blob: b36bfd5c106ffaf75a0b4df0977b249199562726 [file] [log] [blame]
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distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package scheduler
import (
type PartitionContext struct {
RmID string // the RM the partition belongs to
Name string // name of the partition (logging mainly)
// Private fields need protection
root *objects.Queue // start of the queue hierarchy
applications map[string]*objects.Application // applications assigned to this partition
completedApplications map[string]*objects.Application // completed applications from this partition
rejectedApplications map[string]*objects.Application // rejected applications from this partition
nodes objects.NodeCollection // nodes assigned to this partition
placementManager *placement.AppPlacementManager // placement manager for this partition
partitionManager *partitionManager // manager for this partition
stateMachine *fsm.FSM // the state of the partition for scheduling
stateTime time.Time // last time the state was updated (needed for cleanup)
userGroupCache *security.UserGroupCache // user cache per partition
totalPartitionResource *resources.Resource // Total node resources
allocations int // Number of allocations on the partition
reservations int // number of reservations
placeholderAllocations int // number of placeholder allocations
preemptionEnabled bool // whether preemption is enabled or not
// The partition write lock must not be held while manipulating an application.
// Scheduling is running continuously as a lock free background task. Scheduling an application
// acquires a write lock of the application object. While holding the write lock a list of nodes is
// requested from the partition. This requires a read lock on the partition.
// If the partition write lock is held while manipulating an application a dead lock could occur.
// Since application objects handle their own locks there is no requirement to hold the partition lock
// while manipulating the application.
// Similarly adding, updating or removing a node or a queue should only hold the partition write lock
// while manipulating the partition information not while manipulating the underlying objects.
func newPartitionContext(conf configs.PartitionConfig, rmID string, cc *ClusterContext) (*PartitionContext, error) {
if conf.Name == "" || rmID == "" {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("partition cannot be created",
zap.String("partition name", conf.Name),
zap.String("rmID", rmID),
zap.Any("cluster context", cc))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("partition cannot be created without name or RM, one is not set")
pc := &PartitionContext{
Name: conf.Name,
RmID: rmID,
stateMachine: objects.NewObjectState(),
stateTime: time.Now(),
applications: make(map[string]*objects.Application),
completedApplications: make(map[string]*objects.Application),
nodes: objects.NewNodeCollection(conf.Name),
pc.partitionManager = newPartitionManager(pc, cc)
if err := pc.initialPartitionFromConfig(conf); err != nil {
return nil, err
return pc, nil
// Initialise the partition
func (pc *PartitionContext) initialPartitionFromConfig(conf configs.PartitionConfig) error {
if len(conf.Queues) == 0 || conf.Queues[0].Name != configs.RootQueue {
return fmt.Errorf("partition cannot be created without root queue")
// Setup the queue structure: root first it should be the only queue at this level
// Add the rest of the queue structure recursively
queueConf := conf.Queues[0]
var err error
if pc.root, err = objects.NewConfiguredQueue(queueConf, nil); err != nil {
return err
// recursively add the queues to the root
if err = pc.addQueue(queueConf.Queues, pc.root); err != nil {
return err
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("root queue added",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
zap.String("rmID", pc.RmID))
// We need to pass in the locked version of the GetQueue function.
// Placing an application will not have a lock on the partition context.
pc.placementManager = placement.NewPlacementManager(conf.PlacementRules, pc.GetQueue)
// get the user group cache for the partition
// TODO get the resolver from the config
pc.userGroupCache = security.GetUserGroupCache("")
// update limit settings: start at the root
return ugm.GetUserManager().UpdateConfig(queueConf, conf.Queues[0].Name)
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It should only be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) updateNodeSortingPolicy(conf configs.PartitionConfig) {
var configuredPolicy policies.SortingPolicy
configuredPolicy, err := policies.SortingPolicyFromString(conf.NodeSortPolicy.Type)
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("NodeSorting policy incorrectly set or unknown",
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info(fmt.Sprintf("NodeSorting policy not set using '%s' as default", configuredPolicy))
} else {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("NodeSorting policy set from config",
zap.Stringer("policyName", configuredPolicy))
pc.nodes.SetNodeSortingPolicy(objects.NewNodeSortingPolicy(conf.NodeSortPolicy.Type, conf.NodeSortPolicy.ResourceWeights))
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It should only be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) updatePreemption(conf configs.PartitionConfig) {
pc.preemptionEnabled = conf.Preemption.Enabled == nil || *conf.Preemption.Enabled
func (pc *PartitionContext) updatePartitionDetails(conf configs.PartitionConfig) error {
// the following piece of code (before pc.Lock()) must be performed without locking
// to avoid lock order differences between PartitionContext and AppPlacementManager
if len(conf.Queues) == 0 || conf.Queues[0].Name != configs.RootQueue {
return fmt.Errorf("partition cannot be created without root queue")
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Updating placement manager rules on config reload")
err := pc.getPlacementManager().UpdateRules(conf.PlacementRules)
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("New placement rules not activated, config reload failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
defer pc.Unlock()
// start at the root: there is only one queue
queueConf := conf.Queues[0]
root := pc.root
// update the root queue
if err := root.ApplyConf(queueConf); err != nil {
return err
// update the rest of the queues recursively
if err := pc.updateQueues(queueConf.Queues, root); err != nil {
return err
// update limit settings: start at the root
return ugm.GetUserManager().UpdateConfig(queueConf, conf.Queues[0].Name)
// Process the config structure and create a queue info tree for this partition
func (pc *PartitionContext) addQueue(conf []configs.QueueConfig, parent *objects.Queue) error {
// create the queue at this level
for _, queueConf := range conf {
thisQueue, err := objects.NewConfiguredQueue(queueConf, parent)
if err != nil {
return err
// recursive create the queues below
if len(queueConf.Queues) > 0 {
err = pc.addQueue(queueConf.Queues, thisQueue)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Update the passed in queues and then do this recursively for the children
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It should only be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) updateQueues(config []configs.QueueConfig, parent *objects.Queue) error {
// get the name of the passed in queue
parentPath := parent.QueuePath + configs.DOT
// keep track of which children we have updated
visited := map[string]bool{}
// walk over the queues recursively
for _, queueConfig := range config {
pathName := parentPath + queueConfig.Name
queue := pc.getQueueInternal(pathName)
var err error
if queue == nil {
queue, err = objects.NewConfiguredQueue(queueConfig, parent)
} else {
err = queue.ApplyConf(queueConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
// special call to convert to a real policy from the property
if err = pc.updateQueues(queueConfig.Queues, queue); err != nil {
return err
visited[queue.Name] = true
// remove all children that were not visited
for childName, childQueue := range parent.GetCopyOfChildren() {
if !visited[childName] {
return nil
// Mark the partition for removal from the system.
// This can be executed multiple times and is only effective the first time.
// The current cleanup sequence is "immediate". This is implemented to allow a graceful cleanup.
func (pc *PartitionContext) markPartitionForRemoval() {
if err := pc.handlePartitionEvent(objects.Remove); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Error("failed to mark partition for deletion",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
// Get the state of the partition.
// No new nodes and applications will be accepted if stopped or being removed.
func (pc *PartitionContext) isDraining() bool {
return pc.stateMachine.Current() == objects.Draining.String()
func (pc *PartitionContext) isStopped() bool {
return pc.stateMachine.Current() == objects.Stopped.String()
// Handle the state event for the partition.
// The state machine handles the locking.
func (pc *PartitionContext) handlePartitionEvent(event objects.ObjectEvent) error {
err := pc.stateMachine.Event(context.Background(), event.String(), pc.Name)
if err == nil {
pc.stateTime = time.Now()
return nil
// handle the same state transition not nil error (limit of fsm).
if err.Error() == "no transition" {
return nil
return err
// Get the placement manager. The manager could change when we process the configuration changes
// we thus need to lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) getPlacementManager() *placement.AppPlacementManager {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.placementManager
// AddApplication adds a new application to the partition.
// Runs the placement rules for the queue resolution. Creates a new dynamic queue if the queue does not yet
// exists.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) AddApplication(app *objects.Application) error {
if pc.isDraining() || pc.isStopped() {
return fmt.Errorf("partition %s is stopped cannot add a new application %s", pc.Name, app.ApplicationID)
// Check if the app exists
appID := app.ApplicationID
if pc.getApplication(appID) != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding application %s to partition %s, but application already existed", appID, pc.Name)
// Resolve the queue for this app using the placement rules
// We either have an error or a queue name is set on the application.
err := pc.getPlacementManager().PlaceApplication(app)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to place application %s: %v", appID, err)
queueName := app.GetQueuePath()
// lock the partition and make the last change: we need to do this before creating the queues.
// queue cleanup might otherwise remove the queue again before we can add the application
defer pc.Unlock()
// we have a queue name either from placement or direct, get the queue
queue := pc.getQueueInternal(queueName)
// create the queue if necessary
if queue == nil {
if common.IsRecoveryQueue(queueName) {
queue, err = pc.createRecoveryQueue()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create recovery queue %s for application %s", common.RecoveryQueueFull, appID)
} else {
queue, err = pc.createQueue(queueName, app.GetUser())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create rule based queue %s for application %s", queueName, appID)
// check the queue: is a leaf queue
if !queue.IsLeafQueue() {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find queue %s for application %s", queueName, appID)
// set resources based on tags, but only if the queue is dynamic (unmanaged)
if queue.IsManaged() {
log.Log(log.SchedQueue).Warn("Trying to set resources on a queue that is not an unmanaged leaf",
zap.String("queueName", queue.QueuePath))
} else {
queue.SetResources(app.GetGuaranteedResource(), app.GetMaxResource())
// check only for gang request
// - make sure the taskgroup request fits in the maximum set for the queue hierarchy
// - task groups should only be used in FIFO queues
// if the check fails remove the app from the queue again
if placeHolder := app.GetPlaceholderAsk(); !resources.IsZero(placeHolder) {
// check the queue sorting
if !queue.SupportTaskGroup() {
return fmt.Errorf("queue %s cannot run application %s with task group request: unsupported sort type", queueName, appID)
if maxQueue := queue.GetMaxQueueSet(); maxQueue != nil {
if !maxQueue.FitInMaxUndef(placeHolder) {
return fmt.Errorf("queue %s cannot fit application %s: task group request %s larger than max queue allocation %s", queueName, appID, placeHolder.String(), maxQueue.String())
// all is OK update the app and add it to the partition
pc.applications[appID] = app
return nil
// Remove the application from the partition.
// This does not fail and handles missing app/queue/node/allocations internally
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeApplication(appID string) []*objects.Allocation {
// update the partition details, must be locked but all other updates should not hold partition lock
app := pc.removeAppInternal(appID)
if app == nil {
return nil
// Remove all asks and thus all reservations and pending resources (queue included)
_ = app.RemoveAllocationAsk("")
// Remove app from queue
if queue := app.GetQueue(); queue != nil {
// Remove all allocations
allocations := app.RemoveAllAllocations()
// Remove all allocations from node(s) (queues have been updated already)
if len(allocations) != 0 {
// track the number of allocations
for _, alloc := range allocations {
currentAllocationKey := alloc.GetAllocationKey()
node := pc.GetNode(alloc.GetNodeID())
if node == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("unknown node: not found in active node list",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("nodeID", alloc.GetNodeID()))
if nodeAlloc := node.RemoveAllocation(currentAllocationKey); nodeAlloc == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("unknown allocation: not found on the node",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("allocationKey", currentAllocationKey),
zap.String("nodeID", alloc.GetNodeID()))
return allocations
// Locked updates of the partition tracking info
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeAppInternal(appID string) *objects.Application {
defer pc.Unlock()
// Remove from applications map
app := pc.applications[appID]
if app == nil {
return nil
// remove from partition then cleanup underlying objects
delete(pc.applications, appID)
return app
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetApplication(appID string) *objects.Application {
return pc.getApplication(appID)
func (pc *PartitionContext) getApplication(appID string) *objects.Application {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.applications[appID]
func (pc *PartitionContext) getRejectedApplication(appID string) *objects.Application {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.rejectedApplications[appID]
// GetQueue returns queue from the structure based on the fully qualified name.
// Wrapper around the unlocked version getQueueInternal()
// Visible by tests
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetQueue(name string) *objects.Queue {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.getQueueInternal(name)
// Get the queue from the structure based on the fully qualified name.
// The name is not syntax checked and must be valid.
// Returns nil if the queue is not found otherwise the queue object.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It should only be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) getQueueInternal(name string) *objects.Queue {
// start at the root
queue := pc.root
part := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(name), configs.DOT)
// no input
if len(part) == 0 || part[0] != configs.RootQueue {
return nil
// walk over the parts going down towards the requested queue
for i := 1; i < len(part); i++ {
// if child not found break out and return
if queue = queue.GetChildQueue(part[i]); queue == nil {
return queue
// Get the queue info for the whole queue structure to pass to the webservice
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetPartitionQueues() dao.PartitionQueueDAOInfo {
partitionQueueDAOInfo := pc.root.GetPartitionQueueDAOInfo(true)
partitionQueueDAOInfo.Partition = common.GetPartitionNameWithoutClusterID(pc.Name)
return partitionQueueDAOInfo
// Create the recovery queue.
func (pc *PartitionContext) createRecoveryQueue() (*objects.Queue, error) {
return objects.NewRecoveryQueue(pc.root)
// Create a queue with full hierarchy. This is called when a new queue is created from a placement rule.
// The final leaf queue does not exist otherwise we would not get here.
// This means that at least 1 queue (a leaf queue) will be created
func (pc *PartitionContext) createQueue(name string, user security.UserGroup) (*objects.Queue, error) {
// find the queue furthest down the hierarchy that exists
var toCreate []string
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, configs.RootQueue) || !strings.Contains(name, configs.DOT) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal queue name passed in: %s", name)
current := name
queue := pc.getQueueInternal(current)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("Checking queue creation")
for queue == nil {
toCreate = append(toCreate, current[strings.LastIndex(current, configs.DOT)+1:])
current = current[0:strings.LastIndex(current, configs.DOT)]
queue = pc.getQueueInternal(current)
// Check the ACL before we really create
// The existing parent queue is the lowest we need to look at
if !queue.CheckSubmitAccess(user) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("submit access to queue %s denied during create of: %s", current, name)
if queue.IsLeafQueue() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creation of queue %s failed parent is already a leaf: %s", name, current)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("Creating queue(s)",
zap.String("parent", current),
zap.String("fullPath", name))
for i := len(toCreate) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// everything is checked and there should be no errors
var err error
queue, err = objects.NewDynamicQueue(toCreate[i], i == 0, queue)
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("Queue auto create failed unexpected",
zap.String("queueName", toCreate[i]),
return nil, err
return queue, nil
// Get a node from the partition by nodeID.
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetNode(nodeID string) *objects.Node {
return pc.nodes.GetNode(nodeID)
// Add the node to the partition and process the allocations that are reported by the node.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) AddNode(node *objects.Node, existingAllocations []*objects.Allocation) error {
if node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add 'nil' node to partition %s", pc.Name)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("adding node to partition",
zap.String("partition", pc.Name),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID))
if pc.isDraining() || pc.isStopped() {
return fmt.Errorf("partition %s is stopped cannot add a new node %s", pc.Name, node.NodeID)
if err := pc.addNodeToList(node); err != nil {
return err
// Add allocations that exist on the node when added
if len(existingAllocations) > 0 {
for current, alloc := range existingAllocations {
if err := pc.addAllocation(alloc); err != nil {
// not expecting any inflight replacements on node recovery
released, _ := pc.removeNode(node.NodeID)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Failed to add existing allocations, changes reversed",
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.Int("existingAllocations", len(existingAllocations)),
zap.Int("releasedAllocations", len(released)),
zap.Int("processingAlloc", current),
zap.Stringer("allocation", alloc),
// update failed metric, active metrics are tracked in add/remove from list
return err
return nil
// Update the partition resources based on the change of the node information
func (pc *PartitionContext) updatePartitionResource(delta *resources.Resource) {
defer pc.Unlock()
if delta != nil {
if pc.totalPartitionResource == nil {
pc.totalPartitionResource = delta.Clone()
} else {
// Update the partition details when adding a node.
func (pc *PartitionContext) addNodeToList(node *objects.Node) error {
// we don't grab a lock here because we only update pc.nodes which is internally protected
if err := pc.nodes.AddNode(node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add node %s to partition %s, error: %v", node.NodeID, pc.Name, err)
return nil
// Update metrics & resource tracking information.
// This locks the partition. The partition may not be locked when we process the allocation
// additions to the node as that takes further app, queue or node locks.
func (pc *PartitionContext) addNodeResources(node *objects.Node) {
defer pc.Unlock()
// update/set the resources available in the cluster
if pc.totalPartitionResource == nil {
pc.totalPartitionResource = node.GetCapacity().Clone()
} else {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Updated available resources from added node",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.Stringer("partitionResource", pc.totalPartitionResource))
// removeNodeFromList removes the node from the list of partition nodes.
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeNodeFromList(nodeID string) *objects.Node {
node := pc.nodes.RemoveNode(nodeID)
if node == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("node was not found, node already removed",
zap.String("nodeID", nodeID),
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name))
return nil
// Remove node from list of tracked nodes
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Removed node from available partition nodes",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID))
return node
// removeNodeResources updates the partition and root queue resources as part of the node removal process.
// This locks the partition.
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeNodeResources(node *objects.Node) {
defer pc.Unlock()
// cleanup the available resources, partition resources cannot be nil at this point
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Updated available resources from removed node",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.Stringer("partitionResource", pc.totalPartitionResource))
// removeNode removes a node from the partition. It returns all released and confirmed allocations.
// The released allocations are all linked to the current node.
// The confirmed allocations are real allocations that are linked to placeholders on the current node and are linked to
// other nodes.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeNode(nodeID string) ([]*objects.Allocation, []*objects.Allocation) {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Removing node from partition",
zap.String("partition", pc.Name),
zap.String("nodeID", nodeID))
// remove the node: it will no longer be seen by the scheduling cycle
node := pc.removeNodeFromList(nodeID)
if node == nil {
return nil, nil
// unreserve all the apps that were reserved on the node.
// The node is not reachable anymore unless you have the pointer.
for _, r := range node.GetReservations() {
_, app, ask := r.GetObjects()
pc.unReserve(app, node, ask)
// cleanup the allocations linked to the node. do this before changing the root queue max: otherwise if
// scheduling and removal of a node race on a full cluster we could cause all headroom to disappear for
// the time the allocations are not removed.
released, confirmed := pc.removeNodeAllocations(node)
// update the resource linked to this node, all allocations are removed, queue usage should have decreased
return released, confirmed
// removeNodeAllocations removes all allocations that are assigned to a node as part of the node removal. This is not part
// of the node object as updating the applications and queues is the only goal. Applications and queues are not accessible
// from the node. The removed and confirmed allocations are returned.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeNodeAllocations(node *objects.Node) ([]*objects.Allocation, []*objects.Allocation) {
released := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
confirmed := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
// walk over all allocations still registered for this node
for _, alloc := range node.GetAllAllocations() {
allocationKey := alloc.GetAllocationKey()
// since we are not locking the node and or application we could have had an update while processing
// note that we do not return the allocation if the app or allocation is not found and assume that it
// was already removed
app := pc.getApplication(alloc.GetApplicationID())
if app == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("app is not found, skipping while removing the node",
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID))
// Processing a removal while in the Completing state could race with the state change.
// Retrieve the queue early before a possible race.
queue := app.GetQueue()
// check for an inflight replacement.
if alloc.GetReleaseCount() != 0 {
release := alloc.GetFirstRelease()
// allocation to update the ask on: this needs to happen on the real alloc never the placeholder
askAlloc := alloc
// placeholder gets handled differently from normal
if alloc.IsPlaceholder() {
// Check if the real allocation is made on the same node if not we should trigger a confirmation of
// the replacement. Trigger the replacement only if it is NOT on the same node.
// If it is on the same node we just keep going as the real allocation will be unlinked as a result of
// the removal of this placeholder. The ask update will trigger rescheduling later for the real alloc.
if alloc.GetNodeID() != release.GetNodeID() {
// ignore the return as that is the same as alloc, the alloc is gone after this call
_ = app.ReplaceAllocation(allocationKey)
// we need to check the resources equality
delta := resources.Sub(release.GetAllocatedResource(), alloc.GetAllocatedResource())
// Any negative value in the delta means that at least one of the requested resource in the
// placeholder is larger than the real allocation. The nodes are correct the queue needs adjusting.
// The reverse case is handled during allocation.
if delta.HasNegativeValue() {
// this looks incorrect but the delta is negative and the result will be a real decrease
err := queue.IncAllocatedResource(delta, false)
// this should not happen as we really decrease the value
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("unexpected failure during queue update: replacing placeholder",
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("placeholderKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("allocationKey", release.GetAllocationKey()),
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("replacing placeholder: placeholder is larger than real allocation",
zap.String("allocationKey", release.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("requested resource", release.GetAllocatedResource()),
zap.String("placeholderKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("placeholder resource", alloc.GetAllocatedResource()))
// track what we confirm on the other node to confirm it in the shim and get is bound
confirmed = append(confirmed, release)
// the allocation is removed so add it to the list that we return
released = append(released, alloc)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("allocation removed from node and replacement confirmed",
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey),
zap.String("replacement nodeID", release.GetNodeID()),
zap.String("replacement allocationKey", release.GetAllocationKey()))
askAlloc = release
// unlink the placeholder and allocation
// mark ask as unallocated to get it re-scheduled
_, err := app.DeallocateAsk(askAlloc.GetAsk().GetAllocationKey())
if err == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("inflight placeholder replacement reversed due to node removal",
zap.String("appID", askAlloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", askAlloc.GetAsk().GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.String("replacement allocationKey", askAlloc.GetAllocationKey()))
} else {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Error("node removal: repeat update failure for inflight replacement",
zap.String("appID", askAlloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", askAlloc.GetAsk().GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
// check allocations on the app
if app.RemoveAllocation(allocationKey, si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE) == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("allocation is not found, skipping while removing the node",
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey),
zap.String("appID", app.ApplicationID),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID))
if err := queue.DecAllocatedResource(alloc.GetAllocatedResource()); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("failed to release resources from queue",
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
// remove preempted resources
if alloc.IsPreempted() {
if alloc.IsPlaceholder() {
// the allocation is removed so add it to the list that we return
released = append(released, alloc)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("node removal: allocation removed",
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID),
zap.String("queueName", queue.GetQueuePath()),
zap.String("appID", app.ApplicationID),
zap.Stringer("allocation", alloc))
// track the number of allocations: decrement the released allocation AND increment with the confirmed
pc.updateAllocationCount(len(confirmed) - len(released))
return released, confirmed
func (pc *PartitionContext) calculateOutstandingRequests() []*objects.AllocationAsk {
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(pc.root.GetPendingResource()) {
return nil
outstanding := make([]*objects.AllocationAsk, 0)
return outstanding
// Try regular allocation for the partition
// Lock free call this all locks are taken when needed in called functions
func (pc *PartitionContext) tryAllocate() *objects.Allocation {
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(pc.root.GetPendingResource()) {
// nothing to do just return
return nil
// try allocating from the root down
alloc := pc.root.TryAllocate(pc.GetNodeIterator, pc.GetFullNodeIterator, pc.GetNode, pc.isPreemptionEnabled())
if alloc != nil {
return pc.allocate(alloc)
return nil
// Try process reservations for the partition
// Lock free call this all locks are taken when needed in called functions
func (pc *PartitionContext) tryReservedAllocate() *objects.Allocation {
if pc.getReservationCount() == 0 {
return nil
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(pc.root.GetPendingResource()) {
// nothing to do just return
return nil
// try allocating from the root down
alloc := pc.root.TryReservedAllocate(pc.GetNodeIterator)
if alloc != nil {
return pc.allocate(alloc)
return nil
// Try process placeholder for the partition
// Lock free call this all locks are taken when needed in called functions
func (pc *PartitionContext) tryPlaceholderAllocate() *objects.Allocation {
if pc.getPhAllocationCount() == 0 {
return nil
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(pc.root.GetPendingResource()) {
// nothing to do just return
return nil
// try allocating from the root down
alloc := pc.root.TryPlaceholderAllocate(pc.GetNodeIterator, pc.GetNode)
if alloc != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("scheduler replace placeholder processed",
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("placeholder released allocationKey", alloc.GetFirstRelease().GetAllocationKey()))
// pass the release back to the RM via the cluster context
return alloc
return nil
// Process the allocation and make the left over changes in the partition.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) allocate(alloc *objects.Allocation) *objects.Allocation {
// find the app make sure it still exists
appID := alloc.GetApplicationID()
app := pc.getApplication(appID)
if app == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Application was removed while allocating",
zap.String("appID", appID))
return nil
// find the node make sure it still exists
// if the node was passed in use that ID instead of the one from the allocation
// the node ID is set when a reservation is allocated on a non-reserved node
var nodeID string
if alloc.GetReservedNodeID() == "" {
nodeID = alloc.GetNodeID()
} else {
nodeID = alloc.GetReservedNodeID()
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("Reservation allocated on different node",
zap.String("current node", alloc.GetNodeID()),
zap.String("reserved node", nodeID),
zap.String("appID", appID))
node := pc.GetNode(nodeID)
if node == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Node was removed while allocating",
zap.String("nodeID", nodeID),
zap.String("appID", appID))
return nil
// reservation
if alloc.GetResult() == objects.Reserved {
pc.reserve(app, node, alloc.GetAsk())
return nil
// unreserve
if alloc.GetResult() == objects.Unreserved || alloc.GetResult() == objects.AllocatedReserved {
pc.unReserve(app, node, alloc.GetAsk())
if alloc.GetResult() == objects.Unreserved {
return nil
// remove the link to the reserved node
// track the number of allocations
if alloc.IsPlaceholder() {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("scheduler allocation processed",
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("allocatedResource", alloc.GetAllocatedResource()),
zap.Bool("placeholder", alloc.IsPlaceholder()),
zap.String("targetNode", alloc.GetNodeID()))
// pass the allocation back to the RM via the cluster context
return alloc
// Process the reservation in the scheduler
// Lock free call this must be called holding the context lock
func (pc *PartitionContext) reserve(app *objects.Application, node *objects.Node, ask *objects.AllocationAsk) {
appID := app.ApplicationID
// app has node already reserved cannot reserve again
if app.IsReservedOnNode(node.NodeID) {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Application is already reserved on node",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("nodeID", node.NodeID))
// all ok, add the reservation to the app, this will also reserve the node
if err := app.Reserve(node, ask); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("Failed to handle reservation, error during update of app",
// add the reservation to the queue list
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("allocation ask is reserved",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("queue", app.GetQueuePath()),
zap.String("allocationKey", ask.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("node", node.NodeID))
// unReserve removes the reservation from the objects in the scheduler
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) unReserve(app *objects.Application, node *objects.Node, ask *objects.AllocationAsk) {
// remove the reservation of the app, this will also unReserve the node
var err error
var num int
if num, err = app.UnReserve(node, ask); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Failed to unreserve, error during allocate on the app",
// remove the reservation of the queue
appID := app.ApplicationID
app.GetQueue().UnReserve(appID, num)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("allocation ask is unreserved",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("queue", app.GetQueuePath()),
zap.String("allocationKey", ask.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("node", node.NodeID),
zap.Int("reservationsRemoved", num))
// Create an ordered node iterator based on the node sort policy set for this partition.
// The iterator is nil if there are no unreserved nodes available.
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetNodeIterator() objects.NodeIterator {
return pc.nodes.GetNodeIterator()
// Create an ordered node iterator based on the node sort policy set for this partition.
// The iterator is nil if there are no nodes available.
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetFullNodeIterator() objects.NodeIterator {
return pc.nodes.GetFullNodeIterator()
// Updated the allocations counter for the partition
func (pc *PartitionContext) updateAllocationCount(allocs int) {
defer pc.Unlock()
pc.allocations += allocs
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetTotalPartitionResource() *resources.Resource {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.totalPartitionResource.Clone()
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetAllocatedResource() *resources.Resource {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.root.GetAllocatedResource()
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetTotalAllocationCount() int {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.allocations
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetTotalNodeCount() int {
return pc.nodes.GetNodeCount()
// GetApplications returns a slice of the current applications tracked by the partition.
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetApplications() []*objects.Application {
defer pc.RUnlock()
var appList []*objects.Application
for _, app := range pc.applications {
appList = append(appList, app)
return appList
// GetCompletedApplications returns a slice of the completed applications tracked by the partition.
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetCompletedApplications() []*objects.Application {
defer pc.RUnlock()
var appList []*objects.Application
for _, app := range pc.completedApplications {
appList = append(appList, app)
return appList
// GetRejectedApplications returns a slice of the rejected applications tracked by the partition.
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetRejectedApplications() []*objects.Application {
defer pc.RUnlock()
var appList []*objects.Application
for _, app := range pc.rejectedApplications {
appList = append(appList, app)
return appList
func (pc *PartitionContext) getAppsState(appMap map[string]*objects.Application, state string) []string {
defer pc.RUnlock()
apps := []string{}
for appID, app := range appMap {
if app.CurrentState() == state {
apps = append(apps, appID)
return apps
// getAppsByState returns a slice of applicationIDs for the current applications filtered by state
// Completed and Rejected applications are tracked in a separate map and will never be included.
func (pc *PartitionContext) getAppsByState(state string) []string {
return pc.getAppsState(pc.applications, state)
// getRejectedAppsByState returns a slice of applicationIDs for the rejected applications filtered by state.
func (pc *PartitionContext) getRejectedAppsByState(state string) []string {
return pc.getAppsState(pc.rejectedApplications, state)
// getCompletedAppsByState returns a slice of applicationIDs for the completed applicationIDs filtered by state.
func (pc *PartitionContext) getCompletedAppsByState(state string) []string {
return pc.getAppsState(pc.completedApplications, state)
// cleanupExpiredApps cleans up applications in the Expired state from the three tracking maps
func (pc *PartitionContext) cleanupExpiredApps() {
for _, appID := range pc.getAppsByState(objects.Expired.String()) {
delete(pc.applications, appID)
for _, appID := range pc.getRejectedAppsByState(objects.Expired.String()) {
delete(pc.rejectedApplications, appID)
for _, appID := range pc.getCompletedAppsByState(objects.Expired.String()) {
delete(pc.completedApplications, appID)
// GetNodes returns a slice of all nodes unfiltered from the iterator
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetNodes() []*objects.Node {
return pc.nodes.GetNodes()
// Add an allocation to the partition/node/application/queue during node registration.
// Queue max allocation is not checked as the allocation is part of a new node addition.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) addAllocation(alloc *objects.Allocation) error {
// cannot do anything with a nil alloc, should only happen if the shim broke things badly
if alloc == nil {
return nil
if pc.isStopped() {
return fmt.Errorf("partition %s is stopped cannot add new allocation %s", pc.Name, alloc.GetAllocationKey())
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("adding recovered allocation",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()))
// Check if allocation violates any resource restriction, or allocate on a
// non-existent application or nodes.
node := pc.GetNode(alloc.GetNodeID())
if node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find node %s", alloc.GetNodeID())
app := pc.getApplication(alloc.GetApplicationID())
if app == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find application %s", alloc.GetApplicationID())
queue := app.GetQueue()
// Do not check if the new allocation goes beyond the queue's max resource (recursive).
// still handle a returned error but they should never happen.
if err := queue.IncAllocatedResource(alloc.GetAllocatedResource(), true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot allocate resource from application %s: %v ",
alloc.GetApplicationID(), err)
// track the number of allocations
if alloc.IsPlaceholder() {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("recovered allocation",
zap.String("partitionName", pc.Name),
zap.String("appID", alloc.GetApplicationID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Bool("placeholder", alloc.IsPlaceholder()))
return nil
func (pc *PartitionContext) convertUGI(ugi *si.UserGroupInformation, forced bool) (security.UserGroup, error) {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.userGroupCache.ConvertUGI(ugi, forced)
// calculate overall nodes resource usage and returns a map as the result,
// where the key is the resource name, e.g memory, and the value is a []int,
// which is a slice with 10 elements,
// each element represents a range of resource usage,
// such as
// 0: 0%->10%
// 1: 10% -> 20%
// ...
// 9: 90% -> 100%
// the element value represents number of nodes fall into this bucket.
// if slice[9] = 3, this means there are 3 nodes resource usage is in the range 80% to 90%.
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) calculateNodesResourceUsage() map[string][]int {
nodesCopy := pc.GetNodes()
mapResult := make(map[string][]int)
for _, node := range nodesCopy {
capacity := node.GetCapacity()
allocated := node.GetAllocatedResource()
for name, total := range capacity.Resources {
if total > 0 {
resourceAllocated := float64(allocated.Resources[name])
// Consider over-allocated node as 100% utilized.
v := math.Min(resourceAllocated/float64(total), 1)
idx := int(math.Dim(math.Ceil(v*10), 1))
if dist, ok := mapResult[name]; !ok {
newDist := make([]int, 10)
for i := range newDist {
newDist[i] = 0
mapResult[name] = newDist
} else {
return mapResult
// removeAllocation removes the referenced allocation(s) from the applications and nodes
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeAllocation(release *si.AllocationRelease) ([]*objects.Allocation, *objects.Allocation) {
if release == nil {
return nil, nil
appID := release.ApplicationID
allocationKey := release.GetAllocationKey()
app := pc.getApplication(appID)
// no app nothing to do everything should already be clean
if app == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Application not found while releasing allocation",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey),
zap.Stringer("terminationType", release.TerminationType))
return nil, nil
// Processing a removal while in the Completing state could race with the state change.
// The race occurs between removing the allocation and updating the queue after node processing.
// If the state change removes the queue link before we get to updating the queue after the node we
// leave the resources as allocated on the queue. The queue cannot be removed yet at this point as
// there are still allocations left. So retrieve the queue early to sidestep the race.
queue := app.GetQueue()
// temp store for allocations manipulated
released := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
var confirmed *objects.Allocation
// when allocationKey is not specified, remove all allocations from the app
if allocationKey == "" {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("remove all allocations",
zap.String("appID", appID))
released = append(released, app.RemoveAllAllocations()...)
} else {
// if we have an allocationKey the termination type is important
if release.TerminationType == si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("replacing placeholder allocation",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey))
if alloc := app.ReplaceAllocation(allocationKey); alloc != nil {
released = append(released, alloc)
} else {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("removing allocation from application",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey),
zap.Stringer("terminationType", release.TerminationType))
if alloc := app.RemoveAllocation(allocationKey, release.TerminationType); alloc != nil {
released = append(released, alloc)
// all releases are collected: placeholder count needs updating for all placeholder releases
// regardless of what happens later
phReleases := 0
for _, r := range released {
if r.IsPlaceholder() {
if phReleases > 0 {
// for each allocation to release, update the node and queue.
total := resources.NewResource()
totalPreempting := resources.NewResource()
for _, alloc := range released {
node := pc.GetNode(alloc.GetNodeID())
if node == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("node not found while releasing allocation",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("nodeID", alloc.GetNodeID()))
if release.TerminationType == si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED {
confirmed = alloc.GetFirstRelease()
// we need to check the resources equality
delta := resources.Sub(confirmed.GetAllocatedResource(), alloc.GetAllocatedResource())
// Any negative value in the delta means that at least one of the requested resource in the
// placeholder is larger than the real allocation. The node and queue need adjusting.
// The reverse case is handled during allocation.
if delta.HasNegativeValue() {
// This looks incorrect but the delta is negative and the result will be an increase of the
// total tracked. The total will later be deducted from the queue usage.
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("replacing placeholder: placeholder is larger than real allocation",
zap.String("allocationKey", confirmed.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("requested resource", confirmed.GetAllocatedResource()),
zap.String("placeholderKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("placeholder resource", alloc.GetAllocatedResource()))
// replacements could be on a different node and different size handle all cases
if confirmed.GetNodeID() == alloc.GetNodeID() {
// this is the real swap on the node, adjust usage if needed
node.ReplaceAllocation(alloc.GetAllocationKey(), confirmed, delta)
} else {
// we have already added the real allocation to the new node, just remove the placeholder
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("replacing placeholder allocation on node",
zap.String("nodeID", alloc.GetNodeID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.String("allocation nodeID", confirmed.GetNodeID()))
} else if node.RemoveAllocation(alloc.GetAllocationKey()) != nil {
// all non replacement are real removes: must update the queue usage
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("removing allocation from node",
zap.String("nodeID", alloc.GetNodeID()),
zap.String("allocationKey", alloc.GetAllocationKey()))
if alloc.IsPreempted() {
if resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(total) {
if err := queue.DecAllocatedResource(total); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("failed to release resources from queue",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey),
if resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(totalPreempting) {
// if confirmed is set we can assume there will just be one alloc in the released
// that allocation was already released by the shim, so clean up released
if confirmed != nil {
released = nil
// track the number of allocations, when we replace the result is no change
if allocReleases := len(released); allocReleases > 0 {
// if the termination type is TIMEOUT/PREEMPTED_BY_SCHEDULER, we don't notify the shim,
// because the release that is processed now is a confirmation returned by the shim to the core
if release.TerminationType == si.TerminationType_TIMEOUT || release.TerminationType == si.TerminationType_PREEMPTED_BY_SCHEDULER {
released = nil
return released, confirmed
// Remove the allocation ask from the specified application
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) removeAllocationAsk(release *si.AllocationAskRelease) {
if release == nil {
appID := release.ApplicationID
allocKey := release.AllocationKey
// A timeout termination is send by the core to the shim, ignore on return.
if release.TerminationType == si.TerminationType_TIMEOUT {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("Ignoring ask release with termination type Timeout",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("ask", allocKey))
app := pc.getApplication(appID)
if app == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Invalid ask release requested by shim",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("ask", allocKey),
zap.Stringer("terminationType", release.TerminationType))
// remove the allocation asks from the app
_ = app.RemoveAllocationAsk(allocKey)
// Add the allocation ask to the specified application
// NOTE: this is a lock free call. It must NOT be called holding the PartitionContext lock.
func (pc *PartitionContext) addAllocationAsk(siAsk *si.AllocationAsk) error {
if siAsk == nil {
return nil
app := pc.getApplication(siAsk.ApplicationID)
if app == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find application %s, for allocation ask %s", siAsk.ApplicationID, siAsk.AllocationKey)
// add the allocation asks to the app
return app.AddAllocationAsk(objects.NewAllocationAskFromSI(siAsk))
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetCurrentState() string {
return pc.stateMachine.Current()
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetStateTime() time.Time {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.stateTime
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetNodeSortingPolicyType() policies.SortingPolicy {
policy := pc.nodes.GetNodeSortingPolicy()
return policy.PolicyType()
func (pc *PartitionContext) GetNodeSortingResourceWeights() map[string]float64 {
policy := pc.nodes.GetNodeSortingPolicy()
return policy.ResourceWeights()
func (pc *PartitionContext) isPreemptionEnabled() bool {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.preemptionEnabled
func (pc *PartitionContext) moveTerminatedApp(appID string) {
app := pc.getApplication(appID)
// nothing to do if the app is not found on the partition
if app == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Debug("Application already removed from app list",
zap.String("appID", appID))
// new ID as completedApplications map key, use negative value to get a divider
newID := appID + strconv.FormatInt(-(time.Now()).Unix(), 10)
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Info("Removing terminated application from the application list",
zap.String("appID", appID),
zap.String("app status", app.CurrentState()))
defer pc.Unlock()
delete(pc.applications, appID)
pc.completedApplications[newID] = app
func (pc *PartitionContext) AddRejectedApplication(rejectedApplication *objects.Application, rejectedMessage string) {
if err := rejectedApplication.RejectApplication(rejectedMessage); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedPartition).Warn("BUG: Unexpected failure: Application state not changed to Rejected",
zap.String("currentState", rejectedApplication.CurrentState()),
if pc.rejectedApplications == nil {
pc.rejectedApplications = make(map[string]*objects.Application)
pc.rejectedApplications[rejectedApplication.ApplicationID] = rejectedApplication
func (pc *PartitionContext) incPhAllocationCount() {
defer pc.Unlock()
func (pc *PartitionContext) decPhAllocationCount(num int) {
defer pc.Unlock()
pc.placeholderAllocations -= num
func (pc *PartitionContext) getPhAllocationCount() int {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.placeholderAllocations
func (pc *PartitionContext) incReservationCount() {
defer pc.Unlock()
func (pc *PartitionContext) decReservationCount(num int) {
defer pc.Unlock()
pc.reservations -= num
func (pc *PartitionContext) getReservationCount() int {
defer pc.RUnlock()
return pc.reservations