blob: 9d153b809ec5bf32439eff9bde2390a7b0bfb88d [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.batik.util;
* The default protocol handler this handles the most common
* protocols, such as 'file' 'http' 'ftp'.
* The parsing should be general enought to support most
* 'normal' URL formats, so in many cases
* @author <a href="">Thomas DeWeese</a>
* @version $Id$
public class ParsedURLDefaultProtocolHandler
extends AbstractParsedURLProtocolHandler {
* Default constructor sets no protocol so this becomes
* default handler.
public ParsedURLDefaultProtocolHandler() {
* Subclass constructor allows subclasses to provide protocol,
* to be handled.
protected ParsedURLDefaultProtocolHandler(String protocol) {
* Subclasses can override these method to construct alternate
* subclasses of ParsedURLData.
protected ParsedURLData constructParsedURLData() {
return new ParsedURLData();
* Subclasses can override these method to construct alternate
* subclasses of ParsedURLData.
* @param url the class we reference.
protected ParsedURLData constructParsedURLData(URL url) {
return new ParsedURLData(url);
* Parses the string and returns the results of parsing in the
* ParsedURLData object.
* @param urlStr the string to parse as a URL.
public ParsedURLData parseURL(String urlStr) {
try {
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
// System.err.println("System Parse: " + urlStr);
return constructParsedURLData(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
// Built in URL wouldn't take it...
// mue.printStackTrace();
// new Exception("Custom Parse: " + urlStr).printStackTrace();
// System.err.println("Custom Parse: " + urlStr);
ParsedURLData ret = constructParsedURLData();
if (urlStr == null) return ret;
int pidx=0, idx;
int len = urlStr.length();
// Pull fragment id off first...
idx = urlStr.indexOf('#');
ret.ref = null;
if (idx != -1) {
if (idx+1 < len)
ret.ref = urlStr.substring(idx+1);
urlStr = urlStr.substring(0,idx);
len = urlStr.length();
if (len == 0)
return ret;
// Protocol is only allowed to include -+.a-zA-Z
// So as soon as we hit something else we know we
// are done (if it is a ':' then we have protocol otherwise
// we don't.
idx = 0;
char ch = urlStr.charAt(idx);
while ((ch == '-') ||
(ch == '+') ||
(ch == '.') ||
((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) ||
((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))) {
if (idx == len) {
ch = urlStr.charAt(idx);
if (ch == ':') {
// Has a protocol spec...
ret.protocol = urlStr.substring(pidx, idx).toLowerCase();
pidx = idx+1; // Skip ':'
// See if we have host/port spec.
idx = urlStr.indexOf('/');
if ((idx == -1) || ((pidx+2<len) &&
(urlStr.charAt(pidx) == '/') &&
(urlStr.charAt(pidx+1) == '/'))) {
// No slashes ( or a double slash
// (// so
// we should have host[:port] before next slash.
if (idx != -1)
pidx+=2; // Skip double slash...
idx = urlStr.indexOf('/', pidx); // find end of host:Port spec
String hostPort;
if (idx == -1)
// Just host and port nothing following...
hostPort = urlStr.substring(pidx);
// Path spec follows...
hostPort = urlStr.substring(pidx, idx);
int hidx = idx; // Remember location of '/'
// pull apart host and port number...
idx = hostPort.indexOf(':');
ret.port = -1;
if (idx == -1) {
// Just Host...
if (hostPort.length() == 0) = null;
else = hostPort;
} else {
// Host and port
if (idx == 0) = null;
else = hostPort.substring(0,idx);
if (idx+1 < hostPort.length()) {
String portStr = hostPort.substring(idx+1);
try {
ret.port = Integer.parseInt(portStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// bad port leave as '-1'
if ((( == null) || ('.') == -1)) &&
(ret.port == -1))
// no '.' in a host spec??? and no port, probably
// just a path. = null;
pidx = hidx;
if ((pidx == -1) || (pidx >= len)) return ret; // Nothing follows
ret.path = urlStr.substring(pidx);
return ret;
public static String unescapeStr(String str) {
int idx = str.indexOf('%');
if (idx == -1) return str; // quick out..
int prev=0;
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
while (idx != -1) {
if (idx != prev)
ret.append(str.substring(prev, idx));
if (idx+2 >= str.length()) break;
prev = idx+3;
idx = str.indexOf('%', prev);
int ch1 = charToHex(str.charAt(idx+1));
int ch2 = charToHex(str.charAt(idx+1));
if ((ch1 == -1) || (ch2==-1)) continue;
ret.append((char)(ch1<<4 | ch2));
return ret.toString();
public static int charToHex(int ch) {
switch(ch) {
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
return ch-'0';
case 'a': case 'A': return 10;
case 'b': case 'B': return 11;
case 'c': case 'C': return 12;
case 'd': case 'D': return 13;
case 'e': case 'E': return 14;
case 'f': case 'F': return 15;
default: return -1;
* Parses the string as a sub URL of baseURL, and returns the
* results of parsing in the ParsedURLData object.
* @param baseURL the base url for parsing.
* @param urlStr the string to parse as a URL.
public ParsedURLData parseURL(ParsedURL baseURL, String urlStr) {
// Reference to same document (including fragment, and query).
if (urlStr.length() == 0)
// System.err.println("Base: " + baseURL + "\n" +
// "Sub: " + urlStr);
int idx = 0, len = urlStr.length();
if (len == 0) return;
// Protocol is only allowed to include -+.a-zA-Z
// So as soon as we hit something else we know we
// are done (if it is a ':' then we have protocol otherwise
// we don't.
char ch = urlStr.charAt(idx);
while ((ch == '-') ||
(ch == '+') ||
(ch == '.') ||
((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) ||
((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))) {
if (idx == len) {
ch = urlStr.charAt(idx);
String protocol = null;
if (ch == ':') {
// Has a protocol spec...
protocol = urlStr.substring(0, idx).toLowerCase();
if (protocol != null) {
// Temporary if we have a protocol then assume absolute
// URL. Technically this is the correct handling but much
// software supports relative URLs with a protocol that
// matches the base URL's protocol.
// if (true)
// return parseURL(urlStr);
if (!protocol.equals(baseURL.getProtocol()))
// Different protocols, assume absolute URL ignore base...
return parseURL(urlStr);
// Same protocols, if char after ':' is a '/' then it's
// still absolute...
if (idx == urlStr.length())
// Just a Protocol???
return parseURL(urlStr);
if (urlStr.charAt(idx) == '/')
// Absolute URL...
return parseURL(urlStr);
// Still relative just drop the protocol (we will pick it
// back up from the baseURL later...).
urlStr = urlStr.substring(idx);
if (urlStr.startsWith("/")) {
if ((urlStr.length() > 1) &&
(urlStr.charAt(1) == '/')) {
// Relative but only uses protocol from base
return parseURL(baseURL.getProtocol() + ":" + urlStr);
// Relative 'absolute' path, uses protocol and authority
// (host) from base
return parseURL(baseURL.getPortStr() + urlStr);
if (urlStr.startsWith("#")) {
String base = baseURL.getPortStr();
if (baseURL.getPath() != null) base += baseURL.getPath();
return parseURL(base + urlStr);
String path = baseURL.getPath();
// No path? well we will treat this as being relative to it's self.
if (path == null) path = "";
idx = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (idx == -1)
// baseURL is just a filename (in current dir) so use current dir
// as base of new URL.
path = "";
path = path.substring(0,idx+1);
// System.err.println("Base Path: " + path);
// System.err.println("Base PortStr: " + baseURL.getPortStr());
return parseURL(baseURL.getPortStr() + path + urlStr);