSchedulingApplication(toRelease.ApplicationID, toRelease.PartitionName)
if schedulingApp != nil {
for _, alloc := range schedulingApp.ApplicationInfo.GetAllAllocations() {
if alloc.AllocationProto.UUID == toRelease.UUID {
toReleaseAllocations = append(toReleaseAllocations, &si.ForgotAllocation{
AllocationKey: alloc.AllocationProto.AllocationKey,
// if reconcile plugin is enabled, re-sync the cache now.
// this gives the chance for the cache to update its memory about assumed pods
// whenever we release an allocation, we must ensure the corresponding pod is successfully
// removed from external cache, otherwise predicates will run into problems.
if len(toReleaseAllocations) > 0 {
log.Logger().Debug("notify cache to forget assumed pods",
zap.Int("size", len(toReleaseAllocations)))
if rp := plugins.GetReconcilePlugin(); rp != nil {
if err := rp.ReSyncSchedulerCache(&si.ReSyncSchedulerCacheArgs{
ForgetAllocations: toReleaseAllocations,
}); err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("failed to sync cache",
func (s *Scheduler) recoverExistingAllocations(existingAllocations []*si.Allocation, rmID string) {
// A scheduling cycle for an application takes following steps:
// 1) Add an application into schedulers and the cache, includes the partition and queue update
// 2) Add requests to the app (can be included in the same update) updating queues and app itself
// 3) For pending asks run the scheduling logic to propose an allocation on a node:
// Updating the node, queue and app with the proposal
// Order for processing: partition -> queue -> app
// 4) Update data in cache using the proposal (node, queue and app) return a confirmation/reject
// This can still cause a reject of the proposal for certain cases
// 5) Confirm/reject the allocation in the scheduler updating node, queue and app
// Recovering of existing allocations looks like a replay of the scheduling process. However step 3
// an 4 are handled directly not via the normal scheduling logic as the node, queue and app are all
// known. The existing allocations are directly added to the cache.
for _, alloc := range existingAllocations {
log.Logger().Info("recovering allocations for app",
zap.String("applicationID", alloc.ApplicationID),
zap.String("nodeID", alloc.NodeID),
zap.String("queueName", alloc.QueueName),
zap.String("partition", alloc.PartitionName),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.AllocationKey),
zap.String("allocationId", alloc.UUID))
// add scheduling asks (step 2 above)
ask := convertFromAllocation(alloc, rmID)
if err := s.updateSchedulingRequest(ask); err != nil {
log.Logger().Warn("app recovery failed to update scheduling request",
// set the scheduler allocation in progress info (step 3)
if err := s.updateAppAllocating(ask, alloc.NodeID); err != nil {
log.Logger().Warn("app recovery failed to update allocating information",
// handle allocation proposals (step 5)
if err := s.confirmAllocationProposal(&commonevents.AllocationProposal{
NodeID: alloc.NodeID,
ApplicationID: alloc.ApplicationID,
QueueName: alloc.QueueName,
AllocatedResource: resources.NewResourceFromProto(alloc.ResourcePerAlloc),
AllocationKey: alloc.AllocationKey,
Tags: alloc.AllocationTags,
Priority: alloc.Priority,
PartitionName: common.GetNormalizedPartitionName(alloc.PartitionName, rmID),
}); err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("app recovery failed to confirm allocation proposal",
// all done move the app to running, this can only happen if all updates worked
// this means that the app must exist (cannot be nil)
app := s.clusterSchedulingContext.GetSchedulingApplication(ask.ApplicationID, ask.PartitionName)
func (s *Scheduler) processAllocationUpdateEvent(ev *schedulerevent.SchedulerAllocationUpdatesEvent) {
if len(ev.ExistingAllocations) > 0 {
// in recovery mode, we only expect existing allocations being reported
if len(ev.NewAsks) > 0 || len(ev.RejectedAllocations) > 0 || ev.ToReleases != nil {
log.Logger().Warn("illegal SchedulerAllocationUpdatesEvent,"+
" only existingAllocations can be set exclusively, other info will be skipped",
zap.Int("num of existingAllocations", len(ev.ExistingAllocations)),
zap.Int("num of rejectedAllocations", len(ev.RejectedAllocations)),
zap.Int("num of newAsk", len(ev.NewAsks)))
s.recoverExistingAllocations(ev.ExistingAllocations, ev.RMId)
// Allocations events cannot contain accepted and rejected allocations at the same time.
// There should never be more than one accepted allocation in the list
// See cluster_info.processAllocationProposalEvent()
if len(ev.AcceptedAllocations) > 0 {
alloc := ev.AcceptedAllocations[0]
// Update pending resource
if err := s.confirmAllocationProposal(alloc); err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("failed to confirm allocation proposal",
// Rejects have not updated the node in the cache but have updated the scheduler with
// outstanding allocations that need to be removed. Can be multiple in one event.
if len(ev.RejectedAllocations) > 0 {
for _, alloc := range ev.RejectedAllocations {
// Update pending resource back
if err := s.rejectAllocationProposal(alloc); err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("failed to reject allocation proposal",
// When RM asks to remove some allocations, the event will be send to scheduler first, to release pending asks, etc.
// Then it will be relay to cache to release allocations.
// The reason to send to scheduler before cache is, we need to clean up asks otherwise new allocations will be created.
if ev.ToReleases != nil {
s.processAllocationReleaseByAllocationKey(ev.ToReleases.AllocationAsksToRelease, ev.ToReleases.AllocationsToRelease)
if len(ev.NewAsks) > 0 {
rejectedAsks := make([]*si.RejectedAllocationAsk, 0)
var rmID = ""
for _, ask := range ev.NewAsks {
rmID = common.GetRMIdFromPartitionName(ask.PartitionName)
schedulingAsk := newSchedulingAllocationAsk(ask)
if err := s.updateSchedulingRequest(schedulingAsk); err != nil {
rejectedAsks = append(rejectedAsks, &si.RejectedAllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: schedulingAsk.AskProto.AllocationKey,
ApplicationID: schedulingAsk.ApplicationID,
Reason: err.Error()})
// Reject asks to RM Proxy
if len(rejectedAsks) > 0 {
RejectedAllocationAsks: rejectedAsks,
RmID: rmID,
// Process application adds and removes that have been processed by the cache.
// The cache processes the applications and has already filtered out some apps.
// All apps come from one si.UpdateRequest and thus from one RM.
func (s *Scheduler) processApplicationUpdateEvent(ev *schedulerevent.SchedulerApplicationsUpdateEvent) {
if len(ev.AddedApplications) > 0 {
rejectedApps := make([]*si.RejectedApplication, 0)
acceptedApps := make([]*si.AcceptedApplication, 0)
var rmID string
for _, j := range ev.AddedApplications {
app, ok := j.(*cache.ApplicationInfo)
// if the cast failed we do not have the correct object, skip it
if !ok {
log.Logger().Debug("cast failed unexpected object in event",
zap.Any("ApplicationInfo", j))
rmID = common.GetRMIdFromPartitionName(app.Partition)
if err := s.addNewApplication(app); err != nil {
log.Logger().Debug("rejecting application in scheduler",
zap.String("appID", app.ApplicationID),
zap.String("partitionName", app.Partition),
// update cache
ApplicationID: app.ApplicationID,
PartitionName: app.Partition,
Reason: err.Error(),
rejectedApps = append(rejectedApps, &si.RejectedApplication{
ApplicationID: app.ApplicationID,
Reason: err.Error(),
// app is rejected by the scheduler
err = app.HandleApplicationEvent(cache.RejectApplication)
if err != nil {
log.Logger().Debug("cache event handling error returned",
} else {
acceptedApps = append(acceptedApps, &si.AcceptedApplication{
ApplicationID: app.ApplicationID,
// notify RM proxy about apps added and rejected
RmID: rmID,
AcceptedApplications: acceptedApps,
RejectedApplications: rejectedApps,
if len(ev.RemovedApplications) > 0 {
for _, app := range ev.RemovedApplications {
err := s.removeApplication(app)
if err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("failed to remove app from partition",
zap.String("appID", app.ApplicationID),
zap.String("partitionName", app.PartitionName),
s.eventHandlers.CacheEventHandler.HandleEvent(&cacheevent.RemovedApplicationEvent{ApplicationID: app.ApplicationID, PartitionName: app.PartitionName})
func (s *Scheduler) removePartitionsBelongToRM(event *commonevents.RemoveRMPartitionsEvent) {
// Send this event to cache
func (s *Scheduler) processUpdatePartitionConfigsEvent(event *schedulerevent.SchedulerUpdatePartitionsConfigEvent) {
partitions := make([]*cache.PartitionInfo, 0)
for _, p := range event.UpdatedPartitions {
partition, ok := p.(*cache.PartitionInfo)
if !ok {
log.Logger().Debug("cast failed unexpected object in partition update event",
zap.Any("PartitionInfo", p))
partitions = append(partitions, partition)
if err := s.clusterSchedulingContext.updateSchedulingPartitions(partitions); err != nil {
event.ResultChannel <- &commonevents.Result{
Succeeded: false,
Reason: err.Error(),
} else {
event.ResultChannel <- &commonevents.Result{
Succeeded: true,
func (s *Scheduler) processDeletePartitionConfigsEvent(event *schedulerevent.SchedulerDeletePartitionsConfigEvent) {
partitions := make([]*cache.PartitionInfo, 0)
for _, p := range event.DeletePartitions {
partition, ok := p.(*cache.PartitionInfo)
if !ok {
log.Logger().Debug("cast failed unexpected object in partition delete event",
zap.Any("PartitionInfo", p))
partitions = append(partitions, partition)
if err := s.clusterSchedulingContext.deleteSchedulingPartitions(partitions); err != nil {
event.ResultChannel <- &commonevents.Result{
Succeeded: false,
Reason: err.Error(),
} else {
event.ResultChannel <- &commonevents.Result{
Succeeded: true,
// Add a scheduling node based on the node added to the cache.
func (s *Scheduler) processNodeEvent(event *schedulerevent.SchedulerNodeEvent) {
// process the node addition (one per event)
if event.AddedNode != nil {
nodeInfo, ok := event.AddedNode.(*cache.NodeInfo)
if !ok {
log.Logger().Debug("cast failed unexpected object in node add event",
zap.Any("NodeInfo", event.AddedNode))
// process the node deletion (one per event)
if event.RemovedNode != nil {
nodeInfo, ok := event.RemovedNode.(*cache.NodeInfo)
if !ok {
log.Logger().Debug("cast failed unexpected object in node remove event",
zap.Any("NodeInfo", event.RemovedNode))
// preempted resources have now been released update the node
if event.PreemptedNodeResources != nil {
// update node resources
if event.UpdateNode != nil {
nodeInfo, ok := event.UpdateNode.(*cache.NodeInfo)
if !ok {
log.Logger().Debug("cast failed unexpected object in node update event",
zap.Any("NodeInfo", event.UpdateNode))
func (s *Scheduler) handleSchedulerEvent() {
for {
ev := <-s.pendingSchedulerEvents
switch v := ev.(type) {
case *schedulerevent.SchedulerNodeEvent:
case *schedulerevent.SchedulerAllocationUpdatesEvent:
case *schedulerevent.SchedulerApplicationsUpdateEvent:
case *commonevents.RemoveRMPartitionsEvent:
case *schedulerevent.SchedulerUpdatePartitionsConfigEvent:
case *schedulerevent.SchedulerDeletePartitionsConfigEvent:
log.Logger().Error("Received type is not an acceptable type for Scheduler event.",
zap.String("Received type", reflect.TypeOf(v).String()))
// Visible by tests
func (s *Scheduler) GetClusterSchedulingContext() *ClusterSchedulingContext {
return s.clusterSchedulingContext
// The inspector for testing which runs nInspect times the normal inspection routine.
// Visible by tests
func (s *Scheduler) ManualInspectOutstandingRequests(nInspect int) {
for i := 0; i < nInspect; i++ {
log.Logger().Debug("Scheduler manual inspection",
zap.Int("count", i))
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// The scheduler for testing which runs nAlloc times the normal schedule routine.
// Visible by tests
func (s *Scheduler) MultiStepSchedule(nAlloc int) {
for i := 0; i < nAlloc; i++ {
log.Logger().Debug("Scheduler manual stepping",
zap.Int("count", i))
// sometimes the smoke tests are failing because they are competing CPU resources.
// each scheduling cycle, let's sleep for a small amount of time (100ms),
// this can ensure even CPU is intensive, the main thread can give up some CPU time
// for other go routines to process, such as event handling routines.
// Note, this sleep only works in tests.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// The main scheduling routine.
// Process each partition in the scheduler, walk over each queue and app to check if anything can be scheduled.
func (s *Scheduler) schedule() {
// schedule each partition defined in the cluster
for _, psc := range s.clusterSchedulingContext.getPartitionMapClone() {
// if there are no resources in the partition just skip
if psc.root.getMaxResource() == nil {
// try reservations first: gets back a node ID if the allocation occurs on a node
// that was not reserved by the app/ask
alloc := psc.tryReservedAllocate()
// nothing reserved that can be allocated try normal allocate
if alloc == nil {
alloc = psc.tryAllocate()
// there is an allocation that can be made do the real work in the partition
if alloc != nil {
// only pass back a real allocation, reservations are just scheduler side
// proposal this will return to the scheduler an SchedulerApplicationsUpdateEvent when the
// is processed by the cache (this can be a reject or accept)
// nodeID is an empty string in all but reserved alloc cases
if psc.allocate(alloc) {
// Retrieve the app and node to set the allocating resources on when recovering allocations
func (s *Scheduler) updateAppAllocating(ask *schedulingAllocationAsk, nodeID string) error {
app := s.clusterSchedulingContext.GetSchedulingApplication(ask.ApplicationID, ask.PartitionName)
if app == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find scheduling application on allocation recovery %s", ask.ApplicationID)
node := s.clusterSchedulingContext.GetSchedulingNode(nodeID, ask.PartitionName)
if node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find scheduling node on allocation recovery %s", nodeID)
log.Logger().Debug("updating allocating for application, queue and node",
zap.String("allocKey", ask.AskProto.AllocationKey),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.String("appID", ask.ApplicationID),
zap.String("queueName", ask.QueueName))
app.recoverOnNode(node, ask)
return nil