blob: 178e72d7ba2cd5fa1ffec727cfe0e1db9923a991 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package xmlcursor.detailed;
import junit.framework.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.TokenType;
import xmlcursor.common.*;
public class GetTextValueTest extends BasicCursorTestCase {
String sDoc = Common.XML_FOO_NS_PREFIX;
public GetTextValueTest(String sName) {
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(GetTextValueTest.class);
// Depth first concatenation of all text leaves
public void testNormalCase() {
String sExpected = " 32.18";
char[] buffer = new char[100];
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, 100);
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCopied);
assertEquals(sExpected, new String(buffer).substring(0, nCopied));
public void testGetNull() {
try {
m_xc.getTextValue(null, 0, 10);
fail("Buffer was Null");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
public void testNegativeOffset() {
char[] buffer = new char[100];
try {
m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, -1, 100);
fail("Offset < 0");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
public void testNonZeroOffset() {
String sExpected = "T\0 32.18";
char[] buffer = new char[10];
buffer[0] = 'T';
int nOffset = 2;
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 2, 8);
assertEquals(7, nCopied);
new String(buffer).substring(0, nCopied + nOffset));
new String(buffer).substring(nOffset + nCopied, buffer.length)
public void testLargeOffset() {
char[] buffer = new char[100];
try {
m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 101, 1);
fail("Offset Past end");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
//charCount<=0: should be a noop
//BUT: Assumption is that <0=infinity, so all is copies
public void testNegativeCharCount() {
char[] buffer = new char[100];
String sExpected = m_xc.getTextValue();
int nCount = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, -1);
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCount);
assertEquals(sExpected, new String(buffer, 0, nCount));
public void testZeroCharCount() {
char[] buffer = new char[10];
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, 0);
assertEquals(0, nCopied);
assertEquals("", new String(buffer).trim());
public void testLargeCharCount() {
String sExpected = " 32.18";
char[] buffer = new char[200];
int nCharCount = 300;
assertEquals(true, sDoc.length() < nCharCount);
assertEquals(false, buffer.length >= nCharCount);
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, nCharCount);
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCopied);
assertEquals(sExpected, new String(buffer).substring(0, nCopied));
public void testSelectionPastEnd() {
String sExpected = " 3";
char[] buffer = new char[100];
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 97, 4);
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCopied);
assertEquals(sExpected, new String(buffer,97, nCopied) );
assertEquals("", new String(buffer,0, 97).trim());
//End,Enddoc,Namespace should
//return 0 as per spec
//NB: Design changed, should work now
public void testGetNonTextElement() {
char[] buffer = new char[100];
toNextTokenOfType(m_xc, TokenType.NAMESPACE);
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, 100);
String sExpected = "";
new String(buffer, 0, nCopied));
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCopied);
try {
toNextTokenOfType(m_xc, TokenType.END);
nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, 100);
fail("Operation not allowed");
} catch (java.lang.IllegalStateException e) {
try {
toNextTokenOfType(m_xc, TokenType.ENDDOC);
nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, 100);
fail("Operation not allowed");
} catch (java.lang.IllegalStateException e) {
//test text of comment, PI or Attr
public void testCommentPIAttr() throws Exception {
String sExpected = "";
int nSize = sExpected.length();
char[] buffer = new char[nSize + 1];
toNextTokenOfType(m_xc, TokenType.NAMESPACE);
int nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, nSize);
new String(buffer)
.substring(0, nCopied));
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCopied);
String sTestXml = "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" xmlns=\"\"?><foo at0=\"value0\">text</foo>";
m_xc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(sTestXml).newCursor();
nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, nSize);
//assert attributes are skipped
assertEquals("text", new String(buffer).substring(0, nCopied));
assertEquals("text".length(), nCopied);
buffer = new char[100];
toNextTokenOfType(m_xc, TokenType.ATTR);
nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, 100);
assertEquals("value0", new String(buffer).substring(0, nCopied));
assertEquals("value0".length(), nCopied);
sExpected =
"type=\"text/xsl\" xmlns=\"\"";
nSize = sExpected.length();
toPrevTokenOfType(m_xc, TokenType.PROCINST);
nCopied = m_xc.getTextValue(buffer, 0, nSize);
assertEquals(sExpected, new String(buffer)
.substring(0, nCopied));
assertEquals(sExpected.length(), nCopied);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
m_xc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(sDoc)