blob: 84c7947af0ba3ba7f9e1930ae1e6da090a8ae335 [file] [log] [blame]
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package scheduler
import (
type HealthChecker struct {
context *ClusterContext
confWatcherId string
// mutable values require locking
stopChan *chan struct{}
period time.Duration
enabled bool
func NewHealthChecker(schedulerContext *ClusterContext) *HealthChecker {
checker := &HealthChecker{
context: schedulerContext,
checker.confWatcherId = fmt.Sprintf("health-checker-%p", checker)
return checker
func (c *HealthChecker) GetPeriod() time.Duration {
defer c.RUnlock()
return c.period
func (c *HealthChecker) IsEnabled() bool {
defer c.RUnlock()
return c.enabled
func (c *HealthChecker) readPeriod() time.Duration {
value, ok := configs.GetConfigMap()[configs.HealthCheckInterval]
if !ok {
return configs.DefaultHealthCheckInterval
result, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedHealth).Warn("Failed to parse configuration value",
zap.String("key", configs.HealthCheckInterval),
zap.String("value", value),
return configs.DefaultHealthCheckInterval
if result < 0 {
result = 0
return result
// Start executes healthCheck service in the background
func (c *HealthChecker) Start() {
func (c *HealthChecker) startInternal(runImmediately bool) {
if runImmediately {
defer c.Unlock()
configs.AddConfigMapCallback(c.confWatcherId, func() {
go c.reloadConfig()
period := c.readPeriod()
if period > 0 {
stopChan := make(chan struct{})
c.stopChan = &stopChan
c.period = period
c.enabled = true
log.Log(log.SchedHealth).Info("Starting periodic health checker", zap.Duration("interval", period))
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(period)
for {
select {
case <-stopChan:
case <-ticker.C:
} else {
// disabled
c.stopChan = nil
c.period = 0
c.enabled = false
log.Log(log.SchedHealth).Info("Periodic health checker disabled")
func (c *HealthChecker) Stop() {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.stopChan != nil {
log.Log(log.SchedHealth).Info("Stopping periodic health checker")
*c.stopChan <- struct{}{}
c.stopChan = nil
func (c *HealthChecker) Restart() {
func (c *HealthChecker) reloadConfig() {
if c.isRestartNeeded() {
func (c *HealthChecker) isRestartNeeded() bool {
defer c.Unlock()
period := c.readPeriod()
return period != c.period
func (c *HealthChecker) runOnce() {
schedulerMetrics := metrics.GetSchedulerMetrics()
result := GetSchedulerHealthStatus(schedulerMetrics, c.context)
updateSchedulerLastHealthStatus(&result, c.context)
if !result.Healthy {
for _, v := range result.HealthChecks {
if v.Succeeded {
log.Log(log.SchedHealth).Warn("Scheduler is not healthy",
zap.String("name", v.Name),
zap.String("description", v.Description),
zap.String("message", v.DiagnosisMessage))
} else {
log.Log(log.SchedHealth).Debug("Scheduler is healthy")
func updateSchedulerLastHealthStatus(latest *dao.SchedulerHealthDAOInfo, schedulerContext *ClusterContext) {
func GetSchedulerHealthStatus(metrics *metrics.SchedulerMetrics, schedulerContext *ClusterContext) dao.SchedulerHealthDAOInfo {
var healthInfo []dao.HealthCheckInfo
healthInfo = append(healthInfo, checkSchedulingErrors(metrics))
healthInfo = append(healthInfo, checkFailedNodes(metrics))
healthInfo = append(healthInfo, checkSchedulingContext(schedulerContext)...)
healthy := true
for _, h := range healthInfo {
if !h.Succeeded {
healthy = false
return dao.SchedulerHealthDAOInfo{
Healthy: healthy,
HealthChecks: healthInfo,
func CreateCheckInfo(succeeded bool, name, description, message string) dao.HealthCheckInfo {
return dao.HealthCheckInfo{
Name: name,
Succeeded: succeeded,
Description: description,
DiagnosisMessage: message,
func checkSchedulingErrors(metrics *metrics.SchedulerMetrics) dao.HealthCheckInfo {
schedulingErrors, err := metrics.GetSchedulingErrors()
if err != nil {
return CreateCheckInfo(false, "Scheduling errors", "Check for scheduling error entries in metrics", err.Error())
diagnosisMsg := fmt.Sprintf("There were %v scheduling errors logged in the metrics", schedulingErrors)
return CreateCheckInfo(schedulingErrors == 0, "Scheduling errors", "Check for scheduling error entries in metrics", diagnosisMsg)
func checkFailedNodes(metrics *metrics.SchedulerMetrics) dao.HealthCheckInfo {
failedNodes, err := metrics.GetFailedNodes()
if err != nil {
return CreateCheckInfo(false, "Failed nodes", "Check for failed nodes entries in metrics", err.Error())
diagnosisMsg := fmt.Sprintf("There were %v failed nodes logged in the metrics", failedNodes)
return CreateCheckInfo(failedNodes == 0, "Failed nodes", "Check for failed nodes entries in metrics", diagnosisMsg)
func checkSchedulingContext(schedulerContext *ClusterContext) []dao.HealthCheckInfo {
// 1. check resources
// 1.1 check for negative resources
var partitionsWithNegResources []string
var nodesWithNegResources []string
// 1.3 node allocated resource <= total resource of the node
var allocationMismatch []string
// 1.2 total partition resource = sum of node resources
var totalResourceMismatch []string
// 1.4 node total resource = allocated resource + occupied resource + available resource
var nodeTotalMismatch []string
// 1.5 node capacity >= allocated resources on the node
var nodeCapacityMismatch []string
// 2. check reservation/node ration
var partitionReservationRatio []float32
// 3. check for orphan allocations
orphanAllocationsOnNode := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
orphanAllocationsOnApp := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
for _, part := range schedulerContext.GetPartitionMapClone() {
if part.GetAllocatedResource().HasNegativeValue() {
partitionsWithNegResources = append(partitionsWithNegResources, part.Name)
if part.GetTotalPartitionResource().HasNegativeValue() {
partitionsWithNegResources = append(partitionsWithNegResources, part.Name)
sumNodeResources := resources.NewResource()
sumNodeAllocatedResources := resources.NewResource()
sumReservation := 0
for _, node := range part.GetNodes() {
sumReservation += len(node.GetReservationKeys())
calculatedTotalNodeRes := resources.Add(node.GetAllocatedResource(), node.GetOccupiedResource())
if !resources.Equals(node.GetCapacity(), calculatedTotalNodeRes) {
nodeTotalMismatch = append(nodeTotalMismatch, node.NodeID)
if node.GetAllocatedResource().HasNegativeValue() {
nodesWithNegResources = append(nodesWithNegResources, node.NodeID)
if node.GetAvailableResource().HasNegativeValue() {
nodesWithNegResources = append(nodesWithNegResources, node.NodeID)
if node.GetCapacity().HasNegativeValue() {
nodesWithNegResources = append(nodesWithNegResources, node.NodeID)
if node.GetOccupiedResource().HasNegativeValue() {
nodesWithNegResources = append(nodesWithNegResources, node.NodeID)
if !resources.StrictlyGreaterThanOrEquals(node.GetCapacity(), node.GetAllocatedResource()) {
nodeCapacityMismatch = append(nodeCapacityMismatch, node.NodeID)
orphanAllocationsOnNode = append(orphanAllocationsOnNode, checkNodeAllocations(node, part)...)
// check if there are allocations assigned to an app but there are missing from the nodes
for _, app := range part.GetApplications() {
orphanAllocationsOnApp = append(orphanAllocationsOnApp, checkAppAllocations(app, part.nodes)...)
partitionReservationRatio = append(partitionReservationRatio, float32(sumReservation)/(float32(part.GetTotalNodeCount())))
if !resources.Equals(sumNodeAllocatedResources, part.GetAllocatedResource()) {
allocationMismatch = append(allocationMismatch, part.Name)
if !resources.EqualsOrEmpty(sumNodeResources, part.GetTotalPartitionResource()) {
totalResourceMismatch = append(totalResourceMismatch, part.Name)
var info = make([]dao.HealthCheckInfo, 9)
info[0] = CreateCheckInfo(len(partitionsWithNegResources) == 0, "Negative resources",
"Check for negative resources in the partitions",
fmt.Sprintf("Partitions with negative resources: %q", partitionsWithNegResources))
info[1] = CreateCheckInfo(len(nodesWithNegResources) == 0, "Negative resources",
"Check for negative resources in the nodes",
fmt.Sprintf("Nodes with negative resources: %q", nodesWithNegResources))
info[2] = CreateCheckInfo(len(allocationMismatch) == 0, "Consistency of data",
"Check if a partition's allocated resource <= total resource of the partition",
fmt.Sprintf("Partitions with inconsistent data: %q", allocationMismatch))
info[3] = CreateCheckInfo(len(totalResourceMismatch) == 0, "Consistency of data",
"Check if total partition resource == sum of the node resources from the partition",
fmt.Sprintf("Partitions with inconsistent data: %q", totalResourceMismatch))
info[4] = CreateCheckInfo(len(nodeTotalMismatch) == 0, "Consistency of data",
"Check if node total resource = allocated resource + occupied resource + available resource",
fmt.Sprintf("Nodes with inconsistent data: %q", nodeTotalMismatch))
info[5] = CreateCheckInfo(len(nodeCapacityMismatch) == 0, "Consistency of data",
"Check if node capacity >= allocated resources on the node",
fmt.Sprintf("Nodes with inconsistent data: %q", nodeCapacityMismatch))
// mark it as succeeded for a while until we will know what is not considered a normal value anymore
info[6] = CreateCheckInfo(true, "Reservation check",
"Check the reservation nr compared to the number of nodes",
fmt.Sprintf("Reservation/node nr ratio: %f", partitionReservationRatio))
info[7] = CreateCheckInfo(len(orphanAllocationsOnNode) == 0, "Orphan allocation on node check",
"Check if there are orphan allocations on the nodes",
fmt.Sprintf("Orphan allocations: %v", orphanAllocationsOnNode))
info[8] = CreateCheckInfo(len(orphanAllocationsOnApp) == 0, "Orphan allocation on app check",
"Check if there are orphan allocations on the applications",
fmt.Sprintf("OrphanAllocations: %v", orphanAllocationsOnApp))
return info
func checkAppAllocations(app *objects.Application, nodes objects.NodeCollection) []*objects.Allocation {
orphanAllocationsOnApp := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
for _, alloc := range app.GetAllAllocations() {
if node := nodes.GetNode(alloc.GetNodeID()); node != nil {
if node.GetAllocation(alloc.GetAllocationKey()) == nil {
orphanAllocationsOnApp = append(orphanAllocationsOnApp, alloc)
} else {
orphanAllocationsOnApp = append(orphanAllocationsOnApp, alloc)
return orphanAllocationsOnApp
func checkNodeAllocations(node *objects.Node, partitionContext *PartitionContext) []*objects.Allocation {
orphanAllocationsOnNode := make([]*objects.Allocation, 0)
for _, alloc := range node.GetAllAllocations() {
if app := partitionContext.getApplication(alloc.GetApplicationID()); app != nil {
if !app.IsAllocationAssignedToApp(alloc) {
orphanAllocationsOnNode = append(orphanAllocationsOnNode, alloc)
} else {
orphanAllocationsOnNode = append(orphanAllocationsOnNode, alloc)
return orphanAllocationsOnNode