blob: 083da9a9c5e8791d944cba810da5c37953b3208d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!-- $Id$ -->
<!-- All committers of Apache FOP and Apache Batik -->
<!-- no task list, yet -->
<release version="Trunk" date="n/a">
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add">
The package org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader was added. It contains a general
image loading framework for various image formats (bitmap &amp; vector).
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="update">
PostScript: Improved PSImageUtils by introducing the ImageEncoder interface and
allowing for streams instead of byte arrays for data transfer which can lower
memory consumption.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix">
PostScript: Fixed %%EOF checking for nested documents.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix">
PostScript: Improved robustness of DSC parsing (multi-line comments with no value
on the first line don't cause crashes anymore, fallback for unparsable DSC comments).
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add">
PostScript: Added classes for "BoundingBox" DSC comments.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix" fixes-bug="43120" due-to="Sergey Orlov">
Fixed a possible NPE in the TIFF codec (in the TIFFImage constructor).
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add" fixes-bug="42980" due-to="Max Berger">
Added support for classpath resources (find files in JAR files in the classpath
using their MIME type)
<action context="Code" dev="CB" type="add" fixes-bug="43069" due-to="Adrian Cumiskey">
Application of the patch in Bugzilla 43069:
New Macro safe-set-page-device which guards
against the possibility of invalid/unsupported postscript key/values being
issued to the implementing postscript page device
<release version="1.2" date="21 July 2007">
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix">
Fixed literal text string escaping in PSGenerator. Some characters were not properly
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add" fixes-bug="42507" due-to="Adrian Cumiskey">
Added support for CMYK and GRAY color spaces for PSGenerator
(moved there from PSGraphics2D).
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix">
Fixed the PDF/A namespace according to ISO-19005-1:2005/Cor.1:2007 and deprecated the
use of the draft PDF/A namespace used by Adobe Acrobat 7.x.
<release version="1.1" date="22 Dec 2006">
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add">
Added the start of an XMP metadata framework.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix">
Various fixes and improvements in the ImageWriter abstraction.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add">
ImageWriter abstraction now supports writing multi-page formats like TIFF.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add">
ImageWriter implementation for TIFF output using Image I/O API.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add" due-to="Max Berger">
Default implementation for AbstractGraphics2D.drawText(ACI, float, float) so
PSGraphics2D supports painting text using the AttributedCharacterIterator.
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="fix">
Bugfix: The generation of the PostScript setdash command was assuming that
only integer values can be used but that isn't the case.
<release version="1.0" date="17 Apr 2006">
<action context="Code" dev="JM" type="add">
Initial release with several components from Batik and FOP:
Image codecs, Image writer abstraction, I/O classes, Java2D helpers, PostScript library
with Graphics2D implementation.