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Title: SVG Pretty Printer
#SVG Pretty Printer
This page describes the features of the SVG pretty printer utility that comes with the Batik distribution. The SVG pretty printer is a utility that can format SVG files. The tool formats an SVG document according to the arguments passed on the command line.
## Downloading the pretty printer { #downloading}
Refer to the [install page](../install.html) and the [download page](/batik/download.html) to find out what to download and how to download it. Remember that you can get either the source or binary distribution.
## Pretty printing an SVG file { #using}
The method for starting the pretty-printer depends on the distribution of Batik that you chose to download. The following describes how to run the pretty printer for each distribution.
### Using the binary distribution { #using-binary}
If you downloaded the binary distribution of Batik, you should have a file called `` (or similar), and, after expanding that file, a jar file called `batik-svgpp.jar`. To start the pretty printer, open a console, change to the directory where you expanded the distribution (and where `batik-svgpp.jar` is located) and simply type the following at the command prompt:
java -jar batik-svgpp.jar [OPTIONS] FILES
For example, if you type:
java -jar batik-svgpp.jar samples/batikFX.svg
you will see the indented document written to standard output.
For the options:
**-newline cr** *|* **cr-lf** *|* **lf**
specifies the newline character(s) generated in the printed document, the default being `lf` (Unix-style newlines),
**-tab-width** *number*
specifies the tabulation width, the default being 4,
**-doc-width** *number*
specifies the maximum number of columns for the whole document, the default being 80,
specifies that the current indentation should be preserved, useful for performing doctype or newline substitutions,
**-xml-decl** *string*
specifies the XML declaration,
**-doctype change** *|* **remove**
specifies whether the doctype should be changed or removed,
**-publid-id** *string*
specifies the public ID to in the doctype declaration, when `-doctype change` is specified, and
**-system-id** *string*
specifies the system ID to in the doctype declaration, when `-doctype change` is specified.
For example:
java -jar batik-svgpp.jar -tab-width 2 -newline cr-lf src.svg dest.svg
will format `src.svg` and write it to `dest.svg` using a tabulation width of 2 and Windows-style newlines, and:
java -jar batik-svgpp.jar -no-format -doctype change -public-id "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" \
-system-id "" src.svg dest.svg
will format `src.svg` and write it to `dest.svg` unchanged, except for the doctype public and system IDs, which will be replaced by those specified.
### Using the source distribution { #using-source}
If you downloaded the source distribution of Batik, you will have a zip or tar file that expanded into a directory called `xml-batik` or `batik-`*`version`*. In that directory, you can find build scripts for the platform you are running on. For example, there is a `build.bat` script for users of the Windows platform and there is a `` script for UNIX users.
To start the pretty printer you should:
Make sure that your `JAVA_HOME` environment variable is set to your JDK installation directory.
Open a command line window and go to the `xml-batik` or `batik-`*`version`* directory where the Batik distribution was expanded.
For Windows, type the following at the command prompt:
build svgpp
and for Unix:
./ svgpp
This will print out a help message for the pretty printer.
You can pass options to the rasterizer as follows, for Windows:
build svgpp [OPTIONS] FILES
and for Unix:
./ svgpp [OPTIONS] FILES
Refer to [“Using the binary distribution”](#using-binary) for an explanation of these options.