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package events
import (
type eventRange struct {
start uint64
end uint64
// eventRingBuffer A specialized circular buffer to store event objects.
// Unlike regular circular buffers, existing entries are never directly removed
// and new entries can be added if the buffer is full.
// In this case, the oldest entry is overwritten and can be collected by the GC.
// Each event has an ID; however, this mapping is not stored directly.
// If needed, we calculate the id of the event based on slice positions.
// Retrieving the records can be achieved with GetEventsFromID.
type eventRingBuffer struct {
events []*si.EventRecord
capacity uint64 // capacity of the buffer
head uint64 // position of the next element (no tail since we don't remove elements)
full bool // indicates whether the buffer if full - once it is, it stays full unless the buffer is resized
id uint64 // unique id of an event record
lowestId uint64 // lowest id of an event record available in the buffer at any given time
resizeOffset uint64 // used to aid the calculation of id->pos after resize (see id2pos)
// Add adds an event to the ring buffer. If the buffer is full, the oldest element is overwritten.
// This method never fails.
func (e *eventRingBuffer) Add(event *si.EventRecord) {
defer e.Unlock()[e.head] = event
if !e.full {
e.full = e.head == e.capacity-1
} else {
e.head = (e.head + 1) % e.capacity
// GetEventsFromID returns "count" number of event records from "id" if possible. The id can be determined from
// the first call of the method - if it returns nothing because the id is not in the buffer, the lowest valid
// identifier is returned which can be used to get the first batch.
// If the caller does not want to pose limit on the number of events returned, "count" must be set to a high
// value, e.g. math.MaxUint64.
func (e *eventRingBuffer) GetEventsFromID(id uint64, count uint64) ([]*si.EventRecord, uint64, uint64) {
defer e.RUnlock()
lowest := e.getLowestID()
pos, idFound := e.id2pos(id)
if !idFound {
return nil, lowest, e.getLastEventID()
// limit count to the capacity
count = min(count, e.capacity)
// possible wrap case full buffer and pos after or on the current head
if e.full && pos >= e.head {
// first range never passes the end of the slice
end := min(pos+count, e.capacity)
r1 := &eventRange{
start: pos,
end: end,
// second range only if still events left to fetch
var r2 *eventRange
end = pos + count - e.capacity
if end > 0 {
// never fetch pass the current head
end = min(end, e.head)
r2 = &eventRange{
start: 0,
end: end,
return e.getEntriesFromRanges(r1, r2), lowest, e.getLastEventID()
// no wrapping: either limited by head position or by the count
end := min(pos+count, e.head)
return e.getEntriesFromRanges(&eventRange{
start: pos,
end: end,
}, nil), lowest, e.getLastEventID()
// min a utility function to return the smallest value of two unsigned int
func min(a, b uint64) uint64 {
m := a
if b < a {
m = b
return m
// GetLastEventID returns the value of the unique id counter.
// If the buffer is empty, it returns 0.
func (e *eventRingBuffer) GetLastEventID() uint64 {
defer e.RUnlock()
return e.getLastEventID()
// unlocked version of GetLastEventID()
func (e *eventRingBuffer) getLastEventID() uint64 {
if == 0 {
return 0
return - 1 // is the next ID to be used
// getEntriesFromRanges retrieves the event records based on pre-calculated ranges. We have two
// ranges if the buffer is full and the requested start position is behind the current head.
// Example: a buffer of capacity 20 is wrapped, head is at 10, and we want events from position 15. This means
// two ranges (15->20, 0->9).
func (e *eventRingBuffer) getEntriesFromRanges(r1, r2 *eventRange) []*si.EventRecord {
if r2 == nil {
dst := make([]*si.EventRecord, r1.end-r1.start)
return dst
total := (r1.end - r1.start) + (r2.end - r2.start)
dst := make([]*si.EventRecord, total)
nextIdx := r1.end - r1.start
return dst
// id2pos translates the unique event ID to an index in the event slice.
// If the event is present, the position will be returned and the found flag will be true.
// If the event ID is not present, the position returned is 0 and the flag is false.
func (e *eventRingBuffer) id2pos(id uint64) (uint64, bool) {
// id out of range?
if id < e.lowestId || id >= {
return 0, false
// resizeOffset tells how many elements were "shifted out" after resizing the buffer
// eg a buffer with 10 elements is full, then gets resized to 6
// the first element at index 0 is no longer 0 or the multiples of 10, but 4, 16, 22, etc.
return (id - e.resizeOffset) % e.capacity, true
// getLowestID returns the current lowest available id in the buffer.
func (e *eventRingBuffer) getLowestID() uint64 {
return e.lowestId
func newEventRingBuffer(capacity uint64) *eventRingBuffer {
return &eventRingBuffer{
capacity: capacity,
events: make([]*si.EventRecord, capacity),
// called from Resize(), this function updates the lowest event id available in the buffer
func (e *eventRingBuffer) updateLowestId(beginSize, endSize uint64) {
// if buffer size is increasing, lowestId stays the same
if beginSize < endSize {
// bufferSize is shrinking
// if the number of events is < newSize, then no change
if ( - e.getLowestID()) <= endSize {
// number of events > newSize => get last 'newSize' events
e.lowestId = - endSize
// Resize resizes the existing ring buffer
// this method will be called upon configuration reload
func (e *eventRingBuffer) Resize(newSize uint64) {
defer e.Unlock()
if newSize == e.capacity {
initialSize := e.capacity
newEvents := make([]*si.EventRecord, newSize)
var numEventsToCopy uint64
if > newSize {
numEventsToCopy = newSize
} else {
numEventsToCopy = - e.getLowestID()
// Calculate the index from where to start copying (the oldest event)
startIndex := (e.head + e.capacity - numEventsToCopy) % e.capacity
endIndex := (startIndex + numEventsToCopy - 1) % e.capacity
prevLowestId := e.getLowestID()
e.updateLowestId(initialSize, newSize)
newLowestId := e.getLowestID()
if prevLowestId != newLowestId {
log.Log(log.Events).Info("event buffer resized, some events were lost",
zap.String("previous lowest event id", strconv.FormatUint(prevLowestId, 10)),
zap.String("new lowest event id", strconv.FormatUint(newLowestId, 10)))
// Copy existing events to the new buffer
// We determine the range of elements to copy based on the relative positions of the head and tail in the circular buffer.
// If the tail is ahead of the head (wrap-around scenario), we copy in two steps to ensure the correct order.
if endIndex >= startIndex {
} else {
e.capacity = newSize = newEvents
e.head = numEventsToCopy % newSize
e.resizeOffset = e.lowestId
e.full = numEventsToCopy == e.capacity