blob: ccbc9152419ac73665c50e6cd88ee113b3f56c5c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2001,2003 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.apache.batik.test.svg;
* Convenience class for creating a SVGRenderingAccuracyTest with predefined
* rules for the various configuration parameters.
* @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
* @version $Id$
public abstract class PreconfiguredRenderingTest extends SVGRenderingAccuracyTest {
* Generic constants
public static final String PNG_EXTENSION = ".png";
public static final String SVG_EXTENSION = ".svg";
public static final String SVGZ_EXTENSION = ".svgz";
public static final char PATH_SEPARATOR = '/';
* For preconfigured tests, the configuration has to be
* derived from the test identifier. The identifier should
* characterize the SVG file to be tested.
public void setId(String id){
public void setFile(String id) {
String svgFile = id;
String[] dirNfile = breakSVGFile(svgFile);
setConfig(buildSVGURL(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1], dirNfile[2]),
buildRefImgURL(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1]));
setVariationURL(buildVariationURL(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1]));
setSaveVariation(new File(buildSaveVariationFile(dirNfile[0], dirNfile[1])));
setCandidateReference(new File(buildCandidateReferenceFile(dirNfile[0],dirNfile[1])));
* Make the name as simple as possible. For preconfigured SVG files,
* we use the test id, which is the relevant identifier for the test
* user.
public String getName(){
return getId();
* Gives a chance to the subclass to prepend a prefix to the
* svgFile name.
* The svgURL is built as:
* getSVGURLPrefix() + svgDir + svgFile
protected String buildSVGURL(String svgDir, String svgFile, String svgExt){
return getSVGURLPrefix() + svgDir + svgFile + svgExt;
protected abstract String getSVGURLPrefix();
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the reference PNG file from the svgFile name
* The refImgURL is built as:
* getRefImagePrefix() + svgDir + getRefImageSuffix() + svgFile
protected String buildRefImgURL(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getRefImagePrefix() + svgDir + getRefImageSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION;
protected abstract String getRefImagePrefix();
protected abstract String getRefImageSuffix();
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the variation URL, which is built as:
* getVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getVariationSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION
public String buildVariationURL(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getVariationSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION;
protected abstract String getVariationPrefix();
protected abstract String getVariationSuffix();
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the saveVariation URL, which is built as:
* getSaveVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getSaveVariationSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION
public String buildSaveVariationFile(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getSaveVariationPrefix() + svgDir + getSaveVariationSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION;
protected abstract String getSaveVariationPrefix();
protected abstract String getSaveVariationSuffix();
* Gives a chance to the subclass to control the construction
* of the candidateReference URL, which is built as:
* getCandidatereferencePrefix() + svgDir + getCandidatereferenceSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION
public String buildCandidateReferenceFile(String svgDir, String svgFile){
return getCandidateReferencePrefix() + svgDir + getCandidateReferenceSuffix() + svgFile + PNG_EXTENSION;
protected abstract String getCandidateReferencePrefix();
protected abstract String getCandidateReferenceSuffix();
protected String[] breakSVGFile(String svgFile){
if(svgFile == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(svgFile);
String [] ret = new String[3];
if (svgFile.endsWith(SVG_EXTENSION)) {
} else if (svgFile.endsWith(SVGZ_EXTENSION)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(svgFile);
svgFile = svgFile.substring(0, svgFile.length()-ret[2].length());
int fileNameStart = svgFile.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR);
String svgDir = "";
if(fileNameStart != -1){
if(svgFile.length() < fileNameStart + 2){
// Nothing after PATH_SEPARATOR
throw new IllegalArgumentException(svgFile);
svgDir = svgFile.substring(0, fileNameStart + 1);
svgFile = svgFile.substring(fileNameStart + 1);
ret[0] = svgDir;
ret[1] = svgFile;
return ret;