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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM 'dtd/document.dtd'>
<s1 title='XNI Samples'>
<s2 title='Overview'>
The Xerces Native Interface (XNI) is an internal API that is
independent of other XML APIs and is used to implement the
Xerces family of parsers. XNI allows a wide variety of parsers
to be written in an easy and modular fashion. The XNI samples
included with Xerces are simple examples of how to program
using the XNI API. However, for information on how to take full
advantage of this powerful framework, refer to the
<link idref='xni'>XNI Manual</link>.
<p>Basic XNI samples:</p>
<li><link anchor='Counter'>xni.Counter</link></li>
<li><link anchor='DocumentTracer'>xni.DocumentTracer</link></li>
<li><link anchor='Writer'>xni.Writer</link></li>
<li><link anchor='PSVIWriter'>xni.PSVIWriter</link></li>
<li><link anchor='XMLGrammarBuilder'>xni.XMLGrammarBuilder</link></li>
<li><link anchor='PassThroughFilter'>xni.PassThroughFilter</link></li>
<li><link anchor='UpperCaseFilter'>xni.UpperCaseFilter</link></li>
<p>Parser configuration samples:</p>
<li><link anchor='NonValidatingParserConfiguration'>xni.parser.NonValidatingParserConfiguration</link></li>
<li><link anchor='AbstractConfiguration'>xni.parser.AbstractConfiguration</link></li>
- REVISIT: Add in this sample once the proper interfaces have been
- designed and implemented in the parser. *And* after the
- sample code has been written.
<li><link anchor='DynamicParserConfiguration'>xni.parser.DynamicParserConfiguration</link></li>
<li><link anchor='CSVConfiguration'>xni.parser.CSVConfiguration</link></li>
<li><link anchor='CSVParser'>xni.parser.CSVParser</link></li>
<li><link anchor='PSVIConfiguration'>xni.parser.PSVIConfiguration</link></li>
<li><link anchor='PSVIParser'>xni.parser.PSVIParser</link></li>
<li><link anchor='xercesProperties'>xni/</link></li>
Most of the XNI samples have a command line option that allows the
user to specify a different XNI parser configuration to use. In
order to supply another parser configuration besides the default
Xerces <code>StandardParserConfiguration</code>, the configuration
must implement the
<anchor name='Counter'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.Counter'>
A sample XNI counter. The output of this program shows the time
and count of elements, attributes, ignorable whitespaces, and
characters appearing in the document.
This class is useful as a "poor-man's" performance tester to
compare the speed and accuracy of various parser configurations.
However, it is important to note that the first parse time of a
parser will include both VM class load time and parser
initialization that would not be present in subsequent parses
with the same file.
The results produced by this program should never be accepted as
true performance measurements.
<s3 title='usage'>
<source>java xni.Counter (options) uri ...</source>
<s3 title='options'>
<tr><td>-p name</td><td>Select parser configuration by name.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-x number</td><td>Select number of repetitions.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-n | -N</td><td>Turn on/off namespace processing.</td></tr>
<td>-np | -NP</td>
Turn on/off namespace prefixes.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Requires use of -n.
<tr><td>-v | -V</td><td>Turn on/off validation.</td></tr>
<td>-s | -S</td>
Turn on/off Schema validation support.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Not supported by all parser configurations.
<td>-f | -F</td>
Turn on/off Schema full checking.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Requires use of -s and not supported by all parsers.
<tr><td>-m | -M</td><td>Turn on/off memory usage report.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-t | -T</td><td>Turn on/off \"tagginess\" report.</td></tr>
<td>--rem text</td>
<td>Output user defined comment before next parse.</td>
<tr><td>-h</td><td>Display help screen.</td></tr>
<s3 title='notes'>
The speed and memory results from this program should NOT be used
as the basis of parser performance comparison! Real analytical
methods should be used. For better results, perform multiple
document parses within the same virtual machine to remove class
loading from parse time and memory usage.
The "tagginess" measurement gives a rough estimate of the percentage
of markup versus content in the XML document. The percent tagginess
of a document is equal to the minimum amount of tag characters
required for elements, attributes, and processing instructions
divided by the total amount of characters (characters, ignorable
whitespace, and tag characters) in the document.
Not all features are supported by different parser configurations.
<anchor name='DocumentTracer'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.DocumentTracer'>
Provides a complete trace of XNI document and DTD events for
files parsed.
<s3 title='usage'>
<source>java xni.DocumentTracer (options) uri ...</source>
<s3 title='options'>
<tr><td>-p name</td><td>Specify parser configuration by name.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-n | -N</td><td>Turn on/off namespace processing.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-v | -V</td><td>Turn on/off validation.</td></tr>
<td>-s | -S</td>
Turn on/off Schema validation support.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Not supported by all parser configurations.
<tr><td>-c | -C</td><td>Turn on/off character notifications");</td></tr>
<tr><td>-h</td><td>Display help screen.</td></tr>
<anchor name='Writer'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.Writer'>
A sample XNI writer. This sample program illustrates how to
take received XMLDocumentHandler callbacks in order to print
a document that is parsed.
<s3 title='usage'>
<source>java xni.Writer (options) uri ...</source>
<s3 title='options'>
<tr><td>-p name</td><td>Select parser configuration by name.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-n | -N</td><td>Turn on/off namespace processing.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-v | -V</td><td>Turn on/off validation.</td></tr>
<td>-s | -S</td>
Turn on/off Schema validation support.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Not supported by all parser configurations.
<td>-c | -C</td>
Turn on/off Canonical XML output.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> This is not W3C canonical output.
<tr><td>-h</td><td>Display help screen.</td></tr>
<anchor name='PSVIWriter'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.PSVIWriter'>
This is an example of a component that converts XNI events for a document into
XNI events for that document's PSVI information.
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a component. See
<link anchor='PSVIConfiguration'>xni.parser.PSVIConfiguration</link> and
<link anchor='PSVIParser'>xni.parser.PSVIParser</link>.
<anchor name='XMLGrammarBuilder'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.XMLGrammarBuilder'>
This sample illustrates how to use Xerces's grammar
preparsing functionality to build a compiled representation of a grammar
and use it to parse instance documents. It is also meant
to replace the DOM ASBuilder sample (which
implements the DOM AS interfaces which have been discontinued by W3C). It
handles both XML Schema grammars and DTD external subsets.
<s3 title='usage'>
<source>java xni.XMLGrammarBuilder [-p config_file] -d uri ... | [-f|-F] -a uri ... [-i uri ...]</source>
<s3 title='options'>
<tr><td>-p name</td><td>Select parser configuration by name.</td></tr>
<tr><td>-d</td><td>URI of file(s) to be compiled as DTD external
<tr><td>-a</td><td>URI of file(s) to be compiled as XML Schema grammars</td></tr>
<td>-f | -F</td>
Turn on/off Schema full checking when validating instances against schemas.<br/>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Requires use of -a and not supported by all parsers.
<tr><td>-i</td><td>List of instance documents to validate. The preparsed grammars will be
used first, but if a reference is made to a non-preparsed grammar,
it will be resolved.</td></tr>
<s3 title='notes'>
No two schema grammars preparsed by this class should share the
same targetNamespace (or have no targetNamespace). If this condition is
not meant, results are undefined--but, very likely, one of the schemas
will simply be ignored.
Not all features are supported by different parser configurations.
Particularly, if a parser configuration is specified, it would be wise to
ensure it supports the kind of grammars to be preparsed.
<anchor name='PassThroughFilter'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.PassThroughFilter'>
This sample demonstrates how to implement a simple pass-through
filter for the document "streaming" information set using XNI.
This filter could be used in a pipeline of XNI parser components
that communicate document events.
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a document
<anchor name='UpperCaseFilter'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.UpperCaseFilter'>
This sample demonstrates how to create a filter for the document
"streaming" information set that turns element names into upper
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a document
<anchor name='NonValidatingParserConfiguration'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.parser.NonValidatingParserConfiguration'>
<p>Non-validating parser configuration.</p>
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a parser
configuration using XNI. You can use this parser configuration
by specifying the fully qualified class name to all of the XNI
samples that accept a parser configuration using the
<code>-p</code> option. For example:
<source>java xni.Counter -p xni.parser.NonValidatingParserConfiguration document.xml</source>
<anchor name='AbstractConfiguration'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.parser.AbstractConfiguration'>
This abstract parser configuration simply helps manage components,
features and properties, and other tasks common to all parser
configurations. In order to subclass this configuration and use
it effectively, the subclass is required to do the following:
Add all configurable components using the <code>addComponent</code>
<li>Implement the <code>parse</code> method, and</li>
<li>Call the <code>resetComponents</code> before parsing.</li>
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a parser
configuration using XNI.
- REVISIT: Add in this sample once the proper interfaces have been
- designed and implemented in the parser. *And* after the
- sample code has been written.
<anchor name='DynamicParserConfiguration'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.parser.DynamicParserConfiguration'>
<anchor name='CSVConfiguration'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.parser.CSVConfiguration'>
This example is a very simple parser configuration that can
parse files with comma-separated values (CSV) to generate XML
events. For example, the following CSV document:
<source>Andy Clark,16 Jan 1973,Cincinnati</source>
produces the following XML "document" as represented by the
XNI streaming document information:
<source><![CDATA[<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='true'?>
<!DOCTYPE csv [
<!ELEMENT csv (row)*>
<!ELEMENT row (col)*>
<col>Andy Clark</col>
<col>16 Jan 1973</col>
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a parser
configuration using XNI. You can use this parser configuration
by specifying the fully qualified class name to all of the XNI
samples that accept a parser configuration using the
<code>-p</code> option. For example:
<source>java xni.Counter -p xni.parser.CSVConfiguration document.xml</source>
<anchor name='CSVParser'/>
<s2 title='Samples xni.parser.CSVParser'>
This parser class implements a SAX parser that can parse simple
comma-separated value (CSV) files.
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a parser
using XNI. You can use this parser
by specifying the fully qualified class name to all of the SAX
samples that accept a parser using the
<code>-p</code> option. For example:
<source>java sax.Counter -p xni.parser.CSVParser document.xml</source>
<anchor name='PSVIConfiguration'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni.parser.PSVIConfiguration'>
This example is a parser configuration that can includes a post
schema validation infoset converter. The configuration includes:
DTD validator, Namespace binder, XML Schema validators and PSVIWriter component.
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a parser
configuration using XNI. You can use this parser configuration
by specifying the fully qualified class name to all of the XNI
samples that accept a parser configuration using the
<code>-p</code> option:
<source>java xni.Writer -v -s -p xni.parser.PSVIConfiguration personal-schema.xml</source>
<note><link idref='features' anchor="validation">Validation</link>
and <link idref='features' anchor="validation.schema">schema validation</link>
features must be set to true to receive the correct PSVI output.</note>
<anchor name='PSVIParser'/>
<s2 title='Samples xni.parser.PSVIParser'>
This parser class implements a SAX parser that outputs events for
the post schema validation infoset of a document.
This class can <strong>NOT</strong> be run as a standalone
program. It is only an example of how to write a parser
using XNI. You can use this parser
by specifying the fully qualified class name to all of the SAX
samples that accept a parser using the
<code>-p</code> option. For example:
<source>java sax.Writer -v -s -p xni.parser.PSVIParser personal-schema.xml</source>
<note><link idref='features' anchor="validation">Validation</link>
and <link idref='features' anchor="validation.schema">schema validation</link>
features must be set to true to receive the correct PSVI output.</note>
<anchor name='xercesProperties'/>
<s2 title='Sample xni/'>
<p> When you create a Xerces parser, either directly using a native
class like org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser, or via a
standard API like JAXP, Xerces provides a dynamic means of
dynamically selecting a "configuration" for that parser.
Configurations are the basic mechanism Xerces uses to decide
exactly how it will treat an XML document (e.g., whether it
needs to know about Schema validation, whether it needs to be
cognizant of potential denial-of-service attacks launched via
malicious XML documents, etc.) The steps are fourfold:
<li> * first, Xerces will examine the system property
<li> next, it will try and find a file called in
the lib subdirectory of your JRE installation;
<li> next, it will examine all the jars on your classpath to try
and find one with the appropriate entry in its
META-INF/services directory.
<li>if all else fails, it will use a hardcoded default.
<p> The third step can be quite time-consuming, especially if you
have a lot of jars on your classpath and run applications which
require the creation of lots of parsers. If you know you're
only using applications which require "standard" API's (that
is, don't need some special Xerces property), or you want to
try and force applications to use only certain Xerces
configurations, then you may wish to copy this file into your
JRE's lib directory. We try and ensure that this file contains
the currently-recommended default configuration; if you know
which configuration you want, you may substitute that class
name for what we've provided here.</p>