blob: 438aef7aa4b1528579609591034a3264301a5bca [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package compile.scomp.detailed;
import compile.scomp.common.CompileCommon;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;
import org.junit.Test;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class DetailedCompTests {
* This test requires laxDoc.xsd to be compiled and
* on the classpath ahead of time, otherwise documentation
* element processing would not occur
* @throws Exception
public void testLaxDocProcessing() throws Exception {
QName q = new QName("urn:lax.Doc.Compilation", "ItemRequest");
ArrayList err = new ArrayList();
XmlOptions xm_opt = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(err);
XmlObject xObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(
new File(CompileCommon.fileLocation+"/detailed/laxDoc.xsd"));
XmlObject[] schemas = new XmlObject[]{xObj};
// ensure exception is thrown when
// xmloptions flag is not set
boolean valDocEx = false;
SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null, null,
schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null, xm_opt);
assertNotNull("STS was null", sts);
}catch(XmlException xmlEx){
valDocEx = true;
System.err.println("Expected Error: "+xmlEx.getMessage());
} catch(Exception e){
throw e;
//check exception was thrown
throw new Exception("Documentation processing " +
"should have thrown and error");
// validate error code
valDocEx = false;
for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
XmlError xErr = (XmlError);
//System.out.println("ERROR: '"+ xErr+"'");
//any one of these are possible
if(xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.4") == 0 ||
xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.2.3") == 0 ||
xErr.getErrorCode().compareTo("cvc-complex-type.2.4c") == 0)
valDocEx = true;
if (!valDocEx)
throw new Exception("Expected Error code did not validate");
//reset errors
//ensure no exception when error
xm_opt = xm_opt.setCompileNoValidation();
try {
SchemaTypeSystem sts = XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans(null, null,
schemas, null, XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem(), null,
throw new Exception("Error listener should be empty");
for (Iterator iterator = err.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
SchemaGlobalElement sge = sts.findElement(q);
System.out.println("QName: " + sge.getName());
System.out.println("Type: " + sge.getType());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
private static final String schema_begin = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=\"\">\n";
private static final String root_decl = "<xs:element name=\"root\">\n <xs:complexType>\n";
private static final String att_decl = " <xs:attribute name=\"att\" type=\"simpleNotType\"/>\n";
private static final String root_end = " </xs:complexType>\n</xs:element>\n";
private static final String schema_end = "</xs:schema>\n";
private static final String notation1 = " <xs:attribute name=\"att\" type=\"xs:NOTATION\"/>\n";
private static final String notation2 = "<xs:simpleType name=\"simpleNotType\">\n" +
" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:NOTATION\">\n" +
" <xs:pattern value=\"ns:.*\"/>\n" +
" </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n";
private static final String notation3 = " <xs:sequence>\n " +
"<xs:element name=\"elem\" type=\"xs:ID\"/>\n" +
" </xs:sequence>\n";
private static final String notation4 = " targetNamespace=\"scomp.detailed.CompilationTests\" " +
private static final String simpleTypeDef= "<xs:simpleType name=\"simpleNotType\">\n" +
" <xs:restriction base=\"enumDef\">\n";
private static final String notation6 = " <xs:pattern value=\"ns:.*\"/>\n";
private static final String notation5 = " <xs:length value=\"6\"/>\n";
private static final String enumDef = " </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n" +
"<xs:simpleType name=\"enumDef\">\n" +
" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:NOTATION\" xmlns:ns=\"namespace.notation\">\n" +
" <xs:enumeration value=\"ns:app1\"/>\n" +
" <xs:enumeration value=\"ns:app2\"/>\n" +
" </xs:restriction>\n</xs:simpleType>\n";
private static final String doc_begin = "<root xmlns:ns=\"namespace.notation\" " +
"xmlns:app=\"namespace.notation\" att=\"";
private static final String doc_end = "\"/>";
private static final String notation7 = "ns1:app1";
private static final String notation8 = "ns:app";
private static final String notation9 = "app:app1";
private static final String notation10 = "ns:app1";
* This tests usage of the xs:NOTATION type
public void testNotation() throws Exception
String schema;
String xml;
SchemaTypeSystem typeSystem;
XmlObject[] parsedSchema = new XmlObject[1];
XmlObject parsedDoc;
XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions();
ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
// 1. Negative test - Error if xs:NOTATION used directly
schema = schema_begin + root_decl + notation1 + root_end + schema_end;
// System.out.println(schema);
parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
assertTrue("Expected error: NOTATION type cannot be used directly", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected error: NOTATION type cannot be used directly",
XmlErrorCodes.ATTR_NOTATION_TYPE_FORBIDDEN, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// 2. Negative test - Error if xs:NOTATION restricted without enumeration
schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + notation2 + schema_end;
// System.out.println(schema);
parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
assertTrue("Expected error: restriction of NOTATION must use enumeration facet", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected error: restriction of NOTATION must use enumeration facet",
XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_ENUM_NOTATION, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// 3. Warning if xs:NOTATION used as type of an element
final String correctTypes = simpleTypeDef + notation6 + enumDef;
schema = schema_begin + root_decl + notation3 + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;
// System.out.println(schema);
parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
assertTrue("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used on elements", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used on elements",
XmlErrorCodes.ELEM_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// 4. Warning if xs:NOTATION is used in a Schema with target namespace
schema = schema_begin.substring(0, schema_begin.length() - 2) + notation4 + root_decl +
att_decl + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;
// System.out.println(schema);
parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
assertTrue("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used in a Schema with target namespace", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected warning: NOTATION-derived type should not be used in a Schema with target namespace",
XmlErrorCodes.ATTR_COMPATIBILITY_TARGETNS, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// 5. Warning - Deprecation of minLength, maxLength and length facets
schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + simpleTypeDef + notation5 +
enumDef + schema_end;
// System.out.println(schema);
parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
assertTrue("Expected warning: length facet cannot be used on a type derived from NOTATION", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected warning: length facet cannot be used on a type derived from NOTATION",
XmlErrorCodes.FACETS_DEPRECATED_NOTATION, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_WARNING, ((XmlError)errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// 6. Positive test - Test restriction via enumeration, then same as 2
schema = schema_begin + root_decl + att_decl + root_end + correctTypes + schema_end;
// System.out.println(schema);
parsedSchema[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schema);
typeSystem = XmlBeans.compileXsd(parsedSchema, null, opts);
assertTrue("Expected no errors or warnings", errors.size() == 0);
SchemaType docType = typeSystem.findDocumentType(new QName("", "root"));
SchemaType type = docType.getElementProperty(new QName("", "root")).getType().
getAttributeProperty(new QName("", "att")).getType();
assertEquals(type.getPrimitiveType().getBuiltinTypeCode(), SchemaType.BTC_NOTATION);
SchemaTypeLoader loader = XmlBeans.typeLoaderUnion(new SchemaTypeLoader[] {typeSystem,
// 7. Validation negative - Test error if QName has bad prefix
xml = doc_begin + notation7 + doc_end;
parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
// Both "prefix not found" and "pattern doesn't match" errors
assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 2);
// Unfortunately, can't get the error code because it is logged via an intermediate exception
assertTrue("Expected prefix not found error", ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getMessage().
indexOf("Invalid QName") >= 0);
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// System.out.println(xml);
// 8. Validation negative - Test error if QName has correct prefix but not in enumeration
xml = doc_begin + notation8 + doc_end;
parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected prefix not found error", XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_ENUM_VALID,
((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// System.out.println(xml);
// 9. Validation negative - Test error if QName doesn't match the extra facet
xml = doc_begin + notation9 + doc_end;
parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
assertTrue("Expected validation errors", errors.size() == 1);
assertEquals("Expected prefix not found error", XmlErrorCodes.DATATYPE_VALID$PATTERN_VALID,
((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getErrorCode());
assertEquals(XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR, ((XmlError) errors.get(0)).getSeverity());
// System.out.println(xml);
// 10. Validation positive - Test that validation can be performed correctly
xml = doc_begin + notation10 + doc_end;
parsedDoc = loader.parse(xml, null, opts);
assertEquals("Did not find the root element in the Schema", docType, parsedDoc.schemaType());
assertTrue("Expected no validation errors", errors.size() == 0);
// System.out.println(xml);