blob: 6ea167ef7a0c40ae93da1ad257e97e16fedfbab3 [file] [log] [blame]
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to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package objects
import (
const (
UnknownInstanceType = "UNKNOWN"
type Node struct {
// Fields for fast access These fields are considered read only.
// Values should only be set when creating a new node and never changed.
NodeID string
Hostname string
Rackname string
Partition string
// Private fields need protection
attributes map[string]string
totalResource *resources.Resource
occupiedResource *resources.Resource
allocatedResource *resources.Resource
availableResource *resources.Resource
allocations map[string]*Allocation
schedulable bool
reservations map[string]*reservation // a map of reservations
listeners []NodeListener // a list of node listeners
nodeEvents *nodeEvents
func NewNode(proto *si.NodeInfo) *Node {
// safeguard against panic
if proto == nil {
return nil
sn := &Node{
NodeID: proto.NodeID,
reservations: make(map[string]*reservation),
totalResource: resources.NewResourceFromProto(proto.SchedulableResource),
allocatedResource: resources.NewResource(),
occupiedResource: resources.NewResourceFromProto(proto.OccupiedResource),
allocations: make(map[string]*Allocation),
schedulable: true,
listeners: make([]NodeListener, 0),
sn.nodeEvents = newNodeEvents(sn, events.GetEventSystem())
// initialise available resources
var err error
sn.availableResource, err = resources.SubErrorNegative(sn.totalResource, sn.occupiedResource)
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Error("New node created with no available resources",
return sn
func (sn *Node) String() string {
if sn == nil {
return "node is nil"
return fmt.Sprintf("NodeID %s, Partition %s, Schedulable %t, Total %s, Allocated %s, #allocations %d",
sn.NodeID, sn.Partition, sn.schedulable, sn.totalResource, sn.allocatedResource, len(sn.allocations))
// Set the attributes and fast access fields.
// Unlocked call: should only be called on create or from test code
func (sn *Node) initializeAttribute(newAttributes map[string]string) {
sn.attributes = newAttributes
// Avoid passing empty nodeAttributes in initializeAttribute
if len(sn.attributes) == 0 {
sn.attributes = map[string]string{}
sn.Hostname = sn.attributes[common.HostName]
sn.Rackname = sn.attributes[common.RackName]
sn.Partition = sn.attributes[common.NodePartition]
// Get an attribute by name. The most used attributes can be directly accessed via the
// fields: HostName, RackName and Partition.
// This is a lock free call. All attributes are considered read only
func (sn *Node) GetAttribute(key string) string {
return sn.attributes[key]
func (sn *Node) GetAttributes() map[string]string {
return sn.attributes
// Get InstanceType of this node.
// This is a lock free call because all attributes are considered read only
func (sn *Node) GetInstanceType() string {
itype := sn.GetAttribute(common.InstanceType)
if itype != "" {
return itype
return UnknownInstanceType
// GetReservationKeys Return an array of all reservation keys for the node.
// This will return an empty array if there are no reservations.
// Visible for tests
func (sn *Node) GetReservationKeys() []string {
defer sn.RUnlock()
keys := make([]string, 0)
for key := range sn.reservations {
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
func (sn *Node) GetCapacity() *resources.Resource {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.totalResource.Clone()
func (sn *Node) SetCapacity(newCapacity *resources.Resource) *resources.Resource {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
if resources.Equals(sn.totalResource, newCapacity) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("skip updating capacity, not changed")
return nil
delta := resources.Sub(newCapacity, sn.totalResource)
sn.totalResource = newCapacity
return delta
func (sn *Node) GetOccupiedResource() *resources.Resource {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.occupiedResource.Clone()
func (sn *Node) SetOccupiedResource(occupiedResource *resources.Resource) {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
if resources.Equals(sn.occupiedResource, occupiedResource) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("skip updating occupiedResource, not changed")
sn.occupiedResource = occupiedResource
// refresh node available resource based on the latest total, allocated and occupied resources.
// this call assumes the caller already acquires the lock.
func (sn *Node) refreshAvailableResource() {
sn.availableResource = sn.totalResource.Clone()
// check if any quantity is negative: a nil resource is all 0's
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanOrEquals(sn.availableResource, nil) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Warn("Node update triggered over allocated node",
zap.Stringer("available", sn.availableResource),
zap.Stringer("total", sn.totalResource),
zap.Stringer("occupied", sn.occupiedResource),
zap.Stringer("allocated", sn.allocatedResource))
// Return the allocation based on the allocationKey of the allocation.
// returns nil if the allocation is not found
func (sn *Node) GetAllocation(allocationKey string) *Allocation {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.allocations[allocationKey]
// Get a copy of the allocations on this node
func (sn *Node) GetAllAllocations() []*Allocation {
defer sn.RUnlock()
arr := make([]*Allocation, 0)
for _, v := range sn.allocations {
arr = append(arr, v)
return arr
// Set the node to unschedulable.
// This will cause the node to be skipped during the scheduling cycle.
// Visible for testing only
func (sn *Node) SetSchedulable(schedulable bool) {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
sn.schedulable = schedulable
// Can this node be used in scheduling.
func (sn *Node) IsSchedulable() bool {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.schedulable
// Get the allocated resource on this node.
func (sn *Node) GetAllocatedResource() *resources.Resource {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.allocatedResource.Clone()
// Get the available resource on this node.
func (sn *Node) GetAvailableResource() *resources.Resource {
defer sn.Unlock()
return sn.availableResource.Clone()
// GetFitInScoreForAvailableResource calculates a fit in score for "res" based on the current
// available resources, avoiding cloning. The caller must ensure that "res" cannot change while this method is running.
func (sn *Node) GetFitInScoreForAvailableResource(res *resources.Resource) float64 {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return res.FitInScore(sn.availableResource)
// Get the utilized resource on this node.
func (sn *Node) GetUtilizedResource() *resources.Resource {
total := sn.GetCapacity()
resourceAllocated := sn.GetAllocatedResource()
utilizedResource := make(map[string]resources.Quantity)
for name := range resourceAllocated.Resources {
if total.Resources[name] > 0 {
utilizedResource[name] = resources.CalculateAbsUsedCapacity(total, resourceAllocated).Resources[name]
return &resources.Resource{Resources: utilizedResource}
// FitInNode checks if the request fits in the node.
// All resources types requested must match the resource types provided by the nodes.
// A request may ask for only a subset of the types, but the node must provide at least the
// resource types requested in a larger or equal quantity as requested.
func (sn *Node) FitInNode(resRequest *resources.Resource) bool {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.totalResource.FitIn(resRequest)
// Remove the allocation to the node.
// Returns nil if the allocation was not found and no changes are made. If the allocation
// is found the Allocation removed is returned. Used resources will decrease available
// will increase as per the allocation removed.
func (sn *Node) RemoveAllocation(allocationKey string) *Allocation {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
alloc := sn.allocations[allocationKey]
if alloc != nil {
delete(sn.allocations, allocationKey)
sn.nodeEvents.sendAllocationRemovedEvent(alloc.allocationKey, alloc.allocatedResource)
return alloc
return nil
// AddAllocation adds the allocation to the node. Used resources will increase available will decrease.
// A nil Allocation makes no changes. Preempted resources must have been released already.
// Do a sanity check to make sure it still fits in the node and nothing has changed
func (sn *Node) AddAllocation(alloc *Allocation) bool {
if alloc == nil {
return false
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
// check if this still fits: it might have changed since pre-check
res := alloc.GetAllocatedResource()
if sn.availableResource.FitIn(res) {
sn.allocations[alloc.GetAllocationKey()] = alloc
sn.nodeEvents.sendAllocationAddedEvent(alloc.allocationKey, res)
return true
return false
// ReplaceAllocation replaces the placeholder with the real allocation on the node.
// The delta passed in is the difference in resource usage between placeholder and real allocation.
// It should always be a negative value or zero: it is a decrease in usage or no change
func (sn *Node) ReplaceAllocation(allocationKey string, replace *Allocation, delta *resources.Resource) {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
delete(sn.allocations, allocationKey)
sn.allocations[replace.GetAllocationKey()] = replace
before := sn.allocatedResource.Clone()
// The allocatedResource and availableResource should be updated in the same way
if !before.FitIn(sn.allocatedResource) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Warn("unexpected increase in node usage after placeholder replacement",
zap.String("placeholder allocationKey", allocationKey),
zap.String("allocation allocationKey", replace.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("delta", delta))
// CanAllocate checks if the proposed allocation fits in the available resources.
// If the proposed allocation does not fit false is returned.
func (sn *Node) CanAllocate(res *resources.Resource) bool {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return sn.availableResource.FitIn(res)
// Checking pre-conditions in the shim for an allocation.
func (sn *Node) preAllocateConditions(ask *AllocationAsk) bool {
return sn.preConditions(ask, true)
// Checking pre-conditions in the shim for a reservation.
func (sn *Node) preReserveConditions(ask *AllocationAsk) bool {
return sn.preConditions(ask, false)
// The pre conditions are implemented via plugins in the shim. If no plugins are implemented then
// the check will return true. If multiple plugins are implemented the first failure will stop the
// checks.
// The caller must thus not rely on all plugins being executed.
// This is a lock free call as it does not change the node and multiple predicate checks could be
// run at the same time.
func (sn *Node) preConditions(ask *AllocationAsk, allocate bool) bool {
// Check the predicates plugin (k8shim)
allocationKey := ask.GetAllocationKey()
if plugin := plugins.GetResourceManagerCallbackPlugin(); plugin != nil {
// checking predicates
if err := plugin.Predicates(&si.PredicatesArgs{
AllocationKey: allocationKey,
NodeID: sn.NodeID,
Allocate: allocate,
}); err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("running predicates failed",
zap.String("allocationKey", allocationKey),
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID),
zap.Bool("allocateFlag", allocate),
// running predicates failed
msg := err.Error()
ask.LogAllocationFailure(msg, allocate)
return false
// all predicate plugins passed
return true
// preAllocateCheck checks if the node should be considered as a possible node to allocate on.
// No updates are made this only performs a pre allocate checks
func (sn *Node) preAllocateCheck(res *resources.Resource, resKey string) bool {
// cannot allocate zero or negative resource
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanZero(res) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("pre alloc check: requested resource is zero",
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID))
return false
// check if the node is reserved for this app/alloc
if sn.IsReserved() {
if !sn.isReservedForApp(resKey) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("pre alloc check: node reserved for different app or ask",
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID),
zap.String("resKey", resKey))
return false
defer sn.RUnlock()
// returns true/false based on if the request fits in what we have calculated
return sn.availableResource.FitIn(res)
// Return if the node has been reserved by any application
func (sn *Node) IsReserved() bool {
defer sn.RUnlock()
return len(sn.reservations) > 0
// isReservedForApp returns true if and only if the node has been reserved by the application
// NOTE: a return value of false does not mean the node is not reserved by a different app
func (sn *Node) isReservedForApp(key string) bool {
if key == "" {
return false
defer sn.RUnlock()
if strings.Contains(key, "|") {
return sn.reservations[key] != nil
// make sure matches only for the whole appID
separator := key + "|"
for resKey := range sn.reservations {
if strings.HasPrefix(resKey, separator) {
return true
return false
// Reserve the node for this application and ask combination, if not reserved yet.
// The reservation is checked against the node resources.
// If the reservation fails the function returns false, if the reservation is made it returns true.
func (sn *Node) Reserve(app *Application, ask *AllocationAsk) error {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
if len(sn.reservations) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("node is already reserved, nodeID %s", sn.NodeID)
appReservation := newReservation(sn, app, ask, false)
// this should really not happen just guard against panic
// either app or ask are nil
if appReservation == nil {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("reservation creation failed unexpectedly",
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID),
zap.Any("app", app),
zap.Any("ask", ask))
return fmt.Errorf("reservation creation failed app or ask are nil on nodeID %s", sn.NodeID)
// reservation must fit on the empty node
if !sn.totalResource.FitIn(ask.GetAllocatedResource()) {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("reservation does not fit on the node",
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID),
zap.String("appID", app.ApplicationID),
zap.String("ask", ask.GetAllocationKey()),
zap.Stringer("allocationAsk", ask.GetAllocatedResource()))
return fmt.Errorf("reservation does not fit on node %s, appID %s, ask %s", sn.NodeID, app.ApplicationID, ask.GetAllocatedResource().String())
sn.reservations[appReservation.getKey()] = appReservation
sn.nodeEvents.sendReservedEvent(ask.GetAllocatedResource(), ask.GetAllocationKey())
// reservation added successfully
return nil
// unReserve the node for this application and ask combination
// If the reservation does not exist it returns 0 for reservations removed, if the reservation is removed it returns 1.
// The error is set if the reservation key cannot be generated.
func (sn *Node) unReserve(app *Application, ask *AllocationAsk) (int, error) {
defer sn.notifyListeners()
defer sn.Unlock()
resKey := reservationKey(nil, app, ask)
if resKey == "" {
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("unreserve reservation key create failed unexpectedly",
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID),
zap.Any("app", app),
zap.Any("ask", ask))
return 0, fmt.Errorf("reservation key failed app or ask are nil on nodeID %s", sn.NodeID)
if _, ok := sn.reservations[resKey]; ok {
delete(sn.reservations, resKey)
sn.nodeEvents.sendUnreservedEvent(ask.GetAllocatedResource(), ask.GetAllocationKey())
return 1, nil
// reservation was not found
log.Log(log.SchedNode).Debug("reservation not found while removing from node",
zap.String("nodeID", sn.NodeID),
zap.String("appID", app.ApplicationID),
zap.String("ask", ask.GetAllocationKey()))
return 0, nil
// GetReservations returns all reservation made on this node
func (sn *Node) GetReservations() []*reservation {
defer sn.Unlock()
var res []*reservation
if len(sn.reservations) > 0 {
for _, r := range sn.reservations {
res = append(res, r)
return res
// GetResourceUsageShares gets a map of name -> resource usages per type in shares (0 to 1). Can return NaN.
func (sn *Node) GetResourceUsageShares() map[string]float64 {
defer sn.RUnlock()
res := make(map[string]float64)
if sn.totalResource == nil {
// no resources present, so no usage
return res
for k, v := range sn.totalResource.Resources {
res[k] = float64(1) - (float64(sn.availableResource.Resources[k]) / float64(v))
return res
func (sn *Node) AddListener(listener NodeListener) {
defer sn.Unlock()
sn.listeners = append(sn.listeners, listener)
func (sn *Node) RemoveListener(listener NodeListener) {
defer sn.Unlock()
newListeners := make([]NodeListener, 0)
for _, entry := range sn.listeners {
if entry == listener {
newListeners = append(newListeners, entry)
sn.listeners = newListeners
// Notifies listeners of changes to this node. This method must not be called while locks are held.
func (sn *Node) notifyListeners() {
for _, listener := range sn.getListeners() {
func (sn *Node) getListeners() []NodeListener {
defer sn.RUnlock()
list := make([]NodeListener, len(sn.listeners))
copy(list, sn.listeners)
return list
func (sn *Node) SendNodeAddedEvent() {
func (sn *Node) SendNodeRemovedEvent() {