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<h1> Java Types Generated from User-Derived Schema Types</h1>
<div id="topictext">
<p>When you compile XML schema, the resulting API is made up of two categories
of types: built-in types that mirror those in the schema specification and
others that are generated from user-derived schema types. This topic provides
an overview of the Java types generated for user-derived types, describing
the methods the Java types provide. For more information about built-in types,
see <a href="conXMLBeansSupportBuiltInSchemaTypes.html">XMLBeans Support for
Built-In Schema Types</a>. For specific information about the methods exposed
by generated types, see <a href="conMethodsForGeneratedJavaTypes.html">Methods
for Generated Java Types</a>.</p>
<p>In general, an API generated from schema is an intuitive means to access
XML instances based on the schema. You'll probably find that for most uses
it's unnecessary to know the rules for generating it in order to use it. However,
for those cases when it's unclear what's going on behind the scenes (or if
you're just curious), this topic describes the rules.</p>
<p class="notepara"><strong>Note:</strong> The XMLBeans API also provides a
way for you to get information <em>about </em>the type system itself &#8212;
in other words, about the API and the underlying schema. For more information,
see <a href="conIntroToTheSchemaTypeSystem.html">Introduction to Schema Type
<p>Each of the types generated when you compile a schema is designed specifically
for access to XML instances conforming to that part of the schema. Start by
taking a look at a simple XML and schema example. The following schema describes
an XML document to contain a stock price quote.</p>
<pre>&lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs=""&gt;
&lt;xs:element name="price-quote"&gt;
&lt;xs:element name="stock-symbol" type="xs:string"/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name="stock-price" type="xs:float"/&gt;
<p>The following is an example of XML that conforms to this schema.</p>
<p>When you compile this schema, you get two generated XMLBeans interfaces:
<span class="langinline"> PriceQuoteDocument</span> and <span class="langinline">PriceQuoteDocument.PriceQuote</span>.</p>
<p>From the schema point of view, the generated <span class="langinline">PriceQuote</span>
interface represents the <em>complex type</em> you see inside the schema's
<span class="langinline">price-quote</span> element declaration. Looking at
the XML instance, you can see that this complex type translates into a sequence
of two elements, <span class="langinline">stock-symbol</span> and <span class="langinline">stock-price</span>.
So it's not surprising that the <span class="langinline">PriceQuote</span>
interface exposes methods such as <span class="langinline">getStockPrice</span>
and <span class="langinline">setStockPrice</span> to set the value <span class="langinline">stock-price</span>
<p>The <span class="langinline">PriceQuoteDocument</span> interface, on the
other hand, represents the <span class="langinline">price-quote</span> <em>document</em>
that contains the root <span class="langinline">price-quote</span> element.
XMLBeans creates a special &quot;document&quot; type for global element types.
A document type provides a way for you to get and set the value of the underlying
type, here represented by <span class="langinline">PriceQuote</span>. The
<span class="langinline">price-quote</span> element is considered a <em>global</em>
element because it can be referenced from anywhere else in the schema. For
global elements, the XMLBeans schema compiler generates an interface whose
name ends with &quot;Document.&quot; This is because an XML schema has no
way of defining a &quot;root&quot; element; any global element can be the
<p>The following bit of Java code illustrates how you might use these interfaces
to get the stock price contained in the XML.</p>
public static float getStockPrice( orderXML) throws Exception
PriceQuoteDocument docXML = PriceQuoteDocument.Factory.parse(orderXML);
PriceQuote quoteXML = docXML.getPriceQuote();
float stockPrice = quoteXML.getStockPrice();
return stockPrice;
<p>This code loads the XML from a <span class="langinline">File</span> object,
converting the <span class="langinline">parse</span> method's return value
to a <span class="langinline">PriceQuoteDocument</span> instance. It then
uses this instance to get an instance of <span class="langinline">PriceQuote</span>.
With <span class="langinline">PriceQuote</span>, the code extracts the stock
price. </p>
<div id="topictext">
<p>The XML schema specification provides a rich set of rules through which
you can derive new types. When you generate interfaces from your schema,
XMLBeans uses the schema's rules to determine how to generate interfaces.
The following describes some of the guidelines by which this is done.</p>
<h2>Names for Interfaces</h2>
<p>Interfaces are generated for schema types (both simple and complex). Anonymous
schema types result in inner interfaces inside the type interface in which
they are defined. Their name comes from the element or attribute in which
they is defined.</p>
<p>Names for schema types become Java-friendly names when the schema is compiled.
In other words, names such as "price-quote" become "PriceQuote." In addition,
a schema's XML namespace URIs become package names for XMLBean types generated
from the schema. The way this name translation is done is described by section
C of the Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) specification at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p>
<p>Here are a few examples:</p>
<td><strong>Schema Target Namespace</strong></td>
<td width="155"><strong>XML Localname</strong></td>
<td><strong>Fully-Qualified XMLBean Type Name</strong></td>
<td width="155">purchase-order-4</td>
<td width="155">SampleDocument</td>
<td width="155">test_type</td>
<p>When there are name collisions, the generated types will have names with
numerals appended&nbsp;— for example, "TestType2".</p>
<h2>Global Elements and Attributes</h2>
<p>In schema, global element and attribute definitions are those that are
declared at the top level of the schema (that is, immediately within the
<span class="langinline">schema</span> root element). Because they are global,
they may be referenced from inside the schema by name. The <span class="langinline">creditReport</span>
(not the <span class="langinline">creditReportType</span> complex type)
element defined in the following schema is an example.</p>
&lt;xs:schema targetNamespace=&quot;;
&lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;creditReportType&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;bankReport&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;taxReport&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;creditReport&quot; type=&quot;cr:creditReportType&quot;/&gt;
<p>XMLBeans generates a separate interface for each of these. Also, global
element and attribute types are somewhat unique in that the schema compiler
will create special types to hold the globally defined element or attribute.
The names of these types will be appended with &quot;Document&quot; (for
elements) or &quot;Attribute&quot; (for attributes). You can retrieve the
element or attribute itself (or create a new one) by calling the accessor
methods that the special types provide. The following example would create
a new instance of the creditReport element.</p>
// Create an instance of the special document type.
CreditReportDocument reportDoc = CreditReportDocument.Factory.newInstance();
* Use the document type to add a new creditReport element to the XML instance.
* Note that the type returned by the addNewCreditReport method is the
* creditReportType complex type defined for it in schema.
CreditReportType report = reportDoc.addNewCreditReport();
<h2>Global User-Derived Types</h2>
<p>A <em>user-derived</em> type is one defined with a <span class="langinline">complexType</span>
or <span class="langinline">simpleType</span> element in schema. User-derived
types at the top level of a schema are global. XMLBeans generates an interface
for each of these, as it does with global elements and attributes. These
interfaces include methods through which you can get and set the type's
values, including any nested derived types it may contain. The following
schema snippet defines a user-derived complex type called <span class="langinline">itemType</span>,
along with a <span class="langinline">priceType</span> that uses it as the
type for an <span class="langinline">item</span> child element.</p>
&lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;itemType&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;name&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;amount&quot; type=&quot;xs:int&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;price&quot; type=&quot;xs:double&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;priceType&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;item&quot; type=&quot;ps:itemType&quot; minOccurs=&quot;0&quot; maxOccurs=&quot;unbounded&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;price&quot; type=&quot;ps:priceType&quot;/&gt;
<p>By default, the generated Java type for <span class="langinline">itemType</span>
would be an interface called <span class="langinline">ItemType</span>. With
this type, you would be able to get and set the values of its <span class="langinline">name</span>,
<span class="langinline">amount</span>, and <span class="langinline">price</span>
child elements. However, a user-derived type (as opposed to an element or
attribute) is always intended for use as the type to which an element or
attribute is bound. In other words, it's contained by an element or attribute.
While you can create a new instance of a user-derived type, the new instance's
underlying XML is a fragment. As the generated API would make clear, the
<span class="langinline">itemType</span> becomes the return type of a get
method, or the parameter of a set method.</p>
// Create a new price document.
PriceDocument priceDoc = PriceDocument.Factory.newInstance();
PriceType price = priceDoc.getPrice();
* Create a new instance of ItemType and set the values of its
* child elements.
ItemType item = ItemType.Factory.newInstance();
* Use the new ItemType instance to set the value of the
* price element's first item child element. Notice that the set method
* here is an "Array" method. This is because the item element
* is defined with a maxOccurs="unbounded" attribute. It can occur
* many times as a child of price.
price.setItemArray(0, item);
<h2>Nested Elements and Derived Types</h2>
<p>When your schema includes named types that are declared locally—within
the declaration of another element or type—the schema type's generated Java
interface will be an inner interface within the type it's nested in.</p>
<p>For example, the following schema snippet defines <span class="langinline">name</span>
and <span class="langinline">gender</span> elements nested within a <span class="langinline">person</span>
complex type. In particular, note that the gender element is defined as
deriving from the xs:NMTOKEN built-in type.</p>
&lt;xs:complexType name="person"&gt;
&lt;xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/&gt;
&lt;xs:element name="gender"&gt;
&lt;xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"&gt;
&lt;xs:enumeration value="male"/&gt;
&lt;xs:enumeration value="female"/&gt;
<p>The generated interfaces for person and gender would be organized in source
something like the following. Of course, you wouldn't see the source, but
you can see here that the Gender interface is nested with Person. Also,
notice that it extends XmlNMTOKEN, mirroring the schema.</p>
<pre>public interface Person extends XmlObject
public interface Gender extends XmlNMTOKEN
// Methods omitted for this example
// Methods omitted for this example
<p>You could create a new instance of the <span class="langinline">Gender</span>
type in this way (there are also various alternatives to this):</p>
// Create a new Person instance.
Person person = Person.Factory.newInstance();
* Set the gender element's value using the
* enumeration generated from the schema.
<h2>User-Derived Simple Types</h2>
<p>In addition to the 46 built-in simple types in XML schema, a schema can
include its own custom simple types using <span class="langinline">xs:simpleType</span>
declarations. These user-derived simple types are always based on the built-in
XML schema types. The built-in types can be modified by <em>restricting</em>
them, taking <em>unions</em> of them, or making space-separated <em>lists</em>
of them. Each XML simple type is translated into a Java type that provides
access to the underlying data.</p>
<p>In schema, you can use <span class="langinline">xs:union</span> to specify
a simple type that is allowed to contain values of a number of other simple
types. XMLBeans generates a type for a union, just as it generates a type
for any other schema type. At run time, you can discover the underlying
type of an instance of a union type by calling the <span class="langinline">XmlObject</span>
interface's <span class="langinline">instanceType</span> method. Once you
have determined the type, you can cast an instance of a union type to the
actual underlying instance type.</p>
&lt;xs:simpleType name=&quot;intOrString&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:union memberTypes=&quot;xs:int xs:string&quot;&gt;
<p>Given the preceding schema snippet, you could set the intOrString value
to, say, 6 or &quot;six&quot;. The union of <span class="langinline">xs:int</span>
and <span class="langinline">xs:string</span> makes both allowable.</p>
// Create a new instance of the type.
IntOrString intOrString = IntOrString.Factory.newInstance();
// This code prints "XmlInt" to the console.
<p>XML schema restrictions on simple XMLBeans types are enforced. So, for
example, it is illegal to set a number outside its restricted range. </p>
<h4>Numeric Type Restrictions</h4>
<p>In schema, you can restrict numeric types to allow, for example, only a
particular range of values. For such a restriction, XMLBeans tailors the
resulting natural Java alternative. For example, suppose you have the following
element defined in schema:</p>
&lt;xs:element name="number"&gt;
&lt;xs:restriction base="xs:integer"&gt;
&lt;xs:minInclusive value="1"/&gt;
&lt;xs:maxInclusive value="1000000"/&gt;
<p>The type is restricted from <span class="langinline">xs:integer</span>,
but because the number's range is limited to between 1 and 1000000, it will
fit into a Java <span class="langinline">int</span>. A <span class="langinline">long</span>
or <span class="langinline">java.math.BigInteger</span> would be too big
for the need. In other words, the <span class="langinline">getNumber</span>
method generated for this type will return an <span class="langinline">int</span>,
rather than a <span class="langinline">BigInteger</span> or a <span class="langinline">long</span>.</p>
<p>By the same token, an long can be compiled to an int if the totalDigits
attribute is &lt;=9, or the min and max attribute values are within 32-bit
2s complement range.</p>
<p>The single primitive XML type xs:decimal can be restricted in several ways
that influence the resulting natural Java type. For example, it can be:</p>
<div>Compiled to a <span class="langinline">BigInteger</span> if its <span class="langinline">fractionDigit</span>
attribute is set to 0. </div>
<div>Compiled to a <span class="langinline">long</span> if its totalDigits
attribute is &lt;=18, or the min and max are within 64-bit 2s complement
<p>In schema, you can derive a new type by restricting a built-in type so
that only a finite set of values are allowable. Where schema does this by
restricting <span class="langinline">xs:string</span>, XMLBeans generates
a special <span class="langinline">Enum</span> type. With an <span class="langinline">Enum</span>,
you can select the enumerated value either by its <span class="langinline">String</span>
value or by a numeric index. The index's value is determined based on the
<span class="langinline">String</span> value's order in the schema. Having
an index can be useful in Java switch statements.</p>
<p>For example, suppose you had a document containing price elements whose
type was the priceType defined in the following schema snippet:</p>
<pre>&lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;priceType&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:element name=&quot;item&quot; type=&quot;ps:itemType&quot; minOccurs=&quot;0&quot;
&lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;threshold&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:restriction base=&quot;xs:string&quot;&gt;
&lt;xs:enumeration value=&quot;Below10Dollars&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:enumeration value=&quot;Between10And20Dollars&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xs:enumeration value=&quot;Above20Dollars&quot;/&gt;
<p>Using types generated from the schema, you would be able to write the following
Java code to &quot;switch&quot; on the threshold attribute's enumeration:</p>
* Use the intValue method provided by the Enum type to determine the threshold
* attribute's current enumeration value.
// Use the Threshold type's enumeration values to test for an attribute value.
case PriceType.Threshold.INT_BELOW_10_DOLLARS:
zeroBuffer.append(item.getTitle() + &quot;\n&quot;);
case PriceType.Threshold.INT_BETWEEN_10_AND_20_DOLLARS:
tenBuffer.append(item.getTitle() + &quot;\n&quot;);
case PriceType.Threshold.INT_ABOVE_20_DOLLARS:
twentyBuffer.append(item.getTitle() + &quot;\n&quot;);
System.out.println(&quot;Yo! Something unexpected happened!&quot;);
<p class="relatedtopics">Related Topics</p>
<p><a href="conXMLBeansSupportBuiltInSchemaTypes.html">XMLBeans Support for
Built-In Schema Types</a></p>
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