blob: f8f1404b2d74758b705dd54c0d8a375c12ac6b65 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package xmlobject.schematypes.checkin;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class GDateTests {
private static String[] validDurations = {
private static String[] invalidDurations = {
private static String[] invalidDates = {
"+14:01", // tz
"-14:01", // tz
"+15:00", // tz
"-15:00", // tz
"March 2",
"T00:00:00Z", // T not allowed
"-00:00:00Z", // - not allowed
"96-02-28T00:00:00Z", // year width
"100-02-28T00:00:00Z", // year width
"1900-2-28T00:00:00Z", // month width
"1900-02-8T00:00:00Z", // day width
"1900-02-08T0:00:00Z", // hour width
"1900-02-08T00:0:00Z", // hour width
"1900-02-08T00:00:0Z", // hour width
"1900-02-08T00:00Z", // time incomplete
"1900-02-08 T00:00:00Z", // space
"1900-02-08T 00:00:00Z", // space
"1900-02-08T00:00:00 Z", // space
"1900-02-29T00Z", // time incomplete
"00:00", // time incomplete
"00", // incomplete
"2100-02-29", // not leap
"-999999999-02-28T00:00:00Z", // too long ago
"999999999-02-28T00:00:00Z", // too long from now
"9999999999999999999999999999999-02-28T00:00:00Z", // overflow?
"0000-01-01", // year zero
"0000-12-31T04:35:22.456", // year zero
"1996-00-28T00:00:00Z", // month
"1996-13-28T00:00:00Z", // month
"1996-02-00T00:00:00Z", // day
"2000-02-30T00:00:00Z", // day
"1996-02-29T25:00:00Z", // hr
"1996-02-29T24:00:01Z", // hr
"1996-02-29T00:60:00Z", // min
"1996-02-29T00:00:60Z", // sec
"1996-02-29T00:00:00+14:01", // tz
"1996-02-29T00:00:00-14:01", // tz
"1996-02-29T00:00:00+15:00", // tz
"1996-02-29T00:00:00-15:00", // tz
"1996-00-29", // month
"1996-13-29", // month
"1996-02-00", // day
"2000-02-30", // day
"--00", // month
"--13", // month
"--00-01", // month
"--13-01", // month
"--02-00", // day
"--02-30", // day
"--01-32", // day
"--11-31", // day
"---00", // day
"---32", // day
"25:00:00Z", // hr
"24:01:00Z", // hr
"00:60:00Z", // min
"00:00:60Z", // sec
"00:00:00+14:01", // tz
"00:00:00-14:01", // tz
"00:00:00+15:00", // tz
"00:00:00-15:00", // tz
private static String[] validDates = {
"Z", // timezone only
"-14:00", // timezone only
"1996-02-29T00:00:00Z", // leap
"2000-02-29T00:00:00Z", // leap
"2004-02-29T00:00:00Z", // leap
"2008-02-29T00:00:00Z", // leap
"2012-02-29T00:00:00Z", // leap
"1900-02-28T00:00:00Z", // not leap
"2100-02-28T00:00:00Z", // not leap
"1900-03-28T00:00:00Z", // not leap
"1996-02-29T24:00:00Z", // 24:00:00 is valid
"24:00:00Z", // 24:00:00 is valid
private boolean hasTime(GDuration gd) {
return gd.getHour() != 0 || gd.getMinute() != 0 || gd.getSecond() != 0 || gd.getFraction().signum() != 0;
public void testGregorianCalendar() {
// this is a check of DST offsets
Date date = new GDate("2002-04-18T23:59:59Z").getDate();
GregorianCalendar gcal = new XmlCalendar(date);
assertEquals(date, gcal.getTime());
// now check out some things
GDate gd = new GDate("2001-12-31T07:00:59.010");
GregorianCalendar gc = gd.getCalendar();
Date gdd = gd.getDate();
Date gcd = gc.getTime();
assertEquals(gdd, gcd);
// set up 2/29, and read out Feb 29 in the year 1 BC.
Calendar gregcal = new GDate("--02-29").getCalendar();
assertEquals(29, gregcal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
assertEquals(2 - 1, gregcal.get(Calendar.MONTH));
assertEquals(1, gregcal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
assertEquals(0, gregcal.get(Calendar.ERA));
// repeat some tests to make sure it's stable.
assertEquals(29, gregcal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
assertEquals(2 - 1, gregcal.get(Calendar.MONTH));
// now try some setters
gregcal = new GDate("--02-29").getCalendar();
gregcal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 10);
assertEquals("--11-29", gregcal.toString());
// repeat to ensure it's stable.
assertEquals("--11-29", gregcal.toString());
private void _testEmptyDuration(GDuration gd) {
assertEquals("PT0S", gd.toString());
assertEquals(0, gd.getYear());
assertEquals(0, gd.getMonth());
assertEquals(0, gd.getDay());
assertEquals(0, gd.getHour());
assertEquals(0, gd.getMinute());
assertEquals(0, gd.getSecond());
assertEquals(new java.math.BigDecimal(0.0), gd.getFraction());
public void testEmptyDuration() {
GDuration gd = new GDuration();
GDuration gdCopy = new GDuration(gd);
public void testValidDuration() {
for (int i = 0; i < validDurations.length; i++) {
GDuration gd = null;
String str = validDurations[i];
try {
gd = new GDuration(str);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Problem with " + str + ": " + e.getMessage());
assertEquals(str, gd.toString());
for (int j = 0; j < validDurations.length; j++) {
GDuration gd2 = null;
String str2 = validDurations[j];
try {
gd2 = new GDuration(str2);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Problem with " + str2 + ": " + e.getMessage());
// subtracting two ways works
GDuration diff = gd.subtract(gd2);
GDurationBuilder gdb = new GDurationBuilder(gd2);
GDuration sum2 = gdb.toGDuration();
assertEquals(0, diff.compareToGDuration(sum2));
GDurationBuilder gdb1 = new GDurationBuilder(diff);
assertEquals("Problem: " + gd + " and " + gd2, gdb.toString(), gdb1.toString());
// comparing is reversible
int comp1 = gd.compareToGDuration(gd2);
int comp2 = gd2.compareToGDuration(gd);
if (comp1 == 2)
assertEquals(2, comp2);
assertEquals(-comp1, comp2);
// comparing translates to addition to dates
boolean[] seen = new boolean[3];
for (int k = 0; k < validDates.length; k++) {
GDate date = new GDate(validDates[k]);
if (!date.hasDate() || date.getYear() > 99999 || date.getYear() < -4000)
if ((hasTime(gd) || hasTime(gd2)) && !date.hasTime())
// System.out.println("Adding " + gd + " and " + gd2 + " to " + date + ", expecting " + comp1);
GDate date1 = date.add(gd);
GDate date2 = date.add(gd2);
comp2 = date1.compareToGDate(date2);
if (comp1 != 2) {
assertEquals("Adding " + date + " + " + gd + " -> " + date1 + ", " + gd2 + " -> " + date2 + ", expecting " + comp1, comp1, comp2);
} else {
assertTrue(comp2 != 2);
seen[comp2 + 1] = true;
// subtraction should yield the same result
if (comp1 != 2) {
GDate date3 = date.add(diff);
assertEquals(comp1, date3.compareToGDate(date));
if (comp1 == 2) {
int seencount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < seen.length; k++)
if (seen[k])
seencount += 1;
assertTrue("Not ambiguous as advertised" /* + gd + ", " + gd2 + " d: " + diff */, seencount > 1);
private void _testAddAndSubtract(String date1, String date2,
String duration) {
GDate gd1 = new GDate(date1);
GDate gd2 = new GDate(date2);
GDuration gdur = new GDuration(duration);
GDate gd = gd1.add(gdur);
System.out.println(date1 + " + " + duration + " = " + gd.toString());
assertEquals(gd2, gd);
gd = gd2.subtract(gdur);
System.out.println(date2 + " - " + duration + " = " + gd.toString());
assertEquals(gd1, gd);
private void _testAdd(String date1, String date2, String duration) {
GDate gd1 = new GDate(date1);
GDate gd2 = new GDate(date2);
GDuration gdur = new GDuration(duration);
GDate gd = gd1.add(gdur);
System.out.println(date1 + " + " + duration + " = " + gd.toString());
assertEquals(gd2, gd);
private void _testSubtract(String date1, String date2, String duration) {
GDate gd1 = new GDate(date1);
GDate gd2 = new GDate(date2);
GDuration gdur = new GDuration(duration);
GDate gd = gd2.subtract(gdur);
System.out.println(date2 + " - " + duration + " = " + gd.toString());
assertEquals(gd1, gd);
public void testAddAndSubtractDuration() {
_testAddAndSubtract("1970-01-01", "1973-01-01", "P3Y");
_testAddAndSubtract("0001-01-01", "0004-01-01", "P3Y");
// there is no year 0, so 1 BCE + 3Y = 3 CE
_testAddAndSubtract("-0001-01-01", "0003-01-01", "P3Y");
_testAddAndSubtract("-0002-01-01", "0003-01-01", "P4Y");
_testAddAndSubtract("-0001-01-01", "0001-01-01", "P1Y");
_testSubtract("-0001-02-29", "0004-02-29", "P4Y");
_testSubtract("-0001-12-31", "0001-01-01", "P1D");
_testSubtract("-0002-12-31", "0001-12-31", "P731D");
_testAddAndSubtract("1970-01-01T00:00:00", "1973-02-01T01:30:45", "P3Y31DT1H30M45S");
_testAddAndSubtract("-0001-01-01T00:00:00", "0003-02-01T01:30:45", "P3Y31DT1H30M45S");
// addition and subtraction of duration is not necessarily symmetric
// if duration is not constant, i.e., contains a component that varies
// in length, such as month (or year)
_testAdd("2000-02-29", "2001-02-28", "P1Y");
_testSubtract("2000-02-28", "2001-02-28", "P1Y");
_testAddAndSubtract("1970-01-01T23:00:00", "1970-01-02T00:00:00", "PT1H");
_testAddAndSubtract("1970-01-01T00:00:00", "1969-12-31T23:00:00", "-PT1H");
_testAddAndSubtract("1970-01-01T00:00:00", "1969-12-31T22:59:59", "-PT1H1S");
_testAddAndSubtract("1971-02-02T01:01:01.1", "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.1S");
_testAdd("1970-01-01T00:00:00", "1968-11-29T22:58:58.9", "-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.1S");
_testSubtract("1969-12-31T00:00:00", "1968-11-29T22:58:58.9", "-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.1S");
_testAdd("0001-01-01T00:00:00", "-0002-11-29T22:58:58.9", "-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.1S");
_testSubtract("0001-01-01T00:00:00", "-0002-11-29T22:58:58.9", "-P1Y1M2DT1H1M1.1S");
public void testOrder() {
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("1998-08-26").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-08-06")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("1970-12-20T04:14:22Z").compareToGDate(new GDate("1971-04-18T12:51:41Z")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("2001-08-06").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-08-06Z")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("2001-08-06").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-08-07+10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("2001-08-06").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-08-05-10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("2001-02-28").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-03-01+10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("2001-03-01").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-02-28-10:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("2000-02-28").compareToGDate(new GDate("2000-03-01+10:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("2000-03-01").compareToGDate(new GDate("2000-02-28-10:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("2001-08-06Z").compareToGDate(new GDate("2001-08-06-00:01")));
assertEquals(0, new GDate("00:00:00Z").compareToGDate(new GDate("00:01:00+00:01")));
assertEquals(0, new GDate("12:00:00-05:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("09:00:00-08:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("09:00:00-05:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("09:00:00-08:00"))); // the east coast rises before the west
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("2003-05-05T09:00:00-05:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("2003-05-05T09:00:00-08:00"))); // the east coast rises before the west
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---31")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---31+14:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---31-14:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("---31").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("---31").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01+14:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("---31").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01-14:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---02")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("---02").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---02Z")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("---02").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01Z")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("---02").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01-10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---02+10:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("---02").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01-09:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---02+09:00")));
assertEquals(0, new GDate("---01").compareToGDate(new GDate("---01")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("2003").compareToGDate(new GDate("2004")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("--11").compareToGDate(new GDate("--12")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("2003-12").compareToGDate(new GDate("2004-01")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("--11-30").compareToGDate(new GDate("--12-01")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("--02-28").compareToGDate(new GDate("--02-29")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("--02-29").compareToGDate(new GDate("--03-01")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("--02-29").compareToGDate(new GDate("--03-01+10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("--02-28").compareToGDate(new GDate("--03-01+10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("--03-01").compareToGDate(new GDate("--02-28-10:00")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("--03-01").compareToGDate(new GDate("--02-29-10:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("--02-29").compareToGDate(new GDate("--03-01+09:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("--02-28").compareToGDate(new GDate("--03-01+09:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("--03-01").compareToGDate(new GDate("--02-28-09:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("--03-01").compareToGDate(new GDate("--02-29-09:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("00:00:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("23:59:59")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("00:00:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("23:59:59+09:59")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("00:00:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("23:59:01+09:59")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("00:00:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("23:59:00+09:59")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("00:00:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("23:59:59+10:00")));
assertEquals(-1, new GDate("00:00:00").compareToGDate(new GDate("23:59:59-14:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("23:59:59").compareToGDate(new GDate("00:00:00-09:59")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("23:59:59").compareToGDate(new GDate("00:00:58-09:59")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("23:59:59").compareToGDate(new GDate("00:00:59-09:59")));
assertEquals(2, new GDate("23:59:59").compareToGDate(new GDate("00:00:00-10:00")));
assertEquals(1, new GDate("23:59:59").compareToGDate(new GDate("00:00:00+14:00")));
public void testAPI() throws Exception {
GDateBuilder builder = new GDateBuilder("1970-12-20T04:14:22Z");
builder.normalizeToTimeZone(1, 0, 0);
assertEquals("1970-12-20T04:14:22+00:00", builder.toString());
assertEquals("1970-12-20T04:14:22+10:15", builder.toString());
assertEquals("1970-12-20T04:14:22-05:45", builder.toString());
assertEquals("1970-12-20T04:59:22-05:00", builder.toString());
public void testFailure() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < invalidDurations.length; i++) {
String str = invalidDurations[i];
try {
new GDuration(str);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
}"Missing exception for GDuration: " + str);
for (int i = 0; i < invalidDates.length; i++) {
String str = invalidDates[i];
try {
new GDate(str);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
}"Missing exception for GDate " + str);
public void testSuccess() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < validDates.length; i++) {
String str = validDates[i];
GDate gdate = null;
try {
gdate = new GDate(str);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Problem with " + str + ": " + e.getMessage());
// for 24h if hasDay must be normalized, else has the same representation
if (str.contains("24:00:00") && gdate.hasDay()) {
assertTrue(str + " " + gdate.toString(), gdate.hasDay() && gdate.toString().contains("00:00:00"));
} else
// must round-trip to string
assertEquals(str, gdate.toString());
// must round-trip to GregorianCalendar if fractions-of-seconds <=3 digits
if (gdate.getFraction() == null || gdate.getFraction().scale() <= 3)
if (!gdate.toString().equals("--02-29")) // bug in gcal -> 03-01
GregorianCalendar gcal = gdate.getCalendar();
GDate gdate2 = new GDate(gcal);
assertEquals(gdate, gdate2);
// and if fractions-of-seconds is 3 digits, stringrep must round-trip
if (gdate.getFraction() == null || gdate.getFraction().scale() == 3 || gdate.getFraction().scale() == 0)
assertEquals(gdate.toString(), gdate2.toString());
// must round-trip to Date if absolute time+timezone + fractions-of-seconds <= 3
if (gdate.hasTimeZone() && gdate.getYear() > -4000 && gdate.getYear() < 99999 && gdate.getBuiltinTypeCode() == SchemaType.BTC_DATE_TIME && gdate.getFraction().scale() <= 3) {
Date date = gdate.getDate();
GDate gdate2 = new GDate(date);
assertEquals(gdate, gdate2);
// normalize to UTC fractions-of-seconds is 0 or 3 digits [not 000], stringrep must round-trip
if (gdate.getTimeZoneSign() == 0 && ((gdate.getFraction().scale() == 3 && gdate.getFraction().signum() != 0) || gdate.getFraction().scale() == 0)) {
GDateBuilder gdb = new GDateBuilder(gdate2);
gdb.normalizeToTimeZone(0, 0, 0);
assertEquals(gdate.toString(), gdb.toString());
// verify that going through gcal gives us the same thing
GregorianCalendar gcal = gdate.getCalendar();
assertEquals(date, gcal.getTime());
// double-check XmlCalendar constructor
gcal = new XmlCalendar(date);
assertEquals("Doing " + gdate, date, gcal.getTime());
} else if (gdate.hasDate() && (gdate.getFraction() == null || gdate.getFraction().scale() <= 3)) {
// must be able to get a date if time+timezone is unset (midnight, ltz are assumed)
Date date = gdate.getDate();
GDateBuilder gdate1 = new GDateBuilder(gdate);
if (!gdate1.hasTime())
gdate1.setTime(0, 0, 0, null);
assertEquals(gdate1.getDate(), date);
// verify that going through gcal gives us the same thing
GregorianCalendar gcal = gdate.getCalendar();
assertEquals("Comparing " + gdate + " and " + gcal, date, gcal.getTime());
public void test24hDates() {
GDate d1 = new GDate("2004-03-31T24:00:00");
assertEquals("2004-04-01T00:00:00", d1.toString());
GDateBuilder b = new GDateBuilder();
b.setTime(24, 0, 0, new BigDecimal("0.00"));
System.out.println("hour 24: " + b.getCalendar());
assertEquals("24:00:00.000", b.getCalendar().toString());
System.out.println("hour 24: " + b.getCalendar());
assertEquals("--01-10T24:00:00.000", b.getCalendar().toString());
System.out.println("hour 24: " + b.getCalendar());
assertEquals("2010-01-10T24:00:00.000", b.getCalendar().toString());
System.out.println("hour 24: canonical str: " + b.canonicalString());
assertEquals("2004-04-01T00:00:00", b.canonicalString());
System.out.println("hour 24: toString: " + b.toString());
assertEquals("2004-03-31T24:00:00.00", b.toString());
System.out.println("hour 24: toGDate: " + b.toGDate());
assertEquals("2004-03-31T24:00:00.00", b.toGDate().toString());
System.out.println("hour 24: toGDate().canonicalStr: " + b.toGDate().canonicalString());
assertEquals("2004-04-01T00:00:00", b.toGDate().canonicalString());
System.out.println("hour 24: toGDate().getCal: " + b.toGDate().getCalendar());
assertEquals("2004-03-31T24:00:00.000", b.toGDate().getCalendar().toString());
GDateBuilder gdb = new GDateBuilder("24:00:00+01:00");
System.out.println("gdb: " + gdb);
assertEquals("24:00:00+01:00", gdb.toString());
System.out.println("gdb.normalize(): " + gdb);
assertEquals("23:00:00Z", gdb.toString());
public void testYearStartingWith0() {
GDate gdate = new GDate("0004-08-01"); // 00004-08-01 must fail
System.out.println("year starting with 0: " + gdate.getCalendar());
assertEquals("0004-08-01", gdate.toString());
String txt = "-9999-06";
GDate d = new GDate(txt);
System.out.println(" gdate(" + txt + ") = " + d);
assertEquals("-9999-06", d.toString());
txt = "-12345-06";
d = new GDate(txt);
System.out.println(" gdate(" + txt + ") = " + d);
assertEquals(txt, d.toString());
try {
txt = "00004-08-01";
d = new GDate(txt); // 00004-08-01 must fail
fail("Year starting with 0 of five digits: " + txt);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
txt = "-012340-08-01";
d = new GDate(txt);
fail("Year starting with 0 of six digits: " + txt);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {