YETUS-1034. Release 0.13.0
diff --git a/Formula/yetus.rb b/Formula/yetus.rb
index 8c5fe42..6db0e10 100644
--- a/Formula/yetus.rb
+++ b/Formula/yetus.rb
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
   desc "Enable contribution and release processes for software projects"
   homepage ""
   # NOTE: URL brings up chooser for browsers
-  url ""
-  mirror ""
-  sha256 "295e01b710d68152a85c73d5bf70b1189818219f9146c2981e1623df3414232b"
+  url ""
+  mirror ""
+  sha256 "a1022da63540ff9f722c9a4ab7b1dda5fb5a3d5faa2c3426d18582aed1f08a1e"
   option "with-all", "Build with all dependencies. Note that some dependencies such as "\
     "Perl::Critic, Pylint, RuboCop and ruby-lint still need to be installed manually."