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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"?>
Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<rdf:RDF xml:lang="en"
Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
All rights reserved.
<Project rdf:about="">
<license rdf:resource=""/>
<name>Apache XMLBeans</name>
<homepage rdf:resource=""/>
<asfext:pmc rdf:resource=""/>
<shortdesc>XMLBeans is a technology for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. XMLBeans provides several
ways to get at the XML: strong XMLSchema typed model, cursor API, streaming (SAX, Stax) and DOM. XMLBeans
covers 100% XMLSchema support while giving access to full infoset of documents.
<description>XMLBeans is a tool that allows you to access the full power of XML in a Java friendly way. The idea
is that you can take advantage of the richness and features of XML and XML Schema and have these features
mapped as naturally as possible to the equivalent Java language and typing constructs. XMLBeans uses XML
Schema to compile Java interfaces and classes that you can then use to access and modify XML instance data.
Using XMLBeans is similar to using any other Java interface/class, you will see things like getFoo or setFoo
just as you would expect when working with Java. While a major use of XMLBeans is to access your XML
instance data with strongly typed Java classes there are also API's that allow you access to the full XML
infoset (XMLBeans keeps XML Infoset fidelity) as well as to allow you to reflect into the XML schema itself
through an XML Schema Object model.
For more details on XMLBeans see the XMLBeans Wiki pages or the XMLBeans documentation (the Documentation
tab on this website).
What Makes XMLBeans Different
There are at least two major things that make XMLBeans unique from other XML-Java binding options.
1. Full XML Schema support. XMLBeans fully supports XML Schema and the corresponding java classes provide
constructs for all of the major functionality of XML Schema. This is critical since often times you do not
have control over the features of XML Schema that you need to work with in Java. Also, XML Schema oriented
applications can take full advantage of the power of XML Schema and not have to restrict themselvs to a
2. Full XML Infoset fidelity.When unmarshalling an XML instance the full XML infoset is kept and is
available to the developer. This is critical because because of the subset of XML that is not easily
represented in java. For example, order of the elements or comments might be needed in a particular
A major objective of XMLBeans has been to be applicable in all non-streaming (in memory) XML programming
situations. You should be able to compile your XML Schema into a set of java classes and know that 1) you
will be able to use XMLBeans for all of the schemas you encounter (even the warped ones) and 2) that you
will be able to get to the XML at whatever level is necessary - and not have to resort to multple tools to
do this.
To accomplish this XMLBeans provides three major APIs:
* XmlObject The java classes that are generated from an XML Schema are all derived from XmlObject. These
provide strongly typed getters and setters for each of the elements within the defined XML. Complex types
are in turn XmlObjects. For example getCustomer might return a CustomerType (which is an XmlObject). Simple
types turn into simple getters and setters with the correct java type. For example getName might return a
* XmlCursor From any XmlObject you can get an XmlCursor. This provides efficient, low level access to the
XML Infoset. A cursor represents a position in the XML instance. You can move the cursor around the XML
instance at any level of granularity you need from individual characters to Tokens.
* SchemaType XMLBeans provides a full XML Schema object model that you can use to reflect on the underlying
schema meta information. For example, you might want to generate a sample XML instance for an XML schema or
perhaps find the enumerations for an element so that you can display them.
All of this was built with performance in mind. Informal benchmarks and user feedback indicate that XMLBeans
is extremely fast.
<bug-database rdf:resource=""/>
<mailing-list rdf:resource=""/>
<download-page rdf:resource="">
<category rdf:resource=""/>
<name>XMLBeans v5.0.3</name>
<name>XMLBeans v5.0.2</name>
<name>XMLBeans v5.0.1</name>
<name>XMLBeans v5.0.0</name>
<name>XMLBeans v4.0.0</name>
<name>XMLBeans v3.1.0</name>
<name>XMLBeans v3.0.2</name>
<name>XMLBeans v3.0.1</name>
<name>XMLBeans v3.0.0</name>
<name>XMLBeans v2.1.0</name>
<name>XMLBeans v2.0.0</name>
<name>XMLBeans v1.0.4</name>
<name>XMLBeans v1.0.4-jdk1.3</name>
<location rdf:resource=""/>
<browse rdf:resource=""/>
<foaf:name>Cezar Andrei</foaf:name>
<foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>