blob: 65d001d05acb1199d4abbf1116ace8b72c442f77 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.EncodingMap;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.QNameHelper;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XMLNameHelper;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.NamespaceManager;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlStore;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStoreFactory;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.QNameCache;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.QNameSet;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaTypeLoader;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.XmlBookmark;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlLineNumber;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlRuntimeException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlSaxHandler;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public final class Root extends Finish implements XmlStore
public Root ( SchemaTypeLoader stl, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
super( ROOT );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue(stl != null);
_schemaTypeSystem = stl;
_leftOnly = true;
_props = new DocProps();
_doc = new Doc( this, null );
_leftSplay = _doc;
_doc._parentSplay = this;
adjustCdocBeginLeft( _doc.getCdocBegin() );
_text = new Text();
SchemaType sType = null;
options = XmlOptions.maskNull( options );
if (options.hasOption( XmlOptions.DOCUMENT_TYPE ))
sType = (SchemaType) options.get( XmlOptions.DOCUMENT_TYPE );
if (sType == null)
sType = type;
if (sType == null)
sType = XmlObject.type;
_validateOnSet = options.hasOption( XmlOptions.VALIDATE_ON_SET );
_factory = (TypeStoreFactory) options.get( TypeStoreFactory.KEY );
_doc.setType( this, sType );
public static XmlStore newStore ( SchemaTypeLoader stl, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
return new Root( stl, type, options );
public XmlDocumentProperties documentProperties ( )
return _props;
public XmlCursor createCursor ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
return new Cursor( this, _doc );
Container getContainer ( ) { return _doc; }
boolean validateOnSet ( ) { return _validateOnSet; }
public XmlObject getObject ( )
Type t = _doc.peekType();
return t == null ? null : t.getXmlObject();
public SchemaTypeLoader getSchemaTypeLoader ( )
return _schemaTypeSystem;
boolean isEmpty ( )
return _leftSplay == _doc && _doc._rightSplay == null && _doc.isValid();
boolean isLeftOnly ( ) { return _leftOnly; }
void ensureEmpty ( )
if (!isEmpty())
_doc.removeContent( this, true );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue(getCchLeft() == 0);
XmlBeans.assertTrue(_text.length() == 0);
XmlBeans.assertTrue(getCdocBeginLeft() == 1);
XmlBeans.assertTrue(_doc != null && _leftSplay == _doc);
void updateCch ( Splay s, int deltaCch )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
if (deltaCch != 0)
s.splay( this, this );
s.adjustCch( deltaCch );
adjustCchLeft( deltaCch );
int getCp ( Splay s )
// A left only tree has the nice property that _cchLeft is
// also the cp!
if (!_leftOnly && s != this)
s.splay( this, this );
return s.getCchLeft();
int getDocBeginIndex ( Splay s )
// A left only tree has the nice property that cdocBeginLeft is
// also the pos!
if (!_leftOnly)
s.splay( this, this );
return s.getCdocBeginLeft();
Begin findNthBegin ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
// only one of (set or name) is not null
// or both are null for a wildcard
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( name == null || set == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( n >= 0 );
if (parent == null || parent.isLeaf())
return null;
int da = _nthCache_A.distance( parent, name, set, n );
int db = _nthCache_B.distance( parent, name, set, n );
Begin b =
da <= db
? _nthCache_A.fetch( parent, name, set, n )
: _nthCache_B.fetch( parent, name, set, n );
if (da == db)
nthCache temp = _nthCache_A;
_nthCache_A = _nthCache_B;
_nthCache_B = temp;
return b;
int count ( Container parent, QName name, QNameSet set )
Splay s = findNthBegin( parent, name, set, 0 );
if (s == null)
return 0;
int n = 0;
for ( ; ; s = s.nextSplay() )
if (s.isFinish())
if (!s.isBegin())
if (set == null)
if (s.getName().equals(name))
if (set.contains(s.getName()))
s = s.getFinishSplay();
return n;
* Set up strong type information based on this schema type system.
private boolean namespacesSame ( QName n1, QName n2 )
if (n1 == n2)
return true;
if (n1 == null || n2 == null)
return false;
if (n1.getNamespaceURI() == n2.getNamespaceURI())
return true;
if (n1.getNamespaceURI() == null || n2.getNamespaceURI() == null)
return false;
return n1.getNamespaceURI().equals( n2.getNamespaceURI() );
private void addNamespace ( StringBuffer sb, QName name )
if (name.getNamespaceURI() == null)
sb.append( "<no namespace>" );
sb.append( "\"" );
sb.append( name.getNamespaceURI() );
sb.append( "\"" );
XmlObject autoTypedDocument (
SchemaType factoryType, XmlOptions options )
throws XmlException
// The type in the options has highest precidence because it is
// supplied by the user.
SchemaType overrideType =
(SchemaType) XmlOptions.safeGet( options, XmlOptions.DOCUMENT_TYPE );
// precedence is given to the override above all
SchemaType theType = overrideType;
// Document and attribute types have no name
if (theType == null &&
(factoryType == null ||
(!factoryType.isDocumentType() &&
// infer type from xsi:type
QName typeName = _doc.getXsiTypeName( this );
SchemaType sniffedType =
typeName == null
? null
: _schemaTypeSystem.findType( typeName );
if (factoryType == null ||
factoryType.isAssignableFrom( sniffedType ))
theType = sniffedType;
// todo:
// use the following when implementing subst groups:
// factoryType == null || expectedType.isDocumentType()
if (factoryType == null || factoryType.isDocumentType())
if (theType == null)
// infer type based on root elt
QName docElemName = null;
XmlCursor c = createCursor();
if (c.toFirstChild() && !c.toNextSibling())
docElemName = c.getName();
if (docElemName != null)
theType = _schemaTypeSystem.findDocumentType( docElemName );
// verify elt inheritance when implementing subst groups
if (factoryType != null && theType != null)
QName factoryElemName = factoryType.getDocumentElementName();
if (!factoryElemName.equals(docElemName) &&
throw new XmlException("Element " + QNameHelper.pretty(docElemName) +
" is not a valid " + QNameHelper.pretty(factoryElemName) +
" document or a valid substitution.");
if (theType == null)
// infer type based on root attr
QName attrName = null;
XmlCursor c = createCursor();
if (c.toFirstAttribute() && !c.toNextAttribute())
attrName = c.getName();
if (attrName != null)
theType = _schemaTypeSystem.findAttributeType( attrName );
// sniffing doesn't say anything: assume the expected type
if (theType == null)
theType = factoryType;
// Still nothing: the no type.
if (theType == null)
theType = XmlBeans.NO_TYPE;
// assign type
_doc.setType( this, theType );
// todo: Have a similar attribute type check
if (factoryType != null)
if (theType.isDocumentType())
verifyDocumentType( theType.getDocumentElementName() );
else if (theType.isAttributeType())
verifyAttributeType( theType.getAttributeTypeAttributeName() );
// If a type was passed in, usually from generated code which needs the
// type to be something specific because of a pending cast, then check
// the resulting type and throw a nice exception.
if (factoryType != null && !factoryType.isAssignableFrom(theType))
System.out.println("Factory type = " + factoryType);
System.out.println("The type = " + theType);
System.out.println("basetype of the type = " + theType.getBaseType());
new XmlException( "XML object is not of type " + factoryType );
return getObject();
private void verifyDocumentType ( QName docElemName )
throws XmlException
XmlCursor c = createCursor();
StringBuffer sb = null;
if (!c.toFirstChild() || c.toNextSibling())
sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( "The document is not a " );
sb.append( QNameHelper.pretty( docElemName ) );
if (c.currentTokenType().isStartdoc())
sb.append( ": no document element" );
sb.append( ": multiple document elements" );
QName name = c.getName();
if (!name.equals( docElemName ))
sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( "The document is not a " );
sb.append( QNameHelper.pretty( docElemName ) );
if (docElemName.getLocalPart().equals( name.getLocalPart() ))
sb.append( ": document element namespace mismatch " );
sb.append( "expected " );
addNamespace( sb, docElemName );
sb.append( " got " );
addNamespace(sb, name );
else if (namespacesSame( docElemName, name ))
sb.append( ": document element local name mismatch " );
sb.append( "expected " + docElemName.getLocalPart() );
sb.append( " got " + name.getLocalPart() );
sb.append( ": document element mismatch " );
sb.append( "got " );
sb.append( QNameHelper.pretty( name ) );
if (sb != null)
XmlError err = XmlError.forCursor(sb.toString(), c.newCursor());
throw new XmlException( err.toString(), null, err );
private void verifyAttributeType ( QName attrName )
throws XmlException
XmlCursor c = createCursor();
StringBuffer sb = null;
if (!c.toFirstAttribute() || c.toNextAttribute())
sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( "The document is not a " );
sb.append( QNameHelper.pretty( attrName ) );
if (c.currentTokenType().isStartdoc())
sb.append( ": no attributes" );
sb.append( ": multiple attributes" );
QName name = c.getName();
if (!name.equals( attrName ))
sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( "The document is not a " );
sb.append( QNameHelper.pretty( attrName ) );
if (attrName.getLocalPart().equals( name.getLocalPart() ))
sb.append( ": attribute namespace mismatch " );
sb.append( "expected " );
addNamespace( sb, attrName );
sb.append( " got " );
addNamespace(sb, name );
else if (namespacesSame( attrName, name ))
sb.append( ": attribute local name mismatch " );
sb.append( "expected " + attrName.getLocalPart() );
sb.append( " got " + name.getLocalPart() );
sb.append( ": attribute element mismatch " );
sb.append( "got " );
sb.append( QNameHelper.pretty( name ) );
if (sb != null)
XmlError err = XmlError.forCursor(sb.toString(), c.newCursor());
throw new XmlException( err.toString(), null, err );
private static ThreadLocal tl_SaxLoaders =
new ThreadLocal()
protected Object initialValue()
SaxLoader sl = PiccoloSaxLoader.newInstance();
if (sl == null)
sl = DefaultSaxLoader.newInstance();
if (sl == null)
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find an XML parser" );
return sl;
private static SaxLoader getSaxLoader ( )
return (SaxLoader) tl_SaxLoaders.get();
private static class PiccoloSaxLoader extends SaxLoader
public static SaxLoader newInstance ( )
Class pc = Class.forName( "com.bluecast.xml.Piccolo" );
XMLReader xr = (XMLReader) pc.newInstance();
Method m_getEncoding = pc.getMethod( "getEncoding", null );
Method m_getVersion = pc.getMethod( "getVersion", null );
Method m_getStartLocator = pc.getMethod( "getStartLocator", null );
Locator startLocator =
(Locator) m_getStartLocator.invoke( xr, null );
return new PiccoloSaxLoader( xr, startLocator, m_getEncoding, m_getVersion );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
return null;
catch ( Exception e )
throw new XmlRuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
protected void postLoad ( Root r )
r._props.setEncoding( (String) _m_getEncoding.invoke( _xr, null ) );
r._props.setVersion ( (String) _m_getVersion .invoke( _xr, null ) );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new XmlRuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
private PiccoloSaxLoader (
XMLReader xr, Locator startLocator, Method m_getEncoding, Method m_getVersion )
super( xr, startLocator );
_m_getEncoding = m_getEncoding;
_m_getVersion = m_getVersion;
private Method _m_getEncoding;
private Method _m_getVersion;
private static class DefaultSaxLoader extends SaxLoader
public static SaxLoader newInstance ( )
new DefaultSaxLoader(
SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser().getXMLReader() );
catch ( Throwable e )
throw new XmlRuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
private DefaultSaxLoader ( XMLReader xr )
super( xr, null );
private static class SaxLoader
implements ContentHandler, LexicalHandler, ErrorHandler, EntityResolver
protected SaxLoader ( XMLReader xr, Locator startLocator )
_xr = xr;
_startLocator = startLocator;
if (xr != null)
xr.setFeature( "", true );
xr.setFeature( "", true );
xr.setFeature( "", false );
xr.setProperty( "", this );
xr.setContentHandler( this );
xr.setErrorHandler( this );
xr.setEntityResolver( this );
catch ( Throwable e )
throw new XmlRuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
protected void setContext ( LoadContext context, XmlOptions options )
_context = context;
_wantLineNumbers =
options ).hasOption( XmlOptions.LOAD_LINE_NUMBERS ) &&
_startLocator != null;
protected void postLoad ( Root r )
public void load ( Root r, InputSource inputSource, XmlOptions options )
throws IOException, XmlException
LoadContext context = new LoadContext( r, options );
setContext( context, options );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( r.disableStoreValidation() );
_xr.parse( inputSource );
postLoad( r );
// // Piccolo specific access to encoding and version
// _props.setEncoding( piccolo.getEncoding() );
// _props.setVersion( piccolo.getVersion() );
r.associateSourceName( options );
catch ( XmlRuntimeException e )
throw new XmlException( e );
catch ( SAXParseException e )
XmlError err =
(String) XmlOptions.safeGet( options, XmlOptions.DOCUMENT_SOURCE_NAME ),
e.getLineNumber(), e.getColumnNumber(), -1 );
throw new XmlException( err.toString(), e, err );
catch ( SAXException e )
XmlError err = XmlError.forMessage( e.getMessage() );
throw new XmlException( err.toString(), e, err );
catch ( RuntimeException e )
throw e;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( r.enableStoreValidation() );
// Sax ContentHandler
public void startDocument ( ) throws SAXException
public void endDocument ( ) throws SAXException
// Set context to null
// This prevents the handler (which is held in TLS from keeping
// the entire document in memory
_context = null;
public void startElement (
String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qName, Attributes atts )
throws SAXException
if (localName.length() == 0)
localName = qName;
// Out current parser (Piccolo) does not error when a
// namespace is used and not defined. Check for these here
if (qName.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 && namespaceURI.length() == 0)
XmlError err =
"Use of undefined namespace prefix: " +
qName.substring( 0, qName.indexOf( ':' ) ));
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
_context.begin( localName, namespaceURI );
// BUGBUG - do more of the following to get line number for
// as many parts of the XML as we can
if (_wantLineNumbers)
-1 );
for ( int i = 0, len = atts.getLength() ; i < len ; i++ )
String aqn = atts.getQName( i );
if (aqn.equals( "xmlns" ))
_context.xmlns( "", atts.getValue( i ) );
else if (aqn.startsWith( "xmlns:" ))
String prefix = aqn.substring( 6 );
if (prefix.length() == 0)
XmlError err =
XmlError.forMessage( "Prefix not specified", XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR );
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
String uri = atts.getValue( i );
if (uri.length() == 0)
XmlError err =
"Prefix can't be mapped to no namespace: " + prefix,
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
_context.xmlns( prefix, uri );
String attrUri = atts.getURI( i );
String attrLocal = atts.getLocalName( i );
if (attrLocal.length() == 0)
attrLocal = aqn;
// given the doc <a x:y='z'/>, piccolo will report the uri of the y
// attribute as 'x'! Bad Piccolo. Thus, I can't perform the undefined
// prefix check here.
// if (aqn.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 && attrUri.length() == 0)
// {
// XmlError err =
// new CursorXmlError(
// "Use of undefined namespace prefix: " +
// aqn.substring( 0, aqn.indexOf( ':' ) ),
// null );
// throw
// new XmlRuntimeException(
// err.toString(), null, err );
// }
_context.attr( attrLocal, attrUri, atts.getValue( i ) );
public void endElement (
String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName )
throws SAXException
public void characters ( char ch[], int start, int length )
throws SAXException
_context.text( ch, start, length );
public void ignorableWhitespace ( char ch[], int start, int length )
throws SAXException
_context.text( ch, start, length );
public void comment ( char ch[], int start, int length )
throws SAXException
_context.comment( ch, start, length );
public void processingInstruction ( String target, String data )
throws SAXException
_context.procinst( target, data );
public void startDTD ( String name, String publicId, String systemId )
throws SAXException
_context.doctype( name, publicId, systemId );
public void endDTD ( ) throws SAXException
// Error Handling
public void fatalError ( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException
throw e;
public void error ( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException
XmlError err =
XmlError.forMessage( "Error: " + e.getMessage(), XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR );
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
public void warning ( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException
// Throw away warings for now
// Entity Resolver
public InputSource resolveEntity( String publicId, String systemId )
// System.out.println("public id = " + publicId);
// System.out.println("system id = " + systemId);
return new InputSource( new StringReader( "" ) );
public void setDocumentLocator ( Locator locator )
_locator = locator;
public void startPrefixMapping ( String prefix, String uri )
throws SAXException
if (beginsWithXml( prefix ) &&
! ( "xml".equals( prefix ) && _xml1998Uri.equals( uri ) ))
XmlError err =
"Prefix can't begin with XML: " + prefix,
new XmlRuntimeException(
err.toString(), null, err );
// Ignored
public void endPrefixMapping ( String prefix ) throws SAXException {}
public void skippedEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException {}
public void startCDATA ( ) throws SAXException { }
public void endCDATA ( ) throws SAXException { }
public void startEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException { }
public void endEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException { }
protected XMLReader _xr;
private Locator _locator;
private LoadContext _context;
private boolean _wantLineNumbers;
private Locator _startLocator;
public XmlObject loadXml ( InputStream in, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
throws IOException, XmlException
String encodingOverride =
(String) XmlOptions.safeGet( options, XmlOptions.CHARACTER_ENCODING );
if (encodingOverride != null)
String javaEncoding = EncodingMap.getIANA2JavaMapping( encodingOverride );
if (javaEncoding == null)
javaEncoding = encodingOverride;
return loadXml( new InputStreamReader( in, javaEncoding ), type, options );
return loadXml( new InputSource( in ), type, options );
public XmlObject loadXml ( Reader r, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
throws IOException, XmlException
return loadXml( new InputSource( r ), type, options );
public XmlObject loadXml ( InputSource is, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
throws IOException, XmlException
is.setSystemId( "file://" );
getSaxLoader().load( this, is, options );
return autoTypedDocument( type, options );
public XmlObject loadXml ( String s, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
throws XmlException
Reader r = new StringReader( s );
return loadXml( r, type, options );
catch ( IOException e )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( false, "StringReader should not throw IOException" );
throw new XmlException( e.getMessage(), e );
try { r.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { }
private void associateSourceName ( XmlOptions options )
String sourceName =
(String) XmlOptions.safeGet(
options, XmlOptions.DOCUMENT_SOURCE_NAME );
if (sourceName != null)
_props.setSourceName( sourceName );
// XmlSaxHandler is returned to a user so that user may obtain the content
// and lexical handlers to push content and then get the XmlObject at the
// end of the parse push.
private class XmlSaxHandlerImpl extends SaxLoader implements XmlSaxHandler
XmlSaxHandlerImpl ( SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
super( null, null );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( isEmpty() );
_options = options;
_type = type;
_context = new LoadContext( Root.this, options );
setContext( _context, options );
public ContentHandler getContentHandler ( )
return _context == null ? null : this;
public LexicalHandler getLexicalHandler ( )
return _context == null ? null : this;
public XmlObject getObject ( ) throws XmlException
if (_context == null)
return null;
_context = null;
Root.this.associateSourceName( _options );
return Root.this.autoTypedDocument( _type, _options );
private LoadContext _context;
private SchemaType _type;
private XmlOptions _options;
public XmlSaxHandler newSaxHandler ( SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
return new XmlSaxHandlerImpl( type, options );
private void newParseSax ( InputSource in, XmlOptions options )
LoadContext context = new LoadContext( this, options );
// Helper object for creating documents in a "load" kinda way
static final class LoadContext
LoadContext ( Root root, XmlOptions options )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( root != null );
_options = options = XmlOptions.maskNull( options );
_qnameCache = XmlBeans.getQNameCache();
if (options.hasOption( XmlOptions.LOAD_REPLACE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT ))
QName name = (QName) options.get( XmlOptions.LOAD_REPLACE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT );
if (name != null && name.getLocalPart().length() == 0)
new IllegalArgumentException(
"Load Replace Document Element: Invalid name, local part empty" );
_discardDocElem = true;
_replaceDocElem = name;
_stripWhitespace = options.hasOption(XmlOptions.LOAD_STRIP_WHITESPACE);
_stripComments = options.hasOption(XmlOptions.LOAD_STRIP_COMMENTS);
_stripProcinsts = options.hasOption(XmlOptions.LOAD_STRIP_PROCINSTS);
_substituteNamespaces =
(Map) options.get(XmlOptions.LOAD_SUBSTITUTE_NAMESPACES);
_additionalNamespaces =
(Map) options.get(XmlOptions.LOAD_ADDITIONAL_NAMESPACES);
_root = root;
_lastNonAttr = _root._doc;
_lastSplay = _root._doc;
_lastPos = 0;
_frontier = _root._doc;
private Root getRoot ( )
return _root;
private int getCp ( Splay s )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _root.isLeftOnly());
XmlBeans.assertTrue( dv > 0 || s.getCpSlow() == s.getCchLeft());
return s.getCchLeft();
private void adjustCch ( Splay s, int delta )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _root.isLeftOnly());
s.adjustCch( delta );
// There may be attrs after this splay which need their cchLeft's
// to be updated. To avoid splaying, update them by hand.
for ( s = s.nextSplay() ; s != null ; s = s.nextSplay() )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.isAttr() || s.isRoot());
s.adjustCchLeft( delta );
private void insert ( Splay s )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCch() == 0 );
_root.insertSplay( s, _root._leftSplay );
_lastSplay = s;
_lastPos = 0;
if (!s.isAttr())
_lastNonAttr = s;
private void insert ( Splay s, char[] buf, int off, int cch )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCch() == 0 );
insert( s );
_root._text.insert( getCp( s ), buf, off, cch );
adjustCch( s, cch );
private void insert ( Splay s, String text )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCch() == 0 );
insert( s );
_root._text.insert( getCp( s ), text );
adjustCch( s, text.length() );
private void stripLeadingWhitespace ( )
int cchAfter = _lastNonAttr.getCchAfter();
if (cchAfter > 0)
int cch = cchAfter;
int cpAfter =
_root, _lastNonAttr.getPosAfter() );
int off = _root._text.unObscure( cpAfter, cch );
for ( ; cch > 0 ; cch-- )
if (!isWhiteSpace( _root._text._buf[ off + cch - 1 ]))
int delta = cch - cchAfter;
if (delta < 0)
_root._text.remove( cpAfter + cchAfter + delta, - delta );
_lastNonAttr.adjustCchAfter( delta );
adjustCch( _lastNonAttr, delta );
void abort ( )
// The shit must have hit the fan ...
// Close all elements
while ( _frontier != _root._doc )
catch ( XmlException e )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( false );
void finish ( ) throws XmlException
if (_stripWhitespace)
// TODO: deal with unterminated begins here
if (_frontier != _root._doc)
throw new XmlException( "Document not ended" );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _root._leftOnly );
_finished = true;
_lastSplay = _root;
_lastPos = 0;
if (_options.hasOption(XmlOptions.LOAD_TRIM_TEXT_BUFFER))
// If we have additional namespaces, add them now, making sure we
// done over ride exisitng ones.
if (_additionalNamespaces != null)
Splay s = _root._doc;
while ( !s.isRoot() && !s.isBegin() )
s = s.nextSplay();
if (s.isBegin())
java.util.Iterator i =
while ( i.hasNext() )
String prefix = (String);
// Usually, this is the predefined xml namespace
if (prefix.toLowerCase().startsWith( "xml" ))
String namespace =
(String) _additionalNamespaces.get( prefix );
if (s.namespaceForPrefix( prefix, false ) == null)
new Xmlns( new QName( namespace, prefix ) ),
s );
// The above insert should not splay the tree
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _root.isLeftOnly());
// For most of loading, I don't invalidate the document
// version because nothing should be sensitive to it while
// loading. When finished loading, bump it.
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _root.isLeftOnly() );
private QName checkName ( String local, String uri )
if (_substituteNamespaces != null)
String substituteUri =
(String) _substituteNamespaces.get( uri );
if (substituteUri != null)
return _qnameCache.getName( substituteUri, local );
return _qnameCache.getName( uri, local );
private QName checkName ( QName name )
if (_substituteNamespaces != null)
String substituteUri =
_substituteNamespaces.get( name.getNamespaceURI() );
if (substituteUri != null)
name =
substituteUri, name.getLocalPart() );
return name;
private QName checkNameAttr ( String local, String uri )
if (_substituteNamespaces != null && uri.length() > 0)
String substituteUri =
(String) _substituteNamespaces.get( uri );
if (substituteUri != null)
return _qnameCache.getName( substituteUri, local );
return _qnameCache.getName( uri, local );
private QName checkNameAttr ( QName name )
if (_substituteNamespaces != null && name.getNamespaceURI().length() > 0 )
String substituteUri =
_substituteNamespaces.get( name.getNamespaceURI() );
if (substituteUri != null)
name =
substituteUri, name.getLocalPart() );
return name;
void doctype ( String name, String publicID, String systemID )
_root._props.setDoctypeName( name );
_root._props.setDoctypePublicId( publicID );
_root._props.setDoctypeSystemId( systemID );
private void insertBegin ( QName name )
if (_stripWhitespace)
if (_frontier.isDoc() && !_docElemDiscarded &&
(_discardDocElem || isXmlFragment( name )))
_docElemDiscarded = true;
if (_replaceDocElem == null)
// Remove all content up to now because the
// document element is to be removed, and I dont
// want that content to mix with the real content.
_lastNonAttr = _root._doc;
_lastSplay = _root._doc;
_lastPos = 0;
_frontier = _root._doc;
name = _replaceDocElem;
insert( _frontier = new Begin( name, _frontier ) );
void begin ( String local, String uri )
insertBegin( checkName( local, uri ) );
void begin ( QName name )
insertBegin( checkName( name ) );
void end ( )
if (_stripWhitespace)
if (_frontier.isDoc())
if (!_docElemDiscarded)
throw new IllegalStateException( "Too many end elements" );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _frontier.isBegin());
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_frontier.isLeaf());
if (_lastNonAttr == _frontier)
_lastSplay = _frontier;
_lastPos = 1 + _frontier.getCch();
int cch = _frontier.getCchAfter();
_frontier.adjustCchAfter( - cch );
Begin b = (Begin) _frontier;
End e = new End( b );
b._end = e;
insert( e );
_frontier = _frontier.getContainer();
void attr ( QName name, char[] buf, int off, int cch )
insert( new Attr( checkNameAttr( name ) ), buf, off, cch );
void attr ( QName name, String value )
insert( new Attr( checkNameAttr( name ) ), value );
void attr ( String local, String uri, String value )
insert( new Attr( checkNameAttr( local, uri ) ), value );
private boolean discardXmlns ( QName name )
_docElemDiscarded && _frontier.isDoc() &&
name.getNamespaceURI().equals( _openFragUri );
void xmlns ( String prefix, String uri )
QName name = checkName( prefix, uri );
if (!discardXmlns( name ))
insert( new Xmlns( name ) );
void xmlns ( QName name )
name = checkName( name );
if (!discardXmlns( name ))
insert( new Xmlns( name ) );
void comment ( char[] buf, int off, int cch )
if (!_stripComments)
insert( new Comment(), buf, off, cch );
void comment ( String value )
if (!_stripComments)
insert( new Comment(), value );
void procinst ( String target, char[] buf, int off, int cch )
if (!_stripProcinsts)
insert( new Procinst( target ), buf, off, cch );
void procinst ( String target, String value )
if (!_stripProcinsts)
insert( new Procinst( target ), value );
// returns the cp where new text should go.
int preText ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished);
return getCp( _lastNonAttr ) + _lastNonAttr.getCch();
// New text has been placed, adjust...
void postText ( int cp, int cch )
if (_stripWhitespace && _lastNonAttr.getCchAfter() == 0)
int off = _root._text.unObscure( cp, cch );
int i = 0;
while ( i < cch && isWhiteSpace( _root._text._buf[ off + i ] ) )
if (i > 0)
_root._text.remove( cp, i );
cch -= i;
if (cch > 0)
_lastSplay = _lastNonAttr;
_lastPos = _lastNonAttr.getEndPos();
_lastNonAttr.adjustCchAfter( cch );
adjustCch( _lastNonAttr, cch );
void text ( char[] buf, int off, int cch )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished );
int start = off;
int end = off + cch;
if (_stripWhitespace && _lastNonAttr.getCchAfter() == 0)
while ( start < end && isWhiteSpace( buf[ start ] ) )
int cchText = end - start;
if (cchText > 0)
_lastSplay = _lastNonAttr;
_lastPos = _lastNonAttr.getEndPos();
getCp( _lastNonAttr ) + _lastNonAttr.getCch(),
buf, start, cchText );
_lastNonAttr.adjustCchAfter( cchText );
adjustCch( _lastNonAttr, cchText );
void text ( String text )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_finished );
int start = 0;
int end = text.length();
if (_stripWhitespace && _lastNonAttr.getCchAfter() == 0)
while ( start < end && isWhiteSpace( text.charAt( start ) ) )
int cchText = end - start;
if (cchText > 0)
_lastSplay = _lastNonAttr;
_lastPos = _lastNonAttr.getEndPos();
getCp( _lastNonAttr ) + _lastNonAttr.getCch(),
text, start, cchText );
_lastNonAttr.adjustCchAfter( cchText );
adjustCch( _lastNonAttr, cchText );
// Annotates the last thing inserted
void annotate ( XmlBookmark xmlBookmark )
new Annotation( _root, xmlBookmark ).
set( _lastSplay, _lastPos );
void lineNumberAnnotation ( int line, int column, int offset )
annotate( new XmlLineNumber( line, column, offset ) );
void lineNumberAnnotation ( XMLEvent xe )
Location loc = xe.getLocation();
if (loc != null)
loc.getLineNumber(), loc.getColumnNumber(), -1 );
void javelinAnnotation ( XmlCursor.XmlBookmark ja )
if (ja != null)
annotate( ja );
private Root _root;
private Splay _lastNonAttr;
private Container _frontier;
private Splay _lastSplay;
private int _lastPos;
private boolean _finished;
private boolean _discardDocElem;
private QName _replaceDocElem;
private boolean _stripWhitespace;
private boolean _stripComments;
private boolean _stripProcinsts;
private boolean _docElemDiscarded;
private Map _substituteNamespaces;
private Map _additionalNamespaces;
private QNameCache _qnameCache;
private XmlOptions _options;
private void loadNodeChildren ( Node n, LoadContext context )
for ( Node c = n.getFirstChild() ; c != null ; c = c.getNextSibling() )
loadNode( c, context );
private void loadNode ( Node n, LoadContext context )
switch ( n.getNodeType() )
loadNodeChildren( n, context );
case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
String localName = n.getLocalName();
if (localName == null)
localName = n.getNodeName();
context.begin( localName, n.getNamespaceURI() );
NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < attrs.getLength() ; i++ )
Node a = attrs.item( i );
String uri = a.getNamespaceURI();
String local = a.getLocalName();
String value = a.getNodeValue();
if (local == null)
local = a.getNodeName();
if (uri != null && uri.equals( _xmlnsUri ))
if (local.equals( "xmlns" ))
context.xmlns( "", value );
context.xmlns( local, value );
context.attr( local, uri, value );
loadNodeChildren( n, context );
case Node.TEXT_NODE :
context.text( n.getNodeValue() );
case Node.COMMENT_NODE :
context.comment( n.getNodeValue() );
context.procinst( n.getNodeName(), n.getNodeValue() );
case Node.ENTITY_NODE :
throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected node" );
public XmlObject loadXml ( Node node, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
throws XmlException
LoadContext context = new LoadContext( this, options );
loadNode( node, context );
associateSourceName( options );
return autoTypedDocument( type, options );
public XmlObject loadXml (
XMLInputStream xis, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options )
throws XMLStreamException, XmlException
loadXmlInputStream( xis, options );
return autoTypedDocument( type, options );
public void loadXmlInputStream ( XMLInputStream xis, XmlOptions options )
throws XMLStreamException, XmlException
options = XmlOptions.maskNull( options );
XMLEvent x = xis.peek();
if (x != null && x.getType() == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT)
Map nsMap = ((StartElement) x).getNamespaceMap();
if (nsMap != null && nsMap.size() > 0)
Map namespaces = new HashMap();
namespaces.putAll( nsMap );
options = new XmlOptions( options );
options.put( XmlOptions.LOAD_ADDITIONAL_NAMESPACES, namespaces );
LoadContext context = new LoadContext( this, options );
boolean lineNums = options.hasOption( XmlOptions.LOAD_LINE_NUMBERS );
for ( XMLEvent xe = ; xe != null ; xe = )
switch ( xe.getType() )
// BUGBUG (ericvas) 12258 - FIXED below
StartDocument doc = (StartDocument) xe;
// context.doctype(
// doc.getname().getLocalName(),
// "", doc.getPublicId()
_props.setDoctypeSystemId( doc.getSystemId() );
// _publicID = doc.getPublicId();
_props.setEncoding( doc.getCharacterEncodingScheme() );
_props.setVersion( doc.getVersion() );
_standAlone = doc.isStandalone();
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
break events;
if (!xis.hasNext())
break events;
context.begin( XMLNameHelper.getQName( xe.getName() ) );
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
for ( AttributeIterator ai = ((StartElement) xe).getAttributes()
; ai.hasNext() ; )
Attribute attr =;
XMLNameHelper.getQName( attr.getName() ),
attr.getValue() );
for ( AttributeIterator ai = ((StartElement) xe).getNamespaces()
; ai.hasNext() ; )
Attribute attr =;
XMLName name = attr.getName();
String local = name.getLocalName();
if (name.getPrefix() == null && local.equals( "xmlns" ))
local = "";
context.xmlns( local, attr.getValue() );
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
case XMLEvent.SPACE :
if (((Space) xe).ignorable())
// Fall through
CharacterData cd = (CharacterData) xe;
if (cd.hasContent())
context.text( cd.getContent() );
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
case XMLEvent.COMMENT : comment =
( xe;
if (comment.hasContent())
context.comment( comment.getContent() );
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
ProcessingInstruction procInstr = (ProcessingInstruction) xe;
context.procinst( procInstr.getTarget(), procInstr.getData() );
if (lineNums)
context.lineNumberAnnotation( xe );
// These are ignored
case XMLEvent.XML_EVENT :
default :
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unhandled xml event type: " + xe.getTypeAsString() );
associateSourceName( options );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validate() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( isLeftOnly() );
public static void dump ( XmlObject x )
dump( x, System.out );
public static void dump ( XmlObject x, PrintStream ps )
XmlCursor xc = x.newCursor();
Root r = ((Cursor) xc).getRoot();
r.dump( ps, null, ((Cursor) xc).getSplay(), false );
public static void dump ( XmlCursor xc )
dump( xc, System.out );
public static void dump ( XmlCursor xc, PrintStream ps )
Root r = ((Cursor) xc).getRoot();
r.dump( ps, null, ((Cursor) xc).getSplay(), false );
private void dumpText ( PrintStream ps, int cp, int cch, Splay s, int p )
if (cp >= 0 && cp + cch <= _text.length())
dumpString( ps, _text.fetch( cp, cch ), s, p );
ps.print( "[string: cp=" + cp + ", cch=" + cch + " ]" );
private void dumpText ( PrintStream ps, int cp, int cch )
if (cp >= 0 && cp + cch <= _text.length())
dumpString( ps, _text.fetch( cp, cch ), null, 0 );
ps.print( "[string: cp=" + cp + ", cch=" + cch + " ]" );
private void dumpString ( PrintStream ps, String s )
dumpString( ps, s, null, 0 );
private void dumpGoobersInline ( PrintStream ps, Splay s, int p )
for ( Goober g = s.firstGoober() ; g != null ;
g = s.nextGoober( g ) )
if (g.getKind() == CURSOR && g.getPos() == p)
CursorGoober cg = (CursorGoober) g;
ps.print( "[" + ((CursorGoober) g).getDebugId() + "]" );
private void dumpString ( PrintStream ps, String str, Splay s, int p )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < str.length() ; i++ )
if (s != null)
dumpGoobersInline( ps, s, i + p );
if (i == 36)
ps.print( "..." );
char ch = str.charAt( i );
if (ch == '\n')
ps.print( "\\n" );
else if (ch == '\r')
ps.print( "\\r" );
else if (ch == '\t')
ps.print( "\\t" );
else if (ch == '\"')
ps.print( "\\\"" );
ps.print( ch );
private void dumpGoobers ( PrintStream ps, Goober g )
if (g == null)
if (g.getKind() == AGGREGATE)
ps.print( " {" );
dumpGoobers( ps, g._goobers );
ps.print( "}" );
ps.print( " - " + g.getKindName() + " pos: " + g.getPos() );
if (g.getKind() == CURSOR)
ps.print( " id: " + ((CursorGoober) g).getDebugId() );
if (g._next != g._parent._goobers)
dumpGoobers( ps, g._next );
private void dumpSplayTree( Splay s, PrintStream ps )
if (s == null)
if (s._rightSplay != null)
dumpSplayTree( s._rightSplay, ps );
for ( Splay t = s._parentSplay ; t != null ; t = t._parentSplay )
ps.print( " " );
ps.print( "[" + s.getDebugId() );
ps.print( " c:" + s.getCchLeft() + "(" + s.getCch() + ")");
ps.print( " b:" + s.getCdocBeginLeft() + "(" + s.getCdocBegin() + ")");
if (s._parentSplay != null)
ps.print( " p:" + s._parentSplay.getDebugId() );
ps.print( s._parentSplay._leftSplay == s ? "L" : "R" );
ps.println( "]" );
if (s._leftSplay != null)
dumpSplayTree( s._leftSplay, ps );
public static void dump ( XmlCursor c, boolean verbose )
((Cursor) c).dump( verbose );
public void dump ( )
dump( System.out, null, this, false );
public void dump ( boolean verbose )
dump( System.out, null, this, verbose );
public void dump ( PrintStream ps )
dump( ps, null, this, false );
public void dump ( PrintStream ps, String msg, Object src, boolean verbose )
// Under IntelliJ, if you call a function from the expression
// evaluator and it produces too much output, IntelliJ will not
// show you the output of the function. So, I dump to a file
// here as well and the given print stream!
File f = new File( "c:\\" );
if (f.exists())
f = new File( f, "xbean.dmp" );
OutputStream os = null;
PrintStream ps2 = null;
os = new FileOutputStream( f );
ps2 = new PrintStream( os );
doDump( ps2, msg, src, verbose );
catch ( Throwable t )
if (ps2 != null)
ps2.println( "Exception during dump." );
t.printStackTrace( ps2 );
if (os != null)
try { os.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { }
doDump( ps, msg, src, verbose );
catch ( Throwable t )
System.out.println( "Exception during dump." );
t.printStackTrace( System.out );
static class DumpNsManager implements NamespaceManager
DumpNsManager ( PrintStream ps )
{ = ps;
public String find_prefix_for_nsuri ( String uri, String suggestion )
String prefix = "debug_prefix_" + i++;
ps.print( " [find_prefix_for_nsuri: " );
ps.print( "\"" + uri + "\" (" + suggestion + ") -> " + prefix );
ps.print( "]" );
return prefix;
public String getNamespaceForPrefix ( String prefix )
if (prefix != null && prefix.equals( "xml" ))
return _xml1998Uri;
String uri = "debug_ns_" + i++;
ps.print( " [lookup_nsuri_for_prefix: " );
ps.print( prefix + " -> \"" + uri + "\"" );
ps.print( "]" );
return uri;
PrintStream ps;
private int i = 1;
public void doDump (
PrintStream ps, String msg, Object src, boolean verbose )
if (!_assertEnabled)
ps.println( "No dump produced (assert needs to be enabled)" );
NamespaceManager nsm = new DumpNsManager( ps );
if (msg != null)
ps.println( msg );
ps.println( "Dump:" );
if (src != null)
if (src instanceof Cursor)
" from cursor " + ((CursorGoober)((Cursor) src)._data._goober).getDebugId() );
else if (src instanceof Splay)
ps.println( " from splay " + ((Splay) src).getDebugId() );
ps.println( " from src " + src );
int depth = 0;
for ( Splay s = _doc ; s != null ; s = s.nextSplay() )
int kind = s.getKind();
String ids = "" + s.getDebugId();
ids = " ".substring( 0, 6 - ids.length() ) + ids;
ps.print( ids + ": " );
if (kind == END)
if (!s.isRoot())
for ( int i = 0 ; i < depth ; i++ )
ps.print( " " );
dumpGoobersInline( ps, s, 0 );
switch ( kind )
case DOC :
ps.print( "DOC" );
case BEGIN :
Begin b = (Begin) s;
if (!b.isLeaf())
ps.print( "<" );
ps.print( s.getName().toString() );
ps.print( ">" );
if (b.isLeaf())
if (b.getCchValue() > 0)
ps.print( "\"" );
dumpText( ps, s.getCpSlow(), b.getCchValue(), s, 1 );
ps.print( "\"" );
dumpGoobersInline( ps, s, s.getPosLeafEnd() );
ps.print( "</" );
ps.print( s.getName().getLocalPart() );
ps.print( "/>" );
case ATTR :
if (s.isXmlns())
ps.print( "#xmlns:" );
ps.print( s.getName().getLocalPart() );
ps.print( "=\"" );
ps.print( s.getName().getNamespaceURI() );
ps.print( "\"" );
ps.print( "@" );
ps.print( s.getName() );
ps.print( "=\"" );
dumpText( ps, s.getCpSlow(), s.getCchValue() );
ps.print( "\"" );
case END :
End es = (End) s;
Begin b = es._begin;
ps.print( "</" );
ps.print( b.getName().getLocalPart() );
ps.print( "/>" );
case COMMENT :
if (s.isFragment())
ps.print( "FRAG" );
ps.print( "<!--" );
dumpText( ps, s.getCpSlow(), s.getCchValue() );
ps.print( "-->" );
ps.print( "<?" );
ps.print( s.getLocal() );
ps.print( " " );
dumpText( ps, s.getCpSlow(), s.getCchValue() );
ps.print( "?>" );
case ROOT :
ps.print( "ROOT" );
throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown splay kind" );
if (s.getCchAfter() > 0)
ps.print( "\"" );
ps, s.getCpSlow() + s.getCchValue(), s.getCchAfter(),
s, s.getPosAfter() );
ps.print( "\"" );
dumpGoobersInline( ps, s, s.getEndPos() );
if (s.isInvalid())
String value = s.peekType().build_text( nsm );
ps.print( " [invalid:" );
ps.print( "\"" );
dumpString( ps, value );
ps.print( "\"" );
ps.print( "]" );
dumpGoobers( ps, s._goobers );
if (verbose)
switch ( kind )
case BEGIN :
Begin b = (Begin) s;
if (b.getFinish() != null)
ps.print( " [end: " );
ps.print( b.getFinish().getDebugId() );
ps.print( "]" );
if (b.getContainer() != null)
" [container: " +
b.getContainer().getDebugId() + "]" );
case END :
End es = (End) s;
Begin b = es._begin;
ps.print( " [begin: " + b.getDebugId() + "]" );
if (getCchLeft() > _text.length())
"Text buffer has too few characters (" +
(getCchLeft() - _text.length()) + ")" );
else if (getCchLeft() < _text.length())
"Text buffer has too many characters (" +
(_text.length() - getCchLeft()) + "): " );
_text.fetch( getCchLeft(), _text.length() - getCchLeft() ) );
if (verbose)
ps.println( "Splay tree:" );
ps.println( " isLeftOnly: " + _leftOnly );
ps.println( " version: " + getVersion() );
ps.println( " first: " + _doc.getDebugId() );
dumpSplayTree( this, ps );
* Insert a splay (or splays) into the tree. This is a low level
* operation, and operates only on the splay aspect of the tree.
* Any invalidation maintenance must be handled by callers.
void insertSplay ( Splay s, Splay a )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s != null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !s.isRoot() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( a != null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( Root.dv > 0 || validateSplayTree() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !a.isRoot() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( Root.dv > 0 || a.getRootSlow() == this );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._parentSplay == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._rightSplay == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._leftSplay != null || s.getCchLeft() == 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._leftSplay != null || s.getCdocBeginLeft() == 0 );
int cch = s.getCch();
int cbegin = s.getCdocBegin();
if (s._leftSplay != null)
cch += s.getCchLeft();
cbegin += s.getCdocBeginLeft();
_leftOnly = false;
if (_leftOnly && a == _leftSplay)
s._leftSplay = _leftSplay;
s._parentSplay = this;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchLeft() == 0 );
_leftSplay.getCchLeft() + _leftSplay.getCch() );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCdocBeginLeft() == 0 );
_leftSplay.getCdocBeginLeft() + _leftSplay.getCdocBegin() );
_leftSplay._parentSplay = s;
_leftSplay = s;
adjustCchLeft( cch );
adjustCdocBeginLeft( cbegin );
else if (_leftOnly && cch == 0 && cbegin == 0)
// If the splay to insert has no cch or cbegin, then when
// the tree is left only children, I need not splay.
s._parentSplay = a._parentSplay;
s._leftSplay = a;
a._parentSplay = s;
s._parentSplay._leftSplay = s;
s.adjustCchLeft( a.getCchLeft() + a.getCch() );
a.getCdocBeginLeft() + a.getCdocBegin() );
Splay p;
if (a._rightSplay == null)
(p = a)._rightSplay = s;
_leftOnly = false;
for ( p = a._rightSplay ; p._leftSplay != null ; )
p = p._leftSplay;
p._leftSplay = s;
s._parentSplay = p;
for ( p = s ; ; )
Splay t = p._parentSplay;
if (t == null)
if (t._leftSplay == p)
t.adjustCchLeft( cch );
t.adjustCdocBeginLeft( cbegin );
p = t;
s.splay( this, this );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateSplayTree() );
* Special insert to insert a single splay into a leftonly tree without
* causing the tree to go non left only. Because this does not splay,
* doing this too many times can be very inefficient.
void insertSingleSplaySansSplayInLeftOnlyTree ( Splay s, Splay a )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _leftOnly );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._rightSplay == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._leftSplay == null );
s._leftSplay = a;
s._parentSplay = a._parentSplay;
a._parentSplay._leftSplay = s;
a._parentSplay = s;
s.adjustCchLeft( a.getCchLeft() + a.getCch() );
s.adjustCdocBeginLeft( a.getCdocBeginLeft() + a.getCdocBegin() );
int cch = s.getCch();
int cbegin = s.getCdocBegin();
for ( Splay p = s._parentSplay ; p != null ; p = p._parentSplay )
p.adjustCchLeft( cch );
p.adjustCdocBeginLeft( cbegin );
* Remove [ first, last ) splays from total sequence:
* A - first - B - x - last - C
* where first, last and x are individual splays and A, B and C are
* multiple, intervening splays. Return the result with x at the top
* and first his left child. This allows x to have the splay
* characteristics for the whole removed tree.
Splay removeSplays ( Splay first, Splay last )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateSplayTree() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( first != last );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !first.isRoot() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !first.isDoc() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( Root.dv > 0 || first.getRootSlow() == this );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( Root.dv > 0 || last.getRootSlow() == this );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( Root.dv > 0 || first.compareSlow( last ) == -1 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !last.isRoot() || last == this );
Splay x = last.prevSplay();
if (x == first)
return x.removeSplay( this );
// Make the dog leg!
if (last != this)
last.splay( this, this );
x.splay( this, last );
first.splay( this, x );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( this == last || this._leftSplay == last );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( last._leftSplay == x );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( x._leftSplay == first );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( x._rightSplay == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( first._leftSplay != null );
int firstCchLeft = first.getCchLeft();
int firstCbeginLeft = first.getCdocBeginLeft();
int deltaCchLeft = firstCchLeft - last.getCchLeft();
int deltaCbeginLeft = firstCbeginLeft - last.getCdocBeginLeft();
last.adjustCchLeft( deltaCchLeft );
last.adjustCdocBeginLeft( deltaCbeginLeft );
if (last != this)
adjustCchLeft( deltaCchLeft );
adjustCdocBeginLeft( deltaCbeginLeft );
x.adjustCchLeft( - firstCchLeft );
x.adjustCdocBeginLeft( - firstCbeginLeft );
first.adjustCchLeft( - firstCchLeft );
first.adjustCdocBeginLeft( - firstCbeginLeft );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( first.getCchLeft() == 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( first.getCdocBeginLeft() == 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( x.getCchLeft() + deltaCchLeft + x.getCch() == 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( x.getCdocBeginLeft() + deltaCbeginLeft + x.getCdocBegin() == 0 );
first._leftSplay._parentSplay = last;
last._leftSplay = first._leftSplay;
x._parentSplay = null;
first._leftSplay = null;
first._parentSplay = null;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateSplayTree() );
return x;
public static synchronized boolean disableStoreValidation ( )
{ dv++; return true; }
public static synchronized boolean enableStoreValidation ( )
{ dv--; return true; }
public static int dv;
if (!"true".equals( System.getProperty( "treeasserts" )))
public boolean validate ( )
if (dv != 0)
return true;
return doValidate();
catch ( RuntimeException rte )
System.out.println( "Document invalid: " + rte.getMessage() );
dump( true );
throw rte;
// Recursive descent validation of the content of the document
// Grammer for valid content of a document
// <doc> ::= DOC <attributes> <content> ROOT
// <attributes> ::= ( ATTR )*
// <content> ::= ( ( COMMENT | PROCINST | <element>) )*
// <element> ::= ( LEAF <attributes> ) |
// ( BEGIN <attributes> <content> END )
private Splay validateAttributes ( Splay s )
while ( s.getKind() == ATTR )
s = s.nextSplay();
return s;
private Splay validateContent ( Splay s )
for ( ; ; )
int k = s.getKind();
if (k == COMMENT || k == PROCINST)
s = s.nextSplay();
Splay q = s;
s = validateElement( s );
if (q == s)
return s;
private Splay validateElement ( Splay s )
if (s.getKind() == BEGIN)
Splay b = s;
s = validateAttributes( s.nextSplay() );
if (!b.isLeaf())
s = validateContent( s );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.isEnd(), "Missing END, splay: " + s.getDebugId() );
s = s.nextSplay();
return s;
private boolean validateDoc ( )
Splay s = _doc.nextSplay();
s = validateAttributes( s );
s = validateContent( s );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.isRoot(), "Expected root" );
return true;
private static class ValidateContext
int _numSplayTypes;
int _cInvalidatableTypes;
int _cElemOrderSensitiveTypes;
private void validateGoober ( Goober g, Splay s, ValidateContext context )
if (g instanceof Type)
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( g.getKind() == TYPE );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.isTypeable() );
Type type = (Type) g;
if (type.uses_invalidate_value())
if (type.is_child_element_order_sensitive())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( g.getKind() != TYPE );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( g.getSplay() == s );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( g.getRoot() == this );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( g.getPos() >= 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( g.getPos() <= s.getMaxPos() );
private boolean doValidate ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateDoc() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateSplayTree() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( getCchLeft() == _text.length() );
// TODO: Validate that is the root type is null, there are no types in
// tree at all
// TODO: Check the invarient that if there is a Type anywhere
// in the document, that there is an existing chain of types
// all the way to the root and is_ok_element_user or is_ok_attribute_user,
// depending on the case, returns ok.
ValidateContext context = new ValidateContext();
Container recentContainer = null;
for ( Splay s = _doc ; s != null ; s = s.nextSplay() )
if (s.isRoot())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchAfter() == 0 );
else if (s.isBegin())
Begin b = (Begin) s;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( b.getName() != null );
b.getFinish() == null ||
b.getFinish().getContainer() == b );
if (b.isLeaf())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( b.getFinish() == null );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( b.getFinish() != null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( b.getFinish().getContainer() == b );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( b.getCchValue() == 0 );
else if (s.isAttr())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getName() != null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchAfter() == 0 );
if (s.isProcinst())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getName().getNamespaceURI() != null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getName().getNamespaceURI().length() == 0 );
if (s.isContainer())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getContainer() == recentContainer );
if (!s.isLeaf())
recentContainer = (Container) s;
else if (s.isFinish())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getContainer() == recentContainer );
recentContainer = recentContainer.getContainer();
context._numSplayTypes = 0;
for ( Goober g = s.firstGoober() ; g != null ;
g = s.nextGoober( g ) )
validateGoober( g, s, context );
if (isInvalid())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.isTypeable() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.peekType() != null );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( context._numSplayTypes == 1 );
if (s.isDoc())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchAfter() == 0 );
Splay n = s.nextNonAttrSplay();
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( n.isRoot() );
else if (s.isBegin())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.isLeaf() );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchValue() == 0 );
else if (s.isAttr())
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchValue() == 0 );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( context._numSplayTypes <= 1 );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( context._cInvalidatableTypes == _cInvalidatableTypes );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( context._cElemOrderSensitiveTypes ==_cElemOrderSensitiveTypes );
// TODO: Validate indices
return true;
boolean validateSplayTree ( )
if (dv != 0)
return true;
return doValidateSplayTree();
catch ( RuntimeException rte )
System.out.println( "Splay tree invalid: " + rte );
dump( true );
throw rte;
private static class ValidateStats extends HashMap
int getCch ( Splay s )
return getStats( s )._cch;
void adjustCch ( Splay s, int cchDelta )
Stats stats = getStats( s );
stats._cch += cchDelta;
int getCbegin ( Splay s )
return getStats( s )._cbegin;
void adjustCbegin ( Splay s, int cbeginDelta )
Stats stats = getStats( s );
stats._cbegin += cbeginDelta;
private Stats getStats ( Splay s )
Stats stats = (Stats) get( s );
if (stats == null)
put( s, stats = new Stats() );
return stats;
private static class Stats
public int _cch;
public int _cbegin;
boolean doValidateSplayTree ( )
ValidateStats stats = new ValidateStats();
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _parentSplay == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _rightSplay == null );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _doc._leftSplay == null );
Splay s = this;
if (s._leftSplay != null)
s = s._leftSplay;
while ( s != null && s._leftSplay != null )
s = s._leftSplay;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s == _doc );
for ( ; ; )
if (s._leftSplay == null && s._rightSplay == null)
stats.adjustCch( s, s.getCch() );
stats.adjustCbegin( s, s.getCdocBegin() );
if (s._rightSplay != null)
for ( s = s._rightSplay ; s._leftSplay != null ; )
s = s._leftSplay;
for ( ; ; )
Splay p = s._parentSplay;
if (p == null)
break loop;
if (p._rightSplay == null || p._rightSplay == s)
s = p;
stats.adjustCch( s, s.getCch() );
stats.adjustCbegin( s, s.getCdocBegin() );
if (s._leftSplay != null)
stats.adjustCch( s, stats.getCch( s._leftSplay ) );
s, stats.getCbegin( s._leftSplay ) );
if (s._rightSplay != null)
stats.adjustCch( s, stats.getCch( s._rightSplay ) );
s, stats.getCbegin( s._rightSplay ) );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( p._leftSplay == s );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( p._rightSplay != null );
s = p._rightSplay;
while ( s._leftSplay != null )
s = s._leftSplay;
for ( s = _doc ; s != null ; s = s.nextSplay() )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( !_leftOnly || s._rightSplay == null, Integer.toString(s.getDebugId()) );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._leftSplay == null || s._leftSplay ._parentSplay == s );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s._rightSplay == null || s._rightSplay._parentSplay == s );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
if (s._leftSplay == null)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCchLeft() == 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCdocBeginLeft() == 0 );
XmlBeans.assertTrue(s.getCchLeft() == stats.getCch( s._leftSplay ),
Integer.toString(s.getDebugId()) );
XmlBeans.assertTrue( s.getCdocBeginLeft() == stats.getCbegin( s._leftSplay ) );
return true;
interface ChangeListener
void changeNotification ( );
private static class ChangeClient
ChangeListener _listener;
ChangeClient _next;
long getVersion ( )
return __version;
void invalidateVersion ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _changeClients == null );
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( (_debugChangeVersion = __version) == 0 || true );
// Use this *only* if you know what you are doing!
void restoreVersion ( long oldVersion )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( __version >= oldVersion );
__version = oldVersion;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( (_debugChangeVersion = __version) == 0 || true );
boolean validateChangeStarted ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _changeClients == null );
return _changeClients == null;
boolean validateChangeListenerState ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( _debugChangeVersion == __version );
return true;
void registerForChange ( ChangeListener listener )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateChangeListenerState() );
// See if this listener is the first one on the list. Easy but not
// totally complete optimization
if (_changeClients != null && _changeClients._listener == listener)
ChangeClient client = new ChangeClient();
client._next = _changeClients;
client._listener = listener;
_changeClients = client;
void startChange ( )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( validateChangeListenerState() );
long currentVersion = 0;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( (currentVersion = __version) == 0 || true );
while ( _changeClients != null )
_changeClients = _changeClients._next;
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( currentVersion == __version );
// Document properties
static class DocProps
extends XmlDocumentProperties
private HashMap _map = new HashMap();
public Object put ( Object key, Object value )
return _map.put( key, value );
public Object get ( Object key )
return _map.get( key );
public Object remove ( Object key )
return _map.remove( key );
class nthCache
private boolean namesSame ( QName pattern, QName name )
return pattern == null || pattern.equals( name );
private boolean setsSame ( QNameSet patternSet, QNameSet set)
// value equality is probably too expensive. Since the use case
// involves QNameSets that are generated by the compiler, we
// can use identity comparison.
return patternSet != null && patternSet == set;
private boolean nameHit(QName namePattern, QNameSet setPattern, QName name)
if (setPattern == null)
return namesSame(namePattern, name);
return setPattern.contains(name);
private boolean cacheSame (QName namePattern, QNameSet setPattern)
return setPattern == null ? namesSame(namePattern, _name) :
setsSame(setPattern, _set);
int distance ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( n >= 0 );
if (_version != Root.this.getVersion())
return Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
if (parent != _parent || !cacheSame(name, set))
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return n > _n ? n - _n : _n - n;
Begin fetch ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
if (XmlBeans.ASSERTS)
XmlBeans.assertTrue( n >= 0 );
if (_version != Root.this.getVersion() || _parent != parent ||
! cacheSame(name, set) || n == 0)
_version = Root.this.getVersion();
_parent = parent;
_name = name;
_child = null;
_n = -1;
if (!parent.isLeaf())
for ( Splay s = parent.nextSplay() ; ; s = s.nextSplay() )
switch ( s.getKind() )
case END :
case ROOT : break loop;
case BEGIN :
if (nameHit( name, set, s.getName() ))
_child = s;
_n = 0;
break loop;
s = s.getFinishSplay();
if (_n < 0)
return null;
if (n > _n)
while ( n > _n )
for ( Splay s = _child.getFinishSplay().nextSplay() ; ;
s = s.nextSplay() )
if (s.isFinish())
return null;
if (s.isBegin())
if (nameHit( name, set, s.getName() ))
_child = s;
s = s.getFinishSplay();
else if (n < _n)
while ( n < _n )
Splay s = _child;
for ( ; ; )
s = s.prevSplay();
if (s.isLeaf() || s.isEnd())
if (s.isEnd())
s = s.getContainer();
if (nameHit( name, set, s.getName() ))
_child = s;
else if (s.isContainer())
return null;
return (Begin) _child;
private long _version;
private Splay _parent;
private QName _name;
private QNameSet _set;
private Splay _child;
private int _n;
// Da fields. Da Bears. Ditka is God.
boolean _leftOnly;
Doc _doc;
Text _text;
boolean _validateOnSet;
// Document version. These numbers get incremented when the document
// changes in a variety of ways.
private long __version = 1;
private long _debugChangeVersion = 1; // Debug only
private ChangeClient _changeClients;
DocProps _props;
// XmlInputStream
boolean _standAlone;
final SchemaTypeLoader _schemaTypeSystem;
int _cInvalidatableTypes;
int _cElemOrderSensitiveTypes;
nthCache _nthCache_A = new nthCache();
nthCache _nthCache_B = new nthCache();
TypeStoreFactory _factory;