blob: dd4c1f99e144c6b62f1f2c2292b284d88aa25097 [file] [log] [blame]
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package objects
import (
siCommon ""
type AllocationResult int
const (
None AllocationResult = iota
func (ar AllocationResult) String() string {
return [...]string{"None", "Allocated", "AllocatedReserved", "Reserved", "Unreserved", "Replaced"}[ar]
type Allocation struct {
// Read-only fields
ask *AllocationAsk
allocationKey string
applicationID string
partitionName string
taskGroupName string // task group this allocation belongs to
placeholder bool // is this a placeholder allocation
nodeID string
priority int32
tags map[string]string
allocatedResource *resources.Resource
// Mutable fields which need protection
placeholderUsed bool
createTime time.Time // the time this allocation was created
bindTime time.Time // the time this allocation was bound to a node
placeholderCreateTime time.Time
released bool
reservedNodeID string
result AllocationResult
releases []*Allocation
preempted bool
instType string
func NewAllocation(nodeID string, ask *AllocationAsk) *Allocation {
var createTime time.Time
if ask.GetTag(siCommon.CreationTime) == "" {
createTime = time.Now()
} else {
createTime = ask.GetCreateTime()
return &Allocation{
ask: ask,
allocationKey: ask.GetAllocationKey(),
applicationID: ask.GetApplicationID(),
createTime: createTime,
bindTime: time.Now(),
nodeID: nodeID,
partitionName: common.GetPartitionNameWithoutClusterID(ask.GetPartitionName()),
tags: ask.GetTagsClone(),
priority: ask.GetPriority(),
allocatedResource: ask.GetAllocatedResource().Clone(),
taskGroupName: ask.GetTaskGroup(),
placeholder: ask.IsPlaceholder(),
result: Allocated,
func newReservedAllocation(nodeID string, ask *AllocationAsk) *Allocation {
alloc := NewAllocation(nodeID, ask)
return alloc
func newUnreservedAllocation(nodeID string, ask *AllocationAsk) *Allocation {
alloc := NewAllocation(nodeID, ask)
return alloc
// Create a new Allocation from a node recovered allocation.
// Also creates an AllocationAsk to maintain backward compatible behaviour
// This returns a nil Allocation on nil input or errors
func NewAllocationFromSI(alloc *si.Allocation) *Allocation {
if alloc == nil {
return nil
// this is a safety check placeholder and task group name must be set as a combo
// order is important as task group can be set without placeholder but not the other way around
if alloc.Placeholder && alloc.TaskGroupName == "" {
log.Log(log.SchedAllocation).Debug("Allocation cannot be a placeholder without a TaskGroupName",
zap.Stringer("SI alloc", alloc))
return nil
creationTime, err := strconv.ParseInt(alloc.AllocationTags[siCommon.CreationTime], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedAllocation).Warn("CreationTime is not set on the Allocation object or invalid",
zap.String("creationTime", alloc.AllocationTags[siCommon.CreationTime]))
creationTime = -1
ask := &AllocationAsk{
allocationKey: alloc.AllocationKey,
applicationID: alloc.ApplicationID,
partitionName: alloc.PartitionName,
allocatedResource: resources.NewResourceFromProto(alloc.ResourcePerAlloc),
tags: CloneAllocationTags(alloc.AllocationTags),
priority: alloc.Priority,
allocated: true,
taskGroupName: alloc.TaskGroupName,
placeholder: alloc.Placeholder,
createTime: time.Unix(creationTime, 0),
allocLog: make(map[string]*AllocationLogEntry),
originator: alloc.Originator,
allowPreemptSelf: alloc.PreemptionPolicy.GetAllowPreemptSelf(),
allowPreemptOther: alloc.PreemptionPolicy.GetAllowPreemptOther(),
newAlloc := NewAllocation(alloc.NodeID, ask)
newAlloc.allocationKey = alloc.AllocationKey
return newAlloc
// Convert the Allocation into a SI object. This is a limited set of values that gets copied into the SI.
// We only use this to communicate *back* to the RM. All other fields are considered incoming fields from
// the RM into the core.
// The limited set of fields link the Allocation to an Application, Node and AllocationAsk.
func (a *Allocation) NewSIFromAllocation() *si.Allocation {
if a == nil {
return nil
return &si.Allocation{
NodeID: a.GetNodeID(),
ApplicationID: a.GetApplicationID(),
AllocationKey: a.GetAllocationKey(),
ResourcePerAlloc: a.GetAllocatedResource().ToProto(), // needed in tests for restore
TaskGroupName: a.GetTaskGroup(),
Placeholder: a.IsPlaceholder(),
Originator: a.GetAsk().IsOriginator(),
PreemptionPolicy: &si.PreemptionPolicy{
AllowPreemptSelf: a.GetAsk().IsAllowPreemptSelf(),
AllowPreemptOther: a.GetAsk().IsAllowPreemptOther(),
func (a *Allocation) String() string {
if a == nil {
return "nil allocation"
defer a.RUnlock()
return fmt.Sprintf("applicationID=%s, allocationKey=%s, Node=%s, result=%s", a.applicationID, a.allocationKey, a.nodeID, a.result.String())
// GetAsk returns the ask associated with this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetAsk() *AllocationAsk {
return a.ask
// GetAllocationKey returns the allocation key of this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetAllocationKey() string {
return a.allocationKey
// GetApplicationID returns the application ID for this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetApplicationID() string {
return a.applicationID
// GetPartitionName returns the partition name for this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetPartitionName() string {
return a.partitionName
// GetTaskGroup returns the task group name for this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetTaskGroup() string {
return a.taskGroupName
// GetCreateTime returns the time this allocation was created
func (a *Allocation) GetCreateTime() time.Time {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.createTime
func (a *Allocation) SetCreateTime(createTime time.Time) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.createTime = createTime
// GetBindTime returns the time this allocation was created
func (a *Allocation) GetBindTime() time.Time {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.bindTime
func (a *Allocation) SetBindTime(bindTime time.Time) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.bindTime = bindTime
// IsPlaceholderUsed returns whether this alloc is replacing a placeholder
func (a *Allocation) IsPlaceholderUsed() bool {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.placeholderUsed
// SetPlaceholderUsed sets whether this alloc is replacing a placeholder
func (a *Allocation) SetPlaceholderUsed(placeholderUsed bool) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.placeholderUsed = placeholderUsed
// GetPlaceholderCreateTime returns the placeholder's create time for this alloc, if applicable
func (a *Allocation) GetPlaceholderCreateTime() time.Time {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.placeholderCreateTime
// SetPlaceholderCreateTime updates the placeholder's creation time
func (a *Allocation) SetPlaceholderCreateTime(placeholderCreateTime time.Time) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.placeholderCreateTime = placeholderCreateTime
// IsPlaceholder returns whether the allocation is a placeholder
func (a *Allocation) IsPlaceholder() bool {
return a.placeholder
// GetNodeID gets the node this allocation is assigned to
func (a *Allocation) GetNodeID() string {
return a.nodeID
// SetInstanceType sets node instance type for this allocation
func (a *Allocation) SetInstanceType(instType string) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.instType = instType
// GetInstanceType return the type of the instance used by this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetInstanceType() string {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.instType
// GetPriority returns the priority of this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetPriority() int32 {
return a.priority
// GetReservedNodeID gets the node this allocation is reserved for
func (a *Allocation) GetReservedNodeID() string {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.reservedNodeID
// SetReservedNodeID sets the node this allocation is reserved for
func (a *Allocation) SetReservedNodeID(reservedNodeID string) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.reservedNodeID = reservedNodeID
// IsReleased returns the release status of the allocation
func (a *Allocation) IsReleased() bool {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.released
// SetReleased updates the release status of the allocation
func (a *Allocation) SetReleased(released bool) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.released = released
// GetTagsClone returns the copy of the tags for this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetTagsClone() map[string]string {
return CloneAllocationTags(a.tags)
// GetResult gets the result of this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetResult() AllocationResult {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.result
// SetResult sets the result of this allocation
func (a *Allocation) SetResult(result AllocationResult) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.result = result
// GetReleasesClone returns a clone of the release list
func (a *Allocation) GetReleasesClone() []*Allocation {
defer a.RUnlock()
result := make([]*Allocation, len(a.releases))
copy(result, a.releases)
return result
// GetFirstRelease returns the first release for this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetFirstRelease() *Allocation {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.releases[0]
// GetReleaseCount gets the number of releases associated with this allocation
func (a *Allocation) GetReleaseCount() int {
defer a.RUnlock()
return len(a.releases)
// ClearReleases removes all releases from this allocation
func (a *Allocation) ClearReleases() {
defer a.Unlock()
a.releases = nil
// AddRelease adds a new release to this allocation
func (a *Allocation) AddRelease(release *Allocation) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.releases = append(a.releases, release)
func (a *Allocation) SetRelease(release *Allocation) {
defer a.Unlock()
a.releases = []*Allocation{release}
// GetAllocatedResource returns a reference to the allocated resources for this allocation. This must be treated as read-only.
func (a *Allocation) GetAllocatedResource() *resources.Resource {
return a.allocatedResource
// MarkPreempted marks the allocation as preempted.
func (a *Allocation) MarkPreempted() {
defer a.Unlock()
a.preempted = true
// IsPreempted returns whether the allocation has been marked for preemption or not.
func (a *Allocation) IsPreempted() bool {
defer a.RUnlock()
return a.preempted
// CloneAllocationTags clones a tag map for safe copying
func CloneAllocationTags(tags map[string]string) map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range tags {
result[k] = v
return result