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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.Filter;
import org.apache.batik.util.ParsedURL;
import org.apache.batik.util.SoftReferenceCache;
* This class manages a cache of soft references to Images that
* we have already loaded.
* <p>
* Adding an image is two fold. First you add the ParsedURL, this lets
* the cache know that someone is working on this ParsedURL. Then when
* the completed RenderedImage is ready you put it into the cache.
* </p>
* <p>
* If someone requests a ParsedURL after it has been added but before it has
* been put they will be blocked until the put.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Thomas DeWeese</a>
* @version $Id$
public class URLImageCache extends SoftReferenceCache {
static URLImageCache theCache = new URLImageCache();
public static URLImageCache getDefaultCache() { return theCache; }
* Let people create there own caches.
public URLImageCache() { }
* Check if <tt>request(url)</tt> will return with a Filter
* (not putting you on the hook for it). Note that it is possible
* that this will return true but between this call and the call
* to request the soft-reference will be cleared. So it
* is still possible for request to return NULL, just much less
* likely (you can always call 'clear' in that case).
public synchronized boolean isPresent(ParsedURL purl) {
return super.isPresentImpl(purl);
* Check if <tt>request(url)</tt> will return immediately with the
* Filter. Note that it is possible that this will return
* true but between this call and the call to request the
* soft-reference will be cleared.
public synchronized boolean isDone(ParsedURL purl) {
return super.isDoneImpl(purl);
* If this returns null then you are now 'on the hook'.
* to put the Filter associated with ParsedURL into the
* cache. */
public synchronized Filter request(ParsedURL purl) {
return (Filter)super.requestImpl(purl);
* Clear the entry for ParsedURL.
* This is the easiest way to 'get off the hook'.
* if you didn't indend to get on it.
public synchronized void clear(ParsedURL purl) {
* Associate bi with purl. bi is only referenced through
* a soft reference so don't rely on the cache to keep it
* around. If the map no longer contains our purl it was
* probably cleared or flushed since we were put on the hook
* for it, so in that case we will do nothing.
public synchronized void put(ParsedURL purl, Filter filt) {
super.putImpl(purl, filt);