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package org.apache.batik.test.svg;
* Base class for tests which take an additional parameter in addition
* to the SVG file.
* @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
* @version $Id$
public class SVGReferenceRenderingAccuracyTest
extends ParametrizedRenderingAccuracyTest {
protected String alias;
* For this type of test, the id should be made as
* follows:<br />
* <fileName>#reference-alias <br />
* For example: <br />
* samples/anne.svg#svgView(viewBox(0,0,100,100))-viewBox1
public void setId(String id){ = id;
String svgFile = id;
int n = svgFile.lastIndexOf('#');
if(n == -1 || n+1 >= svgFile.length() ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(id);
parameter = svgFile.substring(n+1, svgFile.length());
svgFile = svgFile.substring(0, n);
n = parameter.lastIndexOf('-');
if(n == -1 || n+1 >= parameter.length()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(id);
alias = parameter.substring(n+1, parameter.length());
parameter = parameter.substring(0, n);
String[] dirNfile = breakSVGFile(svgFile);
setConfig(buildSVGURL(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1]),
buildRefImgURL(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1]));
String[] variationURLs = buildVariationURLs(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < variationURLs.length; i++) {
setSaveVariation(new File(buildSaveVariationFile(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1])));
setCandidateReference(new File(buildCandidateReferenceFile(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1])));
* Resolves the input string as follows.
* + First, the string is interpreted as a file description minus
* any url fragment it may have (stuff after a '#'). If the
* file's parent directory exists, then the file name is turned
* into a URL and the fragment if any is appended.
* + Otherwise, the string is supposed to be a URL. If it
* is an invalid URL, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
protected URL resolveURL(String url){
// We must strip the # off if there is one otherwise File thinks
// we want to reference a file that has a '#' in it's name...
String fragment = null;
String file = url;
int n = file.lastIndexOf('#');
if (n != -1) {
fragment = file.substring(n); // include the #.
file = file.substring(0,n);
// Is url a file?
File f = (new File(file)).getAbsoluteFile();
if (fragment == null) {
return f.toURL(); // No fragment.
} else {
// Construct URL that includes fragment...
return new URL(f.toURL(), fragment);
}catch(MalformedURLException e){
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// url is not a file. It must be a regular URL...
return new URL(url);
}catch(MalformedURLException e){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(url);
* Gives a chance to the subclass to prepend a prefix to the
* svgFile name.
* The svgURL is built as:
* getSVGURLPrefix() + svgDir + svgFile + SVG_EXTENSION + "#" + parameter
protected String buildSVGURL(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getSVGURLPrefix() + svgDir +
svgFile + SVG_EXTENSION + "#" + parameter;
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the reference PNG file from the svgFile name
* The refImgURL is built as:
* getRefImagePrefix() + svgDir + getRefImageSuffix() + svgFile
protected String buildRefImgURL(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getRefImagePrefix() + svgDir + getRefImageSuffix() + svgFile + alias + PNG_EXTENSION;
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the variation URL, which is built as:
* getVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getVariationSuffix() + svgFile + parameter + PNG_EXTENSION
public String[] buildVariationURLs(String svgDir, String svgFile) {
String[] platforms = getVariationPlatforms();
String[] urls = new String[platforms.length + 1];
urls[0] = getVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getVariationSuffix() + svgFile
+ alias + PNG_EXTENSION;
for (int i = 0; i < platforms.length; i++) {
urls[i + 1] = getVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getVariationSuffix()
+ svgFile + alias + '_' + platforms[i]
return urls;
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the saveVariation URL, which is built as:
* getSaveVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getSaveVariationSuffix() + svgFile + parameter + PNG_EXTENSION
public String buildSaveVariationFile(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getSaveVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getSaveVariationSuffix() + svgFile + alias + PNG_EXTENSION;
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the candidateReference URL, which is built as:
* getSaveVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getSaveVariationSuffix() + svgFile + parameter + PNG_EXTENSION
public String buildCandidateReferenceFile(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getCandidateReferencePrefix() + svgDir + getCandidateReferenceSuffix() + svgFile + alias + PNG_EXTENSION;