blob: 1801bb7c64c07c25e86656b96ef26b9b9407a506 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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This test checks that IDs coming from a block properly appear in the IF output.
<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="page"
page-height="320pt" page-width="420pt" margin="10pt">
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body" text-align="justify">
<fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rutrum leo a diam
bibendum auctor. Vivamus porttitor sollicitudin tortor eu vulputate.</fo:block>
<fo:block id="block" space-before="10pt" color="purple" font-family="serif">In vel libero
libero, a semper est. Vivamus dapibus ante id lorem mattis eget mattis urna sodales.
Vestibulum nec dui urna, in porta mi.</fo:block>
<fo:block space-before="10pt">Proin varius egestas erat. Proin ante eros, consequat eget
semper a, molestie non arcu. Praesent hendrerit dolor vel leo luctus dapibus.</fo:block>
<if-checks xmlns:if="">
<eval expected="8" xpath="count(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'])"/>
<eval expected="text" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][1])"/>
<eval expected="text" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][2])"/>
<eval expected="id" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][3])"/>
<eval expected="text" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][4])"/>
<eval expected="text" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][5])"/>
<eval expected="id" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][6])"/>
<eval expected="text" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][7])"/>
<eval expected="text" xpath="local-name(//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'text' or local-name() = 'id'][8])"/>
<eval expected="block" xpath="//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'id'][1]/@name"/>
<eval expected="" xpath="//if:page-sequence/descendant::*[local-name() = 'id'][2]/@name"/>