blob: 876fbf7c8e83b64e422220cc04d561f77b4bbff6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.ValidatorListener;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlLocale;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.List;
public interface TypeStore extends NamespaceManager
* Creates a new cursor positioned just before the part of the tree
* where this TypeStore is located.
XmlCursor new_cursor();
void validate ( ValidatorListener vEventSink );
* Get the SchemaTypeLoader associated with the store contianing this
* TypeStore.
SchemaTypeLoader get_schematypeloader ( );
* Change the type of this store (perhaps by applying xsi:type) and
* return the new TypeStoreUser (or old one if the new type is not
* different).
TypeStoreUser change_type ( SchemaType sType );
TypeStoreUser substitute ( QName name, SchemaType sType );
* Tells if this store is an attribute or not
boolean is_attribute ( );
* Get the value of xsi:type. Return null if none or this is an attribute
* store.
QName get_xsi_type ( );
* A user of a TypeStore calls invalidate_text when the underlying
* value has changed and he wants the textstore to call him back with
* a fetch_text (TypeStore/TypeStoreUsers work in pairs).
void invalidate_text();
* A user of a TypeStore calls fetch_text when he knows his view
* of the text is invalid and he wants to see what the actual text
* value is.
// BUGBUG (ericvas) 12111
String fetch_text(int whitespaceRule);
int WS_PRESERVE = 1;
int WS_REPLACE = 2;
int WS_COLLAPSE = 3;
* A user of a TypeStore calls store_text when he wants the TypeStore
* to remember the given text immediately. This typically happens when
* the user has a noncanonical (but valid) string representation to save,
* but doesn't have the storage in which to save it.
void store_text(String text);
* Here the TypeStore is responsible for locating the default value.
* This is done as follows
* (1) go to the parent TypeStoreUser
* (2) ask it to get_default_element_text(qname) (or _attribute_), and return it if not null.
* (2) otherwise, grab a new TypeStoreUserVisitor via v = parentuser.new_visitor();
* (3) call v.visit(name) on _every_ element qname up to and including this one in order
* (4) return the result of v.get_default_text().
String compute_default_text();
* Here the TypeStore is responsible for figuring if this value is
* nillable and/or fixed. This is done by
* (1) go to the parent TypeStoreUser
* (2) ask it to get_elementflags(qname), and return it if not -1.
* (2) otherwise, grab a new TypeStoreUserVisitor via v = parentuser.new_visitor();
* (3) call v.visit(name) on _every_ element qname up to and including this one in order
* (4) return the result of v.get_elementflags().
int compute_flags();
* Tells if this store was created with this option which tells the strongly typed
* objects to perform lexical and value validation after a setter is called.
boolean validate_on_set();
* Here the typestore is resposible for finding the schema field for
* this object. This is done by
* (1) otherwise, grab a new TypeStoreUserVisitor via v = parentuser.new_visitor();
* (2) call v.visit(name) on _every_ element qname up to and including this one in order
* (3) return the result of v.get_schema_field().
SchemaField get_schema_field();
int NILLABLE = 1;
int FIXED = 4; // always set with HASDEFAULT
* Called when the value has been nilled or unnilled, so the textstore
* knows it needs to update the xsi:nil attribute.
void invalidate_nil();
* The TypeStore is reponsible for discovering if this value is nil.
* This is done by (1) going to the element and (2) finding the
* xsi:nil attribute if present and (3) return true if the collapsed
* textual value is either exactly the string "true" or "1".
boolean find_nil();
* Returns the count of elements with the given name owned by this
* textstore.
int count_elements(QName name);
* Returns the count of elements that match of the names.
int count_elements(QNameSet names);
* Returns the TypeStoreUser underneath the ith element with the given
* name owned by this textstore, or null if none was found.
* Do not throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if i is bad -
* return null instead. The reason is to allow us to fail
* and then follow with an add_element_etc if we choose to,
* without randomly catching exceptions.
TypeStoreUser find_element_user(QName name, int i);
* Like find_element_user but accepts a set of names to search for.
TypeStoreUser find_element_user(QNameSet names, int i);
* Returns all the TypeStoreUsers corresponding to elements with the
* given name owned by this typestore, or the empty array of
* TypeStoreUsers if none was found.
<T extends XmlObject> void find_all_element_users(QName name, List<T> fillMeUp);
* Returns all TypeStoreUsers corresponding to elements with one
* of the names is the QNameSet.
<T extends XmlObject> void find_all_element_users(QNameSet name, List<T> fillMeUp);
* Inserts a new element at the position that will make it
* the ith element with the given name owned by this textstore,
* and returns a TypeStoreUser for that element.
* Note that if there are no existing elements of the given
* name, you may need to call back to discover the proper
* ordering to use to insert the first one. Otherwise,
* it should be inserted adjacent to existing elements with
* the same name.
* Should throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if i &lt; 0
* or if i &gt; # of elts
TypeStoreUser insert_element_user(QName name, int i);
* Like the above method, except that it inserts an element named
* name, after the ith member of set.
TypeStoreUser insert_element_user(QNameSet set, QName name, int i);
* Adds a new element at the last position adjacent to existing
* elements of the same name.
* Note that if there are no existing elements of the given
* name, the same comment applies as with insert_element_user.
TypeStoreUser add_element_user(QName name);
* Removes the ith element with the given name.
* Should throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if i &lt; 0
* or if i &gt; # of elts-1.
void remove_element(QName name, int i);
* Removes the ith element that matches names.
void remove_element(QNameSet names, int i);
* Returns the TypeStoreUser underneath the attribute with the given
* name, or null if there is no such attribute.
// BUGBUG - this should be called find_attribute
// BUGBUG - this should be called find_attribute
// BUGBUG - this should be called find_attribute
// BUGBUG - this should be called find_attribute
TypeStoreUser find_attribute_user(QName name);
* Adds an attribute with the given name and returns a TypeStoreUser
* underneath it. Should throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if there
* is already an existing attribute with the given name.
// BUGBUG - this should be called add_attribute
// BUGBUG - this should be called add_attribute
// BUGBUG - this should be called add_attribute
// BUGBUG - this should be called add_attribute
TypeStoreUser add_attribute_user(QName name);
* Removes the attribute with the given name.
void remove_attribute(QName name);
* Copies the contents of the given TypeStore (including attributes,
* elements, and mixed content), to the target type store.
* SPECIAL NOTE: The xsi:type attribute should not be removed from
* the target or copied from the soruce, and the TypeStoreUser attached
* to this TypeStore should not be disconnected.
* This is for implementing obj.set(foo).
TypeStoreUser copy_contents_from(TypeStore source);
* Makes a copy of this store.
* NOTE: Even if st is NO_TYPE, the store can be a document. This method will make an exact copy.
TypeStoreUser copy(SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypeLoader, SchemaType schemaType, XmlOptions options);
// BUGBUG - Need to use this in the future
// /**
// * Copies the contents of the given TypeStore (including attributes,
// * elemets, mixed content), to the child element given by the given
// * name and index. Any TypeStoreUser that might be currently attached
// * to that element is disconnected. The xsi:type attribute of the
// * element should be set according to the given QName (or deleted if
// * the xsitype argument is null)
// */
// void copy_to_element(
// TypeStore source, QName xsitype, QName name, int i);
* Copies the contents of the given array of XmlObject (including
* attributes, elements, mixed content), over all the elements of the
* given name under the current typestore.
* The lengths of the two arrays that are passed should be the same.
* If there are n current elements of the given name and m elements
* in the source array, there are several cases for individual elements:
* 1. If i &lt; n and i &lt; m, then the contents of the ith source are copied
* underneath the ith element; the ith element is not moved, but its
* TypeStoreUser is disconnected.
* 2. if i &gt;= n and i &lt; m, then first enough new elements are appended
* so that there is an element with the name i, then rule #1 is followed.
* 3. if i &gt;= m and i &lt; n, then the element #i and all its contents
* are removed.
void array_setter ( XmlObject[] sources, QName elementName );
* Visits all the elements immediately, using the given visitor.
* A TypeStoreUser calls this when somebody has requested validation.
void visit_elements(TypeStoreVisitor visitor);
XmlObject[] exec_query ( String queryExpr, XmlOptions options );
* Returns the monitor object, used for synchronizing access to the doc.
* @deprecated
Object get_root_object();
* Returns the locale object which is used to manage thread safty and the
* gateway requirements for calls into the xml store
XmlLocale get_locale ( );