blob: e5cdd07f56a560fe521e8e9ab3746f40be5fec2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* $Id$ */
package org.apache.fop.complexscripts.util;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
// CSOFF: LineLengthCheck
* <p>A GlyphSequence encapsulates a sequence of character codes, a sequence of glyph codes,
* and a sequence of character associations, where, for each glyph in the sequence of glyph
* codes, there is a corresponding character association. Character associations server to
* relate the glyph codes in a glyph sequence to the specific characters in an original
* character code sequence with which the glyph codes are associated.</p>
* <p>This work was originally authored by Glenn Adams (</p>
public class GlyphSequence implements Cloneable {
/** default character buffer capacity in case new character buffer is created */
private static final int DEFAULT_CHARS_CAPACITY = 8;
/** character buffer */
private IntBuffer characters;
/** glyph buffer */
private IntBuffer glyphs;
/** association list */
private List associations;
/** predications flag */
private boolean predications;
protected GlyphSequence unprocessedGS;
* Instantiate a glyph sequence, reusing (i.e., not copying) the referenced
* character and glyph buffers and associations. If characters is null, then
* an empty character buffer is created. If glyphs is null, then a glyph buffer
* is created whose capacity is that of the character buffer. If associations is
* null, then identity associations are created.
* @param characters a (possibly null) buffer of associated (originating) characters
* @param glyphs a (possibly null) buffer of glyphs
* @param associations a (possibly null) array of glyph to character associations
* @param predications true if predications are enabled
public GlyphSequence(IntBuffer characters, IntBuffer glyphs, List associations, boolean predications) {
if (characters == null) {
characters = IntBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_CHARS_CAPACITY);
if (glyphs == null) {
glyphs = IntBuffer.allocate(characters.capacity());
if (associations == null) {
associations = makeIdentityAssociations(characters.limit(), glyphs.limit());
this.characters = characters;
this.glyphs = glyphs;
this.associations = associations;
this.predications = predications;
unprocessedGS = this;
* Instantiate a glyph sequence, reusing (i.e., not copying) the referenced
* character and glyph buffers and associations. If characters is null, then
* an empty character buffer is created. If glyphs is null, then a glyph buffer
* is created whose capacity is that of the character buffer. If associations is
* null, then identity associations are created.
* @param characters a (possibly null) buffer of associated (originating) characters
* @param glyphs a (possibly null) buffer of glyphs
* @param associations a (possibly null) array of glyph to character associations
public GlyphSequence(IntBuffer characters, IntBuffer glyphs, List associations) {
this (characters, glyphs, associations, false);
* Instantiate a glyph sequence using an existing glyph sequence, where the new glyph sequence shares
* the character array of the existing sequence (but not the buffer object), and creates new copies
* of glyphs buffer and association list.
* @param gs an existing glyph sequence
public GlyphSequence(GlyphSequence gs) {
this (gs.characters.duplicate(), copyBuffer(gs.glyphs), copyAssociations(gs.associations), gs.predications);
this.unprocessedGS = gs.unprocessedGS;
* Instantiate a glyph sequence using an existing glyph sequence, where the new glyph sequence shares
* the character array of the existing sequence (but not the buffer object), but uses the specified
* backtrack, input, and lookahead glyph arrays to populate the glyphs, and uses the specified
* of glyphs buffer and association list.
* backtrack, input, and lookahead association arrays to populate the associations.
* @param gs an existing glyph sequence
* @param bga backtrack glyph array
* @param iga input glyph array
* @param lga lookahead glyph array
* @param bal backtrack association list
* @param ial input association list
* @param lal lookahead association list
public GlyphSequence(GlyphSequence gs, int[] bga, int[] iga, int[] lga, CharAssociation[] bal, CharAssociation[] ial, CharAssociation[] lal) {
this (gs.characters.duplicate(), concatGlyphs(bga, iga, lga), concatAssociations(bal, ial, lal), gs.predications);
* Obtain reference to underlying character buffer.
* @return character buffer reference
public IntBuffer getCharacters() {
return characters;
* Obtain array of characters. If <code>copy</code> is true, then
* a newly instantiated array is returned, otherwise a reference to
* the underlying buffer's array is returned. N.B. in case a reference
* to the undelying buffer's array is returned, the length
* of the array is not necessarily the number of characters in array.
* To determine the number of characters, use {@link #getCharacterCount}.
* @param copy true if to return a newly instantiated array of characters
* @return array of characters
public int[] getCharacterArray(boolean copy) {
if (copy) {
return toArray(characters);
} else {
return characters.array();
* Obtain the number of characters in character array, where
* each character constitutes a unicode scalar value.
* NB: Supplementary characters (non-BMP code points) count as 1
* character, not as two UTF-16 code units.
* @return number of characters available in character array
public int getCharacterCount() {
return characters.limit();
* Obtain the number of characters in character array, where
* each character constitutes a UTF-16 character. This means
* that every non-BMP character is counted as 2 characters.
* @return number of chars (UTF-16 code units) available in
* character array
public int getUTF16CharacterCount() {
int count = 0;
for (int ch : characters.array()) {
count += Character.charCount(ch);
return count;
* Obtain glyph id at specified index.
* @param index to obtain glyph
* @return the glyph identifier of glyph at specified index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is less than zero
* or exceeds last valid position
public int getGlyph(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return glyphs.get(index);
public int getUnprocessedGlyph(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return unprocessedGS.getGlyph(index);
public void setUnprocessedGS(GlyphSequence glyphSequence) {
unprocessedGS = glyphSequence;
* Set glyph id at specified index.
* @param index to set glyph
* @param gi glyph index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is greater or equal to
* the limit of the underlying glyph buffer
public void setGlyph(int index, int gi) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
if (gi > 65535) {
gi = 65535;
glyphs.put(index, gi);
* Obtain reference to underlying glyph buffer.
* @return glyph buffer reference
public IntBuffer getGlyphs() {
return glyphs;
* Obtain count glyphs starting at offset. If <code>count</code> is
* negative, then it is treated as if the number of available glyphs
* were specified.
* @param offset into glyph sequence
* @param count of glyphs to obtain starting at offset, or negative,
* indicating all avaialble glyphs starting at offset
* @return glyph array
public int[] getGlyphs(int offset, int count) {
int ng = getGlyphCount();
if (offset < 0) {
offset = 0;
} else if (offset > ng) {
offset = ng;
if (count < 0) {
count = ng - offset;
int[] ga = new int [ count ];
for (int i = offset, n = offset + count, k = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (k < ga.length) {
ga [ k++ ] = glyphs.get(i);
return ga;
* Obtain array of glyphs. If <code>copy</code> is true, then
* a newly instantiated array is returned, otherwise a reference to
* the underlying buffer's array is returned. N.B. in case a reference
* to the undelying buffer's array is returned, the length
* of the array is not necessarily the number of glyphs in array.
* To determine the number of glyphs, use {@link #getGlyphCount}.
* @param copy true if to return a newly instantiated array of glyphs
* @return array of glyphs
public int[] getGlyphArray(boolean copy) {
if (copy) {
return toArray(glyphs);
} else {
return glyphs.array();
* Obtain the number of glyphs in glyphs array, where
* each glyph constitutes a font specific glyph index.
* @return number of glyphs available in character array
public int getGlyphCount() {
return glyphs.limit();
* Obtain association at specified index.
* @param index into associations array
* @return glyph to character associations at specified index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is less than zero
* or exceeds last valid position
public CharAssociation getAssociation(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return (CharAssociation) associations.get(index);
* Obtain reference to underlying associations list.
* @return associations list
public List getAssociations() {
return associations;
* Obtain count associations starting at offset.
* @param offset into glyph sequence
* @param count of associations to obtain starting at offset, or negative,
* indicating all avaialble associations starting at offset
* @return associations
public CharAssociation[] getAssociations(int offset, int count) {
int ng = getGlyphCount();
if (offset < 0) {
offset = 0;
} else if (offset > ng) {
offset = ng;
if (count < 0) {
count = ng - offset;
CharAssociation[] aa = new CharAssociation [ count ];
for (int i = offset, n = offset + count, k = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (k < aa.length) {
aa [ k++ ] = (CharAssociation) associations.get(i);
return aa;
* Enable or disable predications.
* @param enable true if predications are to be enabled; otherwise false to disable
public void setPredications(boolean enable) {
this.predications = enable;
* Obtain predications state.
* @return true if predications are enabled
public boolean getPredications() {
return this.predications;
* Set predication &lt;KEY,VALUE&gt; at glyph sequence OFFSET.
* @param offset offset (index) into glyph sequence
* @param key predication key
* @param value predication value
public void setPredication(int offset, String key, Object value) {
if (predications) {
CharAssociation[] aa = getAssociations(offset, 1);
CharAssociation ca = aa[0];
ca.setPredication(key, value);
* Get predication KEY at glyph sequence OFFSET.
* @param offset offset (index) into glyph sequence
* @param key predication key
* @return predication KEY at OFFSET or null if none exists
public Object getPredication(int offset, String key) {
if (predications) {
CharAssociation[] aa = getAssociations(offset, 1);
CharAssociation ca = aa[0];
return ca.getPredication(key);
} else {
return null;
* Compare glyphs.
* @param gb buffer containing glyph indices with which this glyph sequence's glyphs are to be compared
* @return zero if glyphs are the same, otherwise returns 1 or -1 according to whether this glyph sequence's
* glyphs are lexicographically greater or lesser than the glyphs in the specified string buffer
public int compareGlyphs(IntBuffer gb) {
int ng = getGlyphCount();
for (int i = 0, n = gb.limit(); i < n; i++) {
if (i < ng) {
int g1 = glyphs.get(i);
int g2 = gb.get(i);
if (g1 > g2) {
return 1;
} else if (g1 < g2) {
return -1;
} else {
return -1; // this gb is a proper prefix of specified gb
return 0; // same lengths with no difference
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Object clone() {
try {
GlyphSequence gs = (GlyphSequence) super.clone();
gs.characters = copyBuffer(characters);
gs.glyphs = copyBuffer(glyphs);
gs.associations = copyAssociations(associations);
return gs;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("chars = [");
sb.append("], glyphs = [");
sb.append("], associations = [");
return sb.toString();
* Determine if two arrays of glyphs are identical.
* @param ga1 first glyph array
* @param ga2 second glyph array
* @return true if arrays are botth null or both non-null and have identical elements
public static boolean sameGlyphs(int[] ga1, int[] ga2) {
if (ga1 == ga2) {
return true;
} else if ((ga1 == null) || (ga2 == null)) {
return false;
} else if (ga1.length != ga2.length) {
return false;
} else {
for (int i = 0, n = ga1.length; i < n; i++) {
if (ga1[i] != ga2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Concatenante glyph arrays.
* @param bga backtrack glyph array
* @param iga input glyph array
* @param lga lookahead glyph array
* @return new integer buffer containing concatenated glyphs
public static IntBuffer concatGlyphs(int[] bga, int[] iga, int[] lga) {
int ng = 0;
if (bga != null) {
ng += bga.length;
if (iga != null) {
ng += iga.length;
if (lga != null) {
ng += lga.length;
IntBuffer gb = IntBuffer.allocate(ng);
if (bga != null) {
if (iga != null) {
if (lga != null) {
return gb;
* Concatenante association arrays.
* @param baa backtrack association array
* @param iaa input association array
* @param laa lookahead association array
* @return new list containing concatenated associations
public static List concatAssociations(CharAssociation[] baa, CharAssociation[] iaa, CharAssociation[] laa) {
int na = 0;
if (baa != null) {
na += baa.length;
if (iaa != null) {
na += iaa.length;
if (laa != null) {
na += laa.length;
if (na > 0) {
List gl = new ArrayList(na);
if (baa != null) {
Collections.addAll(gl, baa);
if (iaa != null) {
Collections.addAll(gl, iaa);
if (laa != null) {
Collections.addAll(gl, laa);
return gl;
} else {
return null;
* Join (concatenate) glyph sequences.
* @param gs original glyph sequence from which to reuse character array reference
* @param sa array of glyph sequences, whose glyph arrays and association lists are to be concatenated
* @return new glyph sequence referring to character array of GS and concatenated glyphs and associations of SA
public static GlyphSequence join(GlyphSequence gs, GlyphSequence[] sa) {
assert sa != null;
int tg = 0;
int ta = 0;
for (GlyphSequence s : sa) {
IntBuffer ga = s.getGlyphs();
assert ga != null;
int ng = ga.limit();
List al = s.getAssociations();
assert al != null;
int na = al.size();
assert na == ng;
tg += ng;
ta += na;
IntBuffer uga = IntBuffer.allocate(tg);
ArrayList ual = new ArrayList(ta);
for (GlyphSequence s : sa) {
return new GlyphSequence(gs.getCharacters(), uga, ual, gs.getPredications());
* Reorder sequence such that [SOURCE,SOURCE+COUNT) is moved just prior to TARGET.
* @param gs input sequence
* @param source index of sub-sequence to reorder
* @param count length of sub-sequence to reorder
* @param target index to which source sub-sequence is to be moved
* @return reordered sequence (or original if no reordering performed)
public static GlyphSequence reorder(GlyphSequence gs, int source, int count, int target) {
if (source != target) {
int ng = gs.getGlyphCount();
int[] ga = gs.getGlyphArray(false);
int[] nga = new int [ ng ];
CharAssociation[] aa = gs.getAssociations(0, ng);
CharAssociation[] naa = new CharAssociation [ ng ];
if (source < target) {
int t = 0;
for (int s = 0, e = source; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
for (int s = source + count, e = target; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
for (int s = source, e = source + count; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
for (int s = target, e = ng; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
} else {
int t = 0;
for (int s = 0, e = target; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
for (int s = source, e = source + count; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
for (int s = target, e = source; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
for (int s = source + count, e = ng; s < e; s++, t++) {
nga[t] = ga[s];
naa[t] = aa[s];
return new GlyphSequence(gs, null, nga, null, null, naa, null);
} else {
return gs;
private static int[] toArray(IntBuffer ib) {
if (ib != null) {
int n = ib.limit();
int[] ia = new int[n];
ib.get(ia, 0, n);
return ia;
} else {
return new int[0];
private static List makeIdentityAssociations(int numChars, int numGlyphs) {
int nc = numChars;
int ng = numGlyphs;
List av = new ArrayList(ng);
for (int i = 0, n = ng; i < n; i++) {
int k = (i > nc) ? nc : i;
av.add(new CharAssociation(i, (k == nc) ? 0 : 1));
return av;
private static IntBuffer copyBuffer(IntBuffer ib) {
if (ib != null) {
int[] ia = new int [ ib.capacity() ];
int p = ib.position();
int l = ib.limit();
System.arraycopy(ib.array(), 0, ia, 0, ia.length);
return IntBuffer.wrap(ia, p, l - p);
} else {
return null;
private static List copyAssociations(List ca) {
if (ca != null) {
return new ArrayList(ca);
} else {
return ca;