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<title>Xerces 2 | Architecture</title>
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<a name='TOP'></a>
<h1>Xerces2 Architecture</h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<li><a href='#Overview'>Overview</a></li>
<li><a href='#DocumentInformation'>Document Information</a></li>
<a href='#ParserConfiguration'>Parser Configuration</a>
<li><a href='#Configuration.FeaturesAndProperties'>Features &amp; Properties</a></li>
<li><a href='#Configuration.SettingsManagement'>Settings Management</a></li>
<a name='Overview'></a>
The Xerces Native Interface (XNI) is a framework for communicating
a "streaming" document information set and constructing generic parser
configurations. XNI is part of the Xerces2 development but it is
important to note that the Xerces2 parser is just a standards compliant
reference implementation of the Xerces Native Interface. Other parsers
can be written that conform to XNI without conforming to any particular
<a name='DocumentInformation'></a>
<h2>Document Information</h2>
An XML parser can be viewed as a pipeline in which information flows
from a scanner to a validator to the parser. In this pipeline, one
component (the scanner) acts as a source of events; the final component
(the parser) is the final target of the events; and any components
between the source and target are known as filters. Filter components
are both targets for the information sent by the previous component in
the pipeline and sources for the information that the filter chooses to
propagate to the next component in the pipeline. The following diagram
illustrates the layout of the pipeline in this kind of parser.
<table border='2' cellpadding='10' cellspacing='0'>
<tr class='diagram'>
<table cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0'>
<tr class='diagram'>
<td class='diagram'>XML<br>Document</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component'>Scanner</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component'>Validator</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component'>Parser</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='diagram'>Application<br>API</td>
Parsing of DTDs can also be viewed as a pipeline. Since the
DTD is referenced in the document instance by XML syntax
(the DOCTYPE declaration), the DTD pipeline is triggered by
the document scanner. This contrasts with XML Schema because
there is no XML syntax that associates a Schema grammar with
a document; a special attribute in the document instance is
used as a <em>hint</em> to the location of the grammar. The
following diagram illustrates the layout of the DTD pipeline.
<table border='2' cellpadding='10' cellspacing='0'>
<tr class='diagram'>
<table cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0'>
<tr class='diagram'>
<td class='diagram'>DTD<br>Document</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component'>DTD<br>Scanner</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component' rowspan='3'>Validator</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component'>Parser</td>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='diagram'>Application<br>API</td>
<tr class='diagram'>
<td><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='component'>DTD<br>Grammar</td>
Note that the DTD scanner communicates directly with the validator.
The validator receives the callbacks from the DTD scanner in order
to create and populate the DTD grammar object. In this way, the
validator acts as a "tee", propogating the DTD events to both
the next stage in the pipeline and the DTD grammar object. This
allows the validation stage in the pipeline to be completely
removed from the parser configuration, if needed.
The XML document information is defined by the
<code><a href='design.html#XMLDocumentHandler'>XMLDocumentHandler</a></code>
interface and the DTD information is defined by the
<code><a href='design.html#XMLDTDHandler'>XMLDTDHandler</a></code>
<code><a href='design.html#XMLDTDContentModelHandler'>XMLDTDContentModelHandler</a></code>
(Note: As of 10 Apr 2001, the DTD interfaces are subject to change
based on user feedback.)
This set of interfaces and supporting interfaces and classes
comprise the XNI Core. However, whereas the XNI Core defines what
information document and DTD is communicated but does not define
the semantics for configuring the parser pipeline.
<a name='ParserConfiguration'></a>
<h2>Parser Configuration</h2>
In the XNI world, a parser object used by an application is merely an
API generator (e.g. building DOM trees or calling SAX handlers). The
components and configuration information for that parser is defined
within a parser configuration object. With this approach, different
parser configurations can be used with the existing parser instances
without duplicating code.
The parser configuration object, defined by the
<code><a href='design.html#XMLParserConfiguration'>XMLParserConfiguration</a></code>
interface, that is used by the application is comprised of a series of
components. The parser configuration assembles the parsing pipeline
components, transmits settings to each component, and controls their
actions. The following diagram shows a general parser configuration
and its components. (No ordering or direct connection between
components should be implied.)
<table border='2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='7'>
<tr class='diagram'>
<table border='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='5'>
<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
<th class='manager' colspan='9'>Parser Configuration</th>
<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
<td class='non-config-component'>Symbol<br>Table</td>
<td class='non-config-component'>Grammar<br>Pool</td>
<td class='non-config-component'>Datatype<br>Validator<br>Factory</td>
<td class='config-component'>Error<br>Reporter</td>
<td class='config-component'>Entity<br>Manager</td>
<td class='config-component'>Document<br>Scanner</td>
<td class='config-component'>DTD<br>Scanner</td>
<td class='config-component'>Validator</td>
The workings of the parser configuration object are unknown to
the parser. The parser is only able to set features and properties
on the configuration, set the XNI handlers to receive the document
information, and initiate a parse. Typically the parser object
itself will be registered as the target of XNI events produced
from the parser configuration when a document is parsed, but it
doesn't have to be. The following diagram illustrates this
<table border='2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='7'>
<tr class='diagram'>
<table border='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='5'>
<tr align='center' valign='top'>
<th class='parser' colspan='9' rowspan='2'>
<table border='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='5'>
<th class='pipeline'>
<em>Parser Configuration Pipeline</em>
<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'>
<td class='config-component'>Scanner</td>
<td valign='center'><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td class='config-component'>Validator</td>
<td valign='center'><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<td valign='center'><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<th class='parser'>DOM<br>Parser</th>
<tr align='center' valign='top'>
<td valign='center'><img alt='--&gt;' src='images/arrow-right.gif'></td>
<th class='parser'>SAX<br>Parser</th>
<a name='Configuration.FeaturesAndProperties'></a>
<h3>Features &amp; Properties</h3>
Features and properties are provided via the extensible mechanism
found in SAX2. Features are boolean settings on the parser
configuration while properties are object settings. There are a
number of SAX2 core features and properties but XNI parser components
are free to define new ones. All of the features and properties are
managed by the parser configuration, though.
<em>TODO:</em> Expand on how features and properties are set, when,
and by who.
<a name='Configuration.SettingsManagement'></a>
<h3>Settings Management</h3>
The parser configuration implements the
<code><a href='design.html#XMLComponentManager'>XMLComponentManager</a></code>
interface and each component implements the
<code><a href='design.html#XMLComponent'>XMLComponent</a></code>
interface. For this configuration system to work, the parser
configuration must adhere to the following guidelines:
<span class='netscape'>
Before each parse, the parser configuration <strong>must</strong>
call the <code>reset</code> method on each configurable component.
This call allows each component to query the state of only
those features and properties that are important to the operation
of the component.
Any time that the application sets a feature or property on the
parser <em>during a parse</em>, the parser configuration
<strong>must</strong> pass those settings to each configurable
component. This is important because configuration settings can
change while parsing an XML document and those settings may
directly affect the operation of components. But this does
<em>not</em> need to be done before or after a parse because
each component will query settings during the call to
<a name='BOTTOM'></a>
<span class='netscape'>
Author: Andy Clark <br>
Last modified: $Date$