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package org.apache.batik.gvt.flow;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTGlyphVector;
* One line Class Desc
* Complete Class Desc
* @author <a href="">deweese</a>
* @version $Id$
public class LineInfo {
FlowRegions fr;
double lineHeight = -1;
double ascent = -1;
double descent = -1;
double hLeading = -1;
double baseline;
int numGlyphs;
int words = 0;
int size=0;
GlyphGroupInfo [] ggis=null;
int newSize=0;
GlyphGroupInfo [] newGGIS=null;
int numRanges;
double [] ranges;
double [] rangeAdv;
BlockInfo bi = null;
boolean paraStart;
boolean paraEnd;
protected static final int FULL_WORD = 0;
protected static final int FULL_ADV = 1;
public LineInfo(FlowRegions fr, BlockInfo bi, boolean paraStart) { = fr; = bi;
this.lineHeight = bi.getLineHeight();
this.ascent = bi.getAscent();
this.descent = bi.getDescent();
this.hLeading = (lineHeight-(ascent+descent))/2;
this.baseline = (float)(fr.getCurrentY()+hLeading+ascent);
this.paraStart = paraStart;
this.paraEnd = false;
if (lineHeight > 0) {
public void setParaEnd(boolean paraEnd) {
this.paraEnd = paraEnd;
public boolean addWord(WordInfo wi) {
double nlh = wi.getLineHeight();
if (nlh <= lineHeight)
return insertWord(wi);
if (!updateRangeInfo()) {
if (lineHeight > 0) // restore old LH
return false;
if (!insertWord(wi)) {
if (lineHeight > 0) // Failure, restore old line Height.
return false;
// Success, word fits on line.
lineHeight = nlh;
if (wi.getAscent() > ascent)
ascent = wi.getAscent();
if (wi.getDescent() > descent)
descent = wi.getDescent();
hLeading = (nlh-(ascent+descent))/2;
baseline = (float)(fr.getCurrentY()+hLeading+ascent);
return true;
public boolean insertWord(WordInfo wi) {
// Merge wi's glyph groups into the current GGI's.
// This puts them into newGGIS, so if it fails we can
// retain to the old ggis array.
if (!assignGlyphGroupRanges(newSize, newGGIS))
return false;
// Swap in to GG info.
return true;
static final float MAX_COMPRESS=0.1f;
static final float COMRESS_SCALE=3;
public boolean assignGlyphGroupRanges(int ggSz, GlyphGroupInfo []ggis) {
int i=0, r=0;
while (r<numRanges) {
double range = ranges[2*r+1]-ranges[2*r];
float adv=0;
float rangeAdvance = 0;
while (i<ggSz) {
GlyphGroupInfo ggi = ggis[i];
adv = ggi.getAdvance();
double delta = range-(rangeAdvance + adv);
if (delta < 0) break;
rangeAdvance += adv;
// Check last glyphGroup anyways...
if (i == ggSz) {
rangeAdvance -= adv;
GlyphGroupInfo ggi = ggis[i];
float ladv = ggi.getLastAdvance();
while (rangeAdvance + ladv > range) {
// "i" can't fit in this region see if "i-1" can.
ladv = 0;
if (i < 0) break;
ggi = ggis[i];
if (r != ggi.getRange()) // Not from this range nothing fits.
rangeAdvance -= ggi.getAdvance();
ladv = ggi.getLastAdvance();
rangeAdv[r] = rangeAdvance + ladv;
if (i == ggSz) return true;
return false;
* This method updates the line height and recalculates
* the available flow ranges for the line.
public boolean setLineHeight(double lh) {
if (updateRangeInfo()) {
lineHeight = lh;
return true;
// restore line height.
if (lineHeight > 0)
return false;
public double getCurrentY() {
return fr.getCurrentY();
public boolean gotoY(double y) {
if (fr.gotoY(y))
return true;
if (lineHeight > 0)
this.baseline = (float)(fr.getCurrentY()+hLeading+ascent);
return false;
protected boolean updateRangeInfo() {
int nr = fr.getNumRangeOnLine();
if (nr == 0)
return false;
numRanges = nr;
if (ranges == null) {
rangeAdv = new double[numRanges];
ranges = new double[2*numRanges];
} else if (numRanges > rangeAdv.length) {
int sz = 2*rangeAdv.length;
if (sz < numRanges) sz = numRanges;
rangeAdv = new double[sz];
ranges = new double[2*sz];
for (int r=0; r<numRanges; r++) {
double [] rangeBounds = fr.nextRange();
// System.err.println("RG["+r+"]: [" +
// rangeBounds[0] + "," + rangeBounds[1] +"]");
double r0 = rangeBounds[0];
if (r == 0) {
double delta = bi.getLeftMargin();
if (paraStart) {
double indent = bi.getIndent();
// Limit indent to the amount of margin we have.
if (delta < -indent) delta = 0;
else delta += indent;
r0 += delta;
double r1 = rangeBounds[1];
if (r == numRanges-1)
r1 -= bi.getRightMargin();
ranges[2*r] = r0;
ranges[2*r+1] = r1;
return true;
protected void swapGlyphGroupInfo() {
GlyphGroupInfo [] tmp = ggis;
ggis = newGGIS;
newGGIS = tmp;
size = newSize;
newSize = 0;
* This function merges the glyph groups from <code>wi</code>
* into the glyph groups that are already on this line.
* It does no fit checking, just adds them in the
* proper place in the <code>newGGIS</code> data member.
protected void mergeGlyphGroups(WordInfo wi) {
int numGG = wi.getNumGlyphGroups();
newSize = 0;
if (ggis == null) {
// first glyph group on line just add them.
newSize = numGG;
newGGIS = new GlyphGroupInfo[numGG];
for (int i=0; i< numGG; i++)
newGGIS[i] = wi.getGlyphGroup(i);
} else {
// We need to merge the new glyph groups with the
// existing glyph Groups.
int s = 0;
int i = 0;
GlyphGroupInfo nggi = wi.getGlyphGroup(i);
int nStart = nggi.getStart();
GlyphGroupInfo oggi = ggis[size-1];
int oStart = oggi.getStart();
newGGIS = assureSize(newGGIS, size+numGG);
if (nStart < oStart) {
oggi = ggis[s];
oStart = oggi.getStart();
while((s<size)&&(i<numGG)) {
if (nStart < oStart) {
newGGIS[newSize++] = nggi;
if (i<numGG) {
nggi = wi.getGlyphGroup(i);
nStart = nggi.getStart();
} else {
newGGIS[newSize++] = oggi;
if (s<size) {
oggi = ggis[s];
oStart = oggi.getStart();
while(s<size) {
newGGIS[newSize++] = ggis[s++];
while(i<numGG) {
newGGIS[newSize++] = wi.getGlyphGroup(i++);
// for (int i=0; i<newSize; i++) {
// System.err.println("GGIS["+i+"]: " + newGGIS[i].start + " -> " +
// newGGIS[i].end);
// }
public void layout() {
if (size == 0) return;
// This is needed because we know that in most cases
// the addition of the last word failed. In the case of
// BIDI this will mess up region assignments.
// If one wanted to you could check on BIDI, and/or
// lastPara.
assignGlyphGroupRanges(size, ggis);
GVTGlyphVector gv = ggis[0].getGlyphVector();
int justType = FULL_WORD;
double ggAdv = 0;
double gAdv = 0;
// Calculate the number of Glyph Groups and the number
// of glpyhs in each range for use with full justification.
int []rangeGG = new int[numRanges];
int []rangeG = new int[numRanges];
GlyphGroupInfo []rangeLastGGI = new GlyphGroupInfo[numRanges];
GlyphGroupInfo ggi = ggis[0];
int r = ggi.getRange();
rangeG [r] += ggi.getGlyphCount();
for (int i=1; i<size; i++) {
ggi = ggis[i];
r = ggi.getRange();
if ((rangeLastGGI[r]==null) || !rangeLastGGI[r].getHideLast())
rangeLastGGI[r] = ggi;
rangeG [r] += ggi.getGlyphCount();
GlyphGroupInfo pggi = ggis[i-1];
int pr = pggi.getRange();
if (r != pr)
rangeG[pr]+= pggi.getLastGlyphCount()-pggi.getGlyphCount();
rangeG[r]+= ggi.getLastGlyphCount()-ggi.getGlyphCount();
int currRange = -1;
double locX=0, range=0, rAdv=0;
ggi = null;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
GlyphGroupInfo pggi = ggi;
int prevRange = currRange;
ggi = ggis[i];
currRange = ggi.getRange();
if (currRange != prevRange) {
locX = ranges[2*currRange];
range = ranges[2*currRange+1]-locX;
rAdv = rangeAdv[currRange];
int textAlign = bi.getTextAlignment();
if ((paraEnd) && (textAlign == BlockInfo.ALIGN_FULL))
textAlign = BlockInfo.ALIGN_START;
switch (textAlign) {
case BlockInfo.ALIGN_FULL: {
double delta = range-rAdv;
if (justType == FULL_WORD) {
int numSp = rangeGG[currRange]-1;
if (numSp >= 1)
ggAdv = delta/numSp;
} else {
int numSp = rangeG[currRange]-1;
if (numSp >= 1) gAdv = delta/numSp;
} break;
case BlockInfo.ALIGN_START: break;
case BlockInfo.ALIGN_MIDDLE: locX += (range-rAdv)/2; break;
case BlockInfo.ALIGN_END: locX += (range-rAdv); break;
} else if ((pggi!= null) && pggi.getHideLast()) {
// Hide last glyph from prev glyph group (soft hyphen etc).
gv.setGlyphVisible(pggi.getEnd(), false);
int start = ggi.getStart();
int end = ggi.getEnd();
boolean [] hide = ggi.getHide();
Point2D p2d = gv.getGlyphPosition(start);
double deltaX = p2d.getX();
double advAdj = 0;
for (int g=start; g<=end; g++) {
Point2D np2d = gv.getGlyphPosition(g+1);
if (hide[g-start]) {
gv.setGlyphVisible(g, false);
advAdj += np2d.getX()-p2d.getX();
} else {
gv.setGlyphVisible(g, true);
gv.setGlyphPosition(g, p2d);
p2d = np2d;
advAdj -= gAdv;
if (ggi.getHideLast())
locX += ggi.getAdvance()-advAdj;
locX += ggi.getAdvance()-advAdj+ggAdv;
public static GlyphGroupInfo [] assureSize
(GlyphGroupInfo [] ggis, int sz) {
if (ggis == null) {
if (sz < 10) sz = 10;
return new GlyphGroupInfo[sz];
if (sz <= ggis.length)
return ggis;
int nsz = ggis.length*2;
if (nsz < sz) nsz = sz;
return new GlyphGroupInfo[nsz];