blob: 2373bd2e5df791e4216c7efada7df949949c72f9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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This test checks balancing when KnuthGlue elements are introduced
<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="page"
page-height="320pt" page-width="420pt" margin="10pt">
<fo:region-body column-count="2"/>
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body" text-align="justify">
<fo:block border="1pt solid black" border-before-width.conditionality="retain"
border-after-width.conditionality="retain">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Vestibulum arcu felis, gravida vitae laoreet in, molestie nec libero.
Mauris non enim diam. Pellentesque nisl diam, aliquet nec euismod vitae, convallis nec
massa. Mauris gravida arcu ac erat euismod molestie. Maecenas eget neque in sem aliquam
viverra. Vivamus dictum lobortis scelerisque. In cursus venenatis arcu, id vulputate nisi
interdum non. Nulla venenatis porta ipsum. Aenean mattis placerat nibh, porttitor consequat
orci suscipit sed. Sed eget orci nisi, eget commodo arcu. Nulla urna urna, tristique ac
sagittis ut, mollis in leo. Praesent et dui nulla. Nullam nec dui quis velit pretium
tristique. Nullam et neque eros. Sed non dolor id dolor vulputate faucibus. Suspendisse non
lacus eget nibh faucibus scelerisque eget vel nunc. In malesuada ornare eros vitae sagittis.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean feugiat dignissim lobortis.</fo:block>
<fo:block span="all"/>
<eval expected="placerat" xpath="//span[1]/flow[1]/block[1]/lineArea[14]/text[1]/word[5]"/>
<eval expected="nibh," xpath="//span[1]/flow[2]/block[1]/lineArea[1]/text[1]/word[1]"/>