blob: 2c5f2f241696b6e158f5eb4e15a342a6977559d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dom;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Entity;
import org.w3c.dom.EntityReference;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Notation;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import dom.util.Assertion;
* This class tests methods for XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* DOMException errors are tested by calls to DOMExceptionsTest from: Main, docBuilder...
* @author Philip W. Davis
public class DTest {
public static Element testElementNode;
public static Attr testAttributeNode;
public static Text testTextNode;
public static CDATASection testCDATASectionNode;
public static EntityReference testEntityReferenceNode;
public static Entity testEntityNode;
public static ProcessingInstruction testProcessingInstructionNode;
public static Comment testCommentNode;
public static Document testDocumentNode;
public static DocumentType testDocumentTypeNode;
public static DocumentFragment testDocumentFragmentNode;
public static Notation testNotationNode;
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @author Philip W. Davis
public DTest() {
* version 3.0 01/25/99
* @return org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public Document createDocument() {
return new org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl(); //Replace with a Document creator
* version 3.0 01/25/99
* @return org.w3c.dom.DocumentType
* @param name java.lang.String
* @author Philip W. Davis
public DocumentType createDocumentType(Document doc, String name) {
return ((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl) doc).createDocumentType(name, null, null); //Replace with a DocumentType creator
* version 3.0 01/25/99
* @return org.w3c.dom.Entity
* @param doc org.w3c.dom.Document
* @param name java.lang.String
* @author Philip W. Davis
public Entity createEntity(Document doc, String name) {
return new org.apache.xerces.dom.EntityImpl((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl)doc, name); //Replace with an Entity creator
* version 3.0 01/25/99
* @return org.w3c.dom.Notation
* @param doc org.w3c.dom.Document
* @param name java.lang.String
* @author Philip W. Davis
public Notation createNotation(Document doc, String name) {
return new org.apache.xerces.dom.NotationImpl((org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl) doc, name); // Replace with a Notation creator
* This method builds test documents for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @param name document's name
* @param type document's type
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void docBuilder(org.w3c.dom.Document document, String name)
Document doc = document;
boolean OK = true;
Element docFirstElement = doc.createElement(name + "FirstElement");
docFirstElement.setAttribute(name + "FirstElement", name + "firstElement");
ProcessingInstruction docProcessingInstruction = doc.createProcessingInstruction(name +
"TargetProcessorChannel", "This is " + doc + "'s processing instruction");
Element docBody = doc.createElement(name + "TestBody");
Element docBodyLevel21 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel21");
Element docBodyLevel22 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel22");
Element docBodyLevel23 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel23");
Element docBodyLevel24 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel24");
Element docBodyLevel31 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel31");
Element docBodyLevel32 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel32");
Element docBodyLevel33 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel33");
Element docBodyLevel34 = doc.createElement(name + "BodyLevel34");
Text docTextNode11 = doc.createTextNode(name + "BodyLevel31'sChildTextNode11");
Text docTextNode12 = doc.createTextNode(name + "BodyLevel31'sChildTextNode12");
Text docTextNode13 = doc.createTextNode(name + "BodyLevel31'sChildTextNode13");
Text docTextNode2 = doc.createTextNode(name + "TextNode2");
Text docTextNode3 = doc.createTextNode(name + "TextNode3");
Text docTextNode4 = doc.createTextNode(name + "TextNode4");
CDATASection docCDATASection = doc.createCDATASection("<![CDATA[<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>]]>");
Comment docComment = doc.createComment("This should be a comment of some kind ");
EntityReference docReferenceEntity = doc.createEntityReference("ourEntityNode");
DTest make = new DTest();
Notation docNotation = make.createNotation(doc, "ourNotationNode");
// NotationImpl docNotation = new NotationImpl((DocumentImpl) doc, "ourNotationNode");//*****?
DocumentType docType = (DocumentType)doc.getFirstChild();
DocumentFragment docDocFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
// System.out.println("This document's first element name is " + docFirstElement.getTagName() + "\n");
//***********Following are for errorTests
Text docNode3 = doc.createTextNode(name + "docTextNode3");
Text docNode4 = doc.createTextNode(name + "docTextNode4");
Entity docEntity = (Entity) doc.getDoctype().getEntities().getNamedItem("ourEntityNode"); // Get the Entity node
DocumentType docDocType = (DocumentType) doc.getFirstChild(); // Get the DocumentType node
EntityReference entityReferenceText = (EntityReference) doc.getLastChild().getLastChild().getLastChild().getFirstChild();
Text entityReferenceText2 = doc.createTextNode("entityReferenceText information");
//************************************************* ERROR TESTS
DTest tests = new DTest();
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(document, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{docBody}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(docNode3, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{docNode4}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(doc, "insertBefore", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{docEntity, docFirstElement}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(doc, "replaceChild", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{docCDATASection, docFirstElement}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
docFirstElement.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(docFirstElement.getNodeValue() == null);
docReferenceEntity.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(docReferenceEntity.getNodeValue() == null);
docEntity.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(docEntity.getNodeValue() == null);
doc.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(doc.getNodeValue() == null);
docType.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(docType.getNodeValue() == null);
docDocFragment.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(docDocFragment.getNodeValue() == null);
docNotation.setNodeValue("This shouldn't do anything!");
OK &= Assertion.verify(docNotation.getNodeValue() == null);
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(docReferenceEntity, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{entityReferenceText2 }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(docBodyLevel32, "insertBefore", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{docTextNode11,docBody }, DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(docBodyLevel32, "removeChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{docFirstElement}, DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(docBodyLevel32, "replaceChild", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{docTextNode11,docFirstElement }, DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR ));
//!! Throws a NOT_FOUND_ERR ********
// docBodyLevel32.getAttributes().removeNamedItem(testAttribute.getName()); 16 // To test removeNamedItem
* version 3.0 01/25/99
* @return boolean
* @param node java.lang.Object
* @param mNameIndex int
* @param signatureIndex int
* @param parameters java.lang.Object[]
* @param code short
* @author Philip W. Davis
public static boolean DOMExceptionsTest(Object node, String methodName, Class[] methodSignature, Object[] parameters, short code) {
boolean asExpected = false;
Method method;
method = node.getClass().getMethod(methodName,methodSignature);
method.invoke(node, parameters);
}catch(InvocationTargetException exc)
Throwable realE = exc.getTargetException();
if(realE instanceof DOMException)
asExpected = (((DOMException)realE).code== code);
System.out.println("Wrong DOMException(" + ((DOMException)realE).code + ")");
System.out.println("Wrong Exception (" + code + ")");
System.out.println("Expected DOMException (" + code + ") not thrown");
}catch(Exception exc)
System.out.println("test invocation failure (" + exc + ")");
return (asExpected);
* @author Philip W. Davis
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
public void findTestNodes(Document document) {
Node node = document;
int nodeCount = 0;
// Walk the tree until you find and assign all node types needed that exist.
while (node != null && nodeCount < 12)
switch (node.getNodeType())
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
if (testElementNode == null) {testElementNode = (Element)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :
if (testAttributeNode == null) {testAttributeNode = (Attr)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE :
if (testTextNode == null) {testTextNode = (Text)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE :
if (testCDATASectionNode == null) {testCDATASectionNode = (CDATASection)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE :
if (testEntityReferenceNode == null) {testEntityReferenceNode = (EntityReference)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ENTITY_NODE :
if (testEntityNode == null) {testEntityNode = (Entity)node; nodeCount++;}
if (testProcessingInstructionNode == null) {testProcessingInstructionNode = (ProcessingInstruction)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.COMMENT_NODE :
if (testCommentNode == null) {testCommentNode = (Comment)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE :
if (testDocumentTypeNode == null) {testDocumentTypeNode = (DocumentType)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE :
if (testDocumentFragmentNode == null) {testDocumentFragmentNode = (DocumentFragment)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.NOTATION_NODE :
if (testNotationNode == null) {testNotationNode = (Notation)node; nodeCount++;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_NODE :
if (testDocumentNode == null) {testDocumentNode = (Document)node; nodeCount++;}
}// End of switch
}// End of while
* @author Philip W. Davis
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
public void findTestNodes(Node node) {
DTest test = new DTest();
Node kid;
// Walk the tree until you find and assign all node types needed that exist.
if (node.getFirstChild() != null)
kid = node.getFirstChild();
if (node.getNextSibling() != null)
kid = node.getNextSibling();
switch (node.getNodeType())
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
if (testElementNode == null) {testElementNode = (Element)node; }
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :
if (testAttributeNode == null) {testAttributeNode = (Attr)node; }
case org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE :
if (testTextNode == null) {testTextNode = (Text)node; }
case org.w3c.dom.Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE :
if (testCDATASectionNode == null) {testCDATASectionNode = (CDATASection)node; }
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE :
if (testEntityReferenceNode == null) {testEntityReferenceNode = (EntityReference)node;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ENTITY_NODE :
if (testEntityNode == null) {testEntityNode = (Entity)node;}
if (testProcessingInstructionNode == null) {testProcessingInstructionNode = (ProcessingInstruction)node;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.COMMENT_NODE :
if (testCommentNode == null) {testCommentNode = (Comment)node;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE :
if (testDocumentTypeNode == null) {testDocumentTypeNode = (DocumentType)node; }
case org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE :
if (testDocumentFragmentNode == null) {testDocumentFragmentNode = (DocumentFragment)node;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.NOTATION_NODE :
if (testNotationNode == null) {testNotationNode = (Notation)node;}
case org.w3c.dom.Node.DOCUMENT_NODE :
if (testDocumentNode == null) {testDocumentNode = (Document)node;}
}// End of switch
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @author Philip W. Davis
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("# main()");
DTest test = new DTest();
long avgTime = 0;
boolean OK = true;
long startTime = 0;//****************Time the whole thing for efficiency of DOM implementation
// for (int i=0; i< 1000; i++)
// {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// if(!OK)
// break;
Document d = test.createDocument();
// Document z = test.createDocument();
DocumentType docDocType = test.createDocumentType(d,"testDocument1");
Entity docEntity = test.createEntity( d, "ourEntityNode");
Text entityChildText = d.createTextNode("entityChildText information"); // Build a branch for entityReference tests
((org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl)docEntity).setReadOnly(false, true);
docEntity.appendChild(entityChildText); // & for READONLY_ERR tests
((org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl)docEntity).setReadOnly(true, true);
test.docBuilder(d, "d");
// test.docBuilder(z, "z");
try {
/**/ test.testAttr(d);
/**/ test.testDOMerrors(d);
//!! Throws WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR **********
// z.appendChild(d.createComment("Test doc d comment"));// Tries to append z document with document d comment
// d.getDocumentElement().appendChild(z.createElement("newZdocElement"));// Tries to append d document with document z Element
// d.getLastChild().getLastChild().insertBefore(z.createElement("newZdocElement"),d.getLastChild().getLastChild().getFirstChild());// Tries to insert into d document with document z Element
// d.replaceChild(z.createElement("newZdocElement"),d.getLastChild().getLastChild().getFirstChild()); // Tries to replace in d document with document z Element
/* Attribute newAttribute = d.createAttribute("newAttribute");
//!! Throws INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR **********
// ******This just gets us through each method. JKess has a comprehensive test of Invalid Names******
// d.createAttribute("Invalid Name"); // Name with blank space
// d.createElement("5InvalidName"); // Name starts with numeric
// d.createProcessingInstruction("This is the target processor channel","InvalidName>");// Name ends with >
// d.getDocumentElement().setAttribute("Invalid%Name",""); // Name contains %
//!! ******** NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR ********No cases to test as of 9/15
//!! ******** NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ******** When read only exists
//**** FOR Element when read only exists********
.removeAttribute("aString"); //***** Not until read only exists.
.removeAttributeNode(Attribute); //***** Not until read only exists.
.setAttribute("aString", "anotherString"); //***** Not until read only exists.
//**** FOR Node when read only exists********
.appendChild(aNode); //***** Not until read only exists.
.insertBefore(aNode, AnotherNode); //***** Not until read only exists.
.removeChild(aNode); //***** Not until read only exists.
.replaceChild(aNode); //***** Not until read only exists.
.splitText(2); //***** Not until read only exists.
.setNamedItem(Node); //***** Not until read only exists.
//!!******** NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ********For HTML when implemented
.createCDATASection("String stuff");
.createEntityReference("String stuff");
.createProcessingInstruction("String stuff", "Some more String stuff");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception is: ");
OK = false;
//System.err.println("Elapsed time (measured in seconds): " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0));
avgTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
// }//END OF FOR
// System.err.println("Elapsed time (measured in seconds): " +
// ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0));
// System.err.println("Elapsed time (measured in mili-seconds): " +
// ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)));
// System.err.println("Average Elapsed time (measured in seconds): " + (avgTime/10000000.0) );
* This method tests Attr methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testAttr(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node;
Attr attributeNode, attribute2;
String compare;
boolean T = true;
boolean F = false;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testAttr's outputs:\n");
Attr testAttribute = document.createAttribute("testAttribute");
testAttribute.setValue("testAttribute's value");
node = document.getDocumentElement(); // node gets first element
attributeNode = ((Element)node).getAttributeNode("testAttribute");
compare = "testAttribute";
if (!compare.equals(attributeNode.getName()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'getName' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
compare = "testAttribute's value";
if (!compare.equals(attributeNode.getNodeValue()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'getNodeValue' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
if (! T ==attributeNode.getSpecified())
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'getSpecified' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
if (!compare.equals(attributeNode.getValue()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'getValue' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
attributeNode.setNodeValue("Reset Value");
compare = "Reset Value";
if (!compare.equals(attributeNode.getNodeValue()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'setNodeValue' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
((org.apache.xerces.dom.AttrImpl)attributeNode).setSpecified(F);//***** How do we change this for external use??
if (! F ==attributeNode.getSpecified())
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'setSpecified' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
if (attributeNode.getValue().length() != 0)
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'setValue' to 'null' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
attributeNode.setValue("Another value ");
compare = "Another value ";
if (!compare.equals(attributeNode.getValue()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Attr's 'setValue' method failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
node = attributeNode.cloneNode(T);//*****?
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (! (node.getNodeName().equals(attributeNode.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && attributeNode.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(attributeNode.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
: (node.getNodeValue() == null && attributeNode.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the Attribute node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
//************************************************* ERROR TESTS
DTest tests = new DTest();
new Class[]{Node.class},
new Object[]{attributeNode},
attribute2 = document.createAttribute("testAttribute2");
new Class[]{Attr.class},
new Object[]{attribute2},
Element element = (Element)document.getLastChild().getLastChild();
// Tests setNamedItem
new Class[]{Attr.class},
new Object[]{testAttribute},
if (! OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Attr method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests CDATASection methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testCDATASection(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
boolean T = true;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testCDATASection's outputs:\n");
node = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel23").item(0).getFirstChild(); // node gets CDATASection node
node2 = node.cloneNode(T);//*****?
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (! (node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
: (node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null))) // If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the CDATASection node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
// For debugging***** println("All CDATASection method calls worked correctly.");
if (! OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The CDATASection method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests CharacterData methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testCharacterData(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
CharacterData charData;
String compareData, newData, resetData;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testCharacterData's outputs:\n");
charData = (CharacterData) document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel31").item(0).getFirstChild(); // charData gets textNode11
compareData = "dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode11";
if (!compareData.equals(charData.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'getData' failed to work properly!\n This may corrupt other CharacterData tests!!!*****");
OK = false;
resetData = charData.getData();
// println("This node's original data is: " + charData.getData());
newData = " This is new data for this node";
compareData = charData.getData() + newData;
if (!compareData.equals(charData.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'appendData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("This node's appended data is: " + charData.getData());
compareData = "dBodyLevel";
charData.deleteData(10, 100);
if (!compareData.equals(charData.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'deleteData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("This node's partially deleted data is: " + charData.getData());
int length = 10;
if (!(length == charData.getLength()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'getLength' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("This node's data length is: " + charData.getLength());
compareData = "dBody' This is data inserted into this node'Level";
charData.insertData(5, "' This is data inserted into this node'");
if (!compareData.equals(charData.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'insertData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("This node's updated with insert data is: " + charData.getData());
compareData = "dBody' This is ' replacement data'ted into this node'Level";
charData.replaceData(15, 10, "' replacement data'");
if (!compareData.equals(charData.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'replaceData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("This node's updated with replacement data is: " +charData.getData());
compareData = "New data A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789";
charData.setData("New data A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789");
if (!compareData.equals(charData.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'setData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("This node's new data via setData: " + charData.getData());
compareData = "123456789D123456789E123456789";
if (!compareData.equals(charData.substringData(30, 30)))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'substringData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("Using subString 30,30 you get:" + charData.substringData(30,30));
compareData = "New data A123456789B12345";
if (!compareData.equals(charData.substringData(0, 25)))
System.out.println("Warning!!! CharacterData's 'substringData' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// println("Using subString 0,25 you get:" + charData.substringData(0,25));
//************************************************* ERROR TESTS
DTest tests = new DTest();
//!! Throws INDEX_SIZE_ERR ********************
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "deleteData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(-1),new Integer(5) }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "deleteData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(2),new Integer(-1) }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "deleteData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(100),new Integer(5) }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "insertData", new Class[]{int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(-1),"Stuff inserted" }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "insertData", new Class[]{int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(100),"Stuff inserted" }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "replaceData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(-1),new Integer(5),"Replacement stuff" }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "replaceData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(100),new Integer(5),"Replacement stuff" }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "replaceData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(2),new Integer(-1),"Replacement stuff" }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "substringData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(-1),new Integer(5) }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "substringData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(100),new Integer(5) }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(charData, "substringData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(2),new Integer(-1) }, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR ));
Node node = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel24").item(0).getFirstChild().getChildNodes().item(0); // node gets ourEntityReference node's child text
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(node, "appendData", new Class[]{String.class},
new Object[]{"new data" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(node, "deleteData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(5),new Integer(10) }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(node, "insertData", new Class[]{int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(5),"Stuff inserted" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(node, "replaceData", new Class[]{int.class, int.class, String.class},
new Object[]{new Integer(5),new Integer(10),"Replacementstuff" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(node, "setData", new Class[]{String.class},
new Object[]{"New setdata stuff"}, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
// For debugging***** println("All CharacterData method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The CharacterData method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
charData.setData(resetData); // reset node to original data
// println("");
* This method tests ChildNodeList methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testChildNodeList(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testChildNodeList's outputs:\n");
node = document.getDocumentElement().getLastChild(); // node gets doc's testBody element
if (!(node.getChildNodes().getLength()== 4))
OK = false;
node2 = node.getChildNodes().item(2);
if (! node2.getNodeName().equals("dBodyLevel23"))
OK = false;
// For debugging***** println("All ChildNodeList method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The ChildNodeList method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Comment methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 1.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testComment(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
boolean T = true;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testComment's outputs:\n");
node = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel31").item(0).getFirstChild(); // node gets textNode11
node2 = node.cloneNode(T);
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
: (node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null))) // If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
//println("'cloneNode' did not clone the Comment node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
if (OK)
// For debugging***** println("All Comment method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Comment method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests DeepNodeList methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testDeepNodeList(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testDeepNodeList's outputs:\n");
node = document.getLastChild().getLastChild(); // node gets docBody element
if (!(8 == ((Element) node).getElementsByTagName("*").getLength()))
System.out.println ("Warning!!! DeepNodeList's 'getLength' failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
node2 = ((Element) node).getElementsByTagName("*").item(2); //This also runs through 'nextMatchingElementAfter"
if (! node2.getNodeName().equals("dBodyLevel32"))
System.out.println ("Warning!!! DeepNodeList's 'item' (or Element's 'getElementsBy TagName)failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
node2 = document.getLastChild();
if (! ((Element) node2).getElementsByTagName("dTestBody").item(0).getNodeName().equals("dTestBody"))//This also runs through 'nextMatchingElementAfter"
System.out.println ("Warning!!! DeepNodeList's 'item' (or Element's 'getElementsBy TagName)failed to work properly!");
OK = false;
// For debugging***** println("All DeepNodeList method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The DeepNodeList method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Document methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
**** ALL Document create methods are run in docBuilder except createAttribute which is in testAttribute**
public void testDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
DTest make = new DTest();
DocumentFragment docFragment, docFragment2;
Element newElement;
Node node, node2;
String[] elementNames = {"dFirstElement", "dTestBody", "dBodyLevel21","dBodyLevel31","dBodyLevel32",
String[] newElementNames = {"dFirstElement", "dTestBody", "dBodyLevel22","dBodyLevel33","dBodyLevel34","dBodyLevel23"};
boolean result;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testDocument's outputs:\n ");
DocumentType checkDocType = make.createDocumentType(document,"testDocument1");
DocumentType docType = document.getDoctype();
if (! (checkDocType.getNodeName().equals(docType.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(checkDocType.getNodeValue() != null && docType.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? checkDocType.getNodeValue().equals(docType.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
: (checkDocType.getNodeValue() == null && docType.getNodeValue() == null))) // If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("Warning!!! Document's 'getDocType method failed!" );
OK = false;
Node rootElement = document.getLastChild();
if (! (rootElement.getNodeName().equals(document.getDocumentElement().getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(rootElement.getNodeValue() != null && document.getDocumentElement().getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? rootElement.getNodeValue().equals(document.getDocumentElement().getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
: (rootElement.getNodeValue() == null && document.getDocumentElement().getNodeValue() == null))) // If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("Warning!!! Document's 'getDocumentElement' method failed!" );
OK = false;
NodeList docElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
int docSize = docElements.getLength();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < docSize; i++)
Node n = (Node) docElements.item(i);
if (! (elementNames[i].equals(n.getNodeName())))
System.out.println("Comparison of this document's elements failed at element number " + i + " : " + n.getNodeName());
OK = false;
if (document.equals(document.getImplementation()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Document's 'getImplementation' method failed!" );
OK = false;
newElement = document.createElement("NewElementTestsInsertBefore");
// doc.insertBefore(newElement,null);//!! Throws a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR *******
// doc.removeChild(docElements.item(9));//!! Throws a NOT_FOUND_ERR ********
docFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
//Tests removeChild and stores removed branch for tree reconstruction
docFragment2 = document.createDocumentFragment();
//Tests removeChild and stores removed branch for tree reconstruction
docSize = docElements.getLength();
for (i = 0; i < docSize; i++)
Node n = (Node) docElements.item(i);
if (! (newElementNames[i].equals(n.getNodeName())))
System.out.println("Comparison of new document's elements failed at element number " + i + " : " + n.getNodeName());
OK = false;
docElements.item(1).insertBefore(docFragment, null); //Reattaches removed branch to restore tree to the original
docElements.item(1).insertBefore(docFragment2, docElements.item(2)); //Reattaches removed branch to restore tree to the original
// println(docElements.item(2).getNodeName());
docSize = docElements.getLength();
for (i = 0; i < docSize; i++)
Node n = (Node) docElements.item(i);
if (! (elementNames[i].equals(n.getNodeName())))
System.out.println("Comparison of restored document's elements failed at element number " + i + " : " + n.getNodeName());
OK = false;
DTest tests = new DTest();
// Document z = tests.createDocument();
// tests.docBuilder(z, "z");
//!! Throws WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR **********
// OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(z, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{doc.createComment("Test doc d comment")}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
// z.appendChild(d.createComment("Test doc d comment"));// Tries to append z document with document d comment
// d.getDocumentElement().appendChild(z.createElement("newZdocElement"));// Tries to append d document with document z Element
// d.getLastChild().getLastChild().insertBefore(z.createElement("newZdocElement"),d.getLastChild().getLastChild().getFirstChild());// Tries to insert into d document with document z Element
// d.replaceChild(z.createElement("newZdocElement"),d.getLastChild().getLastChild().getFirstChild()); // Tries to replace in d document with document z Element
// doc.setNodeValue("This shouldn't work");//!! Throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ********
node = document;
node2 = document.cloneNode(true);
result = treeCompare(node, node2); // Deep clone test comparison of document cloneNode
if (!result)
System.out.println("Warning!!! Deep clone of the document failed!");
OK = false;
// check on the ownerDocument of the cloned nodes
Document doc2 = (Document) node2;
Assertion.verify(doc2.getDocumentElement().getOwnerDocument() == doc2);
// Deep clone test comparison is also in testNode
// try adding a new element to the cloned document
node2 = doc2.createElement("foo");
// For debugging***** println("All Document method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Document method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests DocumentFragment methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
********This really isn't needed, only exists to throw NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ********
public void testDocumentFragment(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testDocumentFragment's outputs:\n");
DocumentFragment testDocFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
// testDocFragment.setNodeValue("This is a document fragment!");//!! Throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ********
// For debugging***** println("All DocumentFragment method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The DocumentFragment method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests DocumentType methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testDocumentType(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
DTest test = new DTest();
DocumentType docType, holdDocType;
NamedNodeMap docEntityMap, docNotationMap;
Node node, node2;
String compare;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testDocumentType's outputs:\n");
DocumentType newDocumentType = test.createDocumentType(document, "TestDocument");
node = document.getFirstChild(); // node gets doc's docType node
node2 = node.cloneNode(true);
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (! (node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
: (node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the DocumentType node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
docType = (DocumentType) document.getFirstChild();
compare = "ourEntityNode";
docEntityMap = docType.getEntities();
if (! compare.equals(docEntityMap.item(0).getNodeName()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! DocumentType's 'getEntities' failed!" );
OK = false;
docNotationMap = docType.getNotations();
compare = "ourNotationNode";
if (! compare.equals(docNotationMap.item(0).getNodeName()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! DocumentType's 'getNotations' failed!");
OK = false;
// doc.appendChild(newDocumentTypeImpl);//!! Throws a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR *******
holdDocType = (DocumentType) document.removeChild(document.getFirstChild()); //Tests removeChild and stores removed branch for tree reconstruction
document.insertBefore(newDocumentType, document.getDocumentElement());
//** Other aspects of insertBefore are tested in docBuilder through appendChild*
document.removeChild(document.getFirstChild()); //Removes newDocumentType for tree restoral
document.insertBefore(holdDocType, document.getFirstChild()); //Reattaches removed branch to restore tree to the original
// For debugging***** println("All DocumentType method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The DocumentType method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* @author Philip W. Davis
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
public void testDOMerrors(Document document) {
boolean OK = true;
DTest tests = new DTest();
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(document, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{testElementNode}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.verify(DTest.DOMExceptionsTest(testTextNode, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{testTextNode}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
// OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(document, "insertBefore", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{document.getElementsByTagName("docEntity").item(0), document.getElementsByTagName("docFirstElement").item(0)}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
// OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(document, "replaceChild", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{document.getElementsByTagName("docCDATASection").item(0), document.getElementsByTagName("docFirstElement").item(0)}, DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ));
// OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(document.getElementsByTagName("docFirstElement").item(0), "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
/* OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docReferenceEntity, "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docEntity, "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(document, "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docDocType, "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docDocFragment, "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docNotation, "setNodeValue", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"This shouldn't work!" }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docReferenceEntity, "appendChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{entityReferenceText2 }, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docBodyLevel32, "insertBefore", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{docTextNode11,docBody }, DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docBodyLevel32, "removeChild", new Class[]{Node.class}, new Object[]{docFirstElement}, DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR ));
OK &= Assertion.assert(tests.DOMExceptionsTest(docBodyLevel32, "replaceChild", new Class[]{Node.class, Node.class}, new Object[]{docTextNode11,docFirstElement }, DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR ));
//!! Throws a NOT_FOUND_ERR ********
// docBodyLevel32.getAttributes().removeNamedItem(testAttribute.getName()); 16 // To test removeNamedItem
* This method tests DOMImplementation methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testDOMImplementation(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
DOMImplementation implementation;
boolean result = false;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testDOMImplementation's outputs:\n");
implementation = document.getImplementation(); //Uses getDOMImplementation to obtain implementation
result = implementation.hasFeature("XML", "1.0");
System.out.println("Warning!!! DOMImplementation's 'hasFeature' that should be 'true' failed!");
OK = false;
result = implementation.hasFeature("HTML", "4.0");
System.out.println("Warning!!! DOMImplementation's 'hasFeature' that should be 'false' failed!");
OK = false;
// For debugging***** println("All DOMImplementation method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The DOMImplementation method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Element methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testElement(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Attr attributeNode, newAttributeNode;
Element element, element2;
Node node, node2;
String attribute, compare;
String[] attributeCompare = {"AnotherFirstElementAttribute", "dFirstElement", "testAttribute"};
String[] elementNames = {"dFirstElement", "dTestBody", "dBodyLevel21","dBodyLevel31","dBodyLevel32",
String[] textCompare = {"dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode11", "dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode12", "dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode13"};
NamedNodeMap nodeMap;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testElement's outputs:\n");
node = document.getDocumentElement(); // node gets doc's firstElement
node2 = node.cloneNode(true);
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
:(node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the Element node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
element = document.getDocumentElement(); // element gets doc's firstElement
compare = "";
attribute = element.getAttribute(document + "'s test attribute");
if (! compare.equals(element.getAttribute(document + "'s test attribute")))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Element's 'getAttribute' failed!");
OK = false;
attributeNode = element.getAttributeNode(document + "FirstElement");
if(! (attributeNode == null))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Element's 'getAttributeNode' failed! It should have returned 'null' here!");
OK = false;
newAttributeNode = document.createAttribute("AnotherFirstElementAttribute");
newAttributeNode.setValue("A new attribute which helps test calls in Element");
nodeMap = element.getAttributes();
int size = nodeMap.getLength();
int k;
for (k = 0; k < size; k++)
Node n = (Node) nodeMap.item(k);
if (! (attributeCompare[k].equals(n.getNodeName())))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Comparison of firstElement's attributes failed at attribute #"+ (k+1) +" " + n.getNodeValue());
System.out.println("This failure can be a result of Element's 'setValue' and/or 'setAttributeNode' and/or 'getAttributes' failing.");
OK = false;
// println("firstElement's attribute number " + k + " : " + n.getNodeName());
NodeList docElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
int docSize = docElements.getLength();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < docSize; i++)
Node n = (Node) docElements.item(i);
if (! (elementNames[i].equals(n.getNodeName())))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Comparison of Element's 'getElementsByTagName' and/or 'item' failed at element number "
+ i + " : " + n.getNodeName());
OK = false;
// println("docElement's number " + i + " is: " + n.getNodeName());
element = (Element) document.getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel21").item(0); // element gets Element test BodyLevel21
element2 = (Element) document.getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel31").item(0); // element2 gets Element test BodyLevel31
NodeList text = ((Node) element2).getChildNodes();
int textSize = text.getLength();
int j;
for (j = 0; j < textSize; j++)
Node n = (Node) text.item(j);
if (! (textCompare[j].equals(n.getNodeValue())))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Comparison of original text nodes via Node 'getChildNodes' & NodeList 'item'"
+ "failed at text node: #" + j +" " + n.getNodeValue());
OK = false;
// println("Element testBodyLevel31's child text node " + j + " is: " + n.getNodeValue());
element = document.getDocumentElement(); // element gets doc's firstElement
element.normalize(); // Concatenates all adjacent text nodes in this element's subtree
NodeList text2 = ((Node) element2).getChildNodes();
compare = "dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode11dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode12dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode13";
Node n = (Node) text2.item(0);
if (! (compare.equals(n.getNodeValue())))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Comparison of concatenated text nodes created by Element's 'normalize' failed!");
OK = false;
element.setAttribute("FirstElementLastAttribute", "More attribute stuff for firstElement!!");
// doc.getLastChild().setNodeValue("This shouldn't work");//!! Throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR***
// For debugging***** println("All Element method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Element method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Entity methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testEntity(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Entity entity;
Node node, node2;
boolean OK = true;
String compare;
// For debugging***** println("\n testEntity's outputs:\n");
entity = (Entity) document.getDoctype().getEntities().getNamedItem("ourEntityNode");
node = entity;
node2 = entity.cloneNode(true);
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) ? // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) : // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
(node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null))) // If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("Warning!!! 'cloneNode' did not clone the Entity node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
((org.apache.xerces.dom.EntityImpl) entity).setNotationName("testNotationName");
compare = "testNotationName";
if(! compare.equals(entity.getNotationName()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Entity's 'setNotationName' and/or getNotationName' failed!");
OK = false;
((org.apache.xerces.dom.EntityImpl) entity).setPublicId("testPublicId");
compare = "testPublicId";
if(! compare.equals(entity.getPublicId()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Entity's 'setPublicId' and/or getPublicId' failed!");
OK = false;
((org.apache.xerces.dom.EntityImpl) entity).setSystemId("testSystemId");
compare = "testSystemId";
if(! compare.equals(entity.getSystemId()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Entity's 'setSystemId' and/or getSystemId' failed!");
OK = false;
// entity.setNodeValue("This shouldn't work");//!! Throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ********
// For debugging***** println("All Entity method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Entity method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests EntityReference methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testEntityReference(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
EntityReference entityReference;
Node node, node2;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testEntityReference's outputs:\n");
entityReference = (EntityReference) document.getLastChild().getLastChild().getLastChild().getFirstChild();
node = entityReference;
node2 = node.cloneNode(true);
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
:(node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the EntityReference node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
// entityReference.setNodeValue("This shouldn't work");//!! Throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ********
// For debugging***** println("All EntityReference method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The EntityReference method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Node methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
********* This is only for a test of cloneNode "deep"*******
********* And for error tests*********
public void testNode(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
boolean result;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testNode's outputs:\n");
node = document.getDocumentElement();
node2 = node.cloneNode(true);
result = treeCompare(node, node2); // Deep clone test of cloneNode
if (result)
//println("'cloneNode' successfully cloned this whole node tree (deep)!");
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not successfully clone this whole node tree (deep)!");
OK = false;
//!! The following gives a did not clone successfully message*********
node = document.getDocumentElement();
node2 = node.getFirstChild();
result = treeCompare(node, node2);
if (!result)
//println("'cloneNode' did not successfully clone this whole node tree (deep)!");
System.out.println("'cloneNode' was supposed to fail here, either it or 'treeCompare' failed!!!");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test also in testDocument
// For debugging***** println("All Node method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Node method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Notation methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testNotation(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
Notation notation;
boolean OK = true;
String compare;
// For debugging***** println("\n testNotation's outputs:\n");
notation = (Notation) document.getDoctype().getNotations().getNamedItem("ourNotationNode");
node = notation;
node2 = notation.cloneNode(true);//*****?
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
:(node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the Notation node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
((org.apache.xerces.dom.NotationImpl) notation).setPublicId("testPublicId");//*****?
compare = "testPublicId";
if (!compare.equals(notation.getPublicId()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Notation's 'getPublicId' failed!");
OK = false;
((org.apache.xerces.dom.NotationImpl) notation).setSystemId("testSystemId");//*****?
compare = "testSystemId";
if (! compare.equals(notation.getSystemId()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! Notation's 'getSystemId' failed!");
OK = false;
// notation.setNodeValue("This shouldn't work");//!! Throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ********
// For debugging***** println("All Notation method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Notation method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests ProcessingInstruction methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testPI(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
ProcessingInstruction pI, pI2;
String compare;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testPI's outputs:\n");
pI = (ProcessingInstruction) document.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild();// Get doc's ProcessingInstruction
pI2 = (org.apache.xerces.dom.ProcessingInstructionImpl) pI.cloneNode(true);//*****?
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(pI.getNodeName().equals(pI2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(pI.getNodeValue() != null && pI2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? pI.getNodeValue().equals(pI2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
:(pI.getNodeValue() == null && pI2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the Entity node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
compare = "This is [#document: null]'s processing instruction";
if (! compare.equals(pI.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! PI's 'getData' failed!");
OK = false;
pI.setData("PI's reset data");
compare = "PI's reset data";
if (! compare.equals(pI.getData()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! PI's 'setData' failed!");
OK = false;
compare = "dTargetProcessorChannel";
if (! compare.equals(pI.getTarget()))
System.out.println("Warning!!! PI's 'getTarget' failed!");
OK = false;
// For debugging***** println("All PI method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The PI method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* This method tests Text methods for the XML DOM implementation
* version 2.0 10/12/98
* @param document org.w3c.dom.Document
* @author Philip W. Davis
public void testText(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Node node, node2;
Text text;
String compare;
boolean OK = true;
// For debugging***** println("\n testText's outputs:\n");
node = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("dBodyLevel31").item(0).getFirstChild(); // charData gets textNode11
text = (Text) node;
node2 = node.cloneNode(true);//*****?
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
:(node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
System.out.println("'cloneNode' did not clone the Text node correctly");
OK = false;
// Deep clone test comparison is in testNode & testDocument
compare = "dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNo"; // Three original text nodes were concatenated by 'normalize' in testElement
if (! compare.equals(text.getNodeValue()))
System.out.println("First part of Text's split text failed!" );
OK = false;
compare = "de11dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode12dBodyLevel31'sChildTextNode13";// Three original text nodes were concatenated by 'normalize' in testElement
if (! compare.equals(text.getNextSibling().getNodeValue()))
System.out.println("The second part of Text's split text failed!") ;
OK = false;
//************************************************* ERROR TESTS
DTest tests = new DTest();
//!! Throws INDEX_SIZE_ERR ********************
// text.splitText(-1);
// text.splitText(100);
// For debugging***** println("All Text method calls worked correctly.");
if (!OK)
System.out.println("\n*****The Text method calls listed above failed, all others worked correctly.*****");
// println("");
* @param node org.w3c.dom.Node
* @param node2 org.w3c.dom.Node
* @author Philip W. Davis
public boolean treeCompare(Node node, Node node2)
boolean answer = true;
Node kid, kid2; // Check the subtree for equality
kid = node.getFirstChild();
kid2 = node2.getFirstChild();
if (kid != null && kid2 != null)
answer = treeCompare(kid, kid2);
if (!answer)
return answer;
if (kid.getNextSibling() != null && kid2.getNextSibling() != null)
while (kid.getNextSibling() != null && kid2.getNextSibling() != null)
answer = treeCompare(kid.getNextSibling(), kid2.getNextSibling());
if (!answer)
return answer;
kid = kid.getNextSibling();
kid2 = kid2.getNextSibling();
} else
if (!(kid.getNextSibling() == null && kid2.getNextSibling() == null))
return false;
} else
if (kid != kid2)
return false;
// Check nodes for equality, both their name and value or lack thereof
if (!(node.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()) && // Compares node names for equality
(node.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() != null) // Checks to make sure each node has a value node
? node.getNodeValue().equals(node2.getNodeValue()) // If both have value nodes test those value nodes for equality
:(node.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null)))// If one node doesn't have a value node make sure both don't
return false; // Return false if "any" of the above conditions are false
return answer;