blob: 2f955b8504b18249e3ef7e781532871291195956 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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/* $Id$ */
package org.apache.fop.pdf;
// Java...
import java.util.List;
* class representing a PDF Smooth Shading object.
* PDF Functions represent parameterized mathematical formulas and sampled representations with
* arbitrary resolution. Functions are used in two areas: device-dependent
* rasterization information for halftoning and transfer
* functions, and color specification for smooth shading (a PDF 1.3 feature).
* All PDF Functions have a shadingType (0,2,3, or 4), a Domain, and a Range.
public class PDFShading extends PDFObject {
// Guts common to all function types
* The name of the Shading e.g. "Shading1"
protected String shadingName = null;
* Required: The Type of shading (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
protected int shadingType = 3; // Default
* A ColorSpace representing the colorspace. "DeviceRGB" is an example.
protected PDFDeviceColorSpace colorSpace = null;
* The background color. Since shading is opaque,
* this is very rarely used.
protected List background = null;
* Optional: A List specifying the clipping rectangle
protected List bBox = null;
* Optional: A flag whether or not to filter the shading function
* to prevent aliasing artifacts. Default is false.
protected boolean antiAlias = false;
* Optional for Type 1: Array of four numbers, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax.
* Default is [0 1 0 1]
* Optional for Type 2: An array of two numbers between which the blend
* varies between start and end points. Default is 0, 1.
* Optional for Type 3: An array of two numbers between which the blend
* varies between start and end points. Default is 0, 1.
protected List domain = null;
* Optional for Type 1: A transformation matrix
protected List matrix = null;
* Required for Type 1, 2, and 3:
* The object of the color mapping function (usually type 2 or 3).
* Optional for Type 4,5,6, and 7: When it's nearly the same thing.
protected PDFFunction function = null;
* Required for Type 2: An Array of four numbers specifying
* the starting and ending coordinate pairs
* Required for Type 3: An Array of six numbers [x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1]
* specifying the centers and radii of
* the starting and ending circles.
protected List coords = null;
* Required for Type 2+3: An Array of two boolean values specifying
* whether to extend the start and end colors past the start
* and end points, respectively.
* Default is false, false.
protected List extend = null;
* Required for Type 4,5,6, and 7: Specifies the number of bits used
* to represent each vertex coordinate.
* Allowed to be 1,2,4,8,12,16,24, or 32.
protected int bitsPerCoordinate = 0;
* Required for Type 4,5,6, and 7: Specifies the number of bits used
* to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
* Allowed to be 2,4,or 8, while the Edge flag itself is allowed to
* be 0,1 or 2.
protected int bitsPerFlag = 0;
* Required for Type 4,5,6, and 7: Array of Doubles which specifies
* how to decode coordinate and color component values.
* Each type has a differing number of decode array members, so check
* the spec.
* Page 303 in PDF Spec 1.3
protected List decode = null;
* Required for Type 4,5,6, and 7: Specifies the number of bits used
* to represent each color coordinate.
* Allowed to be 1,2,4,8,12, or 16
protected int bitsPerComponent = 0;
* Required for Type 5:The number of vertices in each "row" of
* the lattice; it must be greater than or equal to 2.
protected int verticesPerRow = 0;
* Constructor for type function based shading
* @param theShadingType The type of shading object, which should be 1 for function
* based shading.
* @param theColorSpace The colorspace is 'DeviceRGB' or something similar.
* @param theBackground An array of color components appropriate to the
* colorspace key specifying a single color value.
* This key is used by the f operator buy ignored by the sh operator.
* @param theBBox List of double's representing a rectangle
* in the coordinate space that is current at the
* time of shading is imaged. Temporary clipping
* boundary.
* @param theAntiAlias Whether or not to anti-alias.
* @param theDomain Optional vector of Doubles specifying the domain.
* @param theMatrix List of Doubles specifying the matrix.
* If it's a pattern, then the matrix maps it to pattern space.
* If it's a shading, then it maps it to current user space.
* It's optional, the default is the identity matrix
* @param theFunction The PDF Function that maps an (x,y) location to a color
public PDFShading( // CSOK: ParameterNumber
int theShadingType, PDFDeviceColorSpace theColorSpace,
List theBackground, List theBBox,
boolean theAntiAlias, List theDomain,
List theMatrix, PDFFunction theFunction) {
this.shadingType = theShadingType; // 1
this.colorSpace = theColorSpace;
this.background = theBackground;
this.bBox = theBBox;
this.antiAlias = theAntiAlias;
this.domain = theDomain;
this.matrix = theMatrix;
this.function = theFunction;
* Constructor for Type 2 and 3
* @param theShadingType 2 or 3 for axial or radial shading
* @param theColorSpace "DeviceRGB" or similar.
* @param theBackground theBackground An array of color components appropriate to the
* colorspace key specifying a single color value.
* This key is used by the f operator buy ignored by the sh operator.
* @param theBBox List of double's representing a rectangle
* in the coordinate space that is current at the
* time of shading is imaged. Temporary clipping
* boundary.
* @param theAntiAlias Default is false
* @param theCoords List of four (type 2) or 6 (type 3) Double
* @param theDomain List of Doubles specifying the domain
* @param theFunction the Stitching (PDFfunction type 3) function,
* even if it's stitching a single function
* @param theExtend List of Booleans of whether to extend the start
* and end colors past the start and end points
* The default is [false, false]
public PDFShading( // CSOK: ParameterNumber
int theShadingType, PDFDeviceColorSpace theColorSpace,
List theBackground, List theBBox,
boolean theAntiAlias, List theCoords,
List theDomain, PDFFunction theFunction,
List theExtend) {
this.shadingType = theShadingType; // 2 or 3
this.colorSpace = theColorSpace;
this.background = theBackground;
this.bBox = theBBox;
this.antiAlias = theAntiAlias;
this.coords = theCoords;
this.domain = theDomain;
this.function = theFunction;
this.extend = theExtend;
* Constructor for Type 4,6, or 7
* @param theShadingType 4, 6, or 7 depending on whether it's
* Free-form gouraud-shaded triangle meshes, coons patch meshes,
* or tensor product patch meshes, respectively.
* @param theColorSpace "DeviceRGB" or similar.
* @param theBackground theBackground An array of color components appropriate to the
* colorspace key specifying a single color value.
* This key is used by the f operator buy ignored by the sh operator.
* @param theBBox List of double's representing a rectangle
* in the coordinate space that is current at the
* time of shading is imaged. Temporary clipping
* boundary.
* @param theAntiAlias Default is false
* @param theBitsPerCoordinate 1,2,4,8,12,16,24 or 32.
* @param theBitsPerComponent 1,2,4,8,12, and 16
* @param theBitsPerFlag 2,4,8.
* @param theDecode List of Doubles see PDF 1.3 spec pages 303 to 312.
* @param theFunction the PDFFunction
public PDFShading( // CSOK: ParameterNumber
int theShadingType, PDFDeviceColorSpace theColorSpace,
List theBackground, List theBBox,
boolean theAntiAlias, int theBitsPerCoordinate,
int theBitsPerComponent, int theBitsPerFlag,
List theDecode, PDFFunction theFunction) {
this.shadingType = theShadingType; // 4,6 or 7
this.colorSpace = theColorSpace;
this.background = theBackground;
this.bBox = theBBox;
this.antiAlias = theAntiAlias;
this.bitsPerCoordinate = theBitsPerCoordinate;
this.bitsPerComponent = theBitsPerComponent;
this.bitsPerFlag = theBitsPerFlag;
this.decode = theDecode;
this.function = theFunction;
* Constructor for type 5
* @param theShadingType 5 for lattice-Form Gouraud shaded-triangle mesh
* @param theColorSpace "DeviceRGB" or similar.
* @param theBackground theBackground An array of color components appropriate to the
* colorspace key specifying a single color value.
* This key is used by the f operator buy ignored by the sh operator.
* @param theBBox List of double's representing a rectangle
* in the coordinate space that is current at the
* time of shading is imaged. Temporary clipping
* boundary.
* @param theAntiAlias Default is false
* @param theBitsPerCoordinate 1,2,4,8,12,16, 24, or 32
* @param theBitsPerComponent 1,2,4,8,12,24,32
* @param theDecode List of Doubles. See page 305 in PDF 1.3 spec.
* @param theVerticesPerRow number of vertices in each "row" of the lattice.
* @param theFunction The PDFFunction that's mapped on to this shape
public PDFShading( // CSOK: ParameterNumber
int theShadingType, PDFDeviceColorSpace theColorSpace,
List theBackground, List theBBox,
boolean theAntiAlias, int theBitsPerCoordinate,
int theBitsPerComponent, List theDecode,
int theVerticesPerRow, PDFFunction theFunction) {
this.shadingType = theShadingType; // 5
this.colorSpace = theColorSpace;
this.background = theBackground;
this.bBox = theBBox;
this.antiAlias = theAntiAlias;
this.bitsPerCoordinate = theBitsPerCoordinate;
this.bitsPerComponent = theBitsPerComponent;
this.decode = theDecode;
this.verticesPerRow = theVerticesPerRow;
this.function = theFunction;
* Get the name of this shading.
* @return the name of the shading
public String getName() {
return (this.shadingName);
* Sets the name of the shading
* @param name the name of the shading pattern. Can be anything
* without spaces. "Shading1" or "Sh1" are good examples.
public void setName(String name) {
if (name.indexOf(" ") >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Shading name must not contain any spaces");
this.shadingName = name;
* represent as PDF. Whatever the shadingType is, the correct
* representation spits out. The sets of required and optional
* attributes are different for each type, but if a required
* attribute's object was constructed as null, then no error
* is raised. Instead, the malformed PDF that was requested
* by the construction is dutifully output.
* This policy should be reviewed.
* @return the PDF string.
public String toPDFString() { // CSOK: MethodLength
int vectorSize;
int tempInt;
StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer(128);
+ "<< \n/ShadingType " + this.shadingType + " \n");
if (this.colorSpace != null) {
p.append("/ColorSpace /"
+ this.colorSpace.getName() + " \n");
if (this.background != null) {
p.append("/Background [ ");
vectorSize = this.background.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
+ " ");
p.append("] \n");
if (this.bBox
!= null) { // I've never seen an example, so I guess this is right.
p.append("/BBox [ ");
vectorSize = this.bBox.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
+ " ");
p.append("] \n");
if (this.antiAlias) {
p.append("/AntiAlias " + this.antiAlias + " \n");
// Here's where we differentiate based on what type it is.
if (this.shadingType == 1) { // function based shading
if (this.domain != null) {
p.append("/Domain [ ");
vectorSize = this.domain.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
+ " ");
p.append("] \n");
} else {
p.append("/Domain [ 0 1 ] \n");
if (this.matrix != null) {
p.append("/Matrix [ ");
vectorSize = this.matrix.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
+ " ");
p.append("] \n");
if (this.function != null) {
p.append("/Function ");
p.append(this.function.referencePDF() + " \n");
} else if ((this.shadingType == 2)
|| (this.shadingType
== 3)) { // 2 is axial shading (linear gradient)
// 3 is radial shading (circular gradient)
if (this.coords != null) {
p.append("/Coords [ ");
vectorSize = this.coords.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
+ " ");
p.append("] \n");
if (this.domain != null) {
p.append("/Domain [ ");
vectorSize = this.domain.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
+ " ");
p.append("] \n");
} else {
p.append("/Domain [ 0 1 ] \n");
if (this.extend != null) {
p.append("/Extend [ ");
vectorSize = this.extend.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
p.append(((Boolean)this.extend.get(tempInt)) + " ");
p.append("] \n");
} else {
p.append("/Extend [ true true ] \n");
if (this.function != null) {
p.append("/Function ");
p.append(this.function.referencePDF() + " \n");
} else if ((this.shadingType == 4) || (this.shadingType == 6)
|| (this.shadingType
== 7)) { // 4:Free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle meshes
// 6:coons patch meshes
// 7://tensor product patch meshes (which no one ever uses)
if (this.bitsPerCoordinate > 0) {
p.append("/BitsPerCoordinate " + this.bitsPerCoordinate
+ " \n");
} else {
p.append("/BitsPerCoordinate 1 \n");
if (this.bitsPerComponent > 0) {
p.append("/BitsPerComponent " + this.bitsPerComponent
+ " \n");
} else {
p.append("/BitsPerComponent 1 \n");
if (this.bitsPerFlag > 0) {
p.append("/BitsPerFlag " + this.bitsPerFlag + " \n");
} else {
p.append("/BitsPerFlag 2 \n");
if (this.decode != null) {
p.append("/Decode [ ");
vectorSize = this.decode.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
p.append(((Boolean)this.decode.get(tempInt)) + " ");
p.append("] \n");
if (this.function != null) {
p.append("/Function ");
p.append(this.function.referencePDF() + " \n");
} else if (this.shadingType
== 5) { // Lattice Free form gouraud-shaded triangle mesh
if (this.bitsPerCoordinate > 0) {
p.append("/BitsPerCoordinate " + this.bitsPerCoordinate
+ " \n");
} else {
p.append("/BitsPerCoordinate 1 \n");
if (this.bitsPerComponent > 0) {
p.append("/BitsPerComponent " + this.bitsPerComponent
+ " \n");
} else {
p.append("/BitsPerComponent 1 \n");
if (this.decode != null) {
p.append("/Decode [ ");
vectorSize = this.decode.size();
for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) {
p.append(((Boolean)this.decode.get(tempInt)) + " ");
p.append("] \n");
if (this.function != null) {
p.append("/Function ");
p.append(this.function.referencePDF() + " \n");
if (this.verticesPerRow > 0) {
p.append("/VerticesPerRow " + this.verticesPerRow + " \n");
} else {
p.append("/VerticesPerRow 2 \n");
p.append(">> \nendobj\n");
return (p.toString());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected boolean contentEquals(PDFObject obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof PDFShading)) {
return false;
PDFShading shad = (PDFShading)obj;
if (shadingType != shad.shadingType) {
return false;
if (antiAlias != shad.antiAlias) {
return false;
if (bitsPerCoordinate != shad.bitsPerCoordinate) {
return false;
if (bitsPerFlag != shad.bitsPerFlag) {
return false;
if (bitsPerComponent != shad.bitsPerComponent) {
return false;
if (verticesPerRow != shad.verticesPerRow) {
return false;
if (colorSpace != null) {
if (!colorSpace.equals(shad.colorSpace)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.colorSpace != null) {
return false;
if (background != null) {
if (!background.equals(shad.background)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.background != null) {
return false;
if (bBox != null) {
if (!bBox.equals(shad.bBox)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.bBox != null) {
return false;
if (domain != null) {
if (!domain.equals(shad.domain)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.domain != null) {
return false;
if (matrix != null) {
if (!matrix.equals(shad.matrix)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.matrix != null) {
return false;
if (coords != null) {
if (!coords.equals(shad.coords)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.coords != null) {
return false;
if (extend != null) {
if (!extend.equals(shad.extend)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.extend != null) {
return false;
if (decode != null) {
if (!decode.equals(shad.decode)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.decode != null) {
return false;
if (function != null) {
if (!function.equals(shad.function)) {
return false;
} else if (shad.function != null) {
return false;
return true;