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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
/* $Id$ */
package org.apache.fop.util;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.apache.fop.util.text.AdvancedMessageFormat;
* Tests for EventFormatter.
public class AdvancedMessageFormatTestCase {
public void testFormatting() throws Exception {
String msg;
AdvancedMessageFormat format;
String pattern
= "Element \"{elementName}\" is missing[ required property \"{propertyName}\"]!";
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat(pattern);
Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
params.put("node", new Object());
params.put("elementName", "fo:external-graphic");
params.put("propertyName", "src");
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Element \"fo:external-graphic\" is missing required property \"src\"!", msg);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Element \"fo:external-graphic\" is missing!", msg);
= "Testing \\{escaped \\[characters\\], now a normal field {elementName}!";
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat(pattern);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Testing {escaped [characters], now a normal field fo:external-graphic!", msg);
pattern = "Multi-conditional: [case1: {var1}|case2: {var2}|case3: {var3}]";
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat(pattern);
params = new java.util.HashMap();
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Multi-conditional: ", msg);
params.put("var3", "value3");
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Multi-conditional: case3: value3", msg);
params.put("var1", "value1");
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Multi-conditional: case1: value1", msg);
public void testObjectFormatting() throws Exception {
String msg;
AdvancedMessageFormat format;
String pattern
= "Here's a Locator: {locator}";
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat(pattern);
Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
LocatorImpl loc = new LocatorImpl();
params.put("locator", loc);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Here\'s a Locator: 12:7", msg);
public void testIfFormatting() throws Exception {
String msg;
AdvancedMessageFormat format;
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat("You are{isBad,if, not} nice!");
Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
params.put("isBad", Boolean.FALSE);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You are nice!", msg);
params.put("isBad", Boolean.TRUE);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You are not nice!", msg);
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat("You are{isGood,if, very, not so} nice!");
params = new java.util.HashMap();
msg = format.format(params); //isGood is missing
assertEquals("You are not so nice!", msg);
params.put("isGood", Boolean.FALSE);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You are not so nice!", msg);
params.put("isGood", Boolean.TRUE);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You are very nice!", msg);
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat("You are{isGood,if, very\\, very} nice!");
params = new java.util.HashMap();
msg = format.format(params); //isGood is missing
assertEquals("You are nice!", msg);
params.put("isGood", Boolean.FALSE);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You are nice!", msg);
params.put("isGood", Boolean.TRUE);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You are very, very nice!", msg);
public void testEqualsFormatting() throws Exception {
String msg;
AdvancedMessageFormat format;
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat(
"Error{severity,equals,EventSeverity:FATAL,,\nSome explanation!}");
Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
params.put("severity", EventSeverity.FATAL);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Error", msg);
params.put("severity", EventSeverity.WARN);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("Error\nSome explanation!", msg);
public void testChoiceFormatting() throws Exception {
String msg;
AdvancedMessageFormat format;
format = new AdvancedMessageFormat(
"You have {amount,choice,0#nothing|0<{amount} bucks|100<more than enough}.");
Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
params.put("amount", 0);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You have nothing.", msg);
params.put("amount", 7);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You have 7 bucks.", msg);
params.put("amount", 140);
msg = format.format(params);
assertEquals("You have more than enough.", msg);