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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "">
<title>Squiggle, the SVG Browser</title>
This page describes the main features of Squiggle, the SVG browser that
comes with Batik.
<section id="downloading">
<title>Downloading the browser</title>
Refer to the <a href="site:download">download page</a> to find out
how to download Batik. Refer to the
<a href="site:install">installation page</a> for
instructions on how to install the Batik download on your system.
<section id="starting">
<title>Starting the browser</title>
The method for starting the browser depends on the distribution of Batik
that you chose to download. The following describes how to start the
browser for each distribution (binary and source).
<section id="starting-binary">
<title>Starting the browser for the binary distribution</title>
If you downloaded the <a href="../install.html#distributions">binary
distribution</a> of Batik, you should have a file called
<code></code> (or similar), which, when expanded,
created a <code>batik-squiggle.jar</code> file. To start the browser,
type the following on the command line:
<source>cd <em>installation-directory</em>
java -jar batik-squiggle.jar</source>
<p>You can pass options on the command line:</p>
<source>java -jar batik-squiggle.jar <em>[</em><strong>-font-size</strong> <em>font-size] [URIs]</em></source>
<dl class="options">
<dt><strong>-font-size</strong> <em>font-size</em></dt>
<p>specifies the font size to use in windows and menus, and</p>
<p>specifies the URIs for the SVG documents the browser should open
when it starts.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
<source>java -jar batik-squiggle.jar -font-size 10</source>
<p>starts the browser with a small widget text font size, and:</p>
<source>java -jar batik-squiggle.jar -font-size 10 samples/batikLogo.svg</source>
<p>starts the browser with the <code>batikLogo.svg</code> file open and
uses a small widget text font size.</p>
If you are using Mac OS X, and you have generated the Squiggle
application bundle, you can use its icon to start the browser.
This is the preferred way to start the browser under Mac OS X,
as it ensures better integration with the operating system
(a nicer looking menu and dock icon).
<section id="starting-source">
<title>Starting the browser for the source distribution</title>
If you downloaded the <a href="../install.html#distributions">source
distribution</a> of Batik, you should have a zip file
called <code></code> (or similar) that expanded into
a directory called <code>xml-batik</code> or
<code>batik-<em>version</em></code>. In that directory, you can find
build scripts for the platform you are running on. For example, there
is a <code>build.bat</code> script for users of the Windows platform
and there is a <code></code> script for UNIX users.
To start the browser you should:
Make sure that your <code>JAVA_HOME</code> environment variable is
set to your JDK installation directory
Open a command line window and change to the <code>xml-batik</code>
or <code>batik-<em>version</em></code> directory where the Batik
distribution was expanded
For Windows, type the following at the command prompt:
<source>build squiggle</source>
and for Unix and Mac OS X:
<source>./ squiggle</source>
<p>This will start the browser.</p>
<p>You can pass options to the browser as follows, for Windows:</p>
<source>build squiggle <em>[</em><strong>-font-size</strong> <em>font-size] [URIs]</em></source>
<p>and for Unix:</p>
<source>./ squiggle <em>[</em><strong>-font-size</strong> <em>font-size] [URIs]</em></source>
Refer to <a href="#starting-binary">“Starting the browser for the
binary distribution”</a> for an explanation of these options.
Note that the number of files that can be opened on Windows from the
command line is limited because batch files take at most 9
<section id="screenshot">
<title>Squiggle screenshot</title>
The following image shows the result of starting the browser, from the
binary or source distribution, with the <code>-font-size 10
samples/batikFX.svg</code> options.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerDefaultRegular.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the batikFX.svg sample"/>
<section id="viewing">
<title>Viewing SVG documents</title>
The browser has several features to view and browse SVG documents:
<li><a href="#localFile">Opening a local SVG file</a></li>
<li><a href="#urlFile">Opening an SVG file from the web</a></li>
<li><a href="#locationBar">Using the location text field to view an SVG file</a></li>
<li><a href="#browsing">Browsing SVG files</a></li>
<li><a href="#viewingMultiple">Viewing multiple SVG files</a></li>
<section id="localFile">
<title>Opening a local SVG file</title>
In situations where you want to open SVG files locally on the machine
where you are running Squiggle, you can use <strong>File&#x2192;Open
File</strong> menu item to open that file, or use the
<strong>Ctrl-F</strong> key accelerator. Doing so brings up a file
chooser that lets you select the file you want to view.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerFileOpen.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the 'File&#x2192;Open' menu and file chooser"/>
<section id="urlFile">
<title>Opening an SVG file from the web</title>
There are many situations where the SVG content you want to view is
not local to the machine where Squiggle is running. In that case, you
can use the <strong>File&#x2192;Open Location</strong> menu item, or
use the <strong>Ctrl-A</strong> key accelerator to open that page.
Doing so brings up a dialog box where you can type in the URL for the
file you want to view.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerOpenPage.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the 'File&#x2192;Open Location' menu and window"/>
<section id="locationBar">
<title>Using the location bar text field to view an SVG file</title>
When you know the URL of the document you want to view,
you can enter it directly in the location bar text field
at the top of Squiggle, the same way you can enter a URL
in an HTML browser.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerLocationBar.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the location bar"/>
<section id="browsing">
<title>Browsing SVG files</title>
As with HTML content, it is common to navigate back and forth between
SVG files (remember that SVG files contain hyperlinks, just like HTML
does) and, as described later in this document, it is possible to
<a href="#zoomInOut">zoom</a> into SVG documents,
<a href="#panning">pan</a> and <a href="#rotating">rotate</a>.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerBrowsing.png"
alt="Screnshot of Squiggle showing the 'Go' menu"/>
Squiggle offers multiple features to help you browse SVG files:
<dt>Navigating between files</dt>
The <strong>Go&#x2192;Back</strong> menu item (or the
<strong>Ctrl-left arrow</strong> keyboard accelerator) and the
<strong>Go&#x2192;Forward</strong> menu item (or the
<strong>Ctrl-right arrow</strong> keyboard accelerator) let you
move to the previous and next visited SVG documents.
The <strong>Go</strong> menu also contains a list of previously
viewed SVG documents, which gives you a way to randomly access any
document you have already visited.
<dt>Navigating between views</dt>
The <strong>View&#x2192;Previous Transform</strong> menu item
(<strong>Ctrl-K</strong>) and the <strong>View&#x2192;Next
Transform</strong> menu item (<strong>Ctrl-L</strong>) let you go
to the previous or next view of the document. This is useful when,
for example, you <a href="#panning">pan</a> or
<a href="#rotating">rotate</a> the document and want to go back to
the previous view you had of the document (i.e., before you panned
or rotated it).
<section id="viewingMultiple">
<title>Viewing multiple SVG files</title>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerMultipleFiles.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle with two windows open"/>
Squiggle can display multiple files simultaneously in different
windows. To view a new file in a separate window, simply select the
<strong>File&#x2192;New Window</strong> menu item or use the
<strong>Ctrl-N</strong> keyboard accelerator.
<section id="reloading">
<title>Reloading an SVG document</title>
When working on an SVG document, you may want the browser to reprocess
a document that you have modified. The <strong>File&#x2192;Reload
Document</strong> menu item or the <strong>Ctrl-R</strong> keyboard
accelerator will cause the document to be reprocessed by the browser.
<section id="exportAndPrint">
<title>Exporting and printing SVG documents</title>
The <strong>File&#x2192;Print</strong> menu item or
<strong>Ctrl-P</strong> will print the currently displayed SVG document.
The <strong>File&#x2192;Export As</strong> menu item offers the option
to export the currently displayed SVG document to various raster
formats. Currently, the browser supports the
<abbr title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</abbr>,
<abbr title="Joint Photographic Expert Group">JPEG</abbr> and
<abbr title="Tagged Image File Format">TIFF</abbr> formats.
<section id="inspecting">
<title>Inspecting the SVG source</title>
The browser offers two ways to inspect the source of an SVG document:
<a href="#viewingSource">viewing the plain source</a> or
<a href="#viewingTree">viewing the document tree</a>. Both are explained
<section id="viewingSource">
<title>Viewing the source</title>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerViewSource.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the 'View&#x2192;View Source' menu item and the source window"/>
When the browser displays an SVG file, you can select the
<strong>View&#x2192;View Source...</strong> menu item or use the
<strong>Ctrl-U</strong> keyboard accelerator to view the source code.
<section id="viewingTree">
<title>Viewing the document tree</title>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerViewTree.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the 'View&#x2192;DOM Viewer...' menu item and the DOM viewer window"/>
When the browser displays an SVG file, you can select the
<strong>View&#x2192;DOM Viewer...</strong> menu item or use the
<strong>Ctrl-D</strong> keyboard accelerator to open a window that
shows the SVG document in the form of a tree. The window lets you
navigate the tree, select individual elements, such as a path
elements, and view the attributes and CSS values that apply to these
elements. While the View Source window shows the SVG source as it
was when it was loaded, the DOM Viewer window reflects the current
state of the document, including any modifications that have occurred
due to script.
<section id="configuring">
<title>Configuring Squiggle</title>
The <strong>Edit&#x2192;Preferences</strong> menu item or
<strong>Ctrl-G</strong> brings up the dialog box shown in the following
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerPreferences.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle with the Preferences window open"/>
This dialog contains several types of options, which can be selected
with the left-hand side list. For each type of option, a panel lets you
configure various browser parameters:
<dt>General panel</dt>
This panel lets you choose some optional behavior:
<dt>Enable double buffering</dt>
When on, the browser uses additional memory resources
which improves the quality of effects such as zooming and panning.
<dt>Show Rendering</dt>
When on, the browser will update the canvas while processing an
SVG document. This turns on progressive rendering.
<dt>Automatically resize window to document size</dt>
When on, the browser window is resized to fit any newly loaded
<dt>Animation rate limiting</dt>
This set of radio buttons determines how often animation
updates are performed. This can be set as a maximum percentage
of CPU time to use, a maximum number of frames per second, or
to perform as many updates as possible (unlimited).
<dt>Print debugging information to console</dt>
When on, some debug messages will be printed to the standard
output. This is will likely interest only developers.
<dt>Use a validating XML parser</dt>
When on, the XML parser used to load documents will be in
validating mode. This means that the document will be validated
against the DTD when it is loaded, and external DTD subsets
will be fetched.
<dt>Security panel</dt>
This panel has options relating to the script and resource
access in documents.
<dt>Language panel</dt>
This is the panel shown in the above figure. That panel lets you
select your languages. The user language can be used in SVG documents
to choose between alternate contents. For example, open the
<code>samples/moonPhases.svg</code> example. Then, change the user
language to French and <a href="#reloading">reload</a> the document
(<strong>Ctrl-R</strong>). You will see that the text is now
displayed in French. You can do the same with Japanese and the text
will be shown in Japanese.
<dt>Stylesheet panel</dt>
This panel lets you specify a user stylesheet which can override some
of the default settings in viewed SVG documents. This might be useful
if you want, for example, to override the font size used in text
<dt>Network panel</dt>
This panel lets you configure the proxy server to use if you are
working from behind a firewall.
<section id="zooming">
<title>Navigating SVG documents: zooming, panning, rotating, transform and thumbnail</title>
The Batik browser offers multiple way to navigate SVG documents:
<li><a href="#zoomInOut">Zooming in and out</a></li>
<li><a href="#panning">Panning</a></li>
<li><a href="#rotating">Rotating</a></li>
<li><a href="#transform">Arbitrary transforms</a></li>
<li><a href="#thumbnail">Thumbnail</a></li>
<section id="zoomInOut">
<title>Zooming in and out</title>
There are several methods to zoom in or out an SVG document:
You can select the <strong>View&#x2192;Zoom In</strong> or
<strong>View&#x2192;Zoom Out</strong> menu item.
You can <strong>click</strong> on the <strong>Zoom In/Out</strong>
tool bar buttons (the ones that show a magnifying glass with
<strong>+/-</strong> signs).
You can use the <strong>Ctrl+I</strong> and <strong>Ctrl+O</strong>
keyboard accelerators.
If the mouse is over the document in the display area, you can press
the <strong>Ctrl key</strong> then <strong>click the left mouse
button and drag</strong> to select the area of interest in the
document. This can only be used to zoom into a document.
If the mouse is over the document in the display area, you can press
the <strong>Shift key</strong> then <strong>click the right mouse
button and drag</strong> it. This is called the <em>real time</em>
zoom and can be used both for zooming in and out.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerZoomin.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the Zoom In and Zoom Out menu items and tool bar buttons"/>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerAOI.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle zooming to an area of interest"/>
<anchor id="panning" />
<section id="panning">
<title>Panning a document</title>
Some documents are too big to fit into the browser, especially when
you <a href="#zoomInOut">zoom</a> in with a large zoom factor. In
these circumstances, it is useful to be able to move around the
document and pan to view different parts of the documents. Again,
there are multiple ways to do this:
With the mouse cursor over the SVG document, <strong>press the Shift
key</strong> and then <strong>click and drag the left mouse
button</strong> to a new location. When you release the mouse, the
document will be translated to the new mouse location.
If you have the <a href="#thumbnail">thumbnail</a> open, you can
select the marker showing the current area of interest and move it
to the desired location.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerPan.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle illustrating the panning gesture"/>
<section id="rotating">
<title>Rotating a document</title>
It is sometimes useful to be able to rotate a document (maps for
example). You can do this in the Batik browser by first pressing the
<strong>Ctrl key</strong> and then <strong>clicking and dragging
the right mouse button</strong> to a new location. The browser will
dynamically rotate the image as you move your cursor. When you are
satisfied with that angle, you can release the mouse button and the
document will be displayed with that new angle.
<section id="transform">
<title>Using the Transform dialog</title>
While the mouse and keyboard interactions give interactive way to
navigate an SVG document, it is sometimes desirable to be able to
define precisely the amount of <a href="#zoomInOut">zoom</a>,
<a href="#panning">pan</a> or <a href="#rotating">rotation</a>
desired. The Transform dialog, available through the
<strong>View&#x2192;Transform</strong> menu (<strong>Ctrl-E</strong>)
offers that feature.
<section id="thumbnail">
Panning in the document window can be difficult after you have zoomed
into a document because you cannot see the whole document. Panning on
large documents (or with a large zoom factor) is made easy by the
thumbnail that you can bring up through the
<strong>View&#x2192;Thumbnail</strong> menu item or
the <strong>Ctrl-Y</strong> keyboard accelerator. The thumbnail shows
a rectangular marker that represents the “Area of Interest”, i.e.,
the region currently displayed in the window (the visible portion of
the document). You can <strong>drag out a rectangular marker with the
left mouse button pushed down</strong> to select a new area of
interest which will then be shown in the main window.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/svgviewerThumbnail.png"
alt="Screenshot of Squiggle showing the Thumbnail window"/>