blob: dcf6d8c110738b29a488be546afca19312e3e401 [file] [log] [blame]
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package tests
import (
siCommon ""
const configDataSmokeTest = `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: singleleaf
memory: 150M
vcore: 20
// Test scheduler reconfiguration
func TestConfigScheduler(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: base
guaranteed: {memory: 100M, vcore: 10}
max: {memory: 150M, vcore: 20}
- name: tobedeleted
// Start all tests
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
// memorize the checksum of current configs
configChecksum := configs.ConfigContext.Get("policygroup").Checksum
// Check queues of cache and scheduler.
part := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition)
assert.Assert(t, part.GetTotalPartitionResource() == nil, "partition info max resource not nil, first load")
// Check the queue root
rootQ := part.GetQueue("root")
assert.Assert(t, rootQ.GetMaxResource() == nil, "root queue max resource not nil, first load")
// Check the queue root.base
queue := part.GetQueue("root.base")
assert.Equal(t, int(queue.GetMaxResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 150000000, "max resource on leaf not set correctly")
// Check the queue which will be removed
queue = part.GetQueue("root.tobedeleted")
assert.Assert(t, queue.IsRunning(), "child queue root.tobedeleted is not in running state")
configData = `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: base
guaranteed: {memory: 500M, vcore: 250m}
max: {memory: 1G, vcore: 500m}
- name: tobeadded
something: withAvalue
- name: gpu
- name: production
- name: test
gpu: test queue property
request := si.UpdateConfigurationRequest{
RmID: "rm:123",
PolicyGroup: "policygroup",
Config: configData,
err = ms.proxy.UpdateConfiguration(&request)
assert.NilError(t, err, "configuration reload failed")
// wait until configuration is reloaded
if err = common.WaitFor(time.Second, 5*time.Second, func() bool {
return configs.ConfigContext.Get("policygroup").Checksum != configChecksum
}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("timeout waiting for configuration to be reloaded: %v", err)
// Check queues of cache and scheduler.
assert.Assert(t, part.GetTotalPartitionResource() == nil, "partition info max resource not nil, reload")
// Check the queue root
rootQ = part.GetQueue("root")
assert.Assert(t, rootQ.GetMaxResource() == nil, "root queue max resource not nil, reload")
// Check the queue root.base
queue = part.GetQueue("root.base")
assert.Equal(t, int(queue.GetMaxResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 1000000000, "max resource on leaf not set correctly")
assert.Equal(t, int(queue.GetGuaranteedResource().Resources[siCommon.CPU]), 250, "guaranteed resource on leaf not set correctly")
queue = part.GetQueue("root.tobeadded")
assert.Assert(t, queue != nil, "queue root.tobeadded is not found")
// check the removed queue state
queue = part.GetQueue("root.tobedeleted")
assert.Assert(t, queue.IsDraining(), "child queue root.tobedeleted is not in draining state")
// Check queues of cache and scheduler for the newly added partition
part = ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition("[rm:123]gpu")
assert.Assert(t, part != nil, "gpu partition not found")
assert.Assert(t, part.GetTotalPartitionResource() == nil, "GPU partition info max resource not nil")
// Check queue root
rootQ = ms.getPartitionQueue("root", "[rm:123]gpu")
assert.Assert(t, rootQ.GetMaxResource() == nil, "max resource on root set")
// Check queue root.production
queue = ms.getPartitionQueue("root.production", "[rm:123]gpu")
assert.Assert(t, queue != nil, "New partition: queue root.production is not found")
// Test basic interactions from rm proxy to cache and to scheduler.
func TestBasicScheduler(t *testing.T) {
// Register RM
// Start all tests
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configDataSmokeTest, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
leafName := "root.singleleaf"
// Check queues of cache and scheduler.
part := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition)
assert.Assert(t, part.GetTotalPartitionResource() == nil, "partition info max resource nil")
// Check the queue root
root := part.GetQueue("root")
assert.Assert(t, root.GetMaxResource() == nil, "root queue max resource should be nil")
// Check the queue singleleaf
leaf := part.GetQueue(leafName)
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetMaxResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 150000000, "%s config not set correct", leafName)
// Register a node, and add apps
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{appID1: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, appID1, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
// Get the app
app := ms.getApplication(appID1)
// Verify app initial state
var app01 *objects.Application
app01, err = getApplication(part, appID1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "application not found")
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.New.String())
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: []*si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: "alloc-1a",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: "alloc-1b",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 2 failed")
// Wait pending resource of queue a and scheduler queue
// Both pending memory = 10 * 2 = 20;
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 20000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 20000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 20000000, 1000)
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.Accepted.String())
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 2, 1000)
// Make sure pending resource updated to 0
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 0, 1000)
// Check allocated resources of queues, apps
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "leaf allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(root.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "root allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "app allocated memory incorrect")
// once we start to process allocation asks from this app, verify the state again
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.Running.String())
// Check allocated resources of nodes
waitForAllocatedNodeResource(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext(), ms.partitionName, []string{"node-1:1234", "node-2:1234"}, 20000000, 1000)
// ask for 4 more tasks
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: []*si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: "alloc-2a",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 50000000},
"vcore": {Value: 5000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: "alloc-2b",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 50000000},
"vcore": {Value: 5000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: "alloc-3a",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 5000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: "alloc-3b",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 5000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 3 failed")
// Wait pending resource of queue a and scheduler queue
// Both pending memory = 50 * 2 + 100 * 2 = 300;
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 300000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 300000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 300000000, 1000)
// Now app-1 uses 20 resource, and queue-a's max = 150, so it can get two 50 container allocated.
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 4, 1000)
// Check pending resource, should be 200 now.
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 200000000, 1000)
// Check allocated resources of queues, apps
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 120000000, "leaf allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(root.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 120000000, "root allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 120000000, "app allocated memory incorrect")
// Check allocated resources of nodes
waitForAllocatedNodeResource(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext(), partition, []string{"node-1:1234", "node-2:1234"}, 120000000, 1000)
updateRequest := &si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationsToRelease: make([]*si.AllocationRelease, 0),
RmID: "rm:123",
// Release all allocations
for _, v := range ms.mockRM.getAllocations() {
updateRequest.Releases.AllocationsToRelease = append(updateRequest.Releases.AllocationsToRelease, &si.AllocationRelease{
AllocationKey: v.AllocationKey,
ApplicationID: v.ApplicationID,
PartitionName: v.PartitionName,
// Release Allocations.
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(updateRequest)
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 4 failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 0, 1000)
// Check pending resource, should be 200 (same)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 200000000, 1000)
// Check allocated resources of queues, apps should be 0 now
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0, "leaf allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(root.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0, "root allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0, "app allocated memory incorrect")
// Release asks
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationAsksToRelease: []*si.AllocationAskRelease{
ApplicationID: appID1,
PartitionName: "default",
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 5 failed")
// Check pending resource
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 0, 1000)
func TestBasicSchedulerAutoAllocation(t *testing.T) {
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configDataSmokeTest, true, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
leafName := "root.singleleaf"
appID := appID1
// Register a node, and add apps
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{appID: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, appID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
asks := make([]*si.AllocationAsk, 20)
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
asks[i] = &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc-%d", i),
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID,
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: asks,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 2 failed")
// wait until we have maxed out the leaf queue
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 15, 1000)
// Check queue root
root := ms.getQueue("root")
// Check the leaf queue
leaf := ms.getQueue(leafName)
// Get app
app := ms.getApplication(appID)
// Make sure pending resource decreased to 50
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 50000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 50000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 50000000, 1000)
// Check allocated resources of queues, apps
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 150000000, "leaf allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(root.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 150000000, "root allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 150000000, "app allocated memory incorrect")
// Check allocated resources of nodes
waitForAllocatedNodeResource(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext(), partition, []string{"node-1:1234", "node-2:1234"}, 150000000, 1000)
func TestFairnessAllocationForQueues(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: leaf1
- name: leaf2
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
leafApp1 := "root.leaf1"
app1ID := appID1
leafApp2 := "root.leaf2"
app2ID := appID2
// Register a node, and add apps
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{app1ID: leafApp1, app2ID: leafApp2}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app1ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app2ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
asks := make([]*si.AllocationAsk, 40)
appIDs := []string{app1ID, app2ID}
for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
asks[i] = &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc-%d", i),
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appIDs[(i / 20)],
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: asks,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 2 failed")
// Check the queue root
root := ms.getQueue("root")
// Check the leaf queue app1
leaf1 := ms.getQueue(leafApp1)
app1 := ms.getApplication(app1ID)
// Check the leaf queue app2
leaf2 := ms.getQueue(leafApp2)
app2 := ms.getApplication(app2ID)
// Check pending resource, should be 100 (same)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf1, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf2, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 400000000, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 20, 1500)
waitForAllocatedAppResource(t, app1, 100000000, 1000)
waitForAllocatedAppResource(t, app2, 100000000, 1000)
// Make sure pending resource updated to 0
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf1, 100000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf2, 100000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 200000000, 1000)
func TestFairnessAllocationForApplications(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: leaf
application.sort.policy: fair
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
leafName := "root.leaf"
app1ID := appID1
app2ID := appID2
// Register a node, and add applications
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{app1ID: leafName, app2ID: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app1ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app2ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
asks := make([]*si.AllocationAsk, 40)
appIDs := []string{app1ID, app2ID}
for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
asks[i] = &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc-%d", i),
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appIDs[i/20],
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: asks,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 2 failed")
// Check the queue root
root := ms.getQueue("root")
// Check the queue a
leaf := ms.getQueue(leafName)
// Get the app
app1 := ms.getApplication(appID1)
app2 := ms.getApplication(appID2)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 400000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 400000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app1, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app2, 200000000, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 20, 1000)
// Make sure pending resource updated to 100, which means
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app1, 100000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app2, 100000000, 1000)
// Both apps got 100 resources,
assert.Equal(t, int(app1.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 100000000, "app1 allocated resource incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app2.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 100000000, "app2 allocated resource incorrect")
func TestRejectApplications(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: leaf
application.sort.policy: fair
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
// Register a node, and add applications
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{"app-reject-1": "root.non-exist-queue"}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "UpdateRequest 2 failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForRejectedApplication(t, "app-reject-1", 1000)
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{"app-added-2": "root.leaf"}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "UpdateRequest 3 failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, "app-added-2", 1000)
func TestSchedulingOverMaxCapacity(t *testing.T) {
var parameters = []struct {
name string
configData string
leafQueue string
askMemory int64
askCPU int64
numOfAsk int32
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: parent
memory: 100M
vcore: 10
- name: child-1
- name: child-2
`, "root.parent.child-1", 10000000, 1000, 12},
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: default
memory: 100M
vcore: 10
`, "root.default", 10000000, 1000, 12},
for _, param := range parameters {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(param.configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed in run %s",
// Register a node, and add applications
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 150000000},
"vcore": {Value: 15000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed in run %s",
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{appID1: param.leafQueue}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed in run %s",
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
asks := make([]*si.AllocationAsk, param.numOfAsk)
for i := int32(0); i < param.numOfAsk; i++ {
asks[i] = &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc-%d", i),
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: param.askMemory},
"vcore": {Value: param.askCPU},
ApplicationID: appID1,
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: asks,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 2 failed in run %s",
leaf := ms.getQueue(param.leafQueue)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 120000000, 1000)
// 100 memory gets allocated, 20 pending because the capacity is 100
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 20000000, 1000)
app1 := ms.getApplication(appID1)
if app1 == nil {
t.Fatal("application 'app-1' not found in cache")
waitForAllocatedAppResource(t, app1, 100000000, 1000)
assert.Equal(t, len(app1.GetAllAllocations()), 10, "number of app allocations incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app1.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 100000000, "app allocated resource incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, len(ms.mockRM.getAllocations()), 10, "number of RM allocations incorrect")
// release all allocated allocations
allocReleases := make([]*si.AllocationRelease, 0)
for _, alloc := range ms.mockRM.getAllocations() {
allocReleases = append(allocReleases, &si.AllocationRelease{
PartitionName: "default",
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: alloc.AllocationKey,
Message: "",
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationsToRelease: allocReleases,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 3 failed in run %s",
waitForAllocatedQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
// schedule again, pending requests should be satisfied now
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 2, 1000)
assert.Equal(t, len(ms.mockRM.getAllocations()), 2)
// Test basic interactions from rm proxy to cache and to scheduler.
func TestRMNodeActions(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
node1ID := "node-1:1234"
node2ID := "node-2:1234"
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: node1ID,
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: node2ID,
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, node1ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, node2ID, 1000)
// verify the nodes
context := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext()
waitForNewNode(t, context, node1ID, partition, 1000)
waitForNewNode(t, context, node2ID, partition, 1000)
// verify all nodes are schedule-able
assert.Equal(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition).GetNode(node1ID).IsSchedulable(), true)
assert.Equal(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition).GetNode(node2ID).IsSchedulable(), true)
// send RM node action DRAIN_NODE (move to unschedulable)
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: node1ID,
Action: si.NodeInfo_DRAIN_NODE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest 2 failed")
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second, func() bool {
return !ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition).GetNode(node1ID).IsSchedulable() &&
assert.NilError(t, err, "timed out waiting for node in cache")
// send RM node action: DRAIN_TO_SCHEDULABLE (make it schedulable again)
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: node1ID,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest 3 failed")
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second, func() bool {
return ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition).GetNode(node1ID).IsSchedulable() &&
assert.NilError(t, err, "timed out waiting for node in cache")
// send RM node action: DECOMMISSION (make it unschedulable and tell partition to delete)
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: node2ID,
Action: si.NodeInfo_DECOMISSION,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest 3 failed")
// node removal can be really quick: cannot test for unschedulable state (nil pointer)
// verify that the node (node-2) was removed
waitForRemovedNode(t, context, node2ID, partition, 10000)
func TestBinPackingAllocationForApplications(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
name: default
type: binpacking
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: leaf
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
leafName := "root.leaf"
app1ID := appID1
app2ID := appID2
// Register a node, and add applications
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{app1ID: leafName, app2ID: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app1ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app2ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
asks := make([]*si.AllocationAsk, 40)
appIDs := []string{app1ID, app2ID}
for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
asks[i] = &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc-%d", i),
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appIDs[i/20],
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: asks,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "UpdateRequest 2 failed")
// Check the queue root
root := ms.getQueue("root")
// Check the queue a
leaf := ms.getQueue(leafName)
// Get the app
app1 := ms.getApplication(app1ID)
app2 := ms.getApplication(app2ID)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 400000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 400000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app1, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app2, 200000000, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 9, 1000)
node1Alloc := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition).GetNode("node-1:1234").GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]
node2Alloc := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition).GetNode("node-2:1234").GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]
// we do not know which node was chosen so we need to check:
// node1 == 90 && node2 == 0 || node1 == 0 && node2 == 90
if !(node1Alloc == 90000000 && node2Alloc == 0) && !(node1Alloc == 0 && node2Alloc == 90000000) {
t.Errorf("allocation not contained on one: node1 = %d, node2 = %d", node1Alloc, node2Alloc)
func TestFairnessAllocationForNodes(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: leaf
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
// Register 10 nodes, and add applications
nodes := make([]*si.NodeInfo, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
nodeID := "node-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
nodes = append(nodes, &si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: nodeID + ":1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
leafName := "root.leaf"
appID := appID1
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: nodes,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{appID: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
// verify app and all nodes are accepted
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, appID, 1000)
for _, node := range nodes {
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, node.NodeID, 1000)
context := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext()
for _, node := range nodes {
waitForNewNode(t, context, node.NodeID, partition, 1000)
// Request 20 allocations
asks := make([]*si.AllocationAsk, 20)
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
asks[i] = &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc-%d", i),
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID,
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: asks,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest failed")
leaf := ms.getQueue(leafName)
app := ms.getApplication(appID)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 200000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 200000000, 1000)
// Verify all requests are satisfied
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 20, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 0, 1000)
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 200000000)
// Verify 2 allocations for every node
for _, node := range nodes {
node := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetNode(node.NodeID, partition)
assert.Equal(t, int(node.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "node %s did not get 2 allocated", node.NodeID)
// this test cases covers a basic gang scheduling scenario, where an app has
// 1 member in the gang and 1 actual request, it verifies each step of the
// placeholder replacement works as expected.
// it does an extra verification at the end, by simulating a dup release allocation
// request, ensure this won't cause any NPE issue.
// nolint: funlen
func TestDupReleasesInGangScheduling(t *testing.T) {
// Register RM
// Start all tests
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configDataSmokeTest, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
leafName := "root.singleleaf"
part := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition)
root := part.GetQueue("root")
leaf := part.GetQueue(leafName)
// Register a node, and add apps
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err)
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{appID1: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, appID1, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
// Get the app
app := ms.getApplication(appID1)
// Verify app initial state
var app01 *objects.Application
app01, err = getApplication(part, appID1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "application not found")
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.New.String())
// shim side creates a placeholder, and send the UpdateRequest
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: []*si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: "alloc-1",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
TaskGroupName: "tg",
Placeholder: true,
ApplicationID: appID1,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest failed")
// schedule and make sure the placeholder gets allocated
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 1, 1000)
// verify the placeholder allocation
assert.Equal(t, len(app01.GetAllAllocations()), 1)
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetPlaceholderResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 10000000,
"app allocated memory incorrect")
placeholderAlloc := app01.GetAllAllocations()[0]
// Check allocated resources of nodes
waitForAllocatedNodeResource(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext(), ms.partitionName,
[]string{"node-1:1234", "node-2:1234"}, 10000000, 1000)
// shim submits the actual pod for scheduling
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: []*si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: "alloc-2",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
Placeholder: false,
TaskGroupName: "tg",
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 3 failed")
// schedule and this triggers a placeholder REPLACE
// the core releases the placeholder allocation,
// and it waits for the shim's confirmation
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 0, 1000)
// shim responses the allocation has been released
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationsToRelease: []*si.AllocationRelease{
PartitionName: "default",
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: placeholderAlloc.GetAllocationKey(),
TerminationType: si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err)
// schedule and verify the actual request gets allocated
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 1, 1000)
// actual request gets allocated
// placeholder requests have been all released
// and queue has no pending resources
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 10000000)
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetPlaceholderResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0,
"app allocated memory incorrect")
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 0, 1000)
// simulate the shim sends the release request again
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationsToRelease: []*si.AllocationRelease{
PartitionName: "default",
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: placeholderAlloc.GetAllocationKey(),
TerminationType: si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err)
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 1, 1000)
func TestDynamicQueueCleanUp(t *testing.T) {
configData := `
- name: default
- name: root
submitacl: "*"
- name: fixed
value: cleanup_test
create: true
// Register RM
// Start all tests
ms := &mockScheduler{}
defer ms.Stop()
err := ms.Init(configData, false, false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "RegisterResourceManager failed")
// Check queues of cache and scheduler.
part := ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext().GetPartition(partition)
assert.Assert(t, part.GetTotalPartitionResource() == nil, "partition info max resource nil")
// Check the queue root
root := part.GetQueue("root")
assert.Assert(t, root.GetMaxResource() == nil, "root queue max resource should be nil")
leafName := ""
app1ID := appID1
// Register a node, and add apps
err = ms.proxy.UpdateNode(&si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: []*si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: "node-1:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
NodeID: "node-2:1234",
Attributes: map[string]string{},
SchedulableResource: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 100000000},
"vcore": {Value: 20000},
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "NodeRequest failed")
err = ms.proxy.UpdateApplication(&si.ApplicationRequest{
New: newAddAppRequest(map[string]string{app1ID: leafName}),
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "ApplicationRequest failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedApplication(t, app1ID, 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-1:1234", 1000)
ms.mockRM.waitForAcceptedNode(t, "node-2:1234", 1000)
// Get the app
app := ms.getApplication(appID1)
// Get the queue cleanup_test
leafName = "root.cleanup_test"
leaf := part.GetQueue(leafName)
// Verify app initial state
var app01 *objects.Application
app01, err = getApplication(part, appID1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "application not found")
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.New.String())
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(&si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: []*si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: "alloc-1",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
AllocationKey: "alloc-2",
ResourceAsk: &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{
"memory": {Value: 10000000},
"vcore": {Value: 1000},
ApplicationID: appID1,
RmID: "rm:123",
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 2 failed")
// Wait pending resource of queue a and scheduler queue
// Both pending memory = 10 * 2 = 20;
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 20000000, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 20000000, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 20000000, 1000)
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.Accepted.String())
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 2, 1000)
// Make sure pending resource updated to 0
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, leaf, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingQueueResource(t, root, 0, 1000)
waitForPendingAppResource(t, app, 0, 1000)
// Check allocated resources of queues, apps
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "leaf allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(root.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "root allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 20000000, "app allocated memory incorrect")
// once we start to process allocation asks from this app, verify the state again
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.Running.String())
// Check allocated resources of nodes
waitForAllocatedNodeResource(t, ms.scheduler.GetClusterContext(), ms.partitionName, []string{"node-1:1234", "node-2:1234"}, 20000000, 1000)
updateRequest := &si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationsToRelease: make([]*si.AllocationRelease, 0),
RmID: "rm:123",
// Release all allocations
for _, v := range ms.mockRM.getAllocations() {
updateRequest.Releases.AllocationsToRelease = append(updateRequest.Releases.AllocationsToRelease, &si.AllocationRelease{
AllocationKey: v.AllocationKey,
ApplicationID: v.ApplicationID,
PartitionName: v.PartitionName,
// Before release allocations, shorten the completingTimeout first, otherwise it will take 30 seconds for the app to become completed state.
objects.SetCompletingTimeout(time.Millisecond * 100)
defer objects.SetCompletingTimeout(time.Second * 30)
// Release Allocations.
err = ms.proxy.UpdateAllocation(updateRequest)
assert.NilError(t, err, "AllocationRequest 3 failed")
ms.mockRM.waitForAllocations(t, 0, 1000)
// Check allocated resources of queues, apps should be 0 now
assert.Equal(t, int(leaf.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0, "leaf allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(root.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0, "root allocated memory incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, int(app.GetAllocatedResource().Resources[siCommon.Memory]), 0, "app allocated memory incorrect")
// Check app to Completing status
assert.Equal(t, app01.CurrentState(), objects.Completing.String())
// the app changes from completing state to completed state
err = common.WaitFor(1*time.Millisecond, time.Millisecond*200, app.IsCompleted)
assert.NilError(t, err, "App should be in Completed state")
// partition manager should be able to clean up the dynamically created queue.
if err = common.WaitFor(1*time.Millisecond, time.Second*11, func() bool {
return part.GetQueue(leafName) == nil
}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("timeout waiting for queue is cleared %v", err)