minor improvements to Xerces docs

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xerces/java/trunk@1857045 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/docs/xml-schema.xml b/docs/xml-schema.xml
index 4a8d9e0..5304a24 100644
--- a/docs/xml-schema.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-schema.xml
@@ -128,13 +128,14 @@
             Javadoc for javax.xml.XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING for
             more details.
-            <li> The JAXP class javax.xml.validation.Schema is defined to be thread safe, i.e.
-            applications are encouraged to share it across many threads. There are few cases
-            observed while doing XML Schema 1.1 validation, where the thread safe definition
-            of javax.xml.validation.Schema is not honored. This problem is observed, while
-            using the XSD 1.1 syntax &lt;assert&gt; in the XSD documents. But there are also, various
-            cases observed while using XSD 1.1 syntax &lt;assert&gt;, when thread safety of javax.xml.validation.Schema
-            is honored correctly.
+            <li> The JAXP class javax.xml.validation.Schema is defined to be thread 
+            safe. That is, applications are encouraged to share javax.xml.validation.Schema objects 
+            across multiple threads. Some Xerces users have reported that, while doing XML Schema 1.1 
+            validation javax.xml.validation.Schema is seen to be not thread safe. This problem was 
+            observed in certain use cases, while using the XSD 1.1 construct &lt;assert&gt; in the 
+            XSD documents. But there are also, various cases observed while using XSD 1.1 
+            construct &lt;assert&gt;, when thread safety of javax.xml.validation.Schema is 
+            seen to be working correctly.