blob: ca9c8caad017dced838f0d93c7488689886150e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* $Id$ */
package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.apache.fop.area.Area;
import org.apache.fop.area.BlockParent;
import org.apache.fop.area.Block;
import org.apache.fop.datatypes.PercentBase;
import org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax;
* Base LayoutManager class for all areas which stack their child
* areas in the block-progression direction, such as Flow, Block, ListBlock.
public abstract class BlockStackingLayoutManager extends AbstractLayoutManager
implements BlockLevelLayoutManager {
* Reference to FO whose areas it's managing or to the traits
* of the FO.
//protected LayoutManager curChildLM = null; AbstractLayoutManager also defines this!
protected BlockParent parentArea = null;
/** Value of the block-progression-unit (non-standard property) */
protected int bpUnit = 0;
/** space-before value adjusted for block-progression-unit handling */
protected int adjustedSpaceBefore = 0;
/** space-after value adjusted for block-progression-unit handling */
protected int adjustedSpaceAfter = 0;
/** Only used to store the original list when createUnitElements is called */
protected LinkedList storedList = null;
protected FObj fobj;
private boolean bBreakBeforeServed = false;
private boolean bSpaceBeforeServed = false;
protected int referenceIPD = 0;
public BlockStackingLayoutManager(FObj node) {
fobj = node;
private BreakCost evaluateBreakCost(Area parent, Area child) {
return new BreakCost(child, 0);
/** return current area being filled
protected BlockParent getCurrentArea() {
return this.parentArea;
* Set the current area being filled.
protected void setCurrentArea(BlockParent parentArea) {
this.parentArea = parentArea;
protected MinOptMax resolveSpaceSpecifier(Area nextArea) {
SpaceSpecifier spaceSpec = new SpaceSpecifier(false);
// Area prevArea = getCurrentArea().getLast();
// if (prevArea != null) {
// spaceSpec.addSpace(prevArea.getSpaceAfter());
// }
// spaceSpec.addSpace(nextArea.getSpaceBefore());
return spaceSpec.resolve(false);
* Add a block spacer for space before and space after a block.
* This adds an empty Block area that acts as a block space.
* @param adjust the adjustment value
* @param minoptmax the min/opt/max value of the spacing
public void addBlockSpacing(double adjust, MinOptMax minoptmax) {
if (minoptmax == null) {
int sp = minoptmax.opt;
if (adjust > 0) {
sp = sp + (int)(adjust * (minoptmax.max - minoptmax.opt));
} else {
sp = sp + (int)(adjust * (minoptmax.opt - minoptmax.min));
if (sp != 0) {
Block spacer = new Block();
* Add the childArea to the passed area.
* Called by child LayoutManager when it has filled one of its areas.
* The LM should already have an Area in which to put the child.
* See if the area will fit in the current area.
* If so, add it. Otherwise initiate breaking.
* @param childArea the area to add: will be some block-stacked Area.
* @param parentArea the area in which to add the childArea
protected void addChildToArea(Area childArea,
BlockParent parentArea) {
// This should be a block-level Area (Block in the generic sense)
if (!(childArea instanceof Block)) {
//log.error("Child not a Block in BlockStackingLM!");
MinOptMax spaceBefore = resolveSpaceSpecifier(childArea);
parentArea.addBlock((Block) childArea);
flush(); // hand off current area to parent
* Add the childArea to the current area.
* Called by child LayoutManager when it has filled one of its areas.
* The LM should already have an Area in which to put the child.
* See if the area will fit in the current area.
* If so, add it. Otherwise initiate breaking.
* @param childArea the area to add: will be some block-stacked Area.
public void addChildArea(Area childArea) {
addChildToArea(childArea, getCurrentArea());
* Force current area to be added to parent area.
protected void flush() {
if (getCurrentArea() != null) {
* @param len length in millipoints to span with bp units
* @return the minimum integer n such that n * bpUnit >= len
protected int neededUnits(int len) {
return (int) Math.ceil((float)len / bpUnit);
public LinkedList getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
/* LF *///System.err.println("BLM.getNextKnuthElements> keep-together = "
// + layoutProps.keepTogether.getType());
/* LF *///System.err.println(" keep-with-previous = " +
// layoutProps.keepWithPrevious.getType());
/* LF *///System.err.println(" keep-with-next = " +
// layoutProps.keepWithNext.getType());
BlockLevelLayoutManager curLM; // currently active LM
BlockLevelLayoutManager prevLM = null; // previously active LM
referenceIPD = context.getRefIPD();
int iIndents = 0;
int bIndents = 0;
if (fobj instanceof {
iIndents = (( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().startIndent.getValue()
+ (( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().endIndent.getValue();
bIndents = (( fobj).getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getBPPaddingAndBorder(false);
int ipd = referenceIPD - iIndents;
MinOptMax stackSize = new MinOptMax();
// Set context for percentage property values.
fobj.setLayoutDimension(PercentBase.BLOCK_IPD, ipd);
fobj.setLayoutDimension(PercentBase.BLOCK_BPD, -1);
LinkedList returnedList = null;
LinkedList contentList = new LinkedList();
LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
Position returnPosition = new NonLeafPosition(this, null);
if (!bBreakBeforeServed) {
try {
if (addKnuthElementsForBreakBefore(returnList, returnPosition)) {
return returnList;
} finally {
bBreakBeforeServed = true;
if (!bSpaceBeforeServed) {
addKnuthElementsForSpaceBefore(returnList, returnPosition, alignment);
bSpaceBeforeServed = true;
addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingBefore(returnList, returnPosition);
while ((curLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager) getChildLM()) != null) {
LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
if (curLM instanceof LineLayoutManager) {
// curLM is a LineLayoutManager
// set stackLimit for lines
childLC.setStackLimit(new MinOptMax(ipd/*
* - iIndents -
* iTextIndent
} else {
// curLM is a ?
.getStackLimit(), stackSize));
// get elements from curLM
returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
if (returnedList.size() == 1
&& ((KnuthElement) returnedList.getFirst()).isPenalty()
&& ((KnuthPenalty) returnedList.getFirst()).getP() == -KnuthElement.INFINITE) {
// a descendant of this block has break-before
if (returnList.size() == 0) {
// the first child (or its first child ...) has
// break-before;
// all this block, including space before, will be put in
// the
// following page
bSpaceBeforeServed = false;
/* extension: conversione di tutta la sequenza fin'ora ottenuta */
if (bpUnit > 0) {
storedList = contentList;
contentList = createUnitElements(contentList);
/* end of extension */
// "wrap" the Position inside each element
// moving the elements from contentList to returnList
returnedList = new LinkedList();
wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
return returnList;
} else {
if (prevLM != null) {
// there is a block handled by prevLM
// before the one handled by curLM
if (mustKeepTogether()
|| prevLM.mustKeepWithNext()
|| curLM.mustKeepWithPrevious()) {
// add an infinite penalty to forbid a break between
// blocks
contentList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
new Position(this), false));
} else if (!((KnuthElement) contentList.getLast()).isGlue()) {
// add a null penalty to allow a break between blocks
contentList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
new Position(this), false));
} else {
// the last element in contentList is a glue;
// it is a feasible breakpoint, there is no need to add
// a penalty
if (returnedList.size() == 0) {
//Avoid NoSuchElementException below (happens with empty blocks)
if (((KnuthElement) returnedList.getLast()).isPenalty()
&& ((KnuthPenalty) returnedList.getLast()).getP() == -KnuthElement.INFINITE) {
// a descendant of this block has break-after
if (curLM.isFinished()) {
// there is no other content in this block;
// it's useless to add space after before a page break
/* extension: conversione di tutta la sequenza fin'ora ottenuta */
if (bpUnit > 0) {
storedList = contentList;
contentList = createUnitElements(contentList);
/* end of extension */
returnedList = new LinkedList();
wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
return returnList;
if (allocatedSpace.min > context.getStackLimit().max) {
log.debug("Allocated space exceeds stack limit, returning early.");
return returnList;
prevLM = curLM;
/* Extension: conversione di tutta la sequenza fin'ora ottenuta */
if (bpUnit > 0) {
storedList = contentList;
contentList = createUnitElements(contentList);
/* end of extension */
returnedList = new LinkedList();
wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingAfter(returnList, returnPosition);
addKnuthElementsForSpaceAfter(returnList, returnPosition, alignment);
addKnuthElementsForBreakAfter(returnList, returnPosition);
return returnList;
public int negotiateBPDAdjustment(int adj, KnuthElement lastElement) {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> " + adj);
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" lastElement e' " + (lastElement.isPenalty() ? "penalty" : (lastElement.isGlue() ? "glue" : "box" )));
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" position e' " + lastElement.getPosition().getClass().getName());
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" " + (bpUnit > 0 ? "unit" : ""));
Position innerPosition = ((NonLeafPosition) lastElement.getPosition()).getPosition();
if (innerPosition == null && lastElement.isGlue()) {
// this adjustment applies to space-before or space-after of this block
if (((KnuthGlue) lastElement).getAdjustmentClass() == SPACE_BEFORE_ADJUSTMENT) {
// this adjustment applies to space-before
adjustedSpaceBefore += adj;
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> spazio prima: " + adj);
} else {
// this adjustment applies to space-after
adjustedSpaceAfter += adj;
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> spazio dopo: " + adj);
return adj;
} else if (innerPosition instanceof MappingPosition) {
// this block has block-progression-unit > 0: the adjustment can concern
// - the space-before or space-after of this block,
// - the line number of a descendant of this block
if (lastElement.isGlue()) {
// lastElement is a glue
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> bpunit con glue");
ListIterator storedListIterator = storedList.listIterator(((MappingPosition) innerPosition).getFirstIndex());
int newAdjustment = 0;
while (storedListIterator.nextIndex() <= ((MappingPosition) innerPosition).getLastIndex()) {
KnuthElement storedElement = (KnuthElement);
if (storedElement.isGlue()) {
newAdjustment += ((BlockLevelLayoutManager) storedElement.getLayoutManager()).negotiateBPDAdjustment(adj - newAdjustment, storedElement);
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> (progressivo) righe: " + newAdjustment);
newAdjustment = (newAdjustment > 0 ? bpUnit * neededUnits(newAdjustment)
: - bpUnit * neededUnits(- newAdjustment));
return newAdjustment;
} else {
// lastElement is a penalty: this means that the paragraph
// has been split between consecutive pages:
// this may involve a change in the number of lines
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> bpunit con penalty");
KnuthPenalty storedPenalty = (KnuthPenalty)
storedList.get(((MappingPosition) innerPosition).getLastIndex());
if (storedPenalty.getW() > 0) {
// the original penalty has width > 0
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> chiamata passata");
return ((BlockLevelLayoutManager) storedPenalty.getLayoutManager())
.negotiateBPDAdjustment(storedPenalty.getW(), (KnuthElement) storedPenalty);
} else {
// the original penalty has width = 0
// the adjustment involves only the spaces before and after
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> chiamata gestita");
return adj;
} else if (innerPosition.getLM() != this) {
// this adjustment concerns another LM
NonLeafPosition savedPos = (NonLeafPosition) lastElement.getPosition();
int returnValue = ((BlockLevelLayoutManager) lastElement.getLayoutManager()).negotiateBPDAdjustment(adj, lastElement);
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.negotiateBPDAdjustment> righe: " + returnValue);
return returnValue;
} else {
// this should never happen
System.err.println("BlockLayoutManager.negotiateBPDAdjustment(): unexpected Position");
return 0;
public void discardSpace(KnuthGlue spaceGlue) {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.discardSpace> " + spaceGlue.getPosition().getClass().getName());
Position innerPosition = ((NonLeafPosition) spaceGlue.getPosition()).getPosition();
/*LF*/ if (innerPosition == null || innerPosition.getLM() == this) {
// if this block has block-progression-unit > 0, innerPosition can be
// a MappingPosition
// spaceGlue represents space before or space after of this block
if (spaceGlue.getAdjustmentClass() == SPACE_BEFORE_ADJUSTMENT) {
// space-before must be discarded
adjustedSpaceBefore = 0;
} else {
// space-after must be discarded
adjustedSpaceAfter = 0;
//TODO Why are both cases handled in the same way?
/*LF*/ } else {
// this element was not created by this BlockLM
NonLeafPosition savedPos = (NonLeafPosition)spaceGlue.getPosition();
((BlockLevelLayoutManager) spaceGlue.getLayoutManager()).discardSpace(spaceGlue);
public LinkedList getChangedKnuthElements(List oldList, /*int flaggedPenalty,*/ int alignment) {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println("");
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> inizio: oldList.size() = " + oldList.size());
ListIterator oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator();
KnuthElement returnedElement;
KnuthElement currElement = null;
KnuthElement prevElement = null;
LinkedList returnedList = new LinkedList();
LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
int fromIndex = 0;
// "unwrap" the Positions stored in the elements
KnuthElement oldElement = null;
while (oldListIterator.hasNext()) {
oldElement = (KnuthElement);
Position innerPosition = ((NonLeafPosition) oldElement.getPosition()).getPosition();
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM> unwrapping: " + (oldElement.isBox() ? "box " : (oldElement.isGlue() ? "glue " : "penalty")) + " creato da " + oldElement.getLayoutManager().getClass().getName());
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM> unwrapping: " + oldElement.getPosition().getClass().getName());
if (innerPosition != null) {
// oldElement was created by a descendant of this BlockLM
} else {
// thisElement was created by this BlockLM
// modify its position in order to recognize it was not created
// by a child
oldElement.setPosition(new Position(this));
// create the iterator
List workList;
if (bpUnit == 0) {
workList = oldList;
} else {
// the storedList must be used instead of oldList;
// find the index of the first element of returnedList
// corresponding to the first element of oldList
oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator();
KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement);
while (!(el.getPosition() instanceof MappingPosition)) {
el = (KnuthElement);
int iFirst = ((MappingPosition) el.getPosition()).getFirstIndex();
// find the index of the last element of returnedList
// corresponding to the last element of oldList
oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator(oldList.size());
el = (KnuthElement) oldListIterator.previous();
while (!(el.getPosition() instanceof MappingPosition)) {
el = (KnuthElement) oldListIterator.previous();
int iLast = ((MappingPosition) el.getPosition()).getLastIndex();
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" si usa storedList da " + iFirst + " a " + iLast + " compresi su " + storedList.size() + " elementi totali");
workList = storedList.subList(iFirst, iLast + 1);
ListIterator workListIterator = workList.listIterator();
/*LF*/ //System.out.println("");
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> workList.size() = " + workList.size() + " da 0 a " + (workList.size() - 1));
while (workListIterator.hasNext()) {
currElement = (KnuthElement);
/*LF*/ //System.out.println("elemento n. " + workListIterator.previousIndex() + " nella workList");
if (prevElement != null
&& prevElement.getLayoutManager() != currElement.getLayoutManager()) {
// prevElement is the last element generated by the same LM
BlockLevelLayoutManager prevLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager)
BlockLevelLayoutManager currLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager)
boolean bSomethingAdded = false;
if (prevLM != this) {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> chiamata da " + fromIndex + " a " + workListIterator.previousIndex() + " su " + prevLM.getClass().getName());
returnedList.addAll(prevLM.getChangedKnuthElements(workList.subList(fromIndex, workListIterator.previousIndex()),
/*flaggedPenalty,*/ alignment));
bSomethingAdded = true;
} else {
// prevLM == this
// do nothing
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> elementi propri, ignorati, da " + fromIndex + " a " + workListIterator.previousIndex() + " su " + prevLM.getClass().getName());
fromIndex = workListIterator.previousIndex();
// there is another block after this one
if (bSomethingAdded
&& (this.mustKeepTogether()
|| prevLM.mustKeepWithNext()
|| currLM.mustKeepWithPrevious())) {
// add an infinite penalty to forbid a break between blocks
returnedList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new Position(this), false));
} else if (bSomethingAdded && !((KnuthElement) returnedList.getLast()).isGlue()) {
// add a null penalty to allow a break between blocks
returnedList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, new Position(this), false));
prevElement = currElement;
if (currElement != null) {
BlockLevelLayoutManager currLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager)
if (currLM != this) {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> chiamata da " + fromIndex + " a " + oldList.size() + " su " + currLM.getClass().getName());
returnedList.addAll(currLM.getChangedKnuthElements(workList.subList(fromIndex, workList.size()),
/*flaggedPenalty,*/ alignment));
} else {
// currLM == this
// there are no more elements to add
// remove the last penalty added to returnedList
if (returnedList.size() > 0) {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> elementi propri, ignorati, da " + fromIndex + " a " + workList.size());
// append elements representing space-before
boolean spaceBeforeIsConditional = true;
if (fobj instanceof {
spaceBeforeIsConditional =
(( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceBefore.getSpace().isDiscard();
if (bpUnit > 0
|| adjustedSpaceBefore != 0) {
if (!spaceBeforeIsConditional) {
// add elements to prevent the glue to be discarded
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0,
new NonLeafPosition(this, null), false));
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
new NonLeafPosition(this, null), false));
if (bpUnit > 0) {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0,
SPACE_BEFORE_ADJUSTMENT, new NonLeafPosition(this, null), true));
} else {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(adjustedSpaceBefore, 0, 0,
SPACE_BEFORE_ADJUSTMENT, new NonLeafPosition(this, null), true));
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> intermedio: returnedList.size() = " + returnedList.size());
/* estensione: conversione complessiva */
/*LF*/ if (bpUnit > 0) {
/*LF*/ storedList = returnedList;
/*LF*/ returnedList = createUnitElements(returnedList);
/*LF*/ }
/* estensione */
// "wrap" the Position stored in each element of returnedList
// and add elements to returnList
ListIterator listIter = returnedList.listIterator();
while (listIter.hasNext()) {
returnedElement = (KnuthElement);
returnedElement.setPosition(new NonLeafPosition(this, returnedElement.getPosition()));
// append elements representing space-after
boolean spaceAfterIsConditional = true;
if (fobj instanceof {
spaceAfterIsConditional =
(( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceAfter.getSpace().isDiscard();
if (bpUnit > 0
|| adjustedSpaceAfter != 0) {
if (!spaceAfterIsConditional) {
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
new NonLeafPosition(this, null), false));
if (bpUnit > 0) {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0,
SPACE_AFTER_ADJUSTMENT, new NonLeafPosition(this, null),
(!spaceAfterIsConditional) ? false : true));
} else {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(adjustedSpaceAfter, 0, 0,
SPACE_AFTER_ADJUSTMENT, new NonLeafPosition(this, null),
(!spaceAfterIsConditional) ? false : true));
if (!spaceAfterIsConditional) {
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0,
new NonLeafPosition(this, null), true));
/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" BLM.getChangedKnuthElements> fine: returnList.size() = " + returnList.size());
return returnList;
* @see org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.BlockLevelLayoutManager#mustKeepTogether()
public boolean mustKeepTogether() {
return false;
* @see org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.BlockLevelLayoutManager#mustKeepWithPrevious()
public boolean mustKeepWithPrevious() {
return false;
* @see org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.BlockLevelLayoutManager#mustKeepWithNext()
public boolean mustKeepWithNext() {
return false;
* Creates Knuth elements for before border padding and adds them to the return list.
* @param returnList return list to add the additional elements to
* @param returnPosition applicable return position
protected void addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingBefore(LinkedList returnList,
Position returnPosition) {
//Border and Padding (before)
CommonBorderPaddingBackground borderAndPadding = null;
if (fobj instanceof {
borderAndPadding =
(( fobj).getCommonBorderPaddingBackground();
} else if (fobj instanceof {
borderAndPadding =
(( fobj).getCommonBorderPaddingBackground();
if (borderAndPadding != null) {
//TODO Handle conditionality
int bpBefore = borderAndPadding.getBorderBeforeWidth(false)
+ borderAndPadding.getPaddingBefore(false);
if (bpBefore > 0) {
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(bpBefore, returnPosition, true));
* Creates Knuth elements for after border padding and adds them to the return list.
* @param returnList return list to add the additional elements to
* @param returnPosition applicable return position
protected void addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingAfter(LinkedList returnList,
Position returnPosition) {
//Border and Padding (after)
CommonBorderPaddingBackground borderAndPadding = null;
if (fobj instanceof {
borderAndPadding =
(( fobj).getCommonBorderPaddingBackground();
} else if (fobj instanceof {
borderAndPadding =
(( fobj).getCommonBorderPaddingBackground();
if (borderAndPadding != null) {
//TODO Handle conditionality
int bpAfter = borderAndPadding.getBorderAfterWidth(false)
+ borderAndPadding.getPaddingAfter(false);
if (bpAfter > 0) {
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(bpAfter, returnPosition, true));
* Creates Knuth elements for break-before and adds them to the return list.
* @param returnList return list to add the additional elements to
* @param returnPosition applicable return position
* @return true if an element has been added due to a break-before.
protected boolean addKnuthElementsForBreakBefore(LinkedList returnList,
Position returnPosition) {
int breakBefore = -1;
if (fobj instanceof {
breakBefore = (( fobj).getBreakBefore();
} else if (fobj instanceof {
breakBefore = (( fobj).getBreakBefore();
if (breakBefore == EN_PAGE
|| breakBefore == EN_COLUMN
|| breakBefore == EN_EVEN_PAGE
|| breakBefore == EN_ODD_PAGE) {
// return a penalty element, representing a forced page break
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, -KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
breakBefore, returnPosition, false));
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Creates Knuth elements for break-after and adds them to the return list.
* @param returnList return list to add the additional elements to
* @param returnPosition applicable return position
* @return true if an element has been added due to a break-after.
protected boolean addKnuthElementsForBreakAfter(LinkedList returnList,
Position returnPosition) {
int breakAfter = -1;
if (fobj instanceof {
breakAfter = (( fobj).getBreakAfter();
} else if (fobj instanceof {
breakAfter = (( fobj).getBreakAfter();
if (breakAfter == EN_PAGE
|| breakAfter == EN_COLUMN
|| breakAfter == EN_EVEN_PAGE
|| breakAfter == EN_ODD_PAGE) {
// add a penalty element, representing a forced page break
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, -KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
breakAfter, returnPosition, false));
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Creates Knuth elements for space-before and adds them to the return list.
* @param returnList return list to add the additional elements to
* @param returnPosition applicable return position
* @param alignment vertical alignment
protected void addKnuthElementsForSpaceBefore(LinkedList returnList,
Position returnPosition, int alignment) {
SpaceProperty spaceBefore = null;
if (fobj instanceof {
spaceBefore = (( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceBefore;
} else if (fobj instanceof {
spaceBefore = (( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceBefore;
// append elements representing space-before
if (bpUnit > 0
|| spaceBefore != null
&& !(spaceBefore.getMinimum().getLength().getValue() == 0
&& spaceBefore.getMaximum().getLength().getValue() == 0)) {
if (spaceBefore != null && !spaceBefore.getSpace().isDiscard()) {
// add elements to prevent the glue to be discarded
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, returnPosition, false));
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
false, returnPosition, false));
if (bpUnit > 0) {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0,
returnPosition, true));
} else /*if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY)*/ {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(
- spaceBefore.getOptimum().getLength().getValue(),
- spaceBefore.getMinimum().getLength().getValue(),
returnPosition, true));
} /*else {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(
0, 0, BlockLevelLayoutManager.SPACE_BEFORE_ADJUSTMENT,
returnPosition, true));
* Creates Knuth elements for space-after and adds them to the return list.
* @param returnList return list to add the additional elements to
* @param returnPosition applicable return position
* @param alignment vertical alignment
protected void addKnuthElementsForSpaceAfter(LinkedList returnList, Position returnPosition,
int alignment) {
SpaceProperty spaceAfter = null;
if (fobj instanceof {
spaceAfter = (( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceAfter;
} else if (fobj instanceof {
spaceAfter = (( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceAfter;
// append elements representing space-after
if (bpUnit > 0
|| spaceAfter != null
&& !(spaceAfter.getMinimum().getLength().getValue() == 0
&& spaceAfter.getMaximum().getLength().getValue() == 0)) {
if (spaceAfter != null && !spaceAfter.getSpace().isDiscard()) {
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
false, returnPosition, false));
if (bpUnit > 0) {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0,
returnPosition, true));
} else /*if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY)*/ {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(
- spaceAfter.getOptimum().getLength().getValue(),
- spaceAfter.getMinimum().getLength().getValue(),
BlockLevelLayoutManager.SPACE_AFTER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition,
(!spaceAfter.getSpace().isDiscard()) ? false : true));
} /*else {
returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(
spaceAfter.getOptimum().getLength().getValue(), 0, 0,
BlockLevelLayoutManager.SPACE_AFTER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition,
(!spaceAfter.getSpace().isDiscard()) ? false : true));
if (spaceAfter != null && !spaceAfter.getSpace().isDiscard()) {
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, returnPosition, true));
protected LinkedList createUnitElements(LinkedList oldList) {
//System.out.println(" ");
//System.out.println("Inizio conversione: " + oldList.size() + " elementi, spazio minimo prima= " + layoutProps.spaceBefore.getSpace().min
// + " spazio minimo dopo= " + layoutProps.spaceAfter.getSpace().min);
// add elements at the beginning and at the end of oldList
// representing minimum spaces
LayoutManager lm = ((KnuthElement)oldList.getFirst()).getLayoutManager();
boolean bAddedBoxBefore = false;
boolean bAddedBoxAfter = false;
if (adjustedSpaceBefore > 0) {
oldList.addFirst(new KnuthBox(adjustedSpaceBefore,
new Position(lm), true));
bAddedBoxBefore = true;
if (adjustedSpaceAfter > 0) {
oldList.addLast(new KnuthBox(adjustedSpaceAfter,
new Position(lm), true));
bAddedBoxAfter = true;
MinOptMax totalLength = new MinOptMax(0);
MinOptMax totalUnits = new MinOptMax(0);
LinkedList newList = new LinkedList();
//System.out.println(" ");
//System.out.println(" Prima scansione");
// scan the list once to compute total min, opt and max length
ListIterator oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator();
while (oldListIterator.hasNext()) {
KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement);
if (element.isBox()) {
/*LF*/ totalLength.add(new MinOptMax(element.getW()));
/*LF*/ //System.out.println("box " + element.getW());
/*LF*/ } else if (element.isGlue()) {
/*LF*/ totalLength.min -= ((KnuthGlue) element).getZ();
/*LF*/ totalLength.max += ((KnuthGlue) element).getY();
/*LF*/ //leafValue = ((LeafPosition) element.getPosition()).getLeafPos();
/*LF*/ //System.out.println("glue " + element.getW() + " + " + ((KnuthGlue) element).getY() + " - " + ((KnuthGlue) element).getZ());
/*LF*/ } else {
/*LF*/ //System.out.println((((KnuthPenalty)element).getP() == KnuthElement.INFINITE ? "PENALTY " : "penalty ") + element.getW());
// compute the total amount of "units"
totalUnits = new MinOptMax(neededUnits(totalLength.min),
//System.out.println(" totalLength= " + totalLength);
//System.out.println(" unita'= " + totalUnits);
//System.out.println(" ");
//System.out.println(" Seconda scansione");
// scan the list once more, stopping at every breaking point
// in order to compute partial min, opt and max length
// and create the new elements
oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator();
boolean bPrevIsBox = false;
MinOptMax lengthBeforeBreak = new MinOptMax(0);
MinOptMax lengthAfterBreak = (MinOptMax) totalLength.clone();
MinOptMax unitsBeforeBreak;
MinOptMax unitsAfterBreak;
MinOptMax unsuppressibleUnits = new MinOptMax(0);
int firstIndex = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
while (oldListIterator.hasNext()) {
KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement);
lastIndex ++;
if (element.isBox()) {
lengthBeforeBreak.add(new MinOptMax(element.getW()));
lengthAfterBreak.subtract(new MinOptMax(element.getW()));
bPrevIsBox = true;
} else if (element.isGlue()) {
lengthBeforeBreak.min -= ((KnuthGlue) element).getZ();
lengthAfterBreak.min += ((KnuthGlue) element).getZ();
lengthBeforeBreak.max += ((KnuthGlue) element).getY();
lengthAfterBreak.max -= ((KnuthGlue) element).getY();
bPrevIsBox = false;
} else {
lengthBeforeBreak.add(new MinOptMax(element.getW()));
bPrevIsBox = false;
// create the new elements
if (element.isPenalty() && ((KnuthPenalty) element).getP() < KnuthElement.INFINITE
|| element.isGlue() && bPrevIsBox
|| !oldListIterator.hasNext()) {
// suppress elements after the breaking point
int iStepsForward = 0;
while (oldListIterator.hasNext()) {
KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement);
if (el.isGlue()) {
// suppressed glue
lengthAfterBreak.min += ((KnuthGlue) el).getZ();
lengthAfterBreak.max -= ((KnuthGlue) el).getY();
} else if (el.isPenalty()) {
// suppressed penalty, do nothing
} else {
// box, end of suppressions
// compute the partial amount of "units" before and after the break
unitsBeforeBreak = new MinOptMax(neededUnits(lengthBeforeBreak.min),
unitsAfterBreak = new MinOptMax(neededUnits(lengthAfterBreak.min),
// rewind the iterator and lengthAfterBreak
for (int i = 0; i < iStepsForward; i++) {
KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement) oldListIterator.previous();
if (el.isGlue()) {
lengthAfterBreak.min -= ((KnuthGlue) el).getZ();
lengthAfterBreak.max += ((KnuthGlue) el).getY();
// compute changes in length, stretch and shrink
int uLengthChange = unitsBeforeBreak.opt + unitsAfterBreak.opt - totalUnits.opt;
int uStretchChange = (unitsBeforeBreak.max + unitsAfterBreak.max - totalUnits.max)
- (unitsBeforeBreak.opt + unitsAfterBreak.opt - totalUnits.opt);
int uShrinkChange = (unitsBeforeBreak.opt + unitsAfterBreak.opt - totalUnits.opt)
- (unitsBeforeBreak.min + unitsAfterBreak.min - totalUnits.min);
// compute the number of normal, stretch and shrink unit
// that must be added to the new sequence
int uNewNormal = unitsBeforeBreak.opt - unsuppressibleUnits.opt;
int uNewStretch = (unitsBeforeBreak.max - unitsBeforeBreak.opt)
- (unsuppressibleUnits.max - unsuppressibleUnits.opt);
int uNewShrink = (unitsBeforeBreak.opt - unitsBeforeBreak.min)
- (unsuppressibleUnits.opt - unsuppressibleUnits.min);
/*LF*/ //System.out.println("(" + unsuppressibleUnits.min + "-" + unsuppressibleUnits.opt + "-" + unsuppressibleUnits.max + ") "
/*LF*/ // + " -> " + unitsBeforeBreak.min + "-" + unitsBeforeBreak.opt + "-" + unitsBeforeBreak.max
/*LF*/ // + " + " + unitsAfterBreak.min + "-" + unitsAfterBreak.opt + "-" + unitsAfterBreak.max
/*LF*/ // + (uLengthChange != 0 ? " [length " + uLengthChange + "] " : "")
/*LF*/ // + (uStretchChange != 0 ? " [stretch " + uStretchChange + "] " : "")
/*LF*/ // + (uShrinkChange != 0 ? " [shrink " + uShrinkChange + "]" : "")
/*LF*/ // );
// create the MappingPosition which will be stored in the new elements
// correct firstIndex and lastIndex
int firstIndexCorrection = 0;
int lastIndexCorrection = 0;
if (bAddedBoxBefore) {
if (firstIndex != 0) {
firstIndexCorrection ++;
lastIndexCorrection ++;
if (bAddedBoxAfter && lastIndex == (oldList.size() - 1)) {
lastIndexCorrection ++;
MappingPosition mappingPos = new MappingPosition(this,
firstIndex - firstIndexCorrection,
lastIndex - lastIndexCorrection);
// new box
newList.add(new KnuthBox((uNewNormal - uLengthChange) * bpUnit,
unsuppressibleUnits.add(new MinOptMax(uNewNormal - uLengthChange));
//System.out.println(" box " + (uNewNormal - uLengthChange));
// new infinite penalty, glue and box, if necessary
if (uNewStretch - uStretchChange > 0
|| uNewShrink - uShrinkChange > 0) {
int iStretchUnits = (uNewStretch - uStretchChange > 0 ? (uNewStretch - uStretchChange) : 0);
int iShrinkUnits = (uNewShrink - uShrinkChange > 0 ? (uNewShrink - uShrinkChange) : 0);
newList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
newList.add(new KnuthGlue(0,
iStretchUnits * bpUnit,
iShrinkUnits * bpUnit,
//System.out.println(" PENALTY");
//System.out.println(" glue 0 " + iStretchUnits + " " + iShrinkUnits);
unsuppressibleUnits.max += iStretchUnits;
unsuppressibleUnits.min -= iShrinkUnits;
if (!oldListIterator.hasNext()) {
newList.add(new KnuthBox(0,
//System.out.println(" box 0");
// new breaking sequence
if (uStretchChange != 0
|| uShrinkChange != 0) {
// new infinite penalty, glue, penalty and glue
newList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
newList.add(new KnuthGlue(0,
uStretchChange * bpUnit,
uShrinkChange * bpUnit,
newList.add(new KnuthPenalty(uLengthChange * bpUnit,
0, false, element.getPosition(), false));
newList.add(new KnuthGlue(0,
- uStretchChange * bpUnit,
- uShrinkChange * bpUnit,
//System.out.println(" PENALTY");
//System.out.println(" glue 0 " + uStretchChange + " " + uShrinkChange);
//System.out.println(" penalty " + uLengthChange + " * unit");
//System.out.println(" glue 0 " + (- uStretchChange) + " " + (- uShrinkChange));
} else if (oldListIterator.hasNext()){
// new penalty
newList.add(new KnuthPenalty(uLengthChange * bpUnit,
0, false,
//System.out.println(" penalty " + uLengthChange + " * unit");
// update firstIndex
firstIndex = lastIndex + 1;
if (element.isPenalty()) {
lengthBeforeBreak.add(new MinOptMax(-element.getW()));
// remove elements at the beginning and at the end of oldList
// representing minimum spaces
if (adjustedSpaceBefore > 0) {
if (adjustedSpaceAfter > 0) {
// if space-before.conditionality is "discard", correct newList
boolean correctFirstElement = false;
if (fobj instanceof {
correctFirstElement =
(( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceBefore.getSpace().isDiscard();
if (correctFirstElement) {
// remove the wrong element
KnuthBox wrongBox = (KnuthBox) newList.removeFirst();
// if this paragraph is at the top of a page, the space before
// must be ignored; compute the length change
int decreasedLength = (neededUnits(totalLength.opt)
- neededUnits(totalLength.opt - adjustedSpaceBefore))
* bpUnit;
// insert the correct elements
newList.addFirst(new KnuthBox(wrongBox.getW() - decreasedLength,
wrongBox.getPosition(), false));
newList.addFirst(new KnuthGlue(decreasedLength, 0, 0, SPACE_BEFORE_ADJUSTMENT,
wrongBox.getPosition(), false));
//System.out.println(" rimosso box " + neededUnits(wrongBox.getW()));
//System.out.println(" aggiunto glue " + neededUnits(decreasedLength) + " 0 0");
//System.out.println(" aggiunto box " + neededUnits(wrongBox.getW() - decreasedLength));
// if space-after.conditionality is "discard", correct newList
boolean correctLastElement = false;
if (fobj instanceof {
correctLastElement =
(( fobj).getCommonMarginBlock().spaceAfter.getSpace().isDiscard();
if (correctLastElement) {
// remove the wrong element
KnuthBox wrongBox = (KnuthBox) newList.removeLast();
// if the old sequence is box(h) penalty(inf) glue(x,y,z) box(0)
// (it cannot be parted and has some stretch or shrink)
// the wrong box is the first one, not the last one
LinkedList preserveList = new LinkedList();
if (wrongBox.getW() == 0) {
preserveList.addFirst((KnuthGlue) newList.removeLast());
preserveList.addFirst((KnuthPenalty) newList.removeLast());
wrongBox = (KnuthBox) newList.removeLast();
// if this paragraph is at the bottom of a page, the space after
// must be ignored; compute the length change
int decreasedLength = (neededUnits(totalLength.opt)
- neededUnits(totalLength.opt - adjustedSpaceAfter))
* bpUnit;
// insert the correct box
newList.addLast(new KnuthBox(wrongBox.getW() - decreasedLength,
wrongBox.getPosition(), false));
// add preserved elements
if (preserveList.size() > 0) {
// insert the correct glue
newList.addLast(new KnuthGlue(decreasedLength, 0, 0, SPACE_AFTER_ADJUSTMENT,
wrongBox.getPosition(), false));
//System.out.println(" rimosso box " + neededUnits(wrongBox.getW()));
//System.out.println(" aggiunto box " + neededUnits(wrongBox.getW() - decreasedLength));
//System.out.println(" aggiunto glue " + neededUnits(decreasedLength) + " 0 0");
return newList;
protected static class StackingIter extends PositionIterator {
StackingIter(Iterator parentIter) {
protected LayoutManager getLM(Object nextObj) {
return ((Position) nextObj).getLM();
protected Position getPos(Object nextObj) {
return ((Position) nextObj);
protected static class MappingPosition extends Position {
private int iFirstIndex;
private int iLastIndex;
public MappingPosition(LayoutManager lm, int first, int last) {
iFirstIndex = first;
iLastIndex = last;
public int getFirstIndex() {
return iFirstIndex;
public int getLastIndex() {
return iLastIndex;
* "wrap" the Position inside each element moving the elements from
* SourceList to targetList
* @param sourceList source list
* @param targetList target list receiving the wrapped position elements
protected void wrapPositionElements(List sourceList, List targetList) {
ListIterator listIter = sourceList.listIterator();
while (listIter.hasNext()) {
KnuthElement tempElement;
tempElement = (KnuthElement);
if (tempElement.getLayoutManager() != this) {
tempElement.setPosition(new NonLeafPosition(this,