blob: 8c9d0e5eea5bbbd65a94a53e34a7ae61146dcff9 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.TurbulencePatternRed;
* Creates a sourceless image from a turbulence function.
* @author <a href="">Thomas DeWeese</a>
* @version $Id$
public class TurbulenceRable8Bit
extends AbstractColorInterpolationRable
implements TurbulenceRable {
int seed = 0; // Seed value to pseudo rand num gen.
int numOctaves = 1; // number of octaves in turbulence function
double baseFreqX = 0; // Frequency in X/Y directions
double baseFreqY = 0;
boolean stitched = false; // True if tiles are stitched
boolean fractalNoise = false; // True if fractal noise should be used.
Rectangle2D region;
public TurbulenceRable8Bit(Rectangle2D region) {
this.region = region;
public TurbulenceRable8Bit(Rectangle2D region,
int seed,
int numOctaves,
double baseFreqX,
double baseFreqY,
boolean stitched,
boolean fractalNoise) {
this.seed = seed;
this.numOctaves = numOctaves;
this.baseFreqX = baseFreqX;
this.baseFreqY = baseFreqY;
this.stitched = stitched;
this.fractalNoise = fractalNoise;
this.region = region;
* Get the turbulence region
public Rectangle2D getTurbulenceRegion() {
return (Rectangle2D)region.clone();
* Get the turbulence region
public Rectangle2D getBounds2D() {
return (Rectangle2D)region.clone();
* Get the current seed value for the pseudo random number generator.
* @return The current seed value for the pseudo random number generator.
public int getSeed() {
return seed;
* Get the current number of octaves for the noise function .
* @return The current number of octaves for the noise function .
public int getNumOctaves() {
return numOctaves;
* Get the current base fequency in x direction.
* @return The current base fequency in x direction.
public double getBaseFrequencyX() {
return baseFreqX;
* Get the current base fequency in y direction.
* @return The current base fequency in y direction.
public double getBaseFrequencyY() {
return baseFreqY;
* Returns true if the turbulence function is currently stitching tiles.
* @return true if the turbulence function is currently stitching tiles.
public boolean isStitched() {
return stitched;
* Returns true if the turbulence function is using fractal noise,
* instead of turbulence noise.
* @return true if the turbulence function is using fractal noise,
* instead of turbulence noise.
public boolean isFractalNoise() {
return fractalNoise;
* Sets the turbulence region
* @param turbulenceRegion region to fill with turbulence function.
public void setTurbulenceRegion(Rectangle2D turbulenceRegion) {
this.region = turbulenceRegion;
* Set the seed value for the pseudo random number generator.
* @param seed The new seed value for the pseudo random number generator.
public void setSeed(int seed) {
this.seed = seed;
* Set the number of octaves for the noise function .
* @param numOctaves The new number of octaves for the noise function .
public void setNumOctaves(int numOctaves) {
this.numOctaves = numOctaves;
* Set the base fequency in x direction.
* @param baseFreqX The new base fequency in x direction.
public void setBaseFrequencyX(double baseFreqX) {
this.baseFreqX = baseFreqX;
* Set the base fequency in y direction.
* @param baseFreqY The new base fequency in y direction.
public void setBaseFrequencyY(double baseFreqY) {
this.baseFreqY = baseFreqY;
* Set stitching state for tiles.
* @param stitched true if the turbulence operator should stitch tiles.
public void setStitched(boolean stitched) {
this.stitched = stitched;
* Turns on/off fractal noise.
* @param fractalNoise true if fractal noise should be used.
public void setFractalNoise(boolean fractalNoise) {
this.fractalNoise = fractalNoise;
public RenderedImage createRendering(RenderContext rc){
Rectangle2D aoiRect;
Shape aoi = rc.getAreaOfInterest();
if(aoi == null){
aoiRect = getBounds2D();
} else {
Rectangle2D rect = getBounds2D();
aoiRect = aoi.getBounds2D();
if (aoiRect.intersects(rect) == false)
return null;
Rectangle2D.intersect(aoiRect, rect, aoiRect);
AffineTransform usr2dev = rc.getTransform();
// Compute size of raster image in device space.
// System.out.println("Turbulence aoi : " + aoi);
// System.out.println("Scale X : " + usr2dev.getScaleX() + " scaleY : " + usr2dev.getScaleY());
// System.out.println("Turbulence aoi dev : " + usr2dev.createTransformedShape(aoi).getBounds());
final Rectangle devRect
= usr2dev.createTransformedShape(aoiRect).getBounds();
if ((devRect.width <= 0) ||
(devRect.height <= 0))
return null;
ColorSpace cs = getOperationColorSpace();
Rectangle2D tile = null;
if (stitched)
tile = (Rectangle2D)region.clone();
AffineTransform patternTxf = new AffineTransform();
patternTxf = usr2dev.createInverse();
}catch(NoninvertibleTransformException e){
return new TurbulencePatternRed
(baseFreqX, baseFreqY, numOctaves, seed, fractalNoise,
tile, patternTxf, devRect, cs, true);