blob: 34e41fc21173015ee884d3d93214efdba65d54cf [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.QNameHelper;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XMLChar;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.StscImporter.SchemaToProcess;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.NamespaceContext;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlNonNegativeIntegerImpl;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlPositiveIntegerImpl;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlValueOutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.RedefineDocument.Redefine;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument.Schema;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.XPath;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.soap.SOAPArrayType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
public class StscTranslator {
private static final QName WSDL_ARRAYTYPE_NAME =
QNameHelper.forLNS("arrayType", "");
private static final String FORM_QUALIFIED = "qualified";
public static void addAllDefinitions(SchemaToProcess[] schemasAndChameleons) {
// Build all redefine objects
List<RedefinitionHolder> redefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
for (SchemaToProcess schemasAndChameleon : schemasAndChameleons) {
List<SchemaToProcess> redefines = schemasAndChameleon.getRedefines();
if (redefines != null) {
List<Redefine> redefineObjects = schemasAndChameleon.getRedefineObjects();
Iterator<SchemaToProcess> it = redefines.iterator();
Iterator<Redefine> ito = redefineObjects.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
assert ito.hasNext() :
"The array of redefines and redefine objects have to have the same length";
redefinitions.add(new RedefinitionHolder(,;
RedefinitionMaster globalRedefinitions = new RedefinitionMaster(redefinitions.toArray(new RedefinitionHolder[0]));
StscState state = StscState.get();
for (SchemaToProcess schemasAndChameleon : schemasAndChameleons) {
Schema schema = schemasAndChameleon.getSchema();
String givenTargetNamespace = schemasAndChameleon.getChameleonNamespace();
// quick check for a few unsupported features
if (schema.sizeOfNotationArray() > 0) {
state.warning("Schema <notation> is not yet supported for this release.", XmlErrorCodes.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, schema.getNotationArray(0));
// figure namespace (taking into account chameleons)
String targetNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
boolean chameleon = false;
if (givenTargetNamespace != null && targetNamespace == null) {
targetNamespace = givenTargetNamespace;
chameleon = true;
if (targetNamespace == null) {
targetNamespace = "";
//SchemaContainer container = null;
if (targetNamespace.length() > 0 || !isEmptySchema(schema)) {
state.registerContribution(targetNamespace, schema.documentProperties().getSourceName());
//container = state.getContainer(targetNamespace);
List<Annotated> redefChain = new ArrayList<>();
TopLevelComplexType[] complexTypes = schema.getComplexTypeArray();
for (TopLevelComplexType complexType : complexTypes) {
TopLevelComplexType type = complexType;
TopLevelComplexType redef;
// 1. Traverse the list of redefining Schemas putting all redefinitions
// of this type in a List
RedefinitionHolder[] rhArray = globalRedefinitions.getComplexTypeRedefinitions(
type.getName(), schemasAndChameleon);
for (RedefinitionHolder redefinitionHolder : rhArray) {
// In error cases, some redefinitions were nulled out in the list
// which is why we need to perform this check
if (redefinitionHolder != null) {
redef = redefinitionHolder.redefineComplexType(type.getName());
assert redef != null; // This was already checked
type = redef;
SchemaTypeImpl t = translateGlobalComplexType(type, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
state.addGlobalType(t, null);
SchemaTypeImpl r;
// 2. Traverse the List built in step 1 in reverse and add all the
// types in it to the list of redefined types
for (int k = redefChain.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
redef = (TopLevelComplexType) redefChain.remove(k);
r = translateGlobalComplexType(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
state.addGlobalType(r, t);
t = r;
TopLevelSimpleType[] simpleTypes = schema.getSimpleTypeArray();
for (TopLevelSimpleType simpleType : simpleTypes) {
TopLevelSimpleType type = simpleType;
TopLevelSimpleType redef;
RedefinitionHolder[] rhArray = globalRedefinitions.getSimpleTypeRedefinitions(
type.getName(), schemasAndChameleon);
for (RedefinitionHolder redefinitionHolder : rhArray) {
// In error cases, some redefinitions were nulled out in the list
// which is why we need to perform this check
if (redefinitionHolder != null) {
redef = redefinitionHolder.redefineSimpleType(type.getName());
assert redef != null; // This was already checked
type = redef;
SchemaTypeImpl t = translateGlobalSimpleType(type, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
state.addGlobalType(t, null);
SchemaTypeImpl r;
for (int k = redefChain.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
redef = (TopLevelSimpleType) redefChain.remove(k);
r = translateGlobalSimpleType(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
state.addGlobalType(r, t);
t = r;
TopLevelElement[] elements = schema.getElementArray();
for (TopLevelElement element : elements) {
state.addDocumentType(translateDocumentType(element, targetNamespace, chameleon), QNameHelper.forLNS(element.getName(), targetNamespace));
TopLevelAttribute[] attributes = schema.getAttributeArray();
for (TopLevelAttribute attribute : attributes) {
state.addAttributeType(translateAttributeType(attribute, targetNamespace, chameleon), QNameHelper.forLNS(attribute.getName(), targetNamespace));
NamedGroup[] modelgroups = schema.getGroupArray();
for (NamedGroup group : modelgroups) {
NamedGroup redef;
RedefinitionHolder[] rhArray = globalRedefinitions.getModelGroupRedefinitions(
group.getName(), schemasAndChameleon);
for (RedefinitionHolder redefinitionHolder : rhArray) {
// In error cases, some redefinitions were nulled out in the list
// which is why we need to perform this check
if (redefinitionHolder != null) {
redef = redefinitionHolder.redefineModelGroup(group.getName());
assert redef != null; // This was already checked
group = redef;
SchemaModelGroupImpl g = translateModelGroup(group, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
state.addModelGroup(g, null);
SchemaModelGroupImpl r;
for (int k = redefChain.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
redef = (NamedGroup) redefChain.remove(k);
r = translateModelGroup(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
state.addModelGroup(r, g);
g = r;
NamedAttributeGroup[] attrgroups = schema.getAttributeGroupArray();
for (NamedAttributeGroup group : attrgroups) {
NamedAttributeGroup redef;
RedefinitionHolder[] rhArray = globalRedefinitions.getAttributeGroupRedefinitions(
group.getName(), schemasAndChameleon);
for (RedefinitionHolder redefinitionHolder : rhArray) {
// In error cases, some redefinitions were nulled out in the list
// which is why we need to perform this check
if (redefinitionHolder != null) {
redef = redefinitionHolder.redefineAttributeGroup(group.getName());
assert redef != null; // This was already checked
group = redef;
SchemaAttributeGroupImpl g = translateAttributeGroup(group, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
state.addAttributeGroup(g, null);
SchemaAttributeGroupImpl r;
for (int k = redefChain.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
redef = (NamedAttributeGroup) redefChain.remove(k);
r = translateAttributeGroup(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
state.addAttributeGroup(r, g);
g = r;
AnnotationDocument.Annotation[] annotations = schema.getAnnotationArray();
for (AnnotationDocument.Annotation annotation : annotations) {
state.addAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), schema, annotation), targetNamespace);
for (Object redefinition : redefinitions) {
((RedefinitionHolder) redefinition).complainAboutMissingDefinitions();
private static class RedefinitionHolder {
// record redefinitions
private Map<String, TopLevelSimpleType> stRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, TopLevelComplexType> ctRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, NamedAttributeGroup> agRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, NamedGroup> mgRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private String schemaLocation = "";
private final SchemaToProcess schemaRedefined;
// first build set of redefined components
RedefinitionHolder(SchemaToProcess schemaToProcess, Redefine redefine) {
schemaRedefined = schemaToProcess;
if (redefine != null) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
stRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
ctRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
agRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
mgRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
if (redefine.getSchemaLocation() != null) {
schemaLocation = redefine.getSchemaLocation();
TopLevelComplexType[] complexTypes = redefine.getComplexTypeArray();
for (TopLevelComplexType complexType : complexTypes) {
if (complexType.getName() != null) {
// KHK: which rule? sch-props-correct.2?
if (ctRedefinitions.containsKey(complexType.getName())) {
state.error("Duplicate type redefinition: " + complexType.getName(), XmlErrorCodes.DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_TYPE, null);
} else {
ctRedefinitions.put(complexType.getName(), complexType);
TopLevelSimpleType[] simpleTypes = redefine.getSimpleTypeArray();
for (TopLevelSimpleType simpleType : simpleTypes) {
if (simpleType.getName() != null) {
if (stRedefinitions.containsKey(simpleType.getName())) {
state.error("Duplicate type redefinition: " + simpleType.getName(), XmlErrorCodes.DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_TYPE, null);
} else {
stRedefinitions.put(simpleType.getName(), simpleType);
NamedGroup[] modelgroups = redefine.getGroupArray();
for (NamedGroup modelgroup : modelgroups) {
if (modelgroup.getName() != null) {
if (mgRedefinitions.containsKey(modelgroup.getName())) {
state.error("Duplicate type redefinition: " + modelgroup.getName(), XmlErrorCodes.DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_TYPE, null);
} else {
mgRedefinitions.put(modelgroup.getName(), modelgroup);
NamedAttributeGroup[] attrgroups = redefine.getAttributeGroupArray();
for (NamedAttributeGroup attrgroup : attrgroups) {
if (attrgroup.getName() != null) {
if (agRedefinitions.containsKey(attrgroup.getName())) {
state.error("Duplicate type redefinition: " + attrgroup.getName(), XmlErrorCodes.DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_TYPE, null);
} else {
agRedefinitions.put(attrgroup.getName(), attrgroup);
public TopLevelSimpleType redefineSimpleType(String name) {
return name == null || !stRedefinitions.containsKey(name) ? null : stRedefinitions.remove(name);
public TopLevelComplexType redefineComplexType(String name) {
return name == null || !ctRedefinitions.containsKey(name) ? null : ctRedefinitions.remove(name);
public NamedGroup redefineModelGroup(String name) {
return name == null || !mgRedefinitions.containsKey(name) ? null : mgRedefinitions.remove(name);
public NamedAttributeGroup redefineAttributeGroup(String name) {
return name == null || !agRedefinitions.containsKey(name) ? null : agRedefinitions.remove(name);
public void complainAboutMissingDefinitions() {
if (stRedefinitions.isEmpty() && ctRedefinitions.isEmpty() &&
agRedefinitions.isEmpty() && mgRedefinitions.isEmpty()) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
for (String name : stRedefinitions.keySet()) {
state.error("Redefined simple type " + name + " not found in " + schemaLocation, XmlErrorCodes.GENERIC_ERROR, stRedefinitions.get(name));
for (String name : ctRedefinitions.keySet()) {
state.error("Redefined complex type " + name + " not found in " + schemaLocation, XmlErrorCodes.GENERIC_ERROR, ctRedefinitions.get(name));
for (String name : agRedefinitions.keySet()) {
state.error("Redefined attribute group " + name + " not found in " + schemaLocation, XmlErrorCodes.GENERIC_ERROR, agRedefinitions.get(name));
for (String name : mgRedefinitions.keySet()) {
state.error("Redefined model group " + name + " not found in " + schemaLocation, XmlErrorCodes.GENERIC_ERROR, mgRedefinitions.get(name));
* This is used to aggregate all redefinitions for a specific component name.
* The idea is to record the list of &lt;redefine%gt; sections that could
* potentially redefine this component. When the list of actual redefinitions
* is requested, the potential redefinitions are first filtered based on
* accessibilty of the schema currently being processed from the redefining Schemas
* and then topologically sorted based on the inclusion relationship to
* ensure that redefinitions are applied in the right order.
private static class RedefinitionMaster {
private static final short SIMPLE_TYPE = 1;
private static final short COMPLEX_TYPE = 2;
private static final short MODEL_GROUP = 3;
private static final short ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = 4;
// record redefinitions
private Map<String, List<RedefinitionHolder>> stRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, List<RedefinitionHolder>> ctRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, List<RedefinitionHolder>> agRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<String, List<RedefinitionHolder>> mgRedefinitions = Collections.emptyMap();
private static final RedefinitionHolder[] EMPTY_REDEFINTION_HOLDER_ARRAY =
new RedefinitionHolder[0];
RedefinitionMaster(RedefinitionHolder[] redefHolders) {
if (redefHolders.length > 0) {
stRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
ctRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
agRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
mgRedefinitions = new HashMap<>();
for (RedefinitionHolder redefHolder : redefHolders) {
for (String key : redefHolder.stRedefinitions.keySet()) {
stRedefinitions.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(redefHolder);
for (String key : redefHolder.ctRedefinitions.keySet()) {
ctRedefinitions.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(redefHolder);
for (String key : redefHolder.agRedefinitions.keySet()) {
agRedefinitions.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(redefHolder);
for (String key : redefHolder.mgRedefinitions.keySet()) {
mgRedefinitions.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(redefHolder);
RedefinitionHolder[] getSimpleTypeRedefinitions(String name,
SchemaToProcess schema) {
List<RedefinitionHolder> redefines = stRedefinitions.get(name);
if (redefines == null) {
return doTopologicalSort(redefines, schema, name, SIMPLE_TYPE);
RedefinitionHolder[] getComplexTypeRedefinitions(String name,
SchemaToProcess schema) {
List<RedefinitionHolder> redefines = ctRedefinitions.get(name);
if (redefines == null) {
return doTopologicalSort(redefines, schema, name, COMPLEX_TYPE);
RedefinitionHolder[] getAttributeGroupRedefinitions(String name,
SchemaToProcess schema) {
List<RedefinitionHolder> redefines = agRedefinitions.get(name);
if (redefines == null) {
return doTopologicalSort(redefines, schema, name, ATTRIBUTE_GROUP);
RedefinitionHolder[] getModelGroupRedefinitions(String name,
SchemaToProcess schema) {
List<RedefinitionHolder> redefines = mgRedefinitions.get(name);
if (redefines == null) {
return doTopologicalSort(redefines, schema, name, MODEL_GROUP);
private RedefinitionHolder[] doTopologicalSort(List<RedefinitionHolder> genericRedefines,
SchemaToProcess schema, String name, short componentType) {
// We have a list of files that redefine this name
// Filter out the ones that don't redefine this file in particular
RedefinitionHolder[] specificRedefines = new RedefinitionHolder[genericRedefines.size()];
int n = 0;
for (RedefinitionHolder h : genericRedefines) {
if (h.schemaRedefined == schema ||
h.schemaRedefined.indirectIncludes(schema)) {
specificRedefines[n++] = h;
// Now we have the list of files that specifically redefine the
// name in the file that we are looking for
// Sort this list into topological order to get the right order
// and figure out if there are multiple redefinitions involved
RedefinitionHolder[] sortedRedefines = new RedefinitionHolder[n];
int[] numberOfIncludes = new int[n];
// Just count the number of inclusions for each redefinition
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
RedefinitionHolder current = specificRedefines[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
if (current.schemaRedefined.indirectIncludes(specificRedefines[j].schemaRedefined)) {
if (specificRedefines[j].schemaRedefined.indirectIncludes(current.schemaRedefined)) {
// Eliminate members one by one, according to the number of schemas
// that they include, to complete the sort
int position = 0;
boolean errorReported = false;
while (position < n) {
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIncludes.length; i++) {
if (numberOfIncludes[i] == 0) {
if (index < 0) {
index = i;
if (index < 0) {
// Error! Circular redefinition
if (!errorReported) {
StringBuilder fileNameList = new StringBuilder();
XmlObject location = null;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (specificRedefines[i] != null) {
append(',').append(' ');
if (location == null) {
location = locationFromRedefinitionAndCode(
specificRedefines[i], name, componentType);
StscState.get().error("Detected circular redefinition of " +
componentNameFromCode(componentType) + " \"" + name +
"\"; Files involved: " + fileNameList.toString(),
XmlErrorCodes.GENERIC_ERROR, location);
errorReported = true;
int min = n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (numberOfIncludes[i] > 0 && numberOfIncludes[i] < min) {
min = numberOfIncludes[i];
index = i;
} else {
assert specificRedefines[index] != null;
sortedRedefines[position++] = specificRedefines[index];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (specificRedefines[i] != null &&
schemaRedefined)) {
specificRedefines[index] = null;
// Nice. We now have all the redefinitions of this name in the list
// Each one has to transitively redefine the one before, otherwise
// it means we are attepting two different redefinitions for the same
// component
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
// Find the previous index with non-null Schema
// Since i is never 0, such index always exists
int j;
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (sortedRedefines[j] != null) {
if (!sortedRedefines[i].schemaRedefined.indirectIncludes(
sortedRedefines[j].schemaRedefined)) {
StscState.get().error("Detected multiple redefinitions of " +
componentNameFromCode(componentType) +
" \"" + name + "\"; Files involved: " +
sortedRedefines[j].schemaRedefined.getSourceName() + ", " +
locationFromRedefinitionAndCode(sortedRedefines[i], name, componentType));
// Ignore this redefinition
switch (componentType) {
sortedRedefines[i] = null;
return sortedRedefines;
private String componentNameFromCode(short code) {
String componentName;
switch (code) {
componentName = "simple type";
componentName = "complex type";
componentName = "model group";
componentName = "attribute group";
componentName = "";
return componentName;
private XmlObject locationFromRedefinitionAndCode(RedefinitionHolder redefinition,
String name, short code) {
XmlObject location;
switch (code) {
location = redefinition.stRedefinitions.get(name);
location = redefinition.ctRedefinitions.get(name);
location = redefinition.mgRedefinitions.get(name);
location = redefinition.agRedefinitions.get(name);
location = null;
return location;
private static String findFilename(XmlObject xobj) {
return StscState.get().sourceNameForUri(xobj.documentProperties().getSourceName());
private static SchemaTypeImpl translateDocumentType(TopLevelElement xsdType, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon) {
SchemaTypeImpl sType = new SchemaTypeImpl(StscState.get().getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType.setParseContext(xsdType, targetNamespace, chameleon, null, null, false);
return sType;
private static SchemaTypeImpl translateAttributeType(TopLevelAttribute xsdType, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon) {
SchemaTypeImpl sType = new SchemaTypeImpl(StscState.get().getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType.setParseContext(xsdType, targetNamespace, chameleon, null, null, false);
return sType;
private static SchemaTypeImpl translateGlobalComplexType(TopLevelComplexType xsdType, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon, boolean redefinition) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
String localname = xsdType.getName();
if (localname == null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.MISSING_NAME, new Object[]{"global type"}, xsdType);
// recovery: ignore unnamed types.
return null;
if (!XMLChar.isValidNCName(localname)) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE, new Object[]{localname, "name"}, xsdType.xgetName());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
QName name = QNameHelper.forLNS(localname, targetNamespace);
if (isReservedTypeName(name)) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.RESERVED_TYPE_NAME, new Object[]{QNameHelper.pretty(name)}, xsdType);
return null;
// System.err.println("Recording type " + QNameHelper.pretty(name));
SchemaTypeImpl sType = new SchemaTypeImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType.setParseContext(xsdType, targetNamespace, chameleon, null, null, redefinition);
sType.setName(QNameHelper.forLNS(localname, targetNamespace));
sType.setAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), xsdType));
return sType;
private static SchemaTypeImpl translateGlobalSimpleType(TopLevelSimpleType xsdType, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon, boolean redefinition) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
String localname = xsdType.getName();
if (localname == null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.MISSING_NAME, new Object[]{"global type"}, xsdType);
// recovery: ignore unnamed types.
return null;
if (!XMLChar.isValidNCName(localname)) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE, new Object[]{localname, "name"}, xsdType.xgetName());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
QName name = QNameHelper.forLNS(localname, targetNamespace);
if (isReservedTypeName(name)) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.RESERVED_TYPE_NAME, new Object[]{QNameHelper.pretty(name)}, xsdType);
return null;
// System.err.println("Recording type " + QNameHelper.pretty(name));
SchemaTypeImpl sType = new SchemaTypeImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType.setParseContext(xsdType, targetNamespace, chameleon, null, null, redefinition);
sType.setAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), xsdType));
return sType;
static SchemaTypeImpl translateAnonymousSimpleType(SimpleType typedef,
String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon, String elemFormDefault,
String attFormDefault, List<SchemaType> anonymousTypes, SchemaType outerType) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
SchemaTypeImpl sType = new SchemaTypeImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType.setParseContext(typedef, targetNamespace, chameleon,
elemFormDefault, attFormDefault, false);
sType.setAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), typedef));
return sType;
static FormChoice findElementFormDefault(XmlObject obj) {
XmlCursor cur = obj.newCursor();
while (cur.getObject().schemaType() != Schema.type) {
if (!cur.toParent()) {
return null;
return ((Schema) cur.getObject()).xgetElementFormDefault();
public static boolean uriMatch(String s1, String s2) {
if (s1 == null) {
return s2 == null || s2.equals("");
if (s2 == null) {
return s1.equals("");
return s1.equals(s2);
public static void copyGlobalElementToLocalElement(SchemaGlobalElement referenced, SchemaLocalElementImpl target) {
target.setNameAndTypeRef(referenced.getName(), referenced.getType().getRef());
target.setDefault(referenced.getDefaultText(), referenced.isFixed(), ((SchemaGlobalElementImpl) referenced).getParseObject());
target.setIdentityConstraints(((SchemaLocalElementImpl) referenced).getIdentityConstraintRefs());
target.setBlock(referenced.blockExtension(), referenced.blockRestriction(), referenced.blockSubstitution());
target.setTransitionRules(((SchemaParticle) referenced).acceptedStartNames(),
((SchemaParticle) referenced).isSkippable());
public static void copyGlobalAttributeToLocalAttribute(SchemaGlobalAttributeImpl referenced, SchemaLocalAttributeImpl target) {
referenced.getName(), referenced.getTypeRef(), referenced.getUse(),
referenced.getParseObject(), referenced._defaultValue,
referenced.getAnnotation(), null);
* Translates a local or global schema element.
// check rule 3.3.3
public static SchemaLocalElementImpl translateElement(
Element xsdElt, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon,
String elemFormDefault, String attFormDefault,
List<SchemaType> anonymousTypes, SchemaType outerType) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
SchemaTypeImpl sgHead = null;
// translate sg head
if (xsdElt.isSetSubstitutionGroup()) {
sgHead = state.findDocumentType(xsdElt.getSubstitutionGroup(),
((SchemaTypeImpl) outerType).getChameleonNamespace(), targetNamespace);
if (sgHead != null) {
String name = xsdElt.getName();
QName ref = xsdElt.getRef();
if (ref != null && name != null) {
// if (name.equals(ref.getLocalPart()) && uriMatch(targetNamespace, ref.getNamespaceURI()))
// state.warning("Element " + name + " specifies both a ref and a name", XmlErrorCodes.ELEMENT_EXTRA_REF, xsdElt.xgetRef());
// else
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_OR_NAME_HAS_BOTH, new Object[]{name}, xsdElt.xgetRef());
// ignore name
name = null;
if (ref == null && name == null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_OR_NAME_HAS_NEITHER, null, xsdElt);
// recovery: ignore this element
return null;
if (name != null && !XMLChar.isValidNCName(name)) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE, new Object[]{name, "name"}, xsdElt.xgetName());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
if (ref != null) {
if (xsdElt.getType() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"type"}, xsdElt.xgetType());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
if (xsdElt.getSimpleType() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"<simpleType>"}, xsdElt.getSimpleType());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
if (xsdElt.getComplexType() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"<complexType>"}, xsdElt.getComplexType());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
if (xsdElt.getForm() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"form"}, xsdElt.xgetForm());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
if (xsdElt.sizeOfKeyArray() > 0) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"<key>"}, xsdElt);
// recovery: ignore
if (xsdElt.sizeOfKeyrefArray() > 0) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"<keyref>"}, xsdElt);
// recovery: ignore
if (xsdElt.sizeOfUniqueArray() > 0) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"<unique>"}, xsdElt);
// recovery: ignore
if (xsdElt.isSetDefault()) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"default"}, xsdElt.xgetDefault());
// recovery: ignore
if (xsdElt.isSetFixed()) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"fixed"}, xsdElt.xgetFixed());
// recovery: ignore
if (xsdElt.isSetBlock()) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"block"}, xsdElt.xgetBlock());
// recovery: ignore
if (xsdElt.isSetNillable()) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"nillable"}, xsdElt.xgetNillable());
// recovery: ignore
assert (xsdElt instanceof LocalElement);
SchemaGlobalElement referenced = state.findGlobalElement(ref, chameleon ? targetNamespace : null, targetNamespace);
if (referenced == null) {
state.notFoundError(ref, SchemaType.ELEMENT, xsdElt.xgetRef(), true);
// recovery: ignore this element
return null;
SchemaLocalElementImpl target = new SchemaLocalElementImpl();
copyGlobalElementToLocalElement(referenced, target);
return target;
QName qname;
SchemaLocalElementImpl impl;
SchemaType sType = null;
if (xsdElt instanceof LocalElement) {
impl = new SchemaLocalElementImpl();
boolean qualified;
FormChoice form = xsdElt.xgetForm();
if (form != null) {
qualified = form.getStringValue().equals(FORM_QUALIFIED);
} else if (elemFormDefault != null) {
qualified = elemFormDefault.equals(FORM_QUALIFIED);
} else {
form = findElementFormDefault(xsdElt);
qualified = form != null && form.getStringValue().equals(FORM_QUALIFIED);
qname = qualified ? QNameHelper.forLNS(name, targetNamespace) : QNameHelper.forLN(name);
} else {
SchemaGlobalElementImpl gelt = new SchemaGlobalElementImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
impl = gelt;
// Set subst group head
if (sgHead != null) {
SchemaGlobalElementImpl head = state.findGlobalElement(xsdElt.getSubstitutionGroup(), chameleon ? targetNamespace : null, targetNamespace);
if (head != null) {
// Set subst group members
qname = QNameHelper.forLNS(name, targetNamespace);
SchemaTypeImpl docType = (SchemaTypeImpl) outerType;
QName[] sgMembers = docType.getSubstitutionGroupMembers();
QNameSetBuilder transitionRules = new QNameSetBuilder();
for (QName sgMember : sgMembers) {
impl.setTransitionRules(QNameSet.forSpecification(transitionRules), false);
impl.setTransitionNotes(QNameSet.EMPTY, true);
boolean finalExt = false;
boolean finalRest = false;
Object ds = xsdElt.getFinal();
if (ds != null) {
if (ds instanceof String && ds.equals("#all")) {
// #ALL value
finalExt = finalRest = true;
} else if (ds instanceof List) {
List<?> dsList = (List<?>) ds;
if (dsList.contains("extension")) {
finalExt = true;
if (dsList.contains("restriction")) {
finalRest = true;
gelt.setFinal(finalExt, finalRest);
gelt.setParseContext(xsdElt, targetNamespace, chameleon);
SchemaAnnotationImpl ann = SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), xsdElt);
if (xsdElt.getType() != null) {
sType = state.findGlobalType(xsdElt.getType(), chameleon ? targetNamespace : null, targetNamespace);
if (sType == null) {
state.notFoundError(xsdElt.getType(), SchemaType.TYPE, xsdElt.xgetType(), true);
boolean simpleTypedef = false;
Annotated typedef = xsdElt.getComplexType();
if (typedef == null) {
typedef = xsdElt.getSimpleType();
simpleTypedef = true;
if ((sType != null) && typedef != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$TYPE_ATTR_OR_NESTED_TYPE, null, typedef);
typedef = null;
if (typedef != null) {
Object[] grps = state.getCurrentProcessing();
QName[] context = new QName[grps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < context.length; i++) {
if (grps[i] instanceof SchemaModelGroupImpl) {
context[i] = ((SchemaModelGroupImpl) grps[i]).getName();
SchemaType repeat = checkRecursiveGroupReference(context, qname, (SchemaTypeImpl) outerType);
if (repeat != null) {
sType = repeat;
} else {
SchemaTypeImpl sTypeImpl = new SchemaTypeImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType = sTypeImpl;
sTypeImpl.setOuterSchemaTypeRef(outerType == null ? null : outerType.getRef());
// leave the anonymous type unresolved: it will be resolved later.
sTypeImpl.setParseContext(typedef, targetNamespace, chameleon,
elemFormDefault, attFormDefault, false);
sTypeImpl.setAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), typedef));
if (sType == null) {
// type may inherit from substitution group head
if (sgHead != null) {
SchemaGlobalElement head = state.findGlobalElement(xsdElt.getSubstitutionGroup(), chameleon ? targetNamespace : null, targetNamespace);
// Bug - Do I need to copy the type if it's anonymous?
// If element does not exist, error has already been reported
if (head != null) {
sType = head.getType();
if (sType == null) {
sType = BuiltinSchemaTypeSystem.ST_ANY_TYPE;
SOAPArrayType wat = null;
XmlCursor c = xsdElt.newCursor();
String arrayType = c.getAttributeText(WSDL_ARRAYTYPE_NAME);
if (arrayType != null) {
try {
wat = new SOAPArrayType(arrayType, new NamespaceContext(xsdElt));
} catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SOAPARRAY, new Object[]{arrayType}, xsdElt);
boolean isFixed = xsdElt.isSetFixed();
if (xsdElt.isSetDefault() && isFixed) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ELEM$DEFAULT_OR_FIXED, null, xsdElt.xgetFixed());
// recovery: ignore fixed
isFixed = false;
impl.setNameAndTypeRef(qname, sType.getRef());
impl.setDefault(isFixed ? xsdElt.getFixed() : xsdElt.getDefault(), isFixed, xsdElt);
Object block = xsdElt.getBlock();
boolean blockExt = false;
boolean blockRest = false;
boolean blockSubst = false;
if (block != null) {
if (block instanceof String && block.equals("#all")) {
// #ALL value
blockExt = blockRest = blockSubst = true;
} else if (block instanceof List) {
List<?> blockList = (List<?>) block;
if (blockList.contains("extension")) {
blockExt = true;
if (blockList.contains("restriction")) {
blockRest = true;
if (blockList.contains("substitution")) {
blockSubst = true;
impl.setBlock(blockExt, blockRest, blockSubst);
boolean constraintFailed = false;
// Translate Identity constraints
int length = xsdElt.sizeOfKeyArray() + xsdElt.sizeOfKeyrefArray() + xsdElt.sizeOfUniqueArray();
SchemaIdentityConstraintImpl[] constraints = new SchemaIdentityConstraintImpl[length];
int cur = 0;
// Handle key constraints
Keybase[] keys = xsdElt.getKeyArray();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++, cur++) {
constraints[cur] = translateIdentityConstraint(keys[i], targetNamespace, chameleon);
if (constraints[cur] != null) {
} else {
constraintFailed = true;
// Handle unique constraints
Keybase[] uc = xsdElt.getUniqueArray();
for (int i = 0; i < uc.length; i++, cur++) {
constraints[cur] = translateIdentityConstraint(uc[i], targetNamespace, chameleon);
if (constraints[cur] != null) {
} else {
constraintFailed = true;
// Handle keyref constraints
KeyrefDocument.Keyref[] krs = xsdElt.getKeyrefArray();
for (int i = 0; i < krs.length; i++, cur++) {
constraints[cur] = translateIdentityConstraint(krs[i], targetNamespace, chameleon);
if (constraints[cur] != null) {
} else {
constraintFailed = true;
if (!constraintFailed) {
SchemaIdentityConstraint.Ref[] refs = new SchemaIdentityConstraint.Ref[length];
for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
refs[i] = constraints[i].getRef();
return impl;
* We need to do this because of the following kind of Schemas:
* <xs:group name="e">
* <xs:sequence>
* <xs:element name="error">
* <xs:complexType>
* <xs:group ref="e"/>
* </xs:complexType>
* </xs:element>
* </xs:sequence>
* </xs:group>
* (see JIRA bug XMLBEANS-35)
* Even though this should not be allowed because it produces an infinite
* number of anonymous types and local elements nested within each other,
* the de facto consensus among Schema processors is that this should be
* valid, therefore we have to detect this situation and "patch up" the
* Schema object model so that instead of creating a new anonymous type,
* we refer to the one that was already created earlier.
* In order to accomplish that, we store inside every anonymous type the
* list of groups that were dereferenced at the moment the type was created
* and if the same pattern is about to repeat, it means that we are in a
* case similar to the above.
private static SchemaType checkRecursiveGroupReference(QName[] context, QName containingElement, SchemaTypeImpl outerType) {
if (context.length < 1) {
return null;
SchemaTypeImpl type = outerType;
while (type != null) {
if (type.getName() != null || type.isDocumentType()) {
return null; // not anonymous
if (containingElement.equals(type.getContainerField().getName())) {
QName[] outerContext = type.getGroupReferenceContext();
if (outerContext != null && outerContext.length == context.length) {
// Smells like trouble
boolean equal = true;
for (int i = 0; i < context.length; i++) {
if (!(context[i] == null && outerContext[i] == null ||
context[i] != null && context[i].equals(outerContext[i]))) {
equal = false;
if (equal) {
return type;
type = (SchemaTypeImpl) type.getOuterType();
return null;
private static String removeWhitespace(String xpath) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < xpath.length(); i++) {
char ch = xpath.charAt(i);
if (XMLChar.isSpace(ch)) {
return sb.toString();
public static final org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.RegularExpression XPATH_REGEXP = new org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.RegularExpression("(\\.//)?((((child::)?((\\i\\c*:)?(\\i\\c*|\\*)))|\\.)/)*((((child::)?((\\i\\c*:)?(\\i\\c*|\\*)))|\\.)|((attribute::|@)((\\i\\c*:)?(\\i\\c*|\\*))))(\\|(\\.//)?((((child::)?((\\i\\c*:)?(\\i\\c*|\\*)))|\\.)/)*((((child::)?((\\i\\c*:)?(\\i\\c*|\\*)))|\\.)|((attribute::|@)((\\i\\c*:)?(\\i\\c*|\\*)))))*", "X");
private static boolean checkXPathSyntax(String xpath) {
if (xpath == null) {
return false;
// strip whitespace from xpath
xpath = removeWhitespace(xpath);
// apply regexp
synchronized (XPATH_REGEXP) {
return (XPATH_REGEXP.matches(xpath));
private static SchemaIdentityConstraintImpl translateIdentityConstraint(Keybase parseIC,
String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
// first do some checking
String selector = parseIC.getSelector() == null ? null : parseIC.getSelector().getXpath();
if (!checkXPathSyntax(selector)) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SELECTOR_XPATH, new Object[]{selector}, parseIC.getSelector().xgetXpath());
return null;
FieldDocument.Field[] fieldElts = parseIC.getFieldArray();
for (FieldDocument.Field fieldElt : fieldElts) {
if (!checkXPathSyntax(fieldElt.getXpath())) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.FIELDS_XPATH, new Object[]{fieldElt.getXpath()}, fieldElt.xgetXpath());
return null;
// then translate.
SchemaIdentityConstraintImpl ic = new SchemaIdentityConstraintImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
ic.setName(QNameHelper.forLNS(parseIC.getName(), targetNamespace));
ic.setParseContext(parseIC, targetNamespace, chameleon);
SchemaAnnotationImpl ann = SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), parseIC);
// Set the ns map
XmlCursor c = parseIC.newCursor();
Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<>();
nsMap.remove(""); // Remove the default mapping. This cannot be used by the xpath expressions.
String[] fields = new String[fieldElts.length];
for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
fields[j] = fieldElts[j].getXpath();
try {
} catch (XPath.XPathCompileException e) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_XPATH, new Object[]{e.getMessage()}, parseIC);
return null;
return state.findIdConstraint(ic.getName(), targetNamespace, null);
public static SchemaModelGroupImpl translateModelGroup(NamedGroup namedGroup, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon, boolean redefinition) {
String name = namedGroup.getName();
if (name == null) {
StscState.get().error(XmlErrorCodes.MISSING_NAME, new Object[]{"model group"}, namedGroup);
return null;
SchemaContainer c = StscState.get().getContainer(targetNamespace);
SchemaModelGroupImpl result = new SchemaModelGroupImpl(c);
SchemaAnnotationImpl ann = SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(c, namedGroup);
FormChoice elemFormDefault = findElementFormDefault(namedGroup);
FormChoice attFormDefault = findAttributeFormDefault(namedGroup);
result.init(QNameHelper.forLNS(name, targetNamespace), targetNamespace, chameleon,
elemFormDefault == null ? null : elemFormDefault.getStringValue(),
attFormDefault == null ? null : attFormDefault.getStringValue(),
redefinition, namedGroup, ann, getUserData(namedGroup));
return result;
public static SchemaAttributeGroupImpl translateAttributeGroup(AttributeGroup attrGroup, String targetNamespace, boolean chameleon, boolean redefinition) {
String name = attrGroup.getName();
if (name == null) {
StscState.get().error(XmlErrorCodes.MISSING_NAME, new Object[]{"attribute group"}, attrGroup);
return null;
SchemaContainer c = StscState.get().getContainer(targetNamespace);
SchemaAttributeGroupImpl result = new SchemaAttributeGroupImpl(c);
SchemaAnnotationImpl ann = SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(c, attrGroup);
FormChoice formDefault = findAttributeFormDefault(attrGroup);
result.init(QNameHelper.forLNS(name, targetNamespace), targetNamespace, chameleon,
formDefault == null ? null : formDefault.getStringValue(),
redefinition, attrGroup, ann, getUserData(attrGroup));
return result;
static FormChoice findAttributeFormDefault(XmlObject obj) {
XmlCursor cur = obj.newCursor();
while (cur.getObject().schemaType() != Schema.type) {
if (!cur.toParent()) {
return null;
return ((Schema) cur.getObject()).xgetAttributeFormDefault();
static SchemaLocalAttributeImpl translateAttribute(
Attribute xsdAttr, String targetNamespace, String formDefault, boolean chameleon,
List<SchemaType> anonymousTypes, SchemaType outerType, SchemaAttributeModel baseModel,
boolean local) {
StscState state = StscState.get();
String name = xsdAttr.getName();
QName ref = xsdAttr.getRef();
if (ref != null && name != null) {
if (name.equals(ref.getLocalPart()) && uriMatch(targetNamespace, ref.getNamespaceURI())) {
state.warning(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$REF_OR_NAME_HAS_BOTH, new Object[]{name}, xsdAttr.xgetRef());
} else {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$REF_OR_NAME_HAS_BOTH, new Object[]{name}, xsdAttr.xgetRef());
// ignore name
name = null;
if (ref == null && name == null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$REF_OR_NAME_HAS_NEITHER, null, xsdAttr);
// recovery: ignore this element
return null;
if (name != null && !XMLChar.isValidNCName(name)) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE, new Object[]{name, "name"}, xsdAttr.xgetName());
// recovery: let the name go through anyway.
boolean isFixed = false;
String deftext = null;
String fmrfixedtext = null;
QName qname;
SchemaLocalAttributeImpl sAttr;
SchemaType sType = null;
int use = SchemaLocalAttribute.OPTIONAL;
if (local) {
sAttr = new SchemaLocalAttributeImpl();
} else {
sAttr = new SchemaGlobalAttributeImpl(StscState.get().getContainer(targetNamespace));
((SchemaGlobalAttributeImpl) sAttr).setParseContext(xsdAttr, targetNamespace, chameleon);
if (ref != null) {
if (xsdAttr.getType() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"type"}, xsdAttr.xgetType());
// recovery: ignore type, simpleType
if (xsdAttr.getSimpleType() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"<simpleType>"}, xsdAttr.getSimpleType());
// recovery: ignore type, simpleType
if (xsdAttr.getForm() != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$REF_FEATURES, new Object[]{"form"}, xsdAttr.xgetForm());
// recovery: ignore form
SchemaGlobalAttribute referenced = state.findGlobalAttribute(ref, chameleon ? targetNamespace : null, targetNamespace);
if (referenced == null) {
state.notFoundError(ref, SchemaType.ATTRIBUTE, xsdAttr.xgetRef(), true);
// recovery: ignore this element
return null;
qname = ref;
use = referenced.getUse();
sType = referenced.getType();
deftext = referenced.getDefaultText();
if (deftext != null) {
isFixed = referenced.isFixed();
if (isFixed) {
fmrfixedtext = deftext;
} else {
if (local) {
boolean qualified;
FormChoice form = xsdAttr.xgetForm();
if (form != null) {
qualified = form.getStringValue().equals(FORM_QUALIFIED);
} else if (formDefault != null) {
qualified = formDefault.equals(FORM_QUALIFIED);
} else {
form = findAttributeFormDefault(xsdAttr);
qualified = form != null && form.getStringValue().equals(FORM_QUALIFIED);
qname = qualified ? QNameHelper.forLNS(name, targetNamespace) : QNameHelper.forLN(name);
} else {
qname = QNameHelper.forLNS(name, targetNamespace);
if (xsdAttr.getType() != null) {
sType = state.findGlobalType(xsdAttr.getType(), chameleon ? targetNamespace : null, targetNamespace);
if (sType == null) {
state.notFoundError(xsdAttr.getType(), SchemaType.TYPE, xsdAttr.xgetType(), true);
if (qname.getNamespaceURI().equals("")) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.NO_XSI, new Object[]{""}, xsdAttr.xgetName());
if (qname.getNamespaceURI().length() == 0 && qname.getLocalPart().equals("xmlns")) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.NO_XMLNS, null, xsdAttr.xgetName());
LocalSimpleType typedef = xsdAttr.getSimpleType();
if ((sType != null) && typedef != null) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$TYPE_ATTR_OR_NESTED_TYPE, null, typedef);
typedef = null;
if (typedef != null) {
SchemaTypeImpl sTypeImpl = new SchemaTypeImpl(state.getContainer(targetNamespace));
sType = sTypeImpl;
sTypeImpl.setOuterSchemaTypeRef(outerType == null ? null : outerType.getRef());
// leave the anonymous type unresolved: it will be resolved later.
sTypeImpl.setParseContext(typedef, targetNamespace, chameleon, null, null, false);
sTypeImpl.setAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), typedef));
if (sType == null && baseModel != null && baseModel.getAttribute(qname) != null) {
sType = baseModel.getAttribute(qname).getType();
if (sType == null) {
sType = BuiltinSchemaTypeSystem.ST_ANY_SIMPLE;
if (!sType.isSimpleType()) {
// KHK: which rule? could use #a-simple_type_definition
state.error("Attributes must have a simple type (not complex).", XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_SCHEMA, xsdAttr);
// recovery: switch to the any-type
sType = BuiltinSchemaTypeSystem.ST_ANY_SIMPLE;
if (xsdAttr.isSetUse()) {
use = translateUseCode(xsdAttr.xgetUse());
// ignore referenced default if no longer optional
if (use != SchemaLocalAttribute.OPTIONAL && !isFixed) {
deftext = null;
if (xsdAttr.isSetDefault() || xsdAttr.isSetFixed()) {
if (isFixed && !xsdAttr.isSetFixed()) {
state.error("A use of a fixed attribute definition must also be fixed", XmlErrorCodes.REDUNDANT_DEFAULT_FIXED, xsdAttr.xgetFixed());
isFixed = xsdAttr.isSetFixed();
if (xsdAttr.isSetDefault() && isFixed) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$DEFAULT_OR_FIXED, null, xsdAttr.xgetFixed());
// recovery: ignore fixed
isFixed = false;
deftext = isFixed ? xsdAttr.getFixed() : xsdAttr.getDefault();
// BUGBUG(radup) this is not good, since they should be compared by value
// in StscChecker; but there we don't have yet access to the referred attr
if (fmrfixedtext != null && !fmrfixedtext.equals(deftext)) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SCHEMA_ATTR$FIXED_NOT_MATCH, null, xsdAttr.xgetFixed());
// recovery: reset fixed to the original value
deftext = fmrfixedtext;
if (!local) {
((SchemaGlobalAttributeImpl) sAttr).setFilename(findFilename(xsdAttr));
SOAPArrayType wat = null;
XmlCursor c = xsdAttr.newCursor();
String arrayType = c.getAttributeText(WSDL_ARRAYTYPE_NAME);
if (arrayType != null) {
try {
wat = new SOAPArrayType(arrayType, new NamespaceContext(xsdAttr));
} catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
state.error(XmlErrorCodes.SOAPARRAY, new Object[]{arrayType}, xsdAttr);
SchemaAnnotationImpl ann = SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), xsdAttr);
deftext, xsdAttr, null, isFixed,
wat, ann, getUserData(xsdAttr));
return sAttr;
static int translateUseCode(Attribute.Use attruse) {
if (attruse == null) {
return SchemaLocalAttribute.OPTIONAL;
String val = attruse.getStringValue();
if (val.equals("optional")) {
return SchemaLocalAttribute.OPTIONAL;
if (val.equals("required")) {
return SchemaLocalAttribute.REQUIRED;
if (val.equals("prohibited")) {
return SchemaLocalAttribute.PROHIBITED;
return SchemaLocalAttribute.OPTIONAL;
static BigInteger buildBigInt(XmlAnySimpleType value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
String text = value.getStringValue();
BigInteger bigInt;
try {
bigInt = new BigInteger(text);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
StscState.get().error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE_DETAIL, new Object[]{text, "nonNegativeInteger", e.getMessage()}, value);
return null;
if (bigInt.signum() < 0) {
StscState.get().error(XmlErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE, new Object[]{text, "nonNegativeInteger"}, value);
return null;
return bigInt;
static XmlNonNegativeInteger buildNnInteger(XmlAnySimpleType value) {
BigInteger bigInt = buildBigInt(value);
try {
XmlNonNegativeIntegerImpl i = new XmlNonNegativeIntegerImpl();
return i;
} catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
StscState.get().error("Internal error processing number", XmlErrorCodes.MALFORMED_NUMBER, value);
return null;
static XmlPositiveInteger buildPosInteger(XmlAnySimpleType value) {
BigInteger bigInt = buildBigInt(value);
try {
XmlPositiveIntegerImpl i = new XmlPositiveIntegerImpl();
return i;
} catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
StscState.get().error("Internal error processing number", XmlErrorCodes.MALFORMED_NUMBER, value);
return null;
private static Object getUserData(XmlObject pos) {
XmlCursor.XmlBookmark b = pos.newCursor().getBookmark(SchemaBookmark.class);
if (b instanceof SchemaBookmark) {
return ((SchemaBookmark) b).getValue();
} else {
return null;
private static boolean isEmptySchema(Schema schema) {
XmlCursor cursor = schema.newCursor();
boolean result = !cursor.toFirstChild();
return result;
private static boolean isReservedTypeName(QName name) {
return (BuiltinSchemaTypeSystem.get().findType(name) != null);