blob: 577e26ff263d646f00c9cd861806963cddf49755 [file] [log] [blame]
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package objects
import (
const (
appID0 = "app-0"
appID1 = "app-1"
appID2 = "app-2"
aKey = "alloc-1"
aAllocationID = "alloc-allocationid-1"
nodeID1 = "node-1"
nodeID2 = "node-2"
instType1 = "itype-1"
// Create the root queue, base for all testing
func createRootQueue(maxRes map[string]string) (*Queue, error) {
return createManagedQueueWithProps(nil, "root", true, maxRes, nil)
// wrapper around the create call using the one syntax for all queue types
func createManagedQueue(parentSQ *Queue, name string, parent bool, maxRes map[string]string) (*Queue, error) {
return createManagedQueueWithProps(parentSQ, name, parent, maxRes, nil)
// create managed queue with props set
func createManagedQueueWithProps(parentSQ *Queue, name string, parent bool, maxRes, props map[string]string) (*Queue, error) {
return createManagedQueuePropsMaxApps(parentSQ, name, parent, maxRes, nil, props, uint64(0))
func createManagedQueueMaxApps(parentSQ *Queue, name string, parent bool, maxRes map[string]string, maxApps uint64) (*Queue, error) {
return createManagedQueuePropsMaxApps(parentSQ, name, parent, maxRes, nil, nil, maxApps)
func createManagedQueueGuaranteed(parentSQ *Queue, name string, parent bool, maxRes, guarRes map[string]string) (*Queue, error) {
return createManagedQueuePropsMaxApps(parentSQ, name, parent, maxRes, guarRes, nil, uint64(0))
func createManagedQueuePropsMaxApps(parentSQ *Queue, name string, parent bool, maxRes map[string]string, guarRes map[string]string, props map[string]string, maxApps uint64) (*Queue, error) {
queueConfig := configs.QueueConfig{
Name: name,
Parent: parent,
Queues: nil,
Properties: props,
MaxApplications: maxApps,
if maxRes != nil || guarRes != nil {
queueConfig.Resources = configs.Resources{
Max: maxRes,
Guaranteed: guarRes,
queue, err := NewConfiguredQueue(queueConfig, parentSQ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// root queue can not set the max via the config
if parentSQ == nil {
var max *resources.Resource
max, err = resources.NewResourceFromConf(maxRes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// only set if we have some limit
if len(max.Resources) > 0 && !resources.IsZero(max) {
return queue, nil
// wrapper around the create call using the one syntax for all queue types
// NOTE: test code uses a flag for parent=true, dynamic queues use leaf flag
func createDynamicQueue(parentSQ *Queue, name string, parent bool) (*Queue, error) {
return NewDynamicQueue(name, !parent, parentSQ)
// Create application with minimal info
func newApplication(appID, partition, queueName string) *Application {
tags := make(map[string]string)
return newApplicationWithTags(appID, partition, queueName, tags)
// Create application with minimal info
func newApplicationWithUserGroup(appID, partition, queueName string, userName string, groupList []string) *Application {
tags := make(map[string]string)
siApp := &si.AddApplicationRequest{
ApplicationID: appID,
QueueName: queueName,
PartitionName: partition,
Tags: tags,
return NewApplication(siApp, getUserGroup(userName, groupList), nil, "")
// Create application with tags set
func newApplicationWithTags(appID, partition, queueName string, tags map[string]string) *Application {
siApp := &si.AddApplicationRequest{
ApplicationID: appID,
QueueName: queueName,
PartitionName: partition,
Tags: tags,
return NewApplication(siApp, getTestUserGroup(), nil, "")
func newApplicationWithHandler(appID, partition, queueName string) (*Application, *rmproxy.MockedRMProxy) {
return newApplicationWithPlaceholderTimeout(appID, partition, queueName, 0)
func newApplicationWithPlaceholderTimeout(appID, partition, queueName string, phTimeout int64) (*Application, *rmproxy.MockedRMProxy) {
siApp := &si.AddApplicationRequest{
ApplicationID: appID,
QueueName: queueName,
PartitionName: partition,
ExecutionTimeoutMilliSeconds: phTimeout,
mockEventHandler := rmproxy.NewMockedRMProxy()
return NewApplication(siApp, getTestUserGroup(), mockEventHandler, ""), mockEventHandler
// Create node with minimal info
func newNode(nodeID string, totalMap map[string]resources.Quantity) *Node {
total := resources.NewResourceFromMap(totalMap)
return newNodeInternal(nodeID, total, resources.Zero)
func newNodeRes(nodeID string, total *resources.Resource) *Node {
return newNodeInternal(nodeID, total, resources.Zero)
func newNodeInternal(nodeID string, total, occupied *resources.Resource) *Node {
sn := &Node{
NodeID: nodeID,
Hostname: "",
Rackname: "",
Partition: "",
attributes: nil,
totalResource: total,
occupiedResource: occupied,
allocatedResource: resources.NewResource(),
availableResource: resources.Sub(total, occupied),
allocations: make(map[string]*Allocation),
schedulable: true,
reservations: make(map[string]*reservation),
sn.nodeEvents = newNodeEvents(sn, events.GetEventSystem())
return sn
func newProto(nodeID string, totalResource, occupiedResource *resources.Resource, attributes map[string]string) *si.NodeInfo {
proto := si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Attributes: attributes,
if totalResource != nil {
proto.SchedulableResource = &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{},
for name, value := range totalResource.Resources {
quantity := si.Quantity{Value: int64(value)}
proto.SchedulableResource.Resources[name] = &quantity
if occupiedResource != nil {
proto.OccupiedResource = &si.Resource{
Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{},
for name, value := range occupiedResource.Resources {
quantity := si.Quantity{Value: int64(value)}
proto.OccupiedResource.Resources[name] = &quantity
return &proto
// Create a new Allocation with a random ask key
func newAllocation(appID, nodeID string, res *resources.Resource) *Allocation {
askKey := strconv.FormatInt((time.Now()).UnixNano(), 10)
ask := newAllocationAsk(askKey, appID, res)
return NewAllocation(nodeID, ask)
// Create a new Allocation with a random ask key
func newPlaceholderAlloc(appID, nodeID string, res *resources.Resource) *Allocation {
askKey := strconv.FormatInt((time.Now()).UnixNano(), 10)
ask := newAllocationAsk(askKey, appID, res)
ask.placeholder = true
return NewAllocation(nodeID, ask)
func newAllocationAsk(allocKey, appID string, res *resources.Resource) *AllocationAsk {
return newAllocationAskAll(allocKey, appID, "", res, 1, false, 0)
func newAllocationAskPriority(allocKey, appID string, res *resources.Resource, priority int32) *AllocationAsk {
return newAllocationAskAll(allocKey, appID, "", res, 1, false, priority)
func newAllocationAskRepeat(allocKey, appID string, res *resources.Resource, repeat int) *AllocationAsk {
return newAllocationAskAll(allocKey, appID, "", res, repeat, false, 0)
func newAllocationAskTG(allocKey, appID, taskGroup string, res *resources.Resource, repeat int) *AllocationAsk {
return newAllocationAskAll(allocKey, appID, taskGroup, res, repeat, taskGroup != "", 0)
func newAllocationAskAll(allocKey, appID, taskGroup string, res *resources.Resource, repeat int, placeholder bool, priority int32) *AllocationAsk {
ask := &si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: allocKey,
ApplicationID: appID,
PartitionName: "default",
ResourceAsk: res.ToProto(),
MaxAllocations: int32(repeat),
TaskGroupName: taskGroup,
Placeholder: placeholder,
Priority: priority,
return NewAllocationAskFromSI(ask)
func getTestUserGroup() security.UserGroup {
return security.UserGroup{User: "testuser", Groups: []string{"testgroup"}}
func getUserGroup(userName string, groupNameList []string) security.UserGroup {
return security.UserGroup{User: userName, Groups: groupNameList}
func assertUserGroupResource(t *testing.T, userGroup security.UserGroup, expected *resources.Resource) {
ugm := ugm.GetUserManager()
userResource := ugm.GetUserResources(userGroup)
groupResource := ugm.GetGroupResources(userGroup.Groups[0])
assert.Equal(t, resources.Equals(userResource, expected), true)
assert.Equal(t, resources.Equals(groupResource, nil), true)
func assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t *testing.T, userGroup security.UserGroup, expectedUserResources *resources.Resource, expectedGroupResources *resources.Resource, i int) {
ugm := ugm.GetUserManager()
userResource := ugm.GetUserResources(userGroup)
groupResource := ugm.GetGroupResources(userGroup.Groups[i])
assert.Equal(t, resources.Equals(userResource, expectedUserResources), true)
assert.Equal(t, resources.Equals(groupResource, expectedGroupResources), true)
func getNodeIteratorFn(nodes ...*Node) func() NodeIterator {
tree := btree.New(7)
for _, node := range nodes {
node, 1,
return func() NodeIterator {
return NewTreeIterator(acceptAll, func() *btree.BTree {
return tree