blob: 995c46dc9ce394d769e8ed17fc825080ceb524b3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package compile.scomp.common;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCompiler;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.Diff;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.SchemaCodeGenerator;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* TODO: modify for deprecation warnings
public class CompileTestBase extends CompileCommon {
public static String outputDir = "compile" + P + "scomp" + P + "incr";
public static String outPath = "compile" + P + "scomp" + P + "incr" + P + "out";
public static String sanityPath = "compile" + P + "scomp" + P + "incr"+ P + "sanity";
public static String incrPath = "compile" + P + "scomp" + P + "incr" + P + "outincr";
public SchemaTypeSystem builtin = XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem();
public File out;
public File outincr;
public File sanity;
public List errors;
public XmlOptions xm;
//schemas to use
public String forXsd = "<xs:schema attributeFormDefault=\"unqualified\" " +
"elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" " +
"targetNamespace=\"http://baz\" " +
"xmlns:xs=\"\"> " +
"<xs:element name=\"elName\" type=\"bas:aType\" " +
"xmlns:bas=\"http://baz\"/> <xs:complexType name=\"aType\"> " +
"<xs:simpleContent> " +
"<xs:extension base=\"xs:string\" " +
"xmlns:xs=\"\"> " +
"<xs:attribute type=\"xs:string\" name=\"attrName\"/> " +
"</xs:extension> " +
"</xs:simpleContent> " +
"</xs:complexType> " +
public String incrXsd = "<xs:schema attributeFormDefault=\"unqualified\" " +
"elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" " +
"targetNamespace=\"http://bar\" " +
"xmlns:xs=\"\"> " +
"<xs:element name=\"elName\" type=\"bas:aType\" " +
"xmlns:bas=\"http://baz\"/> <xs:complexType name=\"aType\"> " +
"<xs:simpleContent> " +
"<xs:extension base=\"xs:string\" " +
"xmlns:xs=\"\"> " +
"<xs:attribute type=\"xs:string\" name=\"attrName\"/> " +
"</xs:extension> " +
"</xs:simpleContent> " +
"</xs:complexType> " +
public String errXsd = "<xs:schema attributeFormDefault=\"unqualified\" " +
"elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" " +
"targetNamespace=\"http://bar\" " +
"xmlns:tnf=\"http://baz\" " +
"xmlns:xs=\"\"> " +
"<xs:element name=\"elErrName\" type=\"tnf:bType\" /> " +
public CompileTestBase(String name) {
out = xbeanOutput(outPath);
sanity = xbeanOutput(sanityPath);
outincr = xbeanOutput(incrPath);
errors = new ArrayList();
xm = new XmlOptions();
public static File[] getClassPath()
String cp = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String[] cpList = cp.split(File.pathSeparator);
File[] fList = new File[cpList.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cpList.length; i++) {
fList[i] = new File(cpList[i]);
return fList;
protected SchemaCompiler.Parameters getCompilerParams() {
SchemaCompiler.Parameters params = new SchemaCompiler.Parameters();
return params;
protected SchemaCompiler.Parameters getIncrCompilerParams() {
SchemaCompiler.Parameters params = getCompilerParams();
return params;
protected boolean runCompiler(File[] schemas, String srcDir,
String classesDir, String outputDir,
SchemaCompiler.Parameters params) {
File srcdir = xbeanOutput(srcDir);
File classesdir = xbeanOutput(classesDir);
File outputjar = xbeanOutput(outputDir);
return SchemaCompiler.compile(params);
public void log(SchemaTypeSystem sts) {
System.out.println("SchemaTypes: " + sts);
public void log(Object[] arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
* compares type systems and populates error list based on differences in files
* @param outDir
* @param outIncrDir
* @param errors
public void compareandPopErrors(File outDir, File outIncrDir, List errors) {
// Compare the results
String oldPropValue = System.getProperty("xmlbeans.diff.diffIndex");
System.setProperty("xmlbeans.diff.diffIndex", "false");
Diff.dirsAsTypeSystems(outDir, outIncrDir, errors);
System.setProperty("xmlbeans.diff.diffIndex", oldPropValue == null ? "true" : oldPropValue);
* compares type systems and populates error list based on
* default out and outincr directories
* @param errors
public void compareandPopErrors(List errors) {
// Compare the results
String oldPropValue = System.getProperty("xmlbeans.diff.diffIndex");
System.setProperty("xmlbeans.diff.diffIndex", "false");
Diff.dirsAsTypeSystems(out, outincr, errors);
System.setProperty("xmlbeans.diff.diffIndex", oldPropValue == null ? "true" : oldPropValue);
* take the type system that gets created in compileSchemas()
public SchemaTypeSystem incrCompileXsd(SchemaTypeSystem system, XmlObject[] schemas,
SchemaTypeLoader typepath, XmlOptions options) throws XmlException, IOException {
SchemaTypeSystem sts;
sts = XmlBeans.compileXsd(system, schemas, builtin, options);
Assert.assertNotNull("Compilation failed during Incremental Compile.", sts);
SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(sts, outincr, null, null, null);
return sts;
* Original Compilation to directory specified
public SchemaTypeSystem compileSchemas(XmlObject[] schemas, SchemaTypeLoader typepath,
XmlOptions options, File outDir) throws XmlException, IOException {
SchemaTypeSystem system;
SchemaTypeSystem builtin = XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem();
system = XmlBeans.compileXsd(schemas, builtin, options);
Assert.assertNotNull("Compilation failed during compile.", system);
SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(system, outDir, null, null, null);
return system;
//original compile to get base type system
public SchemaTypeSystem compileSchemas(XmlObject[] schemas, SchemaTypeLoader typepath,
XmlOptions options) throws XmlException, IOException {
SchemaTypeSystem system;
SchemaTypeSystem builtin = XmlBeans.getBuiltinTypeSystem();
system = XmlBeans.compileXsd(schemas, builtin, options);
Assert.assertNotNull("Compilation failed during compile.", system);
SchemaCodeGenerator.saveTypeSystem(system, out, null, null, null);
return system;
public void handleErrors(List errors) {
if (errors.size() > 0) {
StringWriter message = new StringWriter();
for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++)
message.write(((String) errors.get(i)) + "\n");"\nDifferences encountered:\n" + message);
public String getBaseSchema(String namespace, String elTypeName,
String elType, String attrTypeName, String attrType) {
return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<xs:schema " +
"attributeFormDefault=\"unqualified\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" " +
"targetNamespace=\"http://" + namespace + "\" xmlns:xs=\"\" >" +
"<xs:element name=\"" + elTypeName + "\" type=\"bas:aType\" xmlns:bas=\"http://" + namespace + "\" />" +
"<xs:complexType name=\"aType\">" +
"<xs:simpleContent>" +
"<xs:extension base=\"xs:string\" xmlns:xs=\"\" >" +
"<xs:attribute type=\"xs:" + attrType + "\" name=\"" + attrTypeName + "\" />" +
"</xs:extension>" +
"</xs:simpleContent>" +
"</xs:complexType>" +
public SchemaDocument.Schema[] getSchema(XmlObject schemaObj) throws XmlException {
SchemaDocument.Schema[] schemas = new SchemaDocument.Schema[1];
schemas[0] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schemaObj.xmlText()).getSchema();
return schemas;
public SchemaDocument.Schema[] getSchema(XmlObject[] schemaObj) throws XmlException {
SchemaDocument.Schema[] schemas = new SchemaDocument.Schema[schemaObj.length];
for (int i = 0; i < schemaObj.length; i++)
schemas[i] = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(schemaObj[i].xmlText()).getSchema();
return schemas;
public void echoSts(SchemaTypeSystem base, SchemaTypeSystem incr) {
System.out.println("-= Base =-");
log(base, "base");
System.out.println("-= Incr =-");
log(incr, "incr");
public void log(SchemaTypeSystem base, String msg) {
for (int i = 0; i < base.globalTypes().length; i++) {
System.out.println(msg + " [" + i + "]-" + base.globalTypes()[i].getName());
public void findElementbyQName(SchemaTypeSystem sts, QName[] lookup) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < lookup.length; i++) {
if (sts.findElement(lookup[i]) == null)
throw new Exception("Element was expected but not found\n" + lookup[i]);
public String getSchemaTop(String tns) {
return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<xs:schema " +
"attributeFormDefault=\"unqualified\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" " +
"targetNamespace=\"http://" + tns + "\" xmlns:xs=\"\" >";
public String getSchemaBottom() {
return "</xs:schema>";
public void printSTS(SchemaTypeSystem sts)
System.out.println("NAME: " + sts.getName());
SchemaGlobalElement[] sge = sts.globalElements();
for (int i = 0; i < sge.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Global Type: " + sge[i].getType());
System.out.println("GE Name: " + sge[i].getName());
System.out.println("GE Class: " + sge[i].getType());
System.out.println("GE SourceName: " + sge[i].getSourceName());
SchemaType[] st = sts.globalTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Type Name: " + st[i].getDocumentElementName());
System.out.println("GT Name: " + st[i].getName());
System.out.println("GT Class: " + st[i].getJavaClass());
System.out.println("GT SourceName: " + st[i].getSourceName());
* @param sge
* @param q
* @return
public boolean findGlobalElement(SchemaGlobalElement[] sge, QName q)
boolean sts1TypePresent = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sge.length; i++) {
if (sge[i].getName().getLocalPart().compareTo(
q.getLocalPart()) == 0 &&
q.getNamespaceURI()) == 0) {
sts1TypePresent = true;
System.out.println("QName: " + sge[i].getName());
return sts1TypePresent;
public void checkPerf(long initBase, long endBase,
long initIncr, long endIncr) throws Exception {
long initTime = endBase - initBase;
long incrTime = endIncr - initIncr;
long diffTime = initTime - incrTime;
System.out.println("Initial Compile Time: " + initTime);
//assert initbase.compareTo(endbase) > 0;
System.out.println("Incremental Compile Time" + incrTime);
//assert incrbase.compareTo(endincr) > 0;
System.out.println("Perf Time: " + diffTime);
if (!(diffTime > 0))
throw new Exception("InitTime: "+initTime+"\n" +
"IncrTime: "+incrTime+"\n" +
"Perf Time Increased: " + diffTime);
//assert incrbase.compareTo(endincr) > 0;
public static String[] invalidSchemas = {
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base' final='extension'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='ext'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:extension base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base' final='#all'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='ext'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:extension base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs='' finalDefault='#all'>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='rest'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:restriction base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs='' finalDefault='restriction'>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='rest'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:restriction base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
public static String[] validSchemas = {
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base' final='extension'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='rest'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:restriction base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base' final='restriction'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='ext'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:extension base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs='' finalDefault='restriction'>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='ext'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:extension base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +
"<xs:schema xmlns:xs='' finalDefault='extension'>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='base'/>\n" +
" <xs:complexType name='rest'>\n" +
" <xs:complexContent>\n" +
" <xs:restriction base='base'/>\n" +
" </xs:complexContent>\n" +
" </xs:complexType>\n" +