blob: 0938425647106ebe66b1ee3dd9071ff033e4b969 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* Represents a schema type.
* <p>
* SchemaType is the metadata "type" class for {@link XmlObject}, and it plays the
* analogous role for {@link XmlObject} that {@link java.lang.Class} plays for
* {@link java.lang.Object}.
* <p>
* Every XML Bean class corresponds to a singleton SchemaType object
* obtainable by ClassName.type (e.g., {@link XmlNonPositiveInteger#type}), and
* every XML Bean instance has an actual SchemaType, obtainable by
* {@link XmlObject#schemaType}. The ClassName.type and schemaType() mechanisms are
* analogous to the ordinary Java ClassName.class and obj.getClass() mechanisms.
* <p>
* All schema types are represented by a SchemaType, this includes all types
* regardless of whether they are built-in or user-defined, compiled or
* uncompiled, simple or complex.
* <p>
* In addition, a compiled XML Bean type system includes special "document" schema types
* each representing a document containing nothing but a single element for each
* global element, and special "attribute" schema types each representing
* a fragment containing nothing but a single global attribute for global
* attribute.
* <p>
* Do not confuse Schema Types with other types of Schema Components such as
* {@link SchemaGlobalElement Global Elements}, {@link SchemaGlobalAttribute Global Attributes},
* {@link SchemaModelGroup Named Model Groups}, or {@link SchemaAttributeGroup Attribute Groups}.
* SchemaType represents a Type component, not any of the other kinds of components.
* There are different kinds of metadata objects for the different Schema components.
* <p>
* The space of SchemaTypes is divided as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>First, there is the universal base type and the universal
* subtype. These are {@link XmlObject#type}
* (corresponding to xs:anyType) and {@link XmlBeans#NO_TYPE},
* respectively. The first type is a base type of all other
* types. The other type indicates the absence of type information
* and, at least in set-theoretic terms, is a subtype of all other types.
* <li>There is another universal base type that is the base type
* for all simple types. This is the {@link XmlAnySimpleType#type},
* corresponding to xs:anySimpleType. Only XmlObject.type and
* XmlAnySimpleType.type return {@code true} for {@link #isURType}, and
* only XmlBeans.NO_TYPE returns {@code true} for {@link #isNoType}.
* <li>The two "special" kinds of types that are generated that
* do not formally exist in the actual Schema specification are
* document types and global attribute types (corresponding to
* documents that contain a global element, or fragments that
* contain a global attribute). They can be detected using
* {@link #isDocumentType} and {@link #isAttributeType}. Other
* than their anonymity (lack of a type name) and their appearance
* only at the root of an instance, they are otherwise just like
* ordinary complex types.
* <li>Simple types can be detected using {@link #isSimpleType}.
* Complex types are considered to be all the types that are
* not simple.
* <li>Simple types are divided into three varieties: atomic types,
* list types, and union types. Which variety of simple type
* you have can be discoverd using {@link #getSimpleVariety}.
* It will return either {@link #ATOMIC}, {@link #LIST}, or
* {@link #UNION}.
* <li>An {@link #ATOMIC} simple type is always based on one of the
* 20 built-in primitive schema types. You can determine
* the underlying primitive type for an atomic simple type
* by calling {@link #getPrimitiveType}. An atomic type
* may add facet restrictions on top of the primitive type,
* and these facets can be explored using {@link #getFacet},
* {@link #getWhiteSpaceRule}, {@link #matchPatternFacet},
* {@link #getEnumerationValues}, and related methods.
* <li>A {@link #LIST} simple type is always based on another non-list
* simple type. The underlying list item type can be obtained
* by using {@link #getListItemType}.
* <li>A {@link #UNION} simple type is always composed out of a number of
* other simple types. The direct members of the union can
* be obtained by {@link #getUnionMemberTypes}. When unions
* consist of other unions, it is useful to know useful to know
* the "leaves of the union tree", so the
* set of non-union types making up the union can be obtained
* by {@link #getUnionConstituentTypes}. The closure of the
* entire "union tree" is {@link #getUnionSubTypes} (this includes
* the type itself). For
* simple unions that do not consist of other unions, all three
* of these sets are the same.
* <li>Complex types have nested structure. They are divided into
* four content types: empty content, simple content, element-only
* content, and mixed content. All kinds of complex types may
* have attributes. The content type for a complex type can
* be dermined using {@link #getContentType}. This will return
* {@link #EMPTY_CONTENT}, {@link #SIMPLE_CONTENT},
* {@link #ELEMENT_CONTENT}, or {@link #MIXED_CONTENT}.
* <li>If a complex type has {@link #EMPTY_CONTENT}, the content model will be null.
* <li>If a complex type has {@link #SIMPLE_CONTENT}, then it will extend the
* simple type that describes the content. In addition, the type
* may impose additional simple type facet restrictions; these can
* be determined in the same way they are for a simple type.
* <li>If a complex type has {@link #ELEMENT_CONTENT} or {@link #MIXED_CONTENT}, then
* the detailed content model can be determined by examining
* the particle tree (which may be null for MIXED_CONTENT).
* The particle tree can be obtained via {@link #getContentModel}.
* <li>When working with a complex type, most users will find it
* sufficient to discover the summarized shape of the content model
* and attribute model using {@link #getElementProperties},
* {@link #getAttributeProperties}, and related methods rather than
* examining the particle tree and attribute model directly.
* </ul>
* @see SchemaTypeLoader
* @see XmlObject#schemaType
* @see SimpleValue#instanceType
public interface SchemaType extends SchemaComponent, SchemaAnnotated {
* The name used to describe the type in the schema.
* Null if the type is anonymous (nested), or if it is a document type.
QName getName();
* The parent schema element.
* Null for top-level (named) types and document types.
SchemaField getContainerField();
* True if this is a document type.
* <p>
* Document types are generated for every global element. A document
* type is an unnamed complex type that contains exactly one element:
* we define these types, because they are the types of the "documents"
* which contain the defined global elements, and they all turn into
* Java types. (Named ElementnameDocument.)
boolean isDocumentType();
* True if this is a attribute type.
* <p>
* Attribute types are generated for every global attribute. An attribute
* type is an unnamed complex type that contains exactly one attribute:
* we define these types, because they are the types of the "attribute documents"
* which contain the defined global attribute, and they all turn into
* Java types. (Named AttributenameAttribute.)
boolean isAttributeType();
* Returns the document element name if this is a document type,
* or null otherwise.
QName getDocumentElementName();
* Returns the attribute qname if this is a attribute type,
* or null otherwise.
QName getAttributeTypeAttributeName();
* The outer schema type.
* Null for top-level (named) types.
SchemaType getOuterType();
* True if this anonymous type has no corresponding Java type. True for
* anonymous types nested within simple type restrictions.
boolean isSkippedAnonymousType();
* True if this schema type was compiled to have a corresponding
* Java class.
boolean isCompiled();
* The fully-qualified Java type name of the class.
String getFullJavaName();
* The short unqualfiied Java name for the class.
String getShortJavaName();
* The fully-qualified Java type name of the implementation class.
String getFullJavaImplName();
* The short unqualfiied Java name for the implementation class.
String getShortJavaImplName();
* The Java class corresponding to this schema type.
Class<? extends XmlObject> getJavaClass();
* The Java class corresponding to the enumeration type for this schema type,
* if applicable (or null if not an enumeration).
Class<? extends StringEnumAbstractBase> getEnumJavaClass();
* Returns user-specific information.
* @see SchemaBookmark
Object getUserData();
* True if the Xsd type is anonymous (i.e., not top-level).
boolean isAnonymousType();
* True for any of the 40+ built-in types.
boolean isBuiltinType();
* True for the anySimpleType and any restrictions/unions/lists.
boolean isSimpleType();
* Returns base restriction or extension type. Unions and lists
* return the anySimpleType.
SchemaType getBaseType();
* Returns common base type with the given type. The returned
* type is the most specific declared base type of both types.
SchemaType getCommonBaseType(SchemaType type);
* True if the specified type derives from this type (or if
* it is the same type).
* <p>
* Note that XmlObject.type (the anyType) is assignable
* from all type, and the XmlBeans.noType (the absence of
* a type) is assignable to all types.
boolean isAssignableFrom(SchemaType type);
* Returns an integer for the derivation type, either
* {@link #DT_EXTENSION}, {@link #DT_RESTRICTION}, {@link #DT_NOT_DERIVED}.
int getDerivationType();
* Not derived. True for XmlObject.type only. See {@link #getDerivationType}.
* Derived by restriction. See {@link #getDerivationType}.
* Derived by extension. See {@link #getDerivationType}.
* Returns an integer for builtin types that can be used
* for quick comparison.
int getBuiltinTypeCode();
* Not a builtin type
* xs:anyType, aka {@link XmlObject#type}
int BTC_ANY_TYPE = 1;
* The primitive types have codes between BTC_FIRST_PRIMITIVE and BTC_LAST_PRIMITIVE inclusive
* xs:anySimpleType, aka {@link XmlAnySimpleType#type}
* xs:boolean, aka {@link XmlBoolean#type}
int BTC_BOOLEAN = 3;
* xs:base64Binary, aka {@link XmlBase64Binary#type}
int BTC_BASE_64_BINARY = 4;
* xs:hexBinary, aka {@link XmlBase64Binary#type}
* xs:anyURI, aka {@link XmlAnyURI#type}
int BTC_ANY_URI = 6;
* xs:QName, aka {@link XmlQName#type}
int BTC_QNAME = 7;
* xs:NOTATION, aka {@link XmlNOTATION#type}
* xs:float, aka {@link XmlFloat#type}
int BTC_FLOAT = 9;
* xs:double, aka {@link XmlDouble#type}
int BTC_DOUBLE = 10;
* xs:decimal, aka {@link XmlDecimal#type}
int BTC_DECIMAL = 11;
* xs:string, aka {@link XmlString#type}
int BTC_STRING = 12;
* xs:duration, aka {@link XmlDuration#type}
int BTC_DURATION = 13;
* xs:dateTime, aka {@link XmlDateTime#type}
int BTC_DATE_TIME = 14;
* xs:time, aka {@link XmlTime#type}
int BTC_TIME = 15;
* xs:date, aka {@link XmlDate#type}
int BTC_DATE = 16;
* xs:gYearMonth, aka {@link XmlGYearMonth#type}
int BTC_G_YEAR_MONTH = 17;
* xs:gYear, aka {@link XmlGYear#type}
int BTC_G_YEAR = 18;
* xs:gMonthDay, aka {@link XmlGMonthDay#type}
int BTC_G_MONTH_DAY = 19;
* xs:gDay, aka {@link XmlGDay#type}
int BTC_G_DAY = 20;
* xs:gMonth, aka {@link XmlGMonth#type}
int BTC_G_MONTH = 21;
* The primitive types have codes between BTC_FIRST_PRIMITIVE and BTC_LAST_PRIMITIVE inclusive
// derived numerics
* xs:integer, aka {@link XmlInteger#type}
int BTC_INTEGER = 22;
* xs:long, aka {@link XmlLong#type}
int BTC_LONG = 23;
* xs:int, aka {@link XmlInt#type}
int BTC_INT = 24;
* xs:short, aka {@link XmlShort#type}
int BTC_SHORT = 25;
* xs:byte, aka {@link XmlByte#type}
int BTC_BYTE = 26;
* xs:nonPositiveInteger, aka {@link XmlNonPositiveInteger#type}
* xs:NegativeInteger, aka {@link XmlNegativeInteger#type}
* xs:nonNegativeInteger, aka {@link XmlNonNegativeInteger#type}
* xs:positiveInteger, aka {@link XmlPositiveInteger#type}
* xs:unsignedLong, aka {@link XmlUnsignedLong#type}
* xs:unsignedInt, aka {@link XmlUnsignedInt#type}
* xs:unsignedShort, aka {@link XmlUnsignedShort#type}
* xs:unsignedByte, aka {@link XmlUnsignedByte#type}
// derived strings
* xs:normalizedString, aka {@link XmlNormalizedString#type}
* xs:token, aka {@link XmlToken#type}
int BTC_TOKEN = 36;
* xs:Name, aka {@link XmlName#type}
int BTC_NAME = 37;
* xs:NCName, aka {@link XmlNCName#type}
int BTC_NCNAME = 38;
* xs:language, aka {@link XmlLanguage#type}
int BTC_LANGUAGE = 39;
* xs:ID, aka {@link XmlID#type}
int BTC_ID = 40;
* xs:IDREF, aka {@link XmlIDREF#type}
int BTC_IDREF = 41;
* xs:IDREFS, aka {@link XmlIDREFS#type}
int BTC_IDREFS = 42;
* xs:ENTITY, aka {@link XmlENTITY#type}
int BTC_ENTITY = 43;
* xs:ENTITIES, aka {@link XmlENTITIES#type}
int BTC_ENTITIES = 44;
* xs:NMTOKEN, aka {@link XmlNMTOKEN#type}
int BTC_NMTOKEN = 45;
* xs:NMTOKENS, aka {@link XmlNMTOKENS#type}
int BTC_NMTOKENS = 46;
* True for anyType and anySimpleType.
boolean isURType();
* True for the type object that represents a the absence of a determined type.
* XML Objects whose type isNoType() are never valid.
boolean isNoType();
* Returns the SchemaTypeLoader in which this type was defined.
* Complex types are defined and used in exactly one schema type
* system, but simple types are defined in one type system and can
* be used in any number of type systems. The most common case is
* the builtin types, which are defined in the builtin type system
* and used elsewhere.
SchemaTypeSystem getTypeSystem();
* True if this type cannot be used directly in instances
boolean isAbstract();
* True if other types cannot extend this type (only for complex types)
boolean finalExtension();
* True if other types cannot restrict this type
boolean finalRestriction();
* True if list derivation of this type is prohibited (only for simple types)
boolean finalList();
* True if union derivation of this type is prohibited (only for simple types)
boolean finalUnion();
* True if extensions of this type cannot be substituted for this type
boolean blockExtension();
* True if restrictions of this type cannot be substituted for this type
boolean blockRestriction();
* Returns {@link #EMPTY_CONTENT}, {@link #SIMPLE_CONTENT}, {@link #ELEMENT_CONTENT}, or
* {@link #MIXED_CONTENT} for complex types. For noncomplex types, returns
* {@link #NOT_COMPLEX_TYPE}.
int getContentType();
* Not a complex type. See {@link #getContentType()}.
* Empty content. See {@link #getContentType()}.
* Simple content. See {@link #getContentType()}.
* Element-only content. See {@link #getContentType()}.
* Mixed content. See {@link #getContentType()}.
* For complex types with simple content returns the base type for this
* type's content. In most cases, this is the same as the base type, but
* it can also be an anonymous type.
SchemaType getContentBasedOnType();
* Returns a {@link SchemaTypeElementSequencer} object, which can then
* be used to validate complex content inside this element. This is useful
* for example for trying out different names and see which one would be
* valid as a child of this element.
SchemaTypeElementSequencer getElementSequencer();
* The array of inner (anonymous) types defined
* within this type.
SchemaType[] getAnonymousTypes();
* Returns a SchemaProperty corresponding to an element within this
* complex type by looking up the element name.
SchemaProperty getElementProperty(QName eltName);
* Returns all the SchemaProperties corresponding to elements.
SchemaProperty[] getElementProperties();
* Returns a SchemaProperty corresponding to an attribute within this
* complex type by looking up the attribute name.
SchemaProperty getAttributeProperty(QName attrName);
* Returns all the SchemaProperties corresponding to attributes.
SchemaProperty[] getAttributeProperties();
* Returns all the SchemaProperties within this complex type,
* elements followed by attributes.
SchemaProperty[] getProperties();
* Returns the SchemaProperties defined by this complex type,
* exclusive of the base type (if any).
SchemaProperty[] getDerivedProperties();
* Returns the attribute model for this complex type (with simple or complex content).
SchemaAttributeModel getAttributeModel();
* True if this type permits wildcard attributes. See the attribute model for
* more information about which wildcards are allowed.
boolean hasAttributeWildcards();
* Returns the complex content model for this complex type (with complex content).
SchemaParticle getContentModel();
* True if this type permits element wildcards. See the content model for
* more information about which wildcards are allowed, and where.
boolean hasElementWildcards();
* For document types, true if the given name can be substituted for the
* document element name.
boolean isValidSubstitution(QName name);
* True if the complex content model for this complex type is an "all" group.
boolean hasAllContent();
* True if particles have same defaults, nillability, etc, that are
* invariant when order changes. Computed only for Javaized types.
boolean isOrderSensitive();
* Returns the type of a child element based on the element name and
* an xsi:type attribute (and the type system within which names are
* resolved).
SchemaType getElementType(QName eltName, QName xsiType, SchemaTypeLoader wildcardTypeLoader);
* Returns the type of an attribute based on the attribute name and
* the type system within which (wildcard) names are resolved.
SchemaType getAttributeType(QName eltName, SchemaTypeLoader wildcardTypeLoader);
/* *********************************************************** */
/* *********************************************************** */
* xs:length facet
* xs:minLength facet
* xs:maxLength facet
* xs:minExclusive facet
* xs:minInclusive facet
* xs:maxInclusive facet
* xs:maxExclusive facet
* xs:totalDigits facet
* xs:fractionDigits facet
* xs:whiteSpace facet - use {@link #getWhiteSpaceRule} instead
* xs:pattern facet - use {@link #matchPatternFacet} instead
* xs:enumeration facet - use {@link #getEnumerationValues} instead
* The last ordinary facet code
int LAST_FACET = 11;
* @see #ordered
* @see #isBounded
* @see #isFinite
* @see #isNumeric
* The last property code
* Returns the value of the given facet, or null if
* none is set.
XmlAnySimpleType getFacet(int facetCode);
* True if the given facet is fixed.
boolean isFacetFixed(int facetCode);
* True if ordered. Returns either {@link #UNORDERED},
* {@link #PARTIAL_ORDER}, or {@link #TOTAL_ORDER}.
int ordered();
* Unordered. See {@link #ordered}.
int UNORDERED = 0;
* Partially ordered. See {@link #ordered}.
* Totally ordered. See {@link #ordered}.
int TOTAL_ORDER = 2;
* True if bounded.
boolean isBounded();
* True if finite.
boolean isFinite();
* True if numeric.
boolean isNumeric();
* True if there are regex pattern facents
boolean hasPatternFacet();
* True
String[] getPatterns();
* True if the given string matches the pattern facets.
* Always true if there are no pattern facets.
boolean matchPatternFacet(String s);
* Returns the array of valid objects from the
* enumeration facet, null if no enumeration defined.
XmlAnySimpleType[] getEnumerationValues();
* True if this is a string enum where an integer
* is assigned to each enumerated value.
boolean hasStringEnumValues();
* If this is a string enumeration, returns the most basic base schema
* type that this enuemration is based on. Otherwise returns null.
SchemaType getBaseEnumType();
* Returns the array of SchemaStringEnumEntries for this type: this
* array includes information about the java constant names used for
* each string enum entry.
SchemaStringEnumEntry[] getStringEnumEntries();
* Returns the string enum entry corresponding to the given enumerated
* string, or null if there is no match or this type is not
* a string enumeration.
SchemaStringEnumEntry enumEntryForString(String s);
* Returns the string enum value corresponding to the given enumerated
* string, or null if there is no match or this type is not
* a string enumeration.
StringEnumAbstractBase enumForString(String s);
* Returns the string enum value corresponding to the given enumerated
* string, or null if there is no match or this type is not
* a string enumeration.
StringEnumAbstractBase enumForInt(int i);
* True for any of the 20 primitive types (plus anySimpleType)
boolean isPrimitiveType();
* Returns whether the simple type is ATOMIC, UNION, or LIST.
* Returns {@link #NOT_SIMPLE}, {@link #ATOMIC}, {@link #UNION},
* or {@link #LIST}.
int getSimpleVariety();
* Not a simple type or simple content. See {@link #getSimpleVariety}.
int NOT_SIMPLE = 0;
* Atomic type. See {@link #getSimpleVariety}
int ATOMIC = 1;
* Union type. See {@link #getSimpleVariety}
int UNION = 2;
* Simple list type. See {@link #getSimpleVariety}
int LIST = 3;
* For atomic types only: get the primitive type underlying this one.
* <p>
* Returns null if this is not an atomic type.
SchemaType getPrimitiveType();
* For atomic numeric restrictions of decimal only: the
* numeric size category. Takes into account min and max
* restrictions as well as totalDigits and fractionDigits
* facets.
* <p>
* Returns either {@link #NOT_DECIMAL},
* {@link #SIZE_BYTE}, {@link #SIZE_SHORT}, {@link #SIZE_INT},
* {@link #SIZE_LONG}, {@link #SIZE_BIG_INTEGER}, or
* {@link #SIZE_BIG_DECIMAL}.
int getDecimalSize();
* Not a decimal restriction. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int NOT_DECIMAL = 0;
* Fits in a byte. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int SIZE_BYTE = 8;
* Fits in a short. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int SIZE_SHORT = 16;
* Fits in an int. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int SIZE_INT = 32;
* Fits in a long. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int SIZE_LONG = 64;
* Fits in a {@link java.math.BigInteger}. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int SIZE_BIG_INTEGER = 1000000; // "millions"
* Fits in a {@link java.math.BigDecimal}. See {@link #getDecimalSize}.
int SIZE_BIG_DECIMAL = 1000001; // "even more"
* For union types only: get the shallow member types. This
* returns the declared member types of the union, so, for
* example if the type contains another union, the nested
* members of that union are NOT returned here.
* <p>
* Returns null if this type is not a union.
SchemaType[] getUnionMemberTypes();
* For union types only: gets the full tree of member types.
* This computes the closure of the set returned by
* getUnionMemberTypes(), so, for example, it returns
* all the types nested within unions of unions as well
* as the top-level members; the set also includes the
* type itself. If you are seeking only the basic
* non-union consituents, use getUnionConstituentTypes.
* <p>
* Returns null if this type is not a union.
SchemaType[] getUnionSubTypes();
* For union types only: get the constituent member types. This
* returns only non-union types, so, for example, for unions of
* unions, this returns the flattened list of individual member
* types within the innermost unions.
* <p>
* Returns null if this type is not a union.
SchemaType[] getUnionConstituentTypes();
* For union types only: get the most specific common base
* type of the constituent member types. May return a UR type.
* <p>
* Returns null if this type is not a union.
SchemaType getUnionCommonBaseType();
* For anonymous types defined inside a union only: gets
* the integer indicating the declaration order of this
* type within the outer union type, or zero if this is
* not applicable. The first anonymous union member within
* a union type is numbered "1". Used to differentiate
* between different anonymous types.
int getAnonymousUnionMemberOrdinal();
* For list types only: get the item type. This is the atomic
* or union type that is the type of every entry in the list.
* <p>
* Returns null if this type is not a list.
SchemaType getListItemType();
* For nonunion simple types: get the whitespace rule. This is
* either {@link #WS_PRESERVE}, {@link #WS_REPLACE}, or
* {@link #WS_COLLAPSE}. Returns {@link #WS_UNSPECIFIED}
* for unions and complex types.
int getWhiteSpaceRule();
* Whitespace rule unspecified. See {@link #getWhiteSpaceRule}.
* Whitespace preserved. See {@link #getWhiteSpaceRule}.
int WS_PRESERVE = 1;
* Whitespace replaced by ordinary space. See {@link #getWhiteSpaceRule}.
int WS_REPLACE = 2;
* Whitespace collapsed and trimmed. See {@link #getWhiteSpaceRule}.
int WS_COLLAPSE = 3;
* Creates an immutable simple type value that does not reside in a tree.
XmlAnySimpleType newValue(Object v);
* Used to allow on-demand loading of types.
final class Ref extends SchemaComponent.Ref {
public Ref(SchemaType type) {
public Ref(SchemaTypeSystem system, String handle) {
super(system, handle);
public final int getComponentType() {
return SchemaComponent.TYPE;
public final SchemaType get() {
return (SchemaType) getComponent();
* Retruns a SchemaType.Ref pointing to this schema type itself.
Ref getRef();
* Returns a QNameSet of elements that may exist in wildcard
* buchets and are not explicitly defined in this schema type.
* Note: In this example:
* <pre>{@code
* <xs:complexType name="exampleType">
* <xs:sequence>
* <xs:element name="someElement" type='xs:string' />
* <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" />
* </xs:sequence>
* </xs:complexType>
* }</pre>
* the returned QNameSet will not contain the qname of 'someElement'.
* @return the constructed QNameSet
QNameSet qnameSetForWildcardElements();
* Returns a QNameSet of attributes that may exist in wildcard
* buchets and are not explicitly defined in this schema type.
* Note: In this example:
* <pre>{@code
* <xs:complexType name="exampleType">
* ...
* <xs:attribute name='someAttribute' type='xs:string' />
* <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" />
* </xs:complexType>
* }</pre>
* the returned QNameSet will not contain the qname of 'someAttribute'.
* @return the constructed QNameSet
QNameSet qnameSetForWildcardAttributes();
* returns user specified documentation
* <pre>{@code
* <xs:complexType ...>
* <xs:annotation>
* <xs:documentation>
* getDocumentation method will return whatever stuff here.
* </xs:docmentation>
* </xs:annotation>
* </xs complexType>
* }</pre>
String getDocumentation();