blob: cf08b631553109195acd5535ae60586e1a38502c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* $Id$ */
package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax;
* A knuth paragraph
* The set is sorted into lines indexed into activeLines.
* The nodes in each line is linked together in a single linked list by the
* field. The activeLines array contains a link to the head of
* the linked list in index 'line*2' and a link to the tail at index 'line*2+1'.
* <p>
* The set of active nodes can be traversed by
* <pre>
* for (int line = startLine; line < endLine; line++) {
* for (KnuthNode node = getNode(line); node != null; node = {
* // Do something with 'node'
* }
* }
* </pre>
public class KnuthParagraph {
// parameters of Knuth's algorithm:
// penalty value for flagged penalties
private int flaggedPenalty = 50;
// demerit for consecutive lines ending at flagged penalties
private int repeatedFlaggedDemerit = 50;
// demerit for consecutive lines belonging to incompatible fitness classes
private int incompatibleFitnessDemerit = 50;
// suggested modification to the "optimum" number of lines
private int looseness = 0;
* The threshold for considering breaks to be acceptable.
private double threshold;
* The paragraph of KnuthElements.
private List par;
* The width of a line.
private int lineWidth = 0;
private boolean force = false;
private KnuthNode lastTooLong;
private KnuthNode lastTooShort;
private KnuthNode lastDeactivated;
* The set of active nodes.
private KnuthNode[] activeLines;
* The number of active nodes.
private int activeNodeCount;
* The lowest available line in the set of active nodes.
private int startLine = 0;
* The highest + 1 available line in the set of active nodes.
private int endLine = 0;
* The total width of all elements handled so far.
private int totalWidth;
* The total stretch of all elements handled so far.
private int totalStretch = 0;
* The total shrink of all elements handled so far.
private int totalShrink = 0;
private BestRecords best;
private KnuthNode[] positions;
private static final int INFINITE_RATIO = 1000;
protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KnuthParagraph.class);
public KnuthParagraph(List par) { = new BestRecords();
this.par = par;
// this class represent a feasible breaking point
private class KnuthNode {
// index of the breakpoint represented by this node
public int position;
// number of the line ending at this breakpoint
public int line;
// fitness class of the line ending at his breakpoint
public int fitness;
// accumulated width of the KnuthElements
public int totalWidth;
public int totalStretch;
public int totalShrink;
// adjustment ratio if the line ends at this breakpoint
public double adjustRatio;
// difference between target and actual line width
public int difference;
// minimum total demerits up to this breakpoint
public double totalDemerits;
// best node for the preceding breakpoint
public KnuthNode previous;
// Next possible node in the same line
public KnuthNode next;
public KnuthNode(int position, int line, int fitness,
int totalWidth, int totalStretch, int totalShrink,
double adjustRatio, int difference,
double totalDemerits, KnuthNode previous) {
this.position = position;
this.line = line; = fitness;
this.totalWidth = totalWidth;
this.totalStretch = totalStretch;
this.totalShrink = totalShrink;
this.adjustRatio = adjustRatio;
this.difference = difference;
this.totalDemerits = totalDemerits;
this.previous = previous;
public String toString() {
return "<KnuthNode at " + position + " " +
totalWidth + "+" + totalStretch + "-" + totalShrink +
" line:" + line +
" prev:" + (previous != null ? previous.position : -1) +
" dem:" + totalDemerits +
// this class stores information about how the nodes
// which could start a line
// ending at the current element
private class BestRecords {
private static final double INFINITE_DEMERITS = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
private double bestDemerits[] = new double[4];
private KnuthNode bestNode[] = new KnuthNode[4];
private double bestAdjust[] = new double[4];
private int bestDifference[] = new int[4];
private int bestIndex = -1;
public BestRecords() {
public void addRecord(double demerits, KnuthNode node, double adjust,
int difference, int fitness) {
if (demerits > bestDemerits[fitness]) {
log.error("New demerits value greter than the old one");
bestDemerits[fitness] = demerits;
bestNode[fitness] = node;
bestAdjust[fitness] = adjust;
bestDifference[fitness] = difference;
if (bestIndex == -1 || demerits < bestDemerits[bestIndex]) {
bestIndex = fitness;
public boolean hasRecords() {
return (bestIndex != -1);
public boolean notInfiniteDemerits(int fitness) {
return (bestDemerits[fitness] != INFINITE_DEMERITS);
public double getDemerits(int fitness) {
return bestDemerits[fitness];
public KnuthNode getNode(int fitness) {
return bestNode[fitness];
public double getAdjust(int fitness) {
return bestAdjust[fitness];
public int getDifference(int fitness) {
return bestDifference[fitness];
public double getMinDemerits() {
if (bestIndex != -1) {
return getDemerits(bestIndex);
} else {
// anyway, this should never happen
public void reset() {
bestDemerits[0] = INFINITE_DEMERITS;
bestDemerits[1] = INFINITE_DEMERITS;
bestDemerits[2] = INFINITE_DEMERITS;
bestDemerits[3] = INFINITE_DEMERITS;
bestIndex = -1;
public int findBreakPoints(int lineWidth, double threshold, boolean force) {
this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
this.totalWidth = 0;
this.totalStretch = 0;
this.totalShrink = 0;
this.threshold = threshold;
this.force = force;
activeLines = new KnuthNode[20];
addNode(0, new KnuthNode(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null));
boolean bForced = false;
// previous element in the paragraph is a KnuthBox
boolean previousIsBox = false;
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Looping over " + par.size() + " box objects");
KnuthNode lastForced = getNode(0);
// main loop
for (int i = 0; i < par.size(); i++) {
KnuthElement element = getElement(i);
if (element.isBox()) {
// a KnuthBox object is not a legal line break
totalWidth += element.getW();
previousIsBox = true;
} else if (element.isGlue()) {
// a KnuthGlue object is a legal line break
// only if the previous object is a KnuthBox
if (previousIsBox) {
considerLegalBreak(element, i);
totalWidth += element.getW();
totalStretch += element.getY();
totalShrink += element.getZ();
previousIsBox = false;
} else {
// a KnuthPenalty is a legal line break
// only if its penalty is not infinite
if (element.getP() < KnuthElement.INFINITE) {
considerLegalBreak(element, i);
previousIsBox = false;
if (activeNodeCount == 0) {
if (!force) {
log.debug("Could not find a set of breaking points " + threshold);
return 0;
if (lastForced != null && lastForced.position == lastDeactivated.position) {
lastForced = lastTooShort != null ? lastTooShort : lastTooLong;
} else {
lastForced = lastDeactivated;
if (lastTooShort == null || lastForced.position == lastTooShort.position) {
lastForced = lastTooLong;
} else {
lastForced = lastTooShort;
log.debug("Restarting at node " + lastForced);
lastForced.totalDemerits = 0;
addNode(lastForced.line, lastForced);
i = lastForced.position;
startLine = lastForced.line;
endLine = startLine + 1;
totalWidth = lastForced.totalWidth;
totalStretch = lastForced.totalStretch;
totalShrink = lastForced.totalShrink;
lastTooShort = lastTooLong = null;
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Main loop completed " + activeNodeCount);
log.trace("Active nodes=" + toString(""));
// there is at least one set of breaking points
// choose the active node with fewest total demerits
KnuthNode bestActiveNode = findBestNode();
int line = bestActiveNode.line;
if (looseness != 0) {
// choose the appropriate active node
int s = 0;
double bestDemerits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < activeList.size(); i++) {
KnuthNode node = getNode(i);
int delta = node.line - line;
if (looseness <= delta && delta < s
|| s < delta && delta <= looseness) {
s = delta;
bestActiveNode = node;
bestDemerits = node.totalDemerits;
} else if (delta == s
&& node.totalDemerits < bestDemerits) {
bestActiveNode = node;
bestDemerits = node.totalDemerits;
line = bestActiveNode.line;
// Reverse the list of nodes from bestActiveNode.
positions = new KnuthNode[line];
// use the chosen node to determine the optimum breakpoints
for (int i = line - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
positions[i] = bestActiveNode;
bestActiveNode = bestActiveNode.previous;
activeLines = null;
return positions.length;
private void considerLegalBreak(KnuthElement element, int elementIdx) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Feasible breakpoint at " + par.indexOf(element) + " " + totalWidth + "+" + totalStretch + "-" + totalShrink);
log.trace("\tCurrent active node list: " + activeNodeCount + " " + this.toString("\t"));
lastDeactivated = null;
lastTooLong = null;
for (int line = startLine; line < endLine; line++) {
for (KnuthNode node = getNode(line); node != null; node = {
if (node.position == elementIdx) {
int difference = computeDifference(node, element);
double r = computeAdjustmentRatio(node, difference);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("\tr=" + r);
log.trace("\tline=" + line);
// The line would be too long.
if (r < -1 || element.isForcedBreak()) {
// Deactivate node.
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Removing " + node);
removeNode(line, node);
lastDeactivated = compareNodes(lastDeactivated, node);
// The line is within the available shrink and the threshold.
if (r >= -1 && r <= threshold) {
int fitnessClass = computeFitness(r);
double demerits = computeDemerits(node, element, fitnessClass, r);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("\tDemerits=" + demerits);
log.trace("\tFitness class=" + fitnessClass);
if (demerits < best.getDemerits(fitnessClass)) {
// updates best demerits data
best.addRecord(demerits, node, r, difference, fitnessClass);
// The line is way too short, but we are in forcing mode, so a node is
// calculated and stored in lastValidNode.
if (force && (r <= -1 || r > threshold)) {
int fitnessClass = computeFitness(r);
double demerits = computeDemerits(node, element, fitnessClass, r);
if (r <= -1) {
if (lastTooLong == null || demerits < lastTooLong.totalDemerits) {
lastTooLong = new KnuthNode(elementIdx, line + 1, fitnessClass,
totalWidth, totalStretch, totalShrink,
r, difference, demerits, node);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Picking tooLong " + lastTooLong);
} else {
if (lastTooShort == null || demerits <= lastTooShort.totalDemerits) {
lastTooShort = new KnuthNode(elementIdx, line + 1, fitnessClass,
totalWidth, totalStretch, totalShrink,
r, difference, demerits, node);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Picking tooShort " + lastTooShort);
addBreaks(line, elementIdx);
private void addBreaks(int line, int elementIdx) {
if (!best.hasRecords()) {
int newWidth = totalWidth;
int newStretch = totalStretch;
int newShrink = totalShrink;
for (int i = elementIdx; i < par.size(); i++) {
KnuthElement tempElement = getElement(i);
if (tempElement.isBox()) {
} else if (tempElement.isGlue()) {
newWidth += tempElement.getW();
newStretch += tempElement.getY();
newShrink += tempElement.getZ();
} else if (tempElement.isForcedBreak() && i != elementIdx) {
// add nodes to the active nodes list
double minimumDemerits = best.getMinDemerits() + incompatibleFitnessDemerit;
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
if (best.notInfiniteDemerits(i) && best.getDemerits(i) <= minimumDemerits) {
// the nodes in activeList must be ordered
// by line number and position;
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("\tInsert new break in list of " + activeNodeCount);
KnuthNode newNode = new KnuthNode(elementIdx, line + 1, i,
newWidth, newStretch, newShrink,
addNode(line + 1, newNode);
* Return the difference between the line width and the width of the break that
* ends in 'element'.
* @param activeNode
* @param element
* @return The difference in width. Positive numbers mean extra space in the line,
* negative number that the line overflows.
private int computeDifference(KnuthNode activeNode, KnuthElement element) {
// compute the adjustment ratio
int actualWidth = totalWidth - activeNode.totalWidth;
if (element.isPenalty()) {
actualWidth += element.getW();
return lineWidth - actualWidth;
* Return the adjust ration needed to make up for the difference. A ration of
* <ul>
* <li>0 means that the break has the exact right width</li>
* <li>&gt;= -1 && &lt; 0 means that the break is to wider than the line,
* but within the minimim values of the glues.</li>
* <li>&gt;0 && &lt 1 means that the break is smaller than the line width,
* but within the maximum values of the glues.</li>
* <li>&gt 1 means that the break is too small to make up for the glues.</li>
* </ul>
* @param activeNode
* @param difference
* @return The ration.
private double computeAdjustmentRatio(KnuthNode activeNode, int difference) {
// compute the adjustment ratio
if (difference > 0) {
int maxAdjustment = totalStretch - activeNode.totalStretch;
if (maxAdjustment > 0) {
return (double) difference / maxAdjustment;
} else {
} else if (difference < 0) {
int maxAdjustment = totalShrink - activeNode.totalShrink;
if (maxAdjustment > 0) {
return (double) difference / maxAdjustment;
} else {
} else {
return 0;
* Figure out the fitness class of this line (tight, loose,
* very tight or very loose).
* @param r
* @return
private int computeFitness(double r) {
int newFitnessClass;
if (r < -0.5) {
return 0;
} else if (r <= 0.5) {
return 1;
} else if (r <= 1) {
return 2;
} else {
return 3;
* Find and return the KnuthNode in the active set of nodes with the
* lowest demerit.
private KnuthNode findBestNode() {
// choose the active node with fewest total demerits
KnuthNode bestActiveNode = null;
for (int i = startLine; i < endLine; i++) {
for (KnuthNode node = getNode(i); node != null; node = {
bestActiveNode = compareNodes(bestActiveNode, node);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Best demerits " + bestActiveNode.totalDemerits + " for paragraph size " + par.size());
return bestActiveNode;
* Compare two KnuthNodes and return the node with the least demerit.
* @param node1 The first knuth node.
* @param node2 The other knuth node.
* @return
private KnuthNode compareNodes(KnuthNode node1, KnuthNode node2) {
if (node1 == null || node2.position > node1.position) {
return node2;
if (node2.position == node1.position) {
if (node2.totalDemerits < node1.totalDemerits) {
return node2;
return node1;
private double computeDemerits(KnuthNode activeNode, KnuthElement element,
int fitnessClass, double r) {
double demerits = 0;
// compute demerits
double f = Math.abs(r);
f = 1 + 100 * f * f * f;
if (element.isPenalty() && element.getP() >= 0) {
f += element.getP();
demerits = f * f;
} else if (element.isPenalty() && !element.isForcedBreak()) {
double penalty = element.getP();
demerits = f * f - penalty * penalty;
} else {
demerits = f * f;
if (element.isPenalty() && ((KnuthPenalty) element).isFlagged()
&& getElement(activeNode.position).isPenalty()
&& ((KnuthPenalty) getElement(activeNode.position)).isFlagged()) {
// add demerit for consecutive breaks at flagged penalties
demerits += repeatedFlaggedDemerit;
if (Math.abs(fitnessClass - > 1) {
// add demerit for consecutive breaks
// with very different fitness classes
demerits += incompatibleFitnessDemerit;
demerits += activeNode.totalDemerits;
return demerits;
* Return the element at index idx in the paragraph.
* @param idx index of the element.
* @return
private KnuthElement getElement(int idx) {
return (KnuthElement) par.get(idx);
* Add a KnuthNode at the end of line 'line'.
* If this is the first node in the line, adjust endLine accordingly.
* @param line
* @param node
private void addNode(int line, KnuthNode node) {
int headIdx = line * 2;
if (headIdx >= activeLines.length) {
KnuthNode[] oldList = activeLines;
activeLines = new KnuthNode[headIdx + headIdx];
System.arraycopy(oldList, 0, activeLines, 0, oldList.length);
} = null;
if (activeLines[headIdx + 1] != null) {
activeLines[headIdx + 1].next = node;
} else {
activeLines[headIdx] = node;
endLine = line+1;
activeLines[headIdx + 1] = node;
* Remove the first node in line 'line'. If the line then becomes empty, adjust the
* startLine accordingly.
* @param line
* @param node
private void removeNode(int line, KnuthNode node) {
KnuthNode n = getNode(line);
if (n != node) {
log.error("Should be first");
} else {
activeLines[line*2] =;
if ( == null) {
activeLines[line*2+1] = null;
while (startLine < endLine && getNode(startLine) == null) {
private KnuthNode getNode(int line) {
return activeLines[line * 2];
* Return true if the position 'idx' is a legal breakpoint.
* @param idx
* @return
private boolean isLegalBreakpoint(int idx) {
KnuthElement elm = getElement(idx);
if (elm.isPenalty() && elm.getP() != KnuthElement.INFINITE) {
return true;
} else if (idx > 0 && elm.isGlue() && getElement(idx-1).isBox()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int getDifference(int line) {
return positions[line].difference;
public double getAdjustRatio(int line) {
return positions[line].adjustRatio;
public int getStart(int line) {
KnuthNode previous = positions[line].previous;
return line == 0 ? 0 : previous.position + 1;
public int getEnd(int line) {
return positions[line].position;
* Return a string representation of a MinOptMax in the form of a
* "width+stretch-shrink". Useful only for debugging.
* @param mom
* @return
private static String width(MinOptMax mom) {
return mom.opt + "+" + (mom.max - mom.opt) + "-" + (mom.opt - mom.min);
public String toString(String prepend) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = startLine; i < endLine; i++) {
for (KnuthNode node = getNode(i); node != null; node = {
sb.append(prepend + "\t" + node + ",\n");
sb.append(prepend + "]");
return sb.toString();