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<title>Apache XML Graphics Commons</title>
Apache XML Graphics Commons is a library that consists of several reusable components
used by <a href="ext:batik">Apache Batik</a> and <a href="ext:fop">Apache FOP</a>.
Many of these components can easily be used separately outside the domains of SVG
and XSL-FO. You will find components such as a PDF library, an RTF library, Graphics2D
implementations that let you generate PDF &amp; PostScript files, and much more.
Apache XML Graphics Commons has only just begun. It's in the process of being
populated with components coming from <a href="ext:batik">Apache Batik</a>
and <a href="ext:fop">Apache FOP</a>. Stay tuned for exciting treasures made
In the Wiki, we have a
<a href="">plan for building Apache XML Graphics Commons</a>.
The plan provides an idea of what you can expect to find here when we're finished
migrating components.
<section id="features">
Components which have been ported from <a href="ext:batik">Apache Batik</a> and
<a href="ext:fop">Apache FOP</a> include:
<td>Image codecs for PNG and TIFF</td>
<td>Bitmap image writer abstraction with implementation for the above codecs and for the Image I/O API.</td>
<td>Java2D helper classes</td>
<td>org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.rendered and org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d</td>
<td>Graphics2D implementation that produces PostScript and EPS</td>
<td>Helper classes for PostScript code production</td>
<td>Parser/Processor for DSC-compliant PostScript files (DSC =
<a href="">Document Structuring Conventions</a>)
<td><a href="">XMP metadata</a> framework</td>
<td>Various I/O classes, encoders and decoders for various formats</td>
<title>21 July 2007: Version 1.2 Released</title>
<p>This release mainly adds support for CMYK and GRAY color spaces for
PSGenerator. For details about other fixes, please see the <a
href="changes.html">Changes</a> page.</p>
<title>22 December 2006: Version 1.1 Released</title>
This release adds an XMP metadata framework and brings improvements for the
ImageWriter package plus some minor fixes mainly in the PostScript area.
<title>17 April 2006: Version 1.0 Released</title>
This is the first release of Apache XML Graphics Commons. There are currently no
known issues with the code.