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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM 'dtd/document.dtd'>
<s1 title='XNI Core Interfaces'>
<s2 title='Core Interfaces'>
The Xerces Native Interface core contains a series of
interfaces and classes designed to communicate a document's
"streaming" information set. This page documents the API
available for receiving this information in the following
<li><link anchor='document-information'>Document Information</link></li>
<li><link anchor='dtd-information'>DTD Information</link></li>
A few examples are also included to illustrate the use of the
streaming information set:
<link anchor='pass-through-filter'>Pass-Through Document
Handler Filter</link>
<li><link anchor='upper-case-filter'>Upper-Case Filter</link></li>
For information regarding the parser configuration framework,
refer to the <link idref='xni-config'>Parser Configuration</link>
The source code for the samples in this document are included
in the downloaded packages for Xerces2.
<s2 title='Document Information'>
The document information is communicated using the
<code>XMLDocumentHandler</code> interface. In addition, the
<code>XMLDocumentFragmentHandler</code> interface is included
to get information regarding document fragments. Programmers
already familiar with the SAX programming interfaces should
be immediately comfortable programming to the Xerces Native
Interface. However, XNI does not depend on the SAX interfaces
and classes.
All of the interfaces and classes documented on this page
are contained within the <code>org.apache.xerces.xni</code>
<anchor name='document-handler'/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLDocumentHandler'>
Communicates document structure and content information. This
is the most important handler interface in the Xerces Native
<!-- REVISIT: this info is already available in
public void startDocument(
<link anchor='locator'>XMLLocator</link> locator,
String encoding, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void xmlDecl(
String version,
String encoding,
String standalone, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void doctypeDecl(
String rootElement,
String publicId,
String systemId, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void comment(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void processingInstruction(
String target,
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> data, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startPrefixMapping(
String prefix,
String uri, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endPrefixMapping(
String prefix, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startElement(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
<link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link> attributes,
Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void emptyElement(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
<link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link> attributes,
Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endElement(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startGeneralEntity(
String name,
XMLResourceIdentifier identifier,
String encoding, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void textDecl(
String version,
String encoding, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endGeneralEntity(
String name, Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void characters(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text,
Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void ignorableWhitespace(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text,
Augmentations augs
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startCDATA(Augmentations augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endCDATA(Augmentations augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endDocument(Augmentations augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
<anchor name='document-fragment-handler'/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLDocumentFragmentHandler'>
Communicates information about a document fragment. This
interface is provided for convenience in defining a document
fragment but is not required to be used by a compliant XNI
parser component or configuration.
<!-- REVISIT: see
public void startDocumentFragment(
<link anchor='locator'>XMLLocator</link> locator,
<link anchor='namespace-context'>NamespaceContext</link>
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startEntity(
String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String baseSystemId,
String encoding
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void textDecl(
String version,
String encoding
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endEntity(
String name
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void comment(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void processingInstruction(
String target,
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> data
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startPrefixMapping(
String prefix,
String uri
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endPrefixMapping(
String prefix
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startElement(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
<link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link> attributes
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void emptyElement(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
<link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link> attributes
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endElement(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void characters(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void ignorableWhitespace(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startCDATA()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endCDATA()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endDocumentFragment()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
Besides the handler interfaces there are several related
interfaces and classes. All of these are described below.
<anchor name='exception'/>
<s3 title='Class XNIException'>
<p>Represents a generic Xerces Native Interface exception.</p>
This exception extends <code>java.lang.RuntimeException</code>.
Therefore, even though all of the handler interface methods can
throw this type of exception, it is not explicitly required to
be caught. Since XNI is intended to be an internal set of
interfaces, it is expected that XNI implementations will provide
a catch block for this exception at the top level so that XNI
exceptions do not "leak" out to the application code.
<tr><td><code>public XNIException(String message);</code></td></tr>
<td><code>public XNIException(Exception exception);</code></td>
public XNIException(String message, Exception exception);
<tr><td><code>public Exception getException();</code></td></tr>
<anchor name='augs'/>
<s3 title='Interface Augmentations'>
<p> This interface enables arbitrary information to be passed
through the pipeline on various calls from one component to
another. XNI tries to model, as close as is feasible, the
information made available by the W3C&apos;s InfoSet
specification. The <link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link>
interface is intended to permit components to augment the infoset
for some document at almost any given point. Many other XNI
interfaces besides the DocumentHandler support Augmentations
<p> One kind of particularly useful Infoset augmentation is
provided through the Post-Schema validation Infoset. For
information about Xerces2&apos;s support of the PSVI, and how
Augmentations are used in a well-defined way to permit this
support, see the <link idref="samples-xni">documentation</link> for the PSVI Writer and
PSVI Configuration samples.</p>
<anchor name='resource'/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLResourceIdentifier'>
This interface serves to gather together information relevant to
any kind of XML resource (external entity, notation, schema
grammar, etc.). There are five fields in this interface:</p>
<li>baseSystemId: The URI against which the literal systemId
in the entity (or the URI to be resolved in the
<code>schemaLocation</code> attribute as the case may be)
should be resolved relative to.
<li> literalSystemId: The &quot;real&quot; (unexpanded) value
of the systemId (or <code>schemaLocation</code>) of the entity
which this object relates to.
<li> expandedSystemId: The value of the systemId (or
<code>schemaLocation</code>) after being subjects to relative
URI expansion. SAX programmers will be familiar with this
concept from the SAX Locator interface, for example; this
property maps to the <code>systemId</code> property of that
<li> publicId: the publicId of the entity.
<li> namespace: the namespace of the entity. This is useful
when the resource is some kind of namespace-aware grammar
(an XML Schema, for example).
<p> As in the case of other XNI objects, XMLResourceIdentifiers
cannot be depended upon to retain their values between calls;
hence, callees should extract whatever information they need
from them (or clone the object) before returning control back to
the parser. </p>
<anchor name='locator'/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLLocator'>
This interface is used to communicate the document location to
the various handler interfaces. The application can use the
methods on this interface to query the public, literal system, and expanded system
base system identifier as well as the line number, column number
and the encoding of the entity currently being parsed.
A locator is passed as a parameter in the first method called
by the <code>XMLDocumentHandler</code>,
<code>XMLDocumentFragmentHandler</code>, and
<code>XMLDTDHandler</code> interfaces.
Parser components that emit document information are not required
to provide a locator object. However, the Xerces2 reference
implementation <em>does</em> provide a locator to registered
<tr><td><code>public String getPublicId();</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String getSystemId();</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String getBaseSystemId();</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public int getLineNumber();</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public int getColumnNumber();</code></td></tr>
<anchor name='qname'/>
<s3 title='Class QName'>
<p>The QName object is a structure of qualified name information.</p>
The fields of this object have public visibility but should be
considered to be <em>read-only</em> to all methods that are
passed this object. The caller that creates and passes the QName
object "owns" the data. Therefore, callees should
<strong>not</strong> retain a reference to the passed object and
are required to copy the references contained in the object if
the data is to be used beyond the scope of the method call.
<tr><td><code>public String prefix;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String localpart;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String rawname;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String uri;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public QName();</code></td></tr>
public QName(String prefix, String localpart,
String rawname, String uri);
public QName(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> qname);
<tr><th>Convenience Methods</th></tr>
public void setValues(String prefix, String localpart,
String rawname, String uri);
public void setValues(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> qname);
<tr><td><code>public void clear();</code></td></tr>
<anchor name='attributes'/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLAttributes'>
This interface represents the collection of attributes that is
passed to the <code>startElement</code> and <code>emptyElement</code>
methods of the <code>XMLDocumentHandler</code> and
<code>XMLDocumentFragmentHandler</code> interfaces. This
collection of attributes contains all of the information about
the attributes of an element (except order) and is editable.
This interface is also capable of storing information about
entities appearing in the attribute value. However, it should
be noted that if entity information is set for an attribute,
then the non-normalized value of the attribute <strong>must</strong>
also be stored because the offsets and lengths of entities in
the attribute have no meaning for the normalized value.
public void addAttribute(
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> attrName,
String attrType,
String attrValue
<tr><td><code>public void removeAllAttributes();</code></td></tr>
<td><code>public void removeAttributeAt(int attrIndex);</code></td>
public void addAttributeEntity(
int attrIndex,
String entityName,
int entityOffset,
int entityLength
<code>public void removeAllEntitiesFor(int attrIndex);</code>
public void removeEntityAt(int attrIndex, int entityIndex);
<tr><td><code>public int getLength();</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public int getIndex(String qName);</code></td></tr>
<code>public int getIndex(String uri, String localName);</code>
public void setName(
int attrIndex,
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> attrName
public void getName(
int attrIndex,
<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> attrName
<tr><td><code>public String getURI(int attrIndex);</code></td></tr>
<td><code>public String getLocalName(int attrIndex);</code></td>
<tr><td><code>public String getQName(int attrIndex);</code></td></tr>
<code>public void setType(int attrIndex, String attrType);</code>
<tr><td><code>public String getType(int attrIndex);</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String getType(String qName);</code></td></tr>
<code>public String getType(String uri, String localName);</code>
<code>public void setValue(int attrIndex, String attrValue);</code>
<tr><td><code>public String getValue(int attrIndex);</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String getValue(String qName);</code></td></tr>
<code>public String getValue(String uri, String localName);</code>
public void setNonNormalizedValue(int attrIndex, String attrValue);
<code>public String getNonNormalizedValue(int attrIndex);</code>
public void setSpecified(int attrIndex, boolean specified);
<td><code>public boolean isSpecified(int attrIndex);</code></td>
<td><code>public int getEntityCount(int attrIndex);</code></td>
public void setEntityName(
int attrIndex,
int entityIndex,
String entityName
public String getEntityName(
int attrIndex,
int entityIndex
public void setEntityOffset(
int attrIndex,
int entityIndex,
int entityOffset
public int getEntityOffset(
int attrIndex,
int entityIndex
public void setEntityLength(
int attrIndex,
int entityIndex,
int entityLength
public int getEntityLength(
int attrIndex,
int entityIndex
<anchor name='string'/>
<s3 title='Class XMLString'>
The XMLString object is a structure for holding text information.
This object allows the underlying implementation to pass text
information by using its own internal character buffer without
creating new String objects or copying the data.
The fields of this object have public visibility but should be
considered to be <em>read-only</em> to all methods that are
passed this object. The caller that creates and passes the
XMLString object "owns" the data. Therefore, callees should
<strong>not</strong> retain a reference to the passed object and
are required to copy the information contained in the object if
the data is to be used beyond the scope of the method call. Also,
callees should <strong>never</strong> modify the contents of the
character array directly as that could adversely affect the
operation of the caller.
<tr><td><code>public char[] ch;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public int offset;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public int length;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public XMLString();</code></td></tr>
public XMLString(char[] ch, int offset, int length);
public XMLString(<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> string);
<tr><th>Convenience Methods</th></tr>
public void setValues(char[] ch, int offset, int length);
public void setValues(<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> string);
<tr><td><code>public void clear();</code></td></tr>
<anchor name='namespace-context'/>
<s3 title='Interface NamespaceContext'>
Namespace context information for document fragments. This
object is passed to the first method of the
<code>XMLDocumentFragmentHandler</code> interface.
<tr><td><code>public static final String XMLNS;</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public String getURI(String prefix);</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>public int getDeclaredPrefixCount();</code></td></tr>
<td><code>public String getDeclaredPrefixAt(int index);</code></td>
public <link anchor='namespace-context'>NamespaceContext</link>
<s2 title='DTD Information'>
The DTD information is communicated through two interfaces:
<code>XMLDTDHandler</code> and <code>XMLDTDContentModelHandler</code>.
The first handler interface passes the basic DTD information
whereas the second handler interface breaks down each element
declaration content model into separate callbacks.
<anchor name="dtd-handler"/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLDTDHandler'>
Communicates basic DTD information such as element and attribute
declarations. The implementor of this interface can also be
informed of characters within an ignored conditional section.
<td><code>public static final short CONDITIONAL_INCLUDE;</code></td>
<td><code>public static final short CONDITIONAL_IGNORE;</code></td>
public void startDTD(
<link anchor='locator'>XMLLocator</link> locator
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startEntity(
String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String baseSystemId,
String encoding
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void textDecl(
String version,
String encoding
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endEntity(
String name
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void comment(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void processingInstruction(
String target,
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> data
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void elementDecl(
String name,
String contentModel
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startAttlist(
String elementName
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void attributeDecl(
String elementName,
String attributeName,
String type,
String[] enumeration,
String defaultType,
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> defaultValue
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endAttlist() throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void internalEntityDecl(
String name,
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void externalEntityDecl(
String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String baseSystemId
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void unparsedEntityDecl(
String name,
String publicId,
String systemId,
String notation
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void notationDecl(
String name,
String publicId,
String systemId
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startConditional(
short type
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void characters(
<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text
) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endConditional() throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endDTD() throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
<anchor name="dtd-content-model-handler"/>
<s3 title='Interface XMLDTDContentModelHandler'>
Breaks down each element declaration's content model into
a set of separate methods so that handlers don't have to
reparse the content model string given in the
<code>XMLDTDHandler#elementDecl(String,String)</code> method.
This separation also helps those applications that want to
know boundaries of entities when used as part of an element's
content model.
<code>public static final short SEPARATOR_CHOICE;</code>
<code>public static final short SEPARATOR_SEQUENCE;</code>
<code>public static final short OCCURS_ZERO_OR_ONE;</code>
<code>public static final short OCCURS_ZERO_OR_MORE;</code>
<code>public static final short OCCURS_ONE_OR_MORE;</code>
public void startContentModel()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void any()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void empty()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void startGroup()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void pcdata()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void element(String elementName)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void separator(short type)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void occurrence(short type)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endGroup()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
public void endContentModel()
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
<s2 title='Examples'>
The following examples demonstrate the basic use of the various
XNI handler interfaces.
<anchor name='pass-through-filter'/>
<s3 title='Pass-Through Document Handler Filter'>
The following example demonstrates a basic pass-through
document handler filter. This filter receives document handler
events and passes them through to the next document handler.
<source>import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='qname'>QName</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='document-handler'>XMLDocumentHandler</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='locator'>XMLLocator</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='resource'>XMLResourceIdentifier</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='augs'>Augmentations</link>;
public class PassThroughFilter
implements <link anchor='document-handler'>XMLDocumentHandler</link> {
// Data
protected <link anchor='document-handler'>XMLDocumentHandler</link> fDocumentHandler;
protected <link anchor='document-source'>XMLDocumentSource</link> fDocumentSource;
// Public methods
public void setDocumentHandler(<link anchor='document-handler'>XMLDocumentHandler</link> handler) {
fDocumentHandler = handler;
// XMLDocumentHandler methods
public void startDocument(<link anchor='locator'>XMLLocator</link>
locator, String encoding, <link anchor='namespaceContext'>NamespaceContext</link> namespaceContext, <link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.startDocument(locator, encoding, namespaceContext, augs);
public void xmlDecl(String version, String encoding,
String standalone, <link
anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.xmlDecl(version, encoding, standalone,
public void doctypeDecl(String rootElement, String publicId,
String systemId, <link
anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs) throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.doctypeDecl(rootElement, publicId,
systemId, augs);
public void comment(<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text,
<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.comment(text, augs);
public void processingInstruction(String target, <link
anchor='string'>XMLString</link> data, <link
anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.processingInstruction(target, data, augs);
public void startElement(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link>
element, <link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link>
attributes, <link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.startElement(element, attributes, augs);
public void emptyElement(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link>
element, <link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link>
attributes, <link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.emptyElement(element, attributes, augs);
public void endElement(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
<link anchor="augs">augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.endElement(element, augs);
public void startGeneralEntity(String name,
<link anchor="resource">XMLResourceIdentifier</link> resId,
String encoding, <link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
resId, encoding, augs);
public void textDecl(String version, String encoding, <link
anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.textDecl(version, encoding, augs);
public void endGeneralEntity(String name, <link
anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.endEntity(name, augs);
public void characters(<link anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text,
<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.characters(text, augs);
public void ignorableWhitespace(<link
anchor='string'>XMLString</link> text ,
<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
fDocumentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(text, augs);
public void startCDATA(<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link>
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
public void endCDATA(<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
public void endDocument(<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link>
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
public void setDocumentSource(<link anchor='document-source'>XMLDocumentSource</link> source) {
fDocumentSource = source;
public XMLDocumentSource getDocumentSource(<link anchor='document-source'>XMLDocumentSource</link> source) {
return fDocumentSource;
} // class PassThroughFilter</source>
<anchor name='upper-case-filter'/>
<s3 title='Upper-Case Filter'>
The following code extends the pass-through document handler
filter to upper-case all of the element names.
<source>import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='qname'>QName</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='string'>XNIException</link>;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.<link anchor='augs'>Augmentations</link>;
public class UpperCaseFilter
extends PassThroughFilter {
// Data
private final <link anchor='qname'>QName</link> fQName = new QName();
// XMLDocumentHandler methods
public void startElement(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element, <link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link> attributes,
<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
super.startElement(toUpperCase(element), attributes, augs);
public void emptyElement(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link>
element, <link anchor='attributes'>XMLAttributes</link>
attributes, <link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
super.emptyElement(toUpperCase(element), attributes, augs);
public void endElement(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> element,
<link anchor="augs">Augmentations</link> augs)
throws <link anchor='exception'>XNIException</link> {
super.endElement(toUpperCase(element), augs);
// Protected methods
protected QName toUpperCase(<link anchor='qname'>QName</link> qname) {
String prefix = qname.prefix != null
? qname.prefix.toUpperCase() : null;
String localpart = qname.localpart != null
? qname.localpart.toUpperCase() : null;
String rawname = qname.rawname != null
? qname.rawname.toUpperCase() : null;
String uri = qname.uri;
fQName.setValues(prefix, localpart, rawname, uri);
return fQName;
} // class UpperCaseFilter</source>