blob: bc055ee6ea4ab81eab338c1fd92b0965b95f223f [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package objects
import (
siCommon ""
var (
nilNodeIterator = func() NodeIterator {
return nil
nilGetNode = func(string) *Node {
return nil
func setupUGM() {
userManager := ugm.GetUserManager()
// basic app creating with timeout checks
func TestNewApplication(t *testing.T) {
user := security.UserGroup{
User: "testuser",
Groups: []string{},
siApp := &si.AddApplicationRequest{}
app := NewApplication(siApp, user, nil, "")
assert.Equal(t, app.ApplicationID, "", "application ID should not be set was not set in SI")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetQueuePath(), "", "queue name should not be set was not set in SI")
assert.Equal(t, app.Partition, "", "partition name should not be set was not set in SI")
assert.Equal(t, app.rmID, "", "RM ID should not be set was not passed in")
assert.Equal(t, app.rmEventHandler, handler.EventHandler(nil), "event handler should be nil")
// just check one of the resources...
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.placeholderAsk), "placeholder ask should be zero")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "new application must be in new state")
// with the basics check the one thing that can really change
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, defaultPlaceholderTimeout, "No timeout passed in should be default")
siApp.ExecutionTimeoutMilliSeconds = -1
app = NewApplication(siApp, user, nil, "")
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, defaultPlaceholderTimeout, "Negative timeout passed in should be default")
siApp.ExecutionTimeoutMilliSeconds = math.MaxInt64
app = NewApplication(siApp, user, nil, "")
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, defaultPlaceholderTimeout, "overly large timeout should be set to default")
siApp.ExecutionTimeoutMilliSeconds = 60000
app = NewApplication(siApp, user, nil, "")
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, 60*time.Second, "correct timeout should not set")
originalPhTimeout := defaultPlaceholderTimeout
defaultPlaceholderTimeout = 100 * time.Microsecond
defer func() { defaultPlaceholderTimeout = originalPhTimeout }()
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 1})
siApp = &si.AddApplicationRequest{
ApplicationID: "appID",
QueueName: "some.queue",
PartitionName: "AnotherPartition",
ExecutionTimeoutMilliSeconds: 0,
PlaceholderAsk: &si.Resource{Resources: map[string]*si.Quantity{"first": {Value: 1}}},
app = NewApplication(siApp, user, rmproxy.NewMockedRMProxy(), "myRM")
assert.Equal(t, app.ApplicationID, "appID", "application ID should not be set to SI value")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetQueuePath(), "some.queue", "queue name should not be set to SI value")
assert.Equal(t, app.Partition, "AnotherPartition", "partition name should be set to SI value")
if app.rmEventHandler == nil {
t.Fatal("non nil handler was not set in the new app")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "new application must be in new state")
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, defaultPlaceholderTimeout, "no timeout passed in should be modified default")
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.placeholderAsk, res), "placeholder ask not set as expected")
// test basic reservations
func TestAppReservation(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
if app.HasReserved() {
t.Fatal("new app should not have reservations")
if app.IsReservedOnNode("") {
t.Error("app should not have reservations for empty node ID")
if app.IsReservedOnNode("unknown") {
t.Error("new app should not have reservations for unknown node")
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// reserve illegal request
err = app.Reserve(nil, nil)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("illegal reservation requested but did not fail")
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 15})
ask := newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res)
node := newNode(nodeID1, map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10})
// too large for node
err = app.Reserve(node, ask)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("requested reservation does not fit in node resource but did not fail")
res = resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask = newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res)
app = newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
app.queue = queue
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
// reserve that works
err = app.Reserve(node, ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation should not have failed")
if app.IsReservedOnNode("") {
t.Errorf("app should not have reservations for empty node ID")
if app.IsReservedOnNode("unknown") {
t.Error("app should not have reservations for unknown node")
if app.HasReserved() && !app.IsReservedOnNode(nodeID1) {
t.Errorf("app should have reservations for node %s", nodeID1)
// node name similarity check: chop of the last char to make sure we check the full name
similar := nodeID1[:len(nodeID1)-1]
if app.HasReserved() && app.IsReservedOnNode(similar) {
t.Errorf("similar app should not have reservations for node %s", similar)
// reserve the same reservation
err = app.Reserve(node, ask)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("reservation should have failed")
// unreserve unknown node/ask
_, err = app.UnReserve(nil, nil)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("illegal reservation release but did not fail")
// 2nd reservation for app
ask2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-2", appID1, res)
node2 := newNode("node-2", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10})
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask2 should have been added to app")
err = app.Reserve(node, ask2)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("reservation of node by second ask should have failed")
err = app.Reserve(node2, ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation of 2nd node should not have failed")
_, err = app.UnReserve(node2, ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "remove of reservation of 2nd node should not have failed")
// unreserve the same should fail
_, err = app.UnReserve(node2, ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "remove twice of reservation of 2nd node should have failed")
// failure case: remove reservation from node, app still needs cleanup
var num int
num, err = node.unReserve(app, ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "un-reserve on node should not have failed")
assert.Equal(t, num, 1, "un-reserve on node should have removed reservation")
num, err = app.UnReserve(node, ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "app has reservation should not have failed")
assert.Equal(t, num, 1, "un-reserve on app should have removed reservation from app")
// test multiple reservations from one allocation
func TestAppAllocReservation(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
// Create event system after new application to avoid new application event.
eventSystem := events.GetEventSystem().(*events.EventSystemImpl) //nolint:errcheck
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
if app.HasReserved() {
t.Fatal("new app should not have reservations")
if len(app.GetAskReservations("")) != 0 {
t.Fatal("new app should not have reservation for empty allocKey")
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// reserve 1 allocate ask
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 2)
node1 := newNode(nodeID1, map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10})
// reserve that works
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
err = app.Reserve(node1, ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation should not have failed")
if len(app.GetAskReservations("")) != 0 {
t.Fatal("app should not have reservation for empty allocKey")
nodeKey1 := nodeID1 + "|" + aKey
askReserved := app.GetAskReservations(aKey)
if len(askReserved) != 1 || askReserved[0] != nodeKey1 {
t.Errorf("app should have reservations for %s on %s and has not", aKey, nodeID1)
nodeID2 := "node-2"
node2 := newNode(nodeID2, map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10})
err = app.Reserve(node2, ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation should not have failed: error %v", err)
nodeKey2 := nodeID2 + "|" + aKey
askReserved = app.GetAskReservations(aKey)
if len(askReserved) != 2 && (askReserved[0] != nodeKey2 || askReserved[1] != nodeKey2) {
t.Errorf("app should have reservations for %s on %s and has not", aKey, nodeID2)
// check exceeding ask repeat: nothing should change
if app.canAskReserve(ask) {
t.Error("ask has maximum repeats reserved, reserve check should have failed")
node3 := newNode("node-3", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10})
err = app.Reserve(node3, ask)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("reservation should have failed")
askReserved = app.GetAskReservations(aKey)
if len(askReserved) != 2 && (askReserved[0] != nodeKey1 || askReserved[1] != nodeKey1) &&
(askReserved[0] != nodeKey2 || askReserved[1] != nodeKey2) {
t.Errorf("app should have reservations for node %s and %s and has not: %v", nodeID1, nodeID2, askReserved)
// clean up all asks and reservations
reservedAsks := app.RemoveAllocationAsk("")
if app.HasReserved() || node1.IsReserved() || node2.IsReserved() || reservedAsks != 2 {
t.Errorf("ask removal did not clean up all reservations, reserved released = %d", reservedAsks)
// test update allocation repeat
func TestUpdateRepeat(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// failure cases
var delta *resources.Resource
delta, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat("", 0)
if err == nil || delta != nil {
t.Error("empty ask key should not have been found")
delta, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat("unknown", 0)
if err == nil || delta != nil {
t.Error("unknown ask key should not have been found")
// working cases
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
delta, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(aKey, 0)
if err != nil || !resources.IsZero(delta) {
t.Errorf("0 increase should return zero delta and did not: %v, err %v", delta, err)
delta, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(aKey, 1)
if err != nil || !resources.Equals(res, delta) {
t.Errorf("increase did not return correct delta, err %v, expected %v got %v", err, res, delta)
// decrease to zero
delta, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(aKey, -2)
if err != nil || !resources.Equals(resources.Multiply(res, -2), delta) {
t.Errorf("decrease did not return correct delta, err %v, expected %v got %v", err, resources.Multiply(res, -2), delta)
// decrease to below zero
delta, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(aKey, -1)
if err == nil || delta != nil {
t.Errorf("decrease did not return correct delta, err %v, delta %v", err, delta)
// test pending calculation and ask addition
func TestAddAllocAsk(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
// Create event system after new application to avoid new application event.
eventSystem := events.GetEventSystem().(*events.EventSystemImpl) //nolint:errcheck
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// failure cases
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(nil)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("nil ask should not have been added to app")
res := resources.NewResource()
ask := newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("zero resource ask should not have been added to app")
res = resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 0)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("ask with zero repeat should not have been added to app")
// add alloc ask
res = resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should be in accepted state")
pending := app.GetPendingResource()
if !resources.Equals(res, pending) {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly, expected %v but was: %v", res, pending)
// test add alloc ask event
noEvents := 0
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
fmt.Printf("checking event length: %d\n", eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents())
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 2
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 2 events, got %d", noEvents)
records := eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
if records == nil {
t.Fatal("collecting eventChannel should return something")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(records))
record := records[1]
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, record.Type, "incorrect event type, expect app")
assert.Equal(t, appID1, record.ObjectID, "incorrect object ID, expected application ID")
assert.Equal(t, aKey, record.ReferenceID, "incorrect reference ID, expected placeholder alloc ID")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, record.EventChangeType, "incorrect change type, expected add")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_REQUEST, record.EventChangeDetail, "incorrect change detail, expected app request")
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 2)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
pending = app.GetPendingResource()
if !resources.Equals(resources.Multiply(res, 2), pending) {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly, expected %v but was: %v", resources.Multiply(res, 2), pending)
// change both resource and count
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 3}), 5)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
pending = app.GetPendingResource()
if !resources.Equals(resources.Multiply(res, 3), app.GetPendingResource()) {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly, expected %v but was: %v", resources.Multiply(res, 3), pending)
// test a decrease of repeat and back to start
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
if !resources.Equals(res, app.GetPendingResource()) {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly, expected %v but was: %v", res, app.GetPendingResource())
// after all this is must still be in an accepted state
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should have stayed in accepted state")
// test PlaceholderData
tg1 := "tg-1"
ask = newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
app.SetTimedOutPlaceholder(tg1, 1)
app.SetTimedOutPlaceholder("tg-2", 2)
clonePlaceholderData := app.GetAllPlaceholderData()
assert.Equal(t, len(clonePlaceholderData), 1)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.placeholderData), 1)
assert.Equal(t, clonePlaceholderData[0], app.placeholderData[tg1])
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TaskGroupName, tg1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Count, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TimedOut, int64(1))
assert.DeepEqual(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].MinResource, res)
ask = newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
assert.Equal(t, len(app.placeholderData), 1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TaskGroupName, tg1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Count, int64(2))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TimedOut, int64(1))
assert.DeepEqual(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].MinResource, res)
tg2 := "tg-2"
ask = newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg2, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
assert.Equal(t, len(app.placeholderData), 2)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg2].TaskGroupName, tg2)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg2].Count, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg2].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg2].TimedOut, int64(0))
assert.DeepEqual(t, app.placeholderData[tg2].MinResource, res)
// test state change on add and remove ask
func TestAllocAskStateChange(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should be in accepted state")
// make sure the state changes to waiting
assert.Equal(t, app.RemoveAllocationAsk(aKey), 0, "ask should have been removed, no reservations")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "Application should be in waiting state")
// make sure the state changes back correctly
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsRunning(), "Application should be in running state")
// and back to waiting again, now from running
assert.Equal(t, app.RemoveAllocationAsk(aKey), 0, "ask should have been removed, no reservations")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "Application should be in waiting state")
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 4, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, Completing.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[2].ApplicationState, Running.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[3].ApplicationState, Completing.String())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
// test recover ask
func TestRecoverAllocAsk(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// failure cases
assert.Equal(t, len(app.requests), 0, "nil ask should not be added")
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 1)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.requests), 1, "ask should have been added")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should be in accepted state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat("ask-2", appID1, res, 1)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.requests), 2, "ask should have been added, total should be 2")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should have stayed in accepted state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
// test reservations removal by allocation
func TestRemoveReservedAllocAsk(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// create app and allocs
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask1 := newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "resource ask1 should have been added to app")
allocKey := "alloc-2"
ask2 := newAllocationAsk(allocKey, appID1, res)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "resource ask2 should have been added to app")
// reserve one alloc and remove
node := newNode(nodeID1, map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10})
err = app.Reserve(node, ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation should not have failed")
if len(app.GetAskReservations(allocKey)) != 1 || !node.IsReserved() {
t.Fatalf("app should have reservation for %v on node", allocKey)
before := app.GetPendingResource().Clone()
reservedAsks := app.RemoveAllocationAsk(allocKey)
delta := resources.Sub(before, app.GetPendingResource())
if !resources.Equals(res, delta) || reservedAsks != 1 {
t.Errorf("resource ask2 should have been removed from app: %v, (reserved released = %d)", delta, reservedAsks)
if app.HasReserved() || node.IsReserved() {
t.Fatal("app and node should not have reservations")
// reserve again: then remove from node before remove from app
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "resource ask2 should have been added to app")
err = app.Reserve(node, ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation should not have failed: error %v", err)
if len(app.GetAskReservations(allocKey)) != 1 || !node.IsReserved() {
t.Fatalf("app should have reservation for %v on node", allocKey)
var num int
num, err = node.unReserve(app, ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "un-reserve on node should not have failed")
assert.Equal(t, num, 1, "un-reserve on node should have removed reservation")
before = app.GetPendingResource().Clone()
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk(allocKey)
delta = resources.Sub(before, app.GetPendingResource())
if !resources.Equals(res, delta) || reservedAsks != 1 {
t.Errorf("resource ask2 should have been removed from app: %v, (reserved released = %d)", delta, reservedAsks)
// app reservation is removed even though the node removal failed
if app.HasReserved() || node.IsReserved() {
t.Fatal("app and node should not have reservations")
// add a new reservation: use the existing ask1
err = app.Reserve(node, ask1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "reservation should not have failed: error %v", err)
// clean up
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk("")
if !resources.IsZero(app.GetPendingResource()) || reservedAsks != 1 {
t.Errorf("all resource asks should have been removed from app: %v, (reserved released = %d)", app.GetPendingResource(), reservedAsks)
// app reservation is removed due to ask removal
if app.HasReserved() || node.IsReserved() {
t.Fatal("app and node should not have reservations")
// test pending calculation and ask removal
func TestRemoveAllocAsk(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// failures cases: things should not crash (nothing happens)
reservedAsks := app.RemoveAllocationAsk("")
if !resources.IsZero(app.GetPendingResource()) || reservedAsks != 0 {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly removing all, expected zero but was: %v", app.GetPendingResource())
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk("unknown")
if !resources.IsZero(app.GetPendingResource()) || reservedAsks != 0 {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly removing unknown, expected zero but was: %v", app.GetPendingResource())
// setup the allocs
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 2)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask 1 should have been added to app")
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat("alloc-2", appID1, res, 2)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask 2 should have been added to app")
if len(app.requests) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("missing asks from app expected 2 got %d", len(app.requests))
expected := resources.Multiply(res, 4)
if !resources.Equals(expected, app.GetPendingResource()) {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly, expected %v but was: %v", expected, app.GetPendingResource())
// test removes unknown (nothing happens)
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk("unknown")
if reservedAsks != 0 {
t.Errorf("asks released which did not exist: %d", reservedAsks)
delta := app.GetPendingResource().Clone()
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk(aKey)
expected = resources.Multiply(res, 2)
if !resources.Equals(delta, expected) || reservedAsks != 0 {
t.Errorf("ask should have been removed from app, err %v, expected delta %v but was: %v, (reserved released = %d)", err, expected, delta, reservedAsks)
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk("")
if len(app.requests) != 0 || reservedAsks != 0 {
t.Fatalf("asks not removed as expected 0 got %d, (reserved released = %d)", len(app.requests), reservedAsks)
if !resources.IsZero(app.GetPendingResource()) {
t.Errorf("pending resource not updated correctly, expected zero but was: %v", app.GetPendingResource())
// test pending calculation and ask removal
func TestRemoveAllocAskWithPlaceholders(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 2)
ask.placeholder = true
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask 1 should have been added to app")
ask = newAllocationAskRepeat("alloc-2", appID1, res, 2)
ask.placeholder = true
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask 2 should have been added to app")
reservedAsks := app.RemoveAllocationAsk("alloc-1")
assert.Equal(t, 0, reservedAsks)
assert.Equal(t, Accepted.String(), app.stateMachine.Current())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
reservedAsks = app.RemoveAllocationAsk("alloc-2")
assert.Equal(t, 0, reservedAsks)
assert.Equal(t, Completing.String(), app.stateMachine.Current())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
func TestRemovePlaceholderAllocationWithNoRealAllocation(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAskRepeat(aKey, appID1, res, 2)
ask.placeholder = true
allocInfo := NewAllocation(nodeID1, ask)
err := app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to accepted")
app.RemoveAllocation("alloc-1-0", si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE)
assert.Equal(t, app.stateMachine.Current(), Completing.String())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
func TestStateChangeOnUpdate(t *testing.T) {
// create a fake queue
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
// fake the queue assignment
app.queue = queue
// app should be new
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "New application did not return new state: %s", app.CurrentState())
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 1})
askID := "ask-1"
ask := newAllocationAsk(askID, appID1, res)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
// app with ask should be accepted
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "application did not change to accepted state: %s", app.CurrentState())
// removing the ask should move it to waiting
released := app.RemoveAllocationAsk(askID)
assert.Equal(t, released, 0, "allocation ask should not have been reserved")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "application did not change to waiting state: %s", app.CurrentState())
// start with a fresh state machine
app = newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
// fake the queue assignment
app.queue = queue
// app should be new
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "New application did not return new state: %s", app.CurrentState())
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
// app with ask should be accepted
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application did not change to accepted state: %s", app.CurrentState())
// add an alloc
allocInfo := NewAllocation(nodeID1, ask)
// app should be starting
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "Application did not return starting state after alloc: %s", app.CurrentState())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
// removing the ask should not move anywhere as there is an allocation
released = app.RemoveAllocationAsk(askID)
assert.Equal(t, released, 0, "allocation ask should not have been reserved")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "Application should have stayed same, changed unexpectedly: %s", app.CurrentState())
// remove the allocation, ask has been removed so nothing left
app.RemoveAllocation(askID+"-0", si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "Application did not change as expected: %s", app.CurrentState())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 3, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, Starting.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[2].ApplicationState, Completing.String())
func TestStateChangeOnPlaceholderAdd(t *testing.T) {
// create a fake queue
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
// fake the queue assignment
app.queue = queue
// app should be new
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "New application did not return new state: %s", app.CurrentState())
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 1})
askID := "ask-1"
ask := newAllocationAskTG(askID, appID1, "TG1", res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
// app with ask, even for placeholder, should be accepted
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "application did not change to accepted state: %s", app.CurrentState())
// removing the ask should move it to waiting
released := app.RemoveAllocationAsk(askID)
assert.Equal(t, released, 0, "allocation ask should not have been reserved")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "application did not change to waiting state: %s", app.CurrentState())
// start with a fresh state machine
app = newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
// fake the queue assignment
app.queue = queue
// app should be new
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "New application did not return new state: %s", app.CurrentState())
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
// app with ask should be accepted
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application did not change to accepted state: %s", app.CurrentState())
// add an alloc based on the placeholder ask
allocInfo := NewAllocation(nodeID1, ask)
// app should be in the same state as it was before as it is a placeholder allocation
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application did not return accepted state after alloc: %s", app.CurrentState())
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.GetPlaceholderResource(), res), "placeholder allocation not set as expected")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.GetAllocatedResource()), "allocated resource should have been zero")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
// first we have to remove the allocation itself
alloc := app.RemoveAllocation(askID+"-0", si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE)
assert.Assert(t, alloc != nil, "Nil allocation was returned")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should have stayed in Accepted, changed unexpectedly: %s", app.CurrentState())
// removing the ask should move the application into the waiting state, because the allocation is only a placeholder allocation
released = app.RemoveAllocationAsk(askID)
assert.Equal(t, released, 0, "allocation ask should not have been reserved")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "Application should have stayed same, changed unexpectedly: %s", app.CurrentState())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 0}))
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 2, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, Completing.String())
func TestAllocations(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
// nothing allocated
if !resources.IsZero(app.GetAllocatedResource()) {
t.Error("new application has allocated resources")
// create an allocation and check the assignment
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
if !resources.Equals(app.allocatedResource, res) {
t.Errorf("allocated resources is not updated correctly: %v", app.allocatedResource)
allocs := app.GetAllAllocations()
assert.Equal(t, len(allocs), 1)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil, "Placeholder timer should not be initialized as the allocation is not a placeholder")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
// add more allocations to test the removals
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
allocs = app.GetAllAllocations()
assert.Equal(t, len(allocs), 3)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 3))
// remove one of the 3
if alloc = app.RemoveAllocation(alloc.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE); alloc == nil {
t.Error("returned allocations was nil allocation was not removed")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
// try to remove a non existing alloc
if alloc = app.RemoveAllocation("does-not-exist", si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE); alloc != nil {
t.Errorf("returned allocations was not allocation was incorrectly removed: %v", alloc)
// remove all left over allocations
if allocs = app.RemoveAllAllocations(); allocs == nil || len(allocs) != 2 {
t.Errorf("returned number of allocations was incorrect: %v", allocs)
allocs = app.GetAllAllocations()
assert.Equal(t, len(allocs), 0)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
func TestGangAllocChange(t *testing.T) {
resMap := map[string]string{"first": "4"}
totalPH, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
app.placeholderAsk = totalPH
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "newly created app should be in new state")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.GetAllocatedResource()), "new application has allocated resources")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.GetPlaceholderResource()), "new application has placeholder allocated resources")
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.GetPlaceholderAsk(), totalPH), "placeholder ask resource not set as expected")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
// move the app to the accepted state as if we added an ask
// create an allocation and check the assignment
resMap = map[string]string{"first": "2"}
var res *resources.Resource
res, err = resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc.placeholder = true
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.allocatedPlaceholder, res), "allocated placeholders resources is not updated correctly: %s", app.allocatedPlaceholder.String())
assert.Equal(t, len(app.GetAllAllocations()), 1)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "app should still be in accepted state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
// add second placeholder this should trigger state update
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc.placeholder = true
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.allocatedPlaceholder, totalPH), "allocated placeholders resources is not updated correctly: %s", app.allocatedPlaceholder.String())
assert.Equal(t, len(app.GetAllAllocations()), 2)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "app should have changed to starting state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
// add a real alloc this should NOT trigger state update
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.GetAllAllocations()), 3)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "app should still be in starting state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 3))
// add a second real alloc this should trigger state update
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.GetAllAllocations()), 4)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsRunning(), "app should be in running state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 4))
func TestAllocChange(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsNew(), "newly created app should be in new state")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.GetAllocatedResource()), "new application has allocated resources")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
// move the app to the accepted state as if we added an ask
// create an allocation and check the assignment
resMap := map[string]string{"first": "2"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// adding a normal allocation should change the state
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.allocatedResource, res), "allocated resources is not updated correctly: %s", app.allocatedResource.String())
assert.Equal(t, len(app.GetAllAllocations()), 1)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "app should be in starting state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
// add a second real alloc this should trigger state update
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.GetAllAllocations()), 2)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsRunning(), "app should have changed to running` state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
func TestQueueUpdate(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
root, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create root queue")
queue, err := createDynamicQueue(root, "test", false)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create test queue")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetQueuePath(), "root.test")
func TestStateTimeOut(t *testing.T) {
startingTimeout = time.Microsecond * 100
defer func() { startingTimeout = time.Minute * 5 }()
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
err := app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to accepted (timeout test)")
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected accepted to starting (timeout test)")
// give it some time to run and progress
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
if app.IsStarting() {
t.Fatal("Starting state should have timed out")
if app.stateTimer != nil {
t.Fatalf("Startup timer has not be cleared on time out as expected, %v", app.stateTimer)
startingTimeout = time.Millisecond * 100
app = newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to accepted (timeout test2)")
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected accepted to starting (timeout test2)")
// give it some time to run and progress
time.Sleep(time.Microsecond * 100)
if !app.IsStarting() || app.stateTimer == nil {
t.Fatalf("Starting state and timer should not have timed out yet, state: %s", app.stateMachine.Current())
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected starting to run (timeout test2)")
// give it some time to run and progress
time.Sleep(time.Microsecond * 100)
if !app.stateMachine.Is(Running.String()) || app.stateTimer != nil {
t.Fatalf("State is not running or timer was not cleared, state: %s, timer %v", app.stateMachine.Current(), app.stateTimer)
startingTimeout = time.Minute * 5
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID2, "default", "root.a", map[string]string{siCommon.AppTagStateAwareDisable: "true"})
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to accepted (timeout test)")
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected accepted to starting (timeout test)")
// give it some time to run and progress
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
if app.IsStarting() {
t.Fatal("Starting state should have timed out")
if app.stateTimer != nil {
t.Fatalf("Startup timer has not be cleared on time out as expected, %v", app.stateTimer)
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 3, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, Starting.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[2].ApplicationState, Running.String())
func TestCompleted(t *testing.T) {
completingTimeout = time.Millisecond * 100
terminatedTimeout = time.Millisecond * 100
defer func() {
completingTimeout = time.Second * 30
terminatedTimeout = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
app.requests = map[string]*AllocationAsk{
"test": {},
app.sortedRequests = append(app.sortedRequests, &AllocationAsk{})
err := app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to accepted (completed test)")
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(CompleteApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected accepted to completing (completed test)")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "App should be waiting")
// give it some time to run and progress
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Microsecond, time.Millisecond*200, app.IsCompleted)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Application did not progress into Completed state")
err = common.WaitFor(1*time.Millisecond, time.Millisecond*200, app.IsExpired)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Application did not progress into Expired state")
assert.Assert(t, app.sortedRequests == nil)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(app.requests))
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 4, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, Completing.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[2].ApplicationState, Completed.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[3].ApplicationState, Expired.String())
func assertResourceUsage(t *testing.T, appSummary *ApplicationSummary, memorySeconds int64, vcoresSecconds int64) {
detailedResource := appSummary.ResourceUsage.TrackedResourceMap[instType1]
assert.Equal(t, memorySeconds, detailedResource["memory"])
assert.Equal(t, vcoresSecconds, detailedResource["vcores"])
func assertPlaceHolderResource(t *testing.T, appSummary *ApplicationSummary, memorySeconds int64,
vcoresSecconds int64) {
detailedResource := appSummary.PlaceholderResource.TrackedResourceMap[instType1]
assert.Equal(t, memorySeconds, detailedResource["memory"])
assert.Equal(t, vcoresSecconds, detailedResource["vcores"])
func TestResourceUsageAggregation(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
// nothing allocated
if !resources.IsZero(app.GetAllocatedResource()) {
t.Error("new application has allocated resources")
// create an allocation and check the assignment
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// Mock the time to be 3 seconds before
alloc.SetBindTime(time.Now().Add(-3 * time.Second))
if !resources.Equals(app.allocatedResource, res) {
t.Errorf("allocated resources is not updated correctly: %v", app.allocatedResource)
allocs := app.GetAllAllocations()
assert.Equal(t, len(allocs), 1)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil, "Placeholder timer should not be initialized as the allocation is not a placeholder")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
err = app.HandleApplicationEvent(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to accepted (completed test)")
appSummary := app.GetApplicationSummary("default")
assertResourceUsage(t, appSummary, 0, 0)
// add more allocations to test the removals
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// Mock the time to be 3 seconds before
alloc.SetBindTime(time.Now().Add(-3 * time.Second))
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
// remove one of the 2
if alloc = app.RemoveAllocation(alloc.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE); alloc == nil {
t.Error("returned allocations was nil allocation was not removed")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
appSummary = app.GetApplicationSummary("default")
assertResourceUsage(t, appSummary, 300, 30)
alloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
allocs = app.GetAllAllocations()
assert.Equal(t, len(allocs), 2)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
appSummary = app.GetApplicationSummary("default")
assertResourceUsage(t, appSummary, 300, 30)
// try to remove a non existing alloc
if alloc = app.RemoveAllocation("does-not-exist", si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE); alloc != nil {
t.Errorf("returned allocations was not allocation was incorrectly removed: %v", alloc)
// remove all left over allocations
if allocs = app.RemoveAllAllocations(); allocs == nil || len(allocs) != 2 {
t.Errorf("returned number of allocations was incorrect: %v", allocs)
allocs = app.GetAllAllocations()
assert.Equal(t, len(allocs), 0)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
err = app.HandleApplicationEvent(CompleteApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected accepted to completing (completed test)")
appSummary = app.GetApplicationSummary("default")
assertResourceUsage(t, appSummary, 600, 60)
func TestRejected(t *testing.T) {
terminatedTimeout = time.Millisecond * 100
defer func() {
terminatedTimeout = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
rejectedMessage := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to place application %s: application rejected: no placement rule matched", app.ApplicationID)
err := app.handleApplicationEventWithInfoLocking(RejectApplication, rejectedMessage)
assert.NilError(t, err, "no error expected new to rejected")
err = common.WaitFor(1*time.Millisecond, time.Millisecond*200, app.IsRejected)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Application did not progress into Rejected state")
assert.Assert(t, !app.FinishedTime().IsZero())
assert.Equal(t, app.rejectedMessage, rejectedMessage)
assert.Equal(t, app.GetRejectedMessage(), rejectedMessage)
err = common.WaitFor(1*time.Millisecond, time.Millisecond*200, app.IsExpired)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Application did not progress into Expired state")
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 2, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Rejected.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, Expired.String())
func TestGetTag(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", nil)
tag := app.GetTag("")
assert.Equal(t, tag, "", "expected empty tag value if tags nil")
tags := make(map[string]string)
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", tags)
tag = app.GetTag("")
assert.Equal(t, tag, "", "expected empty tag value if no tags defined")
tags["test"] = "test value"
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", tags)
tag = app.GetTag("notfound")
assert.Equal(t, tag, "", "expected empty tag value if tag not found")
tag = app.GetTag("test")
assert.Equal(t, tag, "test value", "expected tag value")
func TestIsCreateForced(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", nil)
assert.Check(t, !app.IsCreateForced(), "found forced app but tags nil")
tags := make(map[string]string)
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", tags)
assert.Check(t, !app.IsCreateForced(), "found forced app but tags empty")
tags[siCommon.AppTagCreateForce] = "false"
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", tags)
assert.Check(t, !app.IsCreateForced(), "found forced app but forced tag was false")
tags[siCommon.AppTagCreateForce] = "unknown"
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", tags)
assert.Check(t, !app.IsCreateForced(), "found forced app but forced tag was invalid")
tags[siCommon.AppTagCreateForce] = "true"
app = newApplicationWithTags(appID1, "default", "root.a", tags)
assert.Check(t, app.IsCreateForced(), "found unforced app but forced tag was set")
func TestOnStatusChangeCalled(t *testing.T) {
app, testHandler := newApplicationWithHandler(appID1, "default", "root.a")
assert.Equal(t, New.String(), app.CurrentState(), "new app not in New state")
err := app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RunApplication)
assert.NilError(t, err, "error returned which was not expected")
assert.Assert(t, testHandler.IsHandled(), "handler did not get called as expected")
// accepted to rejected: error expected
err = app.handleApplicationEventWithLocking(RejectApplication)
assert.Assert(t, err != nil, "error expected and not seen")
assert.Equal(t, app.CurrentState(), Accepted.String(), "application state has been changed unexpectedly")
assert.Assert(t, !testHandler.IsHandled(), "unexpected event send to the RM")
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 1, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
func TestReplaceAllocation(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
assert.Equal(t, New.String(), app.CurrentState(), "new app not in New state")
// state changes are not important
// non existing allocation
var nilAlloc *Allocation
alloc := app.ReplaceAllocation("")
assert.Equal(t, alloc, nilAlloc, "expected nil to be returned got a real alloc: %s", alloc)
// create an allocation and check the assignment
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
ph := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// add the placeholder to the app
// add PlaceholderData
assert.Equal(t, len(app.placeholderData), 1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].TaskGroupName, "")
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Count, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].TimedOut, int64(0))
assert.DeepEqual(t, app.placeholderData[""].MinResource, res)
assert.Equal(t, len(app.allocations), 1, "allocation not added as expected")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.allocatedResource), "placeholder counted as real allocation")
if !resources.Equals(app.allocatedPlaceholder, res) {
t.Fatalf("placeholder allocation not updated as expected: got %s, expected %s", app.allocatedPlaceholder, res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
alloc = app.ReplaceAllocation(ph.GetAllocationID())
assert.Equal(t, alloc, nilAlloc, "placeholder without releases expected nil to be returned got a real alloc: %s", alloc)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Replaced, int64(0))
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
// add the placeholder back to the app, the failure test above changed state and removed the ph
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Count, int64(2))
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
// set the real one to replace the placeholder
realAlloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc = app.ReplaceAllocation(ph.GetAllocationID())
assert.Equal(t, alloc, ph, "returned allocation is not the placeholder")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.allocatedPlaceholder), "real allocation counted as placeholder")
if !resources.Equals(app.allocatedResource, res) {
t.Fatalf("real allocation not updated as expected: got %s, expected %s", app.allocatedResource, res)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Replaced, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, realAlloc.GetPlaceholderCreateTime(), ph.GetCreateTime(), "real allocation's placeholder create time not updated as expected: got %s, expected %s", realAlloc.GetPlaceholderCreateTime(), ph.GetCreateTime())
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
// add the placeholder back to the app, the failure test above changed state and removed the ph
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Count, int64(3))
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
// set multiple real allocations to replace the placeholder
realAlloc = newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
realAllocNoAdd := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc = app.ReplaceAllocation(ph.GetAllocationID())
assert.Equal(t, alloc, ph, "returned allocation is not the placeholder")
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.allocatedPlaceholder), "real allocation counted as placeholder")
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Replaced, int64(2))
// after the second replace we have 2 real allocations
if !resources.Equals(app.allocatedResource, resources.Multiply(res, 2)) {
t.Fatalf("real allocation not updated as expected: got %s, expected %s", app.allocatedResource, resources.Multiply(res, 2))
assert.Equal(t, realAlloc.GetPlaceholderCreateTime(), ph.GetCreateTime(), "real allocation's placeholder create time not updated as expected: got %s, expected %s", realAlloc.GetPlaceholderCreateTime(), ph.GetCreateTime())
if _, ok := app.allocations["not-added"]; ok {
t.Fatalf("real allocation added which shouldn't have been added")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
func TestReplaceAllocationTracking(t *testing.T) {
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.a")
app.queue = queue
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
ph1 := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
ph2 := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
ph3 := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.NilError(t, err, "could not add ask")
assert.Equal(t, true, app.HasPlaceholderAllocation())
assert.NilError(t, err, "could not add ask")
assert.NilError(t, err, "could not add ask")
ph1.SetBindTime(time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second))
ph2.SetBindTime(time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second))
ph3.SetBindTime(time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second))
// replace placeholders
realAlloc1 := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc1 := app.ReplaceAllocation(ph1.GetAllocationID())
app.RemoveAllocation(ph1.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED)
assert.Equal(t, ph1.GetAllocationID(), alloc1.GetAllocationID())
assert.Equal(t, true, app.HasPlaceholderAllocation())
realAlloc2 := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc2 := app.ReplaceAllocation(ph2.GetAllocationID())
app.RemoveAllocation(ph2.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED)
assert.Equal(t, ph2.GetAllocationID(), alloc2.GetAllocationID())
assert.Equal(t, true, app.HasPlaceholderAllocation())
realAlloc3 := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc3 := app.ReplaceAllocation(ph3.GetAllocationID())
app.RemoveAllocation(ph3.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED)
assert.Equal(t, ph3.GetAllocationID(), alloc3.GetAllocationID())
assert.Equal(t, false, app.HasPlaceholderAllocation())
// check placeholder resource usage
appSummary := app.GetApplicationSummary("default")
assertPlaceHolderResource(t, appSummary, 3000, 300)
func TestTimeoutPlaceholderSoftStyle(t *testing.T) {
runTimeoutPlaceholderTest(t, Resuming.String(), Soft)
func TestTimeoutPlaceholderAllocAsk(t *testing.T) {
runTimeoutPlaceholderTest(t, Failing.String(), Hard)
func runTimeoutPlaceholderTest(t *testing.T, expectedState string, gangSchedulingStyle string) {
// create a fake queue
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
originalPhTimeout := defaultPlaceholderTimeout
defaultPlaceholderTimeout = 5 * time.Millisecond
defer func() { defaultPlaceholderTimeout = originalPhTimeout }()
app, testHandler := newApplicationWithHandler(appID1, "default", "root.a")
app.gangSchedulingStyle = gangSchedulingStyle
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil, "Placeholder timer should be nil on create")
// fake the queue assignment (needed with ask)
app.queue = queue
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Unexpected error when creating resource from map")
// add the placeholder ask to the app
tg1 := "tg-1"
phAsk := newAllocationAskTG("ask-1", appID1, tg1, res, 1)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(phAsk)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Application ask should have been added")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsAccepted(), "Application should be in accepted state")
// check PlaceHolderData
assert.Equal(t, len(app.placeholderData), 1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TaskGroupName, tg1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Count, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TimedOut, int64(0))
assert.DeepEqual(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].MinResource, res)
// add the placeholder to the app
ph := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() != nil, "Placeholder timer should be initiated after the first placeholder allocation")
// add a second one to check the filter
ph = newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, 1*time.Second, func() bool {
defer app.RUnlock()
return app.placeholderTimer == nil
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].TimedOut, app.placeholderData[tg1].Count, "When the app is in an accepted state, timeout should equal to count")
assert.NilError(t, err, "Placeholder timeout cleanup did not trigger unexpectedly")
assert.Equal(t, app.stateMachine.Current(), expectedState, "Application did not progress into expected state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
events := testHandler.GetEvents()
var found int
for _, event := range events {
if allocRelease, ok := event.(*rmevent.RMReleaseAllocationEvent); ok {
assert.Equal(t, len(allocRelease.ReleasedAllocations), 2, "two allocations should have been released")
if askRelease, ok := event.(*rmevent.RMReleaseAllocationAskEvent); ok {
assert.Equal(t, len(askRelease.ReleasedAllocationAsks), 1, "one allocation ask should have been released")
// check if the Replaced of PlaceHolderData is 0
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Replaced, int64(0))
// Because the Count of PlaceHolderData is only added in AddAllocationAsk, so it is 1
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[tg1].Count, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, found, 2, "release allocation or ask event not found in list")
// asks are completely cleaned up
assert.Assert(t, resources.IsZero(app.GetPendingResource()), "pending placeholder resources should be zero")
// a released placeholder still holds the resource until release confirmed by the RM
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.GetPlaceholderResource(), resources.Multiply(res, 2)), "Unexpected placeholder resources for the app")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
log := app.GetStateLog()
assert.Equal(t, len(log), 2, "wrong number of app events")
assert.Equal(t, log[0].ApplicationState, Accepted.String())
assert.Equal(t, log[1].ApplicationState, expectedState)
func TestTimeoutPlaceholderAllocReleased(t *testing.T) {
originalPhTimeout := defaultPlaceholderTimeout
defaultPlaceholderTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
defer func() { defaultPlaceholderTimeout = originalPhTimeout }()
app, testHandler := newApplicationWithHandler(appID1, "default", "root.a")
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil, "Placeholder timer should be nil on create")
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Unexpected error when creating resource from map")
// add the placeholders to the app: one released, one still available.
ph := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// add PlaceholderData
assert.Equal(t, len(app.placeholderData), 1)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].TaskGroupName, "")
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Count, int64(1))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].TimedOut, int64(0))
assert.DeepEqual(t, app.placeholderData[""].MinResource, res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() != nil, "Placeholder timer should be initiated after the first placeholder allocation")
ph = newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Count, int64(2))
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "App should be in starting state after the first allocation")
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, 1*time.Second, func() bool {
return app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil
assert.NilError(t, err, "Placeholder timeout cleanup did not trigger unexpectedly")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsStarting(), "App should be in starting state after the first allocation")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 3))
// two state updates and 1 release event
events := testHandler.GetEvents()
var found bool
for _, event := range events {
if allocRelease, ok := event.(*rmevent.RMReleaseAllocationEvent); ok {
assert.Equal(t, len(allocRelease.ReleasedAllocations), 1, "one allocation should have been released")
assert.Equal(t, allocRelease.ReleasedAllocations[0].AllocationID, ph.allocationID, "wrong placeholder allocation released on timeout")
found = true
if _, ok := event.(*rmevent.RMReleaseAllocationAskEvent); ok {
t.Fatal("unexpected release allocation ask event found in list of events")
assert.Assert(t, found, "release allocation event not found in list")
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.GetAllocatedResource(), res), "Unexpected allocated resources for the app")
// a released placeholder still holds the resource until release confirmed by the RM
assert.Assert(t, resources.Equals(app.GetPlaceholderResource(), resources.Multiply(res, 2)), "Unexpected placeholder resources for the app")
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].Replaced, int64(0))
assert.Equal(t, app.placeholderData[""].TimedOut, int64(1))
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 3))
func TestTimeoutPlaceholderCompleting(t *testing.T) {
phTimeout := common.ConvertSITimeout(5)
app, testHandler := newApplicationWithPlaceholderTimeout(appID1, "default", "root.a", 5)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil, "Placeholder timer should be nil on create")
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, phTimeout, "placeholder timeout not initialised correctly")
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Unexpected error when creating resource from map")
// add the placeholder to the app
ph := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() != nil, "Placeholder timer should be initiated after the first placeholder allocation")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
// add a real allocation as well
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// move on to running
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
// remove allocation to trigger state change
app.RemoveAllocation(alloc.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_UNKNOWN_TERMINATION_TYPE)
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "App should be in completing state all allocs have been removed")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
// make sure the placeholders time out
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, 1*time.Second, func() bool {
return app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil
assert.NilError(t, err, "Placeholder timer did not time out as expected")
events := testHandler.GetEvents()
var found bool
for _, event := range events {
if allocRelease, ok := event.(*rmevent.RMReleaseAllocationEvent); ok {
assert.Equal(t, len(allocRelease.ReleasedAllocations), 1, "one allocation should have been released")
found = true
if _, ok := event.(*rmevent.RMReleaseAllocationAskEvent); ok {
t.Fatal("unexpected release allocation ask event found in list of events")
assert.Assert(t, found, "release allocation event not found in list")
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "App should still be in completing state")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
func TestAppTimersAfterAppRemoval(t *testing.T) {
phTimeout := common.ConvertSITimeout(50)
app, _ := newApplicationWithPlaceholderTimeout(appID1, "default", "root.a", 50)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() == nil, "Placeholder timer should be nil on create")
assert.Equal(t, app.execTimeout, phTimeout, "placeholder timeout not initialised correctly")
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Unexpected error when creating resource from map")
// add the placeholder to the app
ph := newPlaceholderAlloc(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assert.Assert(t, app.getPlaceholderTimer() != nil, "Placeholder timer should be initiated after the first placeholder allocation")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 1))
// add a real allocation as well
alloc := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
// move on to running
assert.Assert(t, app.IsCompleting(), "App should be in completing state all allocs have been removed")
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
if app.getPlaceholderTimer() != nil {
t.Fatalf("Placeholder timer has not be cleared after app removal as expected, %v", app.getPlaceholderTimer())
if app.stateTimer != nil {
t.Fatalf("State timer has not be cleared after app removal as expected, %v", app.stateTimer)
func TestIncAndDecUserResourceUsage(t *testing.T) {
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), nil)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
app.decUserResourceUsage(nil, false)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.Multiply(res, 2))
app.decUserResourceUsage(res, false)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), res)
app.decUserResourceUsage(res, false)
assertUserGroupResource(t, getTestUserGroup(), resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 0}))
func TestIncAndDecUserResourceUsageInSameGroup(t *testing.T) {
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
testgroups := []string{"testgroup"}
app := newApplicationWithUserGroup(appID1, "default", "root.unknown", "testuser", testgroups)
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
app2 := newApplicationWithUserGroup(appID2, "default", "root.unknown", "testuser2", testgroups)
if app2 == nil || app2.ApplicationID != appID2 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
app2.queue = queue
// Increase testuser
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser", testgroups), res, nil, 0)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser2", testgroups), nil, nil, 0)
// Increase both testuser and testuser2 with the same group testgroup
app2.incUserResourceUsage(resources.Multiply(res, 2))
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser", testgroups), resources.Multiply(res, 2), nil, 0)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser2", testgroups), resources.Multiply(res, 2), nil, 0)
// Increase nil
app.decUserResourceUsage(nil, false)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser", testgroups), resources.Multiply(res, 2), nil, 0)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser2", testgroups), resources.Multiply(res, 2), nil, 0)
// Decrease testuser
app.decUserResourceUsage(res, false)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser", testgroups), res, nil, 0)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser2", testgroups), resources.Multiply(res, 2), nil, 0)
// Decrease testuser2
app2.decUserResourceUsage(res, false)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser", testgroups), res, nil, 0)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser2", testgroups), res, nil, 0)
// Decrease testuser and testuser2 to 0
app.decUserResourceUsage(res, false)
app2.decUserResourceUsage(res, false)
assertUserResourcesAndGroupResources(t, getUserGroup("testuser", testgroups), resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 0}), nil, 0)
func TestGetAllRequests(t *testing.T) {
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res)
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
assert.Assert(t, len(app.getAllRequestsInternal()) == 0, "App should have no requests yet")
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err, "No error expected when adding an ask")
assert.Assert(t, len(app.getAllRequestsInternal()) == 1, "App should have only one request")
assert.Equal(t, app.getAllRequestsInternal()[0], ask, "Unexpected request found in the app")
func TestGetQueueNameAfterUnsetQueue(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetQueuePath(), "root.unknown")
// the queue is reset to nil but GetQueuePath should work well
assert.Assert(t, app.queue == nil)
assert.Equal(t, app.GetQueuePath(), "root.unknown")
func TestFinishedTime(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
assert.Assert(t, app.finishedTime.IsZero())
assert.Assert(t, app.FinishedTime().IsZero())
// Don't need sleep here, anytime finished, we will set finishedTime for now
assert.Assert(t, !app.finishedTime.IsZero())
assert.Assert(t, !app.FinishedTime().IsZero())
// when app is rejected, finishedTime is rejectedTime
app1 := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
assert.Assert(t, !app.finishedTime.IsZero())
assert.Assert(t, !app.FinishedTime().IsZero())
func TestCanReplace(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "Unexpected error when creating resource from map")
tg1 := "available"
tests := []struct {
name string
ask *AllocationAsk
want bool
{"nil", nil, false},
{"placeholder", newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg1, res, 1), false},
{"no TG", newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res), false},
{"no placeholder data", newAllocationAskAll(aKey, appID1, tg1, res, 1, false, 0), false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tt.want, app.canReplace(tt.ask), "unexpected replacement")
// add the placeholder data
// available tg has one replacement open
app.addPlaceholderDataWithLocking(newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg1, res, 1))
// unavailable tg has NO replacement open (replaced)
tg2 := "unavailable"
app.addPlaceholderDataWithLocking(newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg2, res, 1))
// unavailable tg has NO replacement open (timedout)
tg3 := "timedout"
app.addPlaceholderDataWithLocking(newAllocationAskTG(aKey, appID1, tg3, res, 1))
tests = []struct {
name string
ask *AllocationAsk
want bool
{"no TG", newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res), false},
{"TG mismatch", newAllocationAskAll(aKey, appID1, "unknown", res, 1, false, 0), false},
{"TG placeholder used", newAllocationAskAll(aKey, appID1, tg2, res, 1, false, 0), false},
{"TG placeholder timed out", newAllocationAskAll(aKey, appID1, tg3, res, 1, false, 0), false},
{"TG placeholder available", newAllocationAskAll(aKey, appID1, tg1, res, 1, false, 0), true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tt.want, app.canReplace(tt.ask), "unexpected replacement")
func TestTryAllocateNoRequests(t *testing.T) {
node := newNode("node1", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
nodeMap := map[string]*Node{"node1": node}
iterator := getNodeIteratorFn(node)
getNode := func(nodeID string) *Node {
return nodeMap[nodeID]
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
preemptionAttemptsRemaining := 0
alloc := app.tryAllocate(node.GetAvailableResource(), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Check(t, alloc == nil, "unexpected alloc")
func TestTryAllocateFit(t *testing.T) {
node := newNode("node1", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
nodeMap := map[string]*Node{"node1": node}
iterator := getNodeIteratorFn(node)
getNode := func(nodeID string) *Node {
return nodeMap[nodeID]
rootQ, err := createRootQueue(map[string]string{"first": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
childQ, err := createManagedQueue(rootQ, "child", false, map[string]string{"first": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.child")
childQ.applications[appID1] = app
ask := newAllocationAsk("alloc1", appID1, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err)
preemptionAttemptsRemaining := 0
alloc := app.tryAllocate(node.GetAvailableResource(), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc != nil, "alloc expected")
assert.Equal(t, "node1", alloc.GetNodeID(), "wrong node")
func TestTryAllocatePreemptQueue(t *testing.T) {
node := newNode("node1", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 20})
nodeMap := map[string]*Node{"node1": node}
iterator := getNodeIteratorFn(node)
getNode := func(nodeID string) *Node {
return nodeMap[nodeID]
rootQ, err := createRootQueue(map[string]string{"first": "20"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
parentQ, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(rootQ, "parent", true, map[string]string{"first": "20"}, map[string]string{"first": "10"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
childQ1, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(parentQ, "child1", false, nil, map[string]string{"first": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
childQ2, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(parentQ, "child2", false, nil, map[string]string{"first": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
app1 := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.parent.child1")
childQ1.applications[appID1] = app1
ask1 := newAllocationAsk("alloc1", appID1, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
err = app1.AddAllocationAsk(ask1)
assert.NilError(t, err)
ask2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc2", appID1, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
err = app1.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err)
app2 := newApplication(appID2, "default", "root.parent.child2")
childQ2.applications[appID2] = app2
ask3 := newAllocationAsk("alloc3", appID2, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
ask3.allowPreemptOther = true
err = app2.AddAllocationAsk(ask3)
assert.NilError(t, err)
preemptionAttemptsRemaining := 10
alloc1 := app1.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 10}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc1 != nil, "alloc1 expected")
alloc2 := app1.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc2 != nil, "alloc2 expected")
// on first attempt, not enough time has passed
alloc3 := app2.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 0}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc3 == nil, "alloc3 not expected")
assert.Assert(t, !alloc2.IsPreempted(), "alloc2 should not have been preempted")
// pass the time and try again
ask3.createTime = ask3.createTime.Add(-30 * time.Second)
alloc3 = app2.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 0}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc3 != nil && alloc3.result == Reserved, "alloc3 should be a reservation")
assert.Assert(t, alloc2.IsPreempted(), "alloc2 should have been preempted")
func TestTryAllocatePreemptNode(t *testing.T) {
node1 := newNode("node1", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 20})
node2 := newNode("node2", map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 20})
nodeMap := map[string]*Node{"node1": node1, "node2": node2}
iterator := getNodeIteratorFn(node1, node2)
getNode := func(nodeID string) *Node {
return nodeMap[nodeID]
rootQ, err := createRootQueue(map[string]string{"first": "40"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
parentQ, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(rootQ, "parent", true, map[string]string{"first": "20"}, map[string]string{"first": "10"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
unlimitedQ, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(rootQ, "unlimited", false, nil, nil)
assert.NilError(t, err)
childQ1, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(parentQ, "child1", false, nil, map[string]string{"first": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
childQ2, err := createManagedQueueGuaranteed(parentQ, "child2", false, nil, map[string]string{"first": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
app0 := newApplication(appID0, "default", "root.unlimited")
unlimitedQ.applications[appID0] = app0
ask00 := newAllocationAsk("alloc0-0", appID0, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 11}))
err = app0.AddAllocationAsk(ask00)
assert.NilError(t, err)
ask01 := newAllocationAsk("alloc0-1", appID0, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 11}))
err = app0.AddAllocationAsk(ask01)
assert.NilError(t, err)
app1 := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.parent.child1")
childQ1.applications[appID1] = app1
ask1 := newAllocationAsk("alloc1", appID1, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
err = app1.AddAllocationAsk(ask1)
assert.NilError(t, err)
ask2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc2", appID1, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
err = app1.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err)
app2 := newApplication(appID2, "default", "root.parent.child2")
childQ2.applications[appID2] = app2
ask3 := newAllocationAsk("alloc3", appID2, resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5}))
ask3.allowPreemptOther = true
err = app2.AddAllocationAsk(ask3)
assert.NilError(t, err)
preemptionAttemptsRemaining := 10
// consume capacity with 'unlimited' app
alloc00 := app0.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 40}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc00 != nil, "alloc00 expected")
alloc01 := app0.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 39}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc01 != nil, "alloc01 expected")
// consume remainder of space but not quota
alloc1 := app1.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 28}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc1 != nil, "alloc1 expected")
alloc2 := app1.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 23}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc2 != nil, "alloc2 expected")
// on first attempt, should see a reservation since we're after the reservation timeout
ask3.createTime = ask3.createTime.Add(-10 * time.Second)
alloc3 := app2.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 18}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc3 != nil, "alloc3 expected")
assert.Equal(t, "node1", alloc3.GetNodeID(), "wrong node assignment")
assert.Equal(t, Reserved, alloc3.GetResult(), "expected reservation")
assert.Assert(t, !alloc2.IsPreempted(), "alloc2 should not have been preempted")
err = node1.Reserve(app2, ask3)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// pass the time and try again
ask3.createTime = ask3.createTime.Add(-30 * time.Second)
alloc3 = app2.tryAllocate(resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 18}), true, 30*time.Second, &preemptionAttemptsRemaining, iterator, iterator, getNode)
assert.Assert(t, alloc3 != nil, "alloc3 expected")
assert.Assert(t, alloc1.IsPreempted(), "alloc1 should have been preempted")
func TestMaxAskPriority(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.unknown")
if app == nil || app.ApplicationID != appID1 {
t.Fatalf("app create failed which should not have %v", app)
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// initial state
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), configs.MinPriority, "wrong default priority")
// p=10 added
ask1 := newAllocationAskPriority("prio-10", appID1, res, 10)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated on app")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(10), "wrong priority after adding p=10")
// p=5 added
ask2 := newAllocationAskPriority("prio-5", appID1, res, 5)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(10), "wrong priority after adding p=5")
// p=15 added
ask3 := newAllocationAskPriority("prio-15", appID1, res, 15)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask3)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(15), "wrong priority after adding p=15")
// p=10 removed
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(15), "wrong priority after removing p=10")
// p=15 removed
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(5), "wrong priority after removing p=15")
// re-add removed asks
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask3)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been added to app")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(15), "wrong priority after re-adding asks")
// update repeat to zero for p=15
_, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(ask3.GetAllocationKey(), -1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(10), "wrong priority after updating p=15 repeat to 0")
// update repeat to zero for p=5
_, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(ask2.GetAllocationKey(), -1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(10), "wrong priority after updating p=5 repeat to 0")
// update repeat to 1 for p=5
_, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(ask2.GetAllocationKey(), 1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(10), "wrong priority after updating p=5 repeat to 1")
// update repeat to 1 for p=15
_, err = app.UpdateAskRepeat(ask3.GetAllocationKey(), 1)
assert.NilError(t, err, "ask should have been updated")
assert.Equal(t, app.GetAskMaxPriority(), int32(15), "wrong priority after updating p=15 repeat to 1")
func TestAskEvents(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.default")
// Create event system after new application to avoid new app event.
eventSystem := events.GetEventSystem().(*events.EventSystemImpl) //nolint:errcheck
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"first": 5})
ask := newAllocationAsk(aKey, appID1, res)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err)
noEvents := 0
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 3
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 3 events, got %d", noEvents)
records := eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(records), "number of events")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[1].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, records[1].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_REQUEST, records[1].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[2].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[2].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST_CANCEL, records[2].EventChangeDetail)
ask2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-2", appID1, res)
ask3 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-3", appID1, res)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask2)
assert.NilError(t, err)
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask3)
assert.NilError(t, err)
app.removeAsksInternal("", si.EventRecord_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 6
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 6 events, got %d", noEvents)
records = eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
refIdsRemoved := make(map[string]int) // order can change due to map iteration
assert.Equal(t, 6, len(records), "number of events")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[3].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[3].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, records[3].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[4].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[4].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, records[4].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[5].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[5].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, records[5].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, 1, refIdsRemoved["alloc-1"])
assert.Equal(t, 1, refIdsRemoved["alloc-2"])
assert.Equal(t, 1, refIdsRemoved["alloc-3"])
func TestAllocationEvents(t *testing.T) { //nolint:funlen
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.default")
// Create event system after new application to avoid new app event.
eventSystem := events.GetEventSystem().(*events.EventSystemImpl) //nolint:errcheck
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
alloc1 := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
alloc2 := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, res)
// add + remove
app.RemoveAllocation(alloc1.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_STOPPED_BY_RM)
app.RemoveAllocation(alloc2.GetAllocationID(), si.TerminationType_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACED)
noEvents := 0
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 5
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 5 events, got %d", noEvents)
records := eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(records), "number of events")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[1].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, records[1].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_ALLOC, records[1].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc1.GetAllocationID(), records[1].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[1].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[2].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, records[2].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_ALLOC, records[2].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc2.GetAllocationID(), records[2].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[2].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[3].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[3].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ALLOC_CANCEL, records[3].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc1.GetAllocationID(), records[3].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[3].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[4].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[4].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ALLOC_REPLACED, records[4].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc2.GetAllocationID(), records[4].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[4].ObjectID)
// add + replace
alloc1.placeholder = true
noEvents = 0
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 2
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 2 events, got %d", noEvents)
records = eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(records), "number of events")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, records[0].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_ALLOC, records[0].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc1.GetAllocationID(), records[0].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[0].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[1].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[1].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ALLOC_REPLACED, records[1].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc1.GetAllocationID(), records[0].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[0].ObjectID)
// add + remove all
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 4
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 4 events, got %d", noEvents)
records = eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
refIdsRemoved := make(map[string]int) // order can change due to map iteration
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(records), "number of events")
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, records[0].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_ALLOC, records[0].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc1.GetAllocationID(), records[0].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[0].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[1].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ADD, records[1].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_ALLOC, records[1].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, alloc2.GetAllocationID(), records[1].ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[1].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[2].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[2].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ALLOC_CANCEL, records[2].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[2].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP, records[3].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REMOVE, records[3].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_ALLOC_CANCEL, records[3].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[3].ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, 1, refIdsRemoved[alloc1.GetAllocationID()])
assert.Equal(t, 1, refIdsRemoved[alloc2.GetAllocationID()])
func TestPlaceholderLargerEvent(t *testing.T) {
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
smallerResMap := map[string]string{"memory": "50", "vcores": "10"}
smallerRes, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(smallerResMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.default")
// Create event system after new application to avoid new application event.
eventSystem := events.GetEventSystem().(*events.EventSystemImpl) //nolint:errcheck
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
// smallerRes < res in the same task group, so delta will be -50 memory
alloc1 := newAllocation(appID1, nodeID1, smallerRes)
alloc1.placeholder = true
alloc1.taskGroupName = "testGroup"
ask := newAllocationAsk("alloc-0", "app-1", res)
ask.taskGroupName = "testGroup"
err = app.AddAllocationAsk(ask)
assert.NilError(t, err)
app.tryPlaceholderAllocate(func() NodeIterator {
return nil
}, func(s string) *Node {
return nil
noEvents := 0
err = common.WaitFor(10*time.Millisecond, time.Second, func() bool {
noEvents = eventSystem.Store.CountStoredEvents()
return noEvents == 4
assert.NilError(t, err, "expected 4 events, got %d", noEvents)
records := eventSystem.Store.CollectEvents()
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST, records[3].Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_NONE, records[3].EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_DETAILS_NONE, records[3].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", records[3].ReferenceID)
func TestRequestDoesNotFitQueueEvents(t *testing.T) {
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
headroom, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "0", "vcores": "0"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
ask := newAllocationAsk("alloc-0", "app-1", res)
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root.default")
eventSystem := mock.NewEventSystem()
ask.askEvents = newAskEvents(ask, eventSystem)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
attempts := 0
// try to allocate
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
event := eventSystem.Events[0]
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST, event.Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_NONE, event.EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_DETAILS_NONE, event.EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", event.ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-0", event.ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, "Request 'alloc-0' does not fit in queue 'root.default' (requested map[memory:100 vcores:10], available map[memory:0 vcores:0])", event.Message)
// second attempt - no new event
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
// third attempt with enough headroom - new event
headroom, err = resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "1000", "vcores": "1000"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
event = eventSystem.Events[0]
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST, event.Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_NONE, event.EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_DETAILS_NONE, event.EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", event.ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-0", event.ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, "Request 'alloc-0' has become schedulable in queue 'root.default'", event.Message)
func TestRequestDoesNotFitUserQuotaQueueEvents(t *testing.T) {
// create config with resource limits for "testuser"
conf := configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "root",
Parent: true,
SubmitACL: "*",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "leaf queue limit",
Users: []string{
MaxResources: map[string]string{
"memory": "1",
"vcores": "1",
err := ugm.GetUserManager().UpdateConfig(conf, "root")
assert.NilError(t, err)
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
headroom, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "1000", "vcores": "1000"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
ask := newAllocationAsk("alloc-0", "app-1", res)
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root")
eventSystem := mock.NewEventSystem()
ask.askEvents = newAskEvents(ask, eventSystem)
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
attempts := 0
// try to allocate
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
event := eventSystem.Events[0]
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST, event.Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_NONE, event.EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_DETAILS_NONE, event.EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", event.ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-0", event.ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, "Request 'alloc-0' exceeds the available user quota (requested map[memory:100 vcores:10], available map[memory:1 vcores:1])", event.Message)
// second attempt - no new event
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
// third attempt with enough headroom - new event
conf.Limits[0].MaxResources = nil
err = ugm.GetUserManager().UpdateConfig(conf, "root")
assert.NilError(t, err)
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
event = eventSystem.Events[0]
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_REQUEST, event.Type)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_NONE, event.EventChangeType)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_DETAILS_NONE, event.EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, "app-1", event.ReferenceID)
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-0", event.ObjectID)
assert.Equal(t, "Request 'alloc-0' fits in the available user quota", event.Message)
func TestAllocationFailures(t *testing.T) {
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
headroom, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "0", "vcores": "0"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
ask := newAllocationAsk("alloc-0", "app-1", res)
app := newApplication(appID1, "default", "root")
queue, err := createRootQueue(nil)
assert.NilError(t, err, "queue create failed")
app.queue = queue
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
attempts := 0
// case #1: not enough queue headroom
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(ask.allocLog))
assert.Equal(t, int32(1), ask.allocLog[NotEnoughQueueQuota].Count)
// case #2: not enough user quota
// create config with resource limits for "testuser"
conf := configs.QueueConfig{
Name: "root",
Parent: true,
SubmitACL: "*",
Limits: []configs.Limit{
Limit: "leaf queue limit",
Users: []string{
MaxResources: map[string]string{
"memory": "1",
"vcores": "1",
err = ugm.GetUserManager().UpdateConfig(conf, "root")
assert.NilError(t, err)
headroom, err = resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "1000", "vcores": "1000"})
assert.NilError(t, err)
app.tryAllocate(headroom, true, time.Second, &attempts, nilNodeIterator, nilNodeIterator, nilGetNode)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(ask.allocLog))
assert.Equal(t, int32(1), ask.allocLog[NotEnoughUserQuota].Count)
func TestGetOutstandingRequests(t *testing.T) {
// Create a sample Resource and AllocationAsk
resMap := map[string]string{"memory": "100", "vcores": "10"}
res, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(resMap)
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create resource with error")
allocationAsk1 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-1", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-2", "app-1", res)
// Create an Application instance
app := &Application{
ApplicationID: "app-1",
queuePath: "default",
app.user = security.UserGroup{
User: "user1",
Groups: []string{"group1"},
// Set up the Application's sortedRequests with AllocationAsks
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
// Test Case 1: queueHeadroom meets, but userHeadroom does not
queueHeadroom, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "250", "vcores": "25"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create queue headroom resource with error")
userHeadroom, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "50", "vcores": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create user headroom resource with error")
total1 := []*AllocationAsk{}
app.getOutstandingRequests(queueHeadroom, userHeadroom, &total1)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(total1), "expected one outstanding request for TestCase 1")
// Test Case 2: Both queueHeadroom and userHeadroom meet
queueHeadroom2, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "250", "vcores": "25"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create queue headroom resource with error")
userHeadroom2, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "250", "vcores": "25"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create user headroom resource with error")
total2 := []*AllocationAsk{}
app.getOutstandingRequests(queueHeadroom2, userHeadroom2, &total2)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(total2), "expected two outstanding requests for TestCase 2")
// Test Case 3: queueHeadroom does not meet, but userHeadroom meets
queueHeadroom3, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "50", "vcores": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create queue headroom resource with error")
userHeadroom3, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "250", "vcores": "25"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create user headroom resource with error")
total3 := []*AllocationAsk{}
app.getOutstandingRequests(queueHeadroom3, userHeadroom3, &total3)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(total3), "expected one outstanding request for TestCase 3")
// Test Case 4: Neither queueHeadroom nor userHeadroom meets
queueHeadroom4, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "50", "vcores": "5"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create queue headroom resource with error")
userHeadroom4, err := resources.NewResourceFromConf(map[string]string{"memory": "80", "vcores": "8"})
assert.NilError(t, err, "failed to create user headroom resource with error")
total4 := []*AllocationAsk{}
app.getOutstandingRequests(queueHeadroom4, userHeadroom4, &total4)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(total4), "expected no outstanding requests for TestCase 4")
func TestGetOutstandingRequests_NoSchedulingAttempt(t *testing.T) {
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 1})
allocationAsk1 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-1", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-2", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk3 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-3", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk4 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-4", "app-1", res)
app := &Application{
ApplicationID: "app-1",
queuePath: "default",
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
var total []*AllocationAsk
headroom := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 10})
userHeadroom := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 8})
app.getOutstandingRequests(headroom, userHeadroom, &total)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(total))
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-2", total[0].allocationKey)
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-4", total[1].allocationKey)
func TestGetOutstandingRequests_RequestTriggeredPreemptionHasRequiredNode(t *testing.T) {
// Test that we decrease headrooms even if the requests have triggered upscaling or
// the ask is a DaemonSet pod (requiredNode != "")
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 1})
allocationAsk1 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-1", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-2", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk3 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-3", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk4 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-4", "app-1", res)
allocationAsk4.SetSchedulingAttempted(true) // hasn't triggered scaling, no required node --> picked
allocationAsk1.SetScaleUpTriggered(true) // triggered scaling, no required node --> not selected
allocationAsk2.SetScaleUpTriggered(true) // triggered scaling, has required node --> not selected
allocationAsk3.SetRequiredNode("node-1") // hasn't triggered scaling, has required node --> not selected
app := &Application{
ApplicationID: "app-1",
queuePath: "default",
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
var total []*AllocationAsk
headroom := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 10})
userHeadroom := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 8})
app.getOutstandingRequests(headroom, userHeadroom, &total)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(total))
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-4", total[0].allocationKey)
func TestGetOutstandingRequests_AskReplaceable(t *testing.T) {
res := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 1})
allocationAsk1 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-1", "app-1", res) // replaceable
allocationAsk2 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-2", "app-1", res) // replaceable
allocationAsk3 := newAllocationAsk("alloc-3", "app-1", res) // non-replaceable
allocationAsk1.taskGroupName = "testgroup"
allocationAsk2.taskGroupName = "testgroup"
app := &Application{
ApplicationID: "app-1",
queuePath: "default",
sr := sortedRequests{}
app.sortedRequests = sr
var total []*AllocationAsk
headroom := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 10})
userHeadroom := resources.NewResourceFromMap(map[string]resources.Quantity{"memory": 8})
app.getOutstandingRequests(headroom, userHeadroom, &total)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(total))
assert.Equal(t, "alloc-3", total[0].allocationKey)
func TestGetRateLimitedAppLog(t *testing.T) {
l := getRateLimitedAppLog()
assert.Check(t, l != nil)
func TestUpdateRunnableStatus(t *testing.T) {
app := newApplication(appID0, "default", "root.unknown")
assert.Assert(t, app.runnableInQueue)
assert.Assert(t, app.runnableByUserLimit)
eventSystem := mock.NewEventSystem()
app.appEvents = newApplicationEvents(app, eventSystem)
// App runnable - no events
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, true)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(eventSystem.Events))
// App not runnable in queue
app.updateRunnableStatus(false, true)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_CANNOTRUN_QUEUE, eventSystem.Events[0].EventChangeDetail)
// Try again - no new events
app.updateRunnableStatus(false, true)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
// App becomes runnable in queue
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, true)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_RUNNABLE_QUEUE, eventSystem.Events[0].EventChangeDetail)
// Try again - no new events
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, true)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
// App not runnable by UG quota
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, false)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_CANNOTRUN_QUOTA, eventSystem.Events[0].EventChangeDetail)
// Try again - no new events
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, false)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
// App becomes runnable by user quota
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, true)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_RUNNABLE_QUOTA, eventSystem.Events[0].EventChangeDetail)
// Try again - no new events
app.updateRunnableStatus(true, true)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(eventSystem.Events))
// Both false
app.updateRunnableStatus(false, false)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(eventSystem.Events))
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_CANNOTRUN_QUEUE, eventSystem.Events[0].EventChangeDetail)
assert.Equal(t, si.EventRecord_APP_CANNOTRUN_QUOTA, eventSystem.Events[1].EventChangeDetail)
func (sa *Application) addPlaceholderDataWithLocking(ask *AllocationAsk) {
defer sa.Unlock()
func (sa *Application) getPlaceholderTimer() *time.Timer {
defer sa.RUnlock()
return sa.placeholderTimer
func (sa *Application) handleApplicationEventWithLocking(event applicationEvent) error {
defer sa.Unlock()
return sa.HandleApplicationEvent(event)
func (sa *Application) handleApplicationEventWithInfoLocking(event applicationEvent, info string) error {
defer sa.Unlock()
return sa.HandleApplicationEventWithInfo(event, info)
func (sa *Application) disableStateChangeEvents() {
defer sa.Unlock()
sa.sendStateChangeEvents = false
func (sa *Application) resetAppEvents() {
defer sa.Unlock()
sa.appEvents = newApplicationEvents(sa, events.GetEventSystem())