blob: c09624035a7c88d67d428c078c4ede3474463765 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns="default namespace" xmlns:s="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- xmlns is removed during the modifications -->
<empty xmlns="">
<elem xmlns="newURI"><a/></elem>
<!-- both first and second "elem" elements have xmlns="" declaration -->
<empty xmlns="">
<elem xmlns=""/>
<elem xmlns="newURI"><a/></elem>
<!-- the second element "good" had declaration xmlns:n1="" -->
<x xmlns="" xmlns:n1="">
<good a="1" b="2"/>
<good a="1" n1:a="2" xmlns:n1=""/>
<!--attributes: make sure that NS* prefix is created-->
<root xmlns="" xmlns:xx="foo" xmlns:NS1="http://rsa2" NS1:attr="value"/>
<!--add element in the same scope-->
<!--add element with s bound to different namespace-->
<s:child2 xmlns:s="http://child2"/>
<!--add element with no prefix bound to different scope than default prefix-->
<child3 xmlns="http://child3/default"/>
<!--add element no prefix no namespace-->
<child4 xmlns=""/>
<!--make sure only one 'xmlns:m1'declaration appears not several-->
<m1:root xmlns:m1="http://rsa"><m1:e1 m1:a1="v" xmlns:m2="http://rsa2" m2:a2="v"/></m1:root>
<!--create element: prefix bound to http://child7, local declaration of xmlns:prefix = http://child8-->
<prefix:child7 xmlns:prefix="http://child7"/>
<!--add child5, uri=null, xmlns:p=emptyStr (invalid)-->
<child5 xmlns=""/>
<!--create element: with 2 xmlns-->
<child6 xmlns="http://child6"/>
1) attr3 (with no prefix) and bound to http://attr3 (that is not declared).
2) attr1 attribute with null namespace
3) attr2 with declared s - no change
<s:testAttributes attr1="" xmlns:NS1="http://attr3" NS1:attr3="" s:attr2=""/>
1) attr_B with no prefix and http://attr_B
2) attr_A had no prefix and http://attr_A. There is local default decl bound to the same namespace-->
<s:testAttributes2 xmlns:NS1="http://attr_A" NS1:attr_A="" xmlns:NS2="http://attr_B" NS2:attr_B="" xmlns="http://attr_A"/>