blob: 16cfb72f59464be5eff453380af7ee28d64f6998 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="Releases Archive">
<s2 title="Release Information of earlier releases">
<li><link anchor="Release200">Release Information of &XercesCName; 2.0.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release170">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.7.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release160">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.6.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release152">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.5.2</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release151">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.5.1</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release150">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.5.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release140">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.4.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release130">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.3.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release120">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.2.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release110">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.1.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release101">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.0.1</link></li>
<li><link anchor="Release100">Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.0.0</link></li>
<li><link anchor="ReleaseBETA">Release Information of &XercesCName; BETA</link></li>
<anchor name="Release200"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 2.0.0: July 23, 2002">
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 10968] Default attributes from Schema not restored by removeAttribute.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Feature to control strict IANA encoding name.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 9707] config.guess out of date. From AutoConf dated July 18, 2002, CVS Tag AUTOCONF-2_53b.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add Win64 to Windows VC6 Project files
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 6070] warning unused variable in HandlerBase.hpp.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 6576] Exception on processing UTF-16 InputSource buffer with set encoding.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 6590] Improper Internal subset filling.
<td>Alberto Massari</td>
<td>[Bug 7458] Schema validator does not automatically associate the xml prefix
to the "" URI.
<td>Case Larsen</td>
<td>[Bug 9502] purify UMR in DocumentImpl::DocumentImpl.
<td>Case Larsen</td>
<td>[Bug 9553] purify UMR in XMLRecognizer::basicEncodingProbe.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 10651] CMStateSet.hpp includes both memory.h and string.h.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 10648] DOMDocumentImpl misaligned allocations on machines with a 64 bits 'long' type.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM Level 3 C++ Binding.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: DOMText::getIsWhitespaceInElementContent, DOMDocument::set/getStrictErrorChecking.
<td>Robert Buck</td>
<td>[Bug 10834] Update version header to handle two digit revision and patch levels.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Grammar caching/preparsing.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add getRootGrammar and modify SEnumVal.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add some support for testing of Mac OS X builds with GCC3 compiler.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>[Bug 10649] XercesDefs.hpp and AutoSense.hpp assume CodeWarrior is MacOS.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Enable embedded path link option in HP.
<td>Robert Buck</td>
<td>[Bug 9154] Requesting Xerces Version Macro.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 10525] runConfigure fails to recognize '-d' flag.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>[Bug 10250]: Implementation of new platform methods in FreeBSD.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 9788] VecAttrListImpl::getValue skips prefix if SAX namespace validation is on.
<td>Robert Buck</td>
<td>[Bug 10065] xml4com bugs found when porting to Visual Studio .NET project files.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 10105] Exception in parse() despite setErrorHandler().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 10119] Grammar::getGrammarType need a const modifier.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>[Bug 10252] Modify FreeBSD build environment for the samples.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 10482] XMLUri crashes with empty fragment.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>[Bug 10253] Bugfix for the IconvFBSD transcoder.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 10336] Error in Error Message (set 3, #56, English).
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add DOMDocument::renameNode.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add DOMNode::isSameNode and DOMNode::isEqualNode.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add "adoptDocument" to XercesDOMParser so that document can optionally live outside the parser.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 7675] IDOM memory management problem.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM C++ Binding: add function release().
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Support CodeWarrior 8.
(Important Note: Since Codewarrior 8 at long last supports HFS+ long file
names, these projects now directly reference the src/xercesc files instead of
the previously shortened file names in the MacSrc directory. With CodeWarrior
8 and these projects it is no longer necessary to run the perl script to generate that MacSrc directory.)
<td>Robert Buck</td>
<td>[Bug 10067] SEnumVal bugs found when porting to Visual Studio .NET.
<td>Robert Buck</td>
<td>[Bug 10180] New Visual Studio .NET Project Files.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add Wrapper4DOMInputSource and Wrapper4InputSource.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>DOM L3: Modify DOMCount to modify DOMBuilder.
<td>Peter A. Volchek</td>
<td>Bug#9950: Compilation error on MSVC5.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add feature "", and users should
use setFeature instead of setValidationConstraintFatal in SAX2XMLReader.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add feature "", and users should
use setFeature instead of setExitOnFirstFatalError in SAX2XMLReader.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Name Xerces features as XMLUni::fgXercesXXXX instead of XMLUni::fgSAX2XercesXXXX
so that they can be shared with DOM parser.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Build 64bit production on Itaniums platform (Windows and Linux) using Intel Compiler.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add DOMUserDataHandler, DOMNode::set/getUserData.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix: Thread-safety in DOMString. The reference or update to DOMString::gLiveStringHandleCount should be synchronized (locked).
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add Entity::get/setActualEncoding, get/setEncoding, get/setVersion.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add Document::get/setActualEncoding, get/setEncoding, get/setVersion, get/setStandalone, get/setDocumentURI.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add DOMImplementationRegistry and DOMImplementationSource.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add feature to
optionally ignore external DTD.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add DOMInputSource, DOMEntityResolver, DOMImplementationLS and DOMBuilder.
<td>Gereon Steffens</td>
<td>[Bug 9489] Malformed HTTP GET Requests in UnixHTTPUrlInputStream.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>DOM L3: Modify DOMPrint to use DOMWriter.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add DOMWriter, DOMWriterFilter, LocalFileFormatTarget, StdOutFormatTarget, and MemBufFormatTarget.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 9104] prefixes dissapearing when schema validation turned on.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add DOMDocumentRange and DOMDocumentTraversal.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Performance: Lazily store top-level components to eliminate unnecessary traversal
of DOM tree when looking up for a top level component.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Performance: Use pre-built element-attribute map table.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>To get ready for 64 bit large file, use XMLSSize_t to represent line and column number.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Define XMLSize, XMLSSize_t and their associate MAX.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Performance: Eliminate mulitple calls to addRange and sort in regx.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Performance: Use XMLBufferMgr instead of local creation of XMLBuffer(s).
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>DOM L3: Add AbstractDOMParser, DOMError, DOMErrorHandler, and DOMLocator.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOM Reorganization (rename IDOM and deprecate old DOM) and other documentation update.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>[Bug 9237] Encoding spec in lower case (DTD/XML) not recognized.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 8967] Default element behaviour is incorrect (schema only).
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>[Bug 7701] NameIdPoolEnumerator copy constructor should call base class.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 8899] Missing implementation of Op::Op(const Op&amp;) causes Intel C++ Win32 link to fail.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 8301] INFINITY used as enum member.
<td>David Bertoni</td>
<td>[Bug 8381] XMLScanner performance fixes.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 8898] SchemaElementDecl doesn't compile with Intel C++ for IA32.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Schema Fix: re-add the ID, IDREF ... datatype validators only if they were not there.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Update SAX2 documentation to tell users it is necessary to delete
the parser returned by XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader.
<td>David Bertoni</td>
<td>[Bug 8852] UnixHTTPURLInputStream.cpp includes unneeded file.
<td>David Bertoni</td>
<td>[Bug 8492] Incorrect HP link options.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>[Bug 7341] Missing newline at end of util and DOM source files.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>[Bug 7261] Remove obsolete define in UnixWareDefs.hpp.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 8769] UMR (uninitialized memory read) detected by memory tool.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 7265] UnixWare port broken in platformTerm().
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 8495] URLInputSource constructor initializes fURL member incorrectly.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Build AIX 64 bit binary.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 8236] Problem with recursive and derived elements.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 7301] Redundant range-check in HexBin.cpp.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 7583] Build warnings with MS Visual Studio .NET.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 7493] The word "occured" is misspelled and it is a global error.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 8195] Invalid path to build 'samples' target.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 8156] Bad path name breaks build.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 8168] Error when attempting to build NetAccessors.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 7706] XMLString::lowerCase() does not work.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 6095] Modify .so name to have version number.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>ICU 2.0.2 Update.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Change min/maxOccurs from unsigned int to int.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 7565] Attributes in different namespaces produce a Fatal Exception.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>check null string first in isWSCollapsed and fix [Bug 6902] Typo in XMLString.cpp.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>[Bug 7555] Enable AIX build with newer xlC versions.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Modiy QName comparison (operator==).
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>According to DOM spec, setNodeValue by default is no-op.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Do not issue DOM_DOMException::INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR if the owner is the same.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOMString problem with Asian codepages.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 7551] Exceptions are caught by value, rather than by reference.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 7585] xml4com.dsp - Cannot open source file.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 7297] Validation of schema included in document fails with improper error.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Move Element Consistency checking (ref to global declarations) to SchemaValidator.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1173] DOMParser entity resolution property is messed about.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix: not all the children of EntityReference Node is set to readOnly.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Should call setReadOnly instead of isReadOnly to populate the flag.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3010] DocumentImpl::importNode - Missed Readonly Flag Restore.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Correct count element routine in IDOMCount.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 7471] Failed to validate correctly when schema has &lt;xsd:extension&gt; and the base has an attribute.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Move particle derivation checking from TraverseSchema to SchemaValidator.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 7358] About TraverseSchema::traverseSimpleTypeDecl member function.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add support for reporting line/column numbers of schema errors.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 7164] DOMParser with a DTD leak!
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix for declarations referenced from a different NS in the case of a circular import.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 7243] Base64 encoding is not working.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 7074] Unwarranted error regarding "no circular definitions allowed".
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Regx Fix] Change constant names to eliminate possible conflict with user defined ones.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 7162] IconvFreeBSDTransService.cpp needs an #include statement fixed to use xercesc.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 6888] NodeIterator. Retrofit this typo that was applied to Xerces-J, although this
function "matchNodeOrParent" is not used in Xerces-C++.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOMString Thread safe Fix: should lock the entire deleter function where freeListPtr and
blockListPtr are modified.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Issue DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR if count is greater than length, equal to length is ok.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>IDOM Fix: Issue IDOM_DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR if count or offset is negative.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>IDOM Fix: Initialize fPublic/fSystemId to zero in IDNotationImpl.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Certain IDOM Node should call fParent.normalize().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Run methods test[NodeType] in the IDOMTest and other fixes.
<td>Mark Russell</td>
<td>[Bug 1687] resValue not always updated when making a transcoder.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 7000] The URL is corrupted in UnixHTTPURLInputStream.cpp.
<anchor name="Release170"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.7.0: March 8, 2002">
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add a keys file to store public key of committers who sign and upload packages to Apache.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Call Terminate() to avoid memory tools reporting memory leak in Traversal test cases.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Schema: Allow [+]? [0]* '.'? [0]* and normalize the input to positive zero string.
And similarly input conforming to '-' [0]* '.'? [0]* is normalized to negative zero.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2869] AIX 4.3.3 mutex/atomic-operation changes for build.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 6834] apparently correct schema/instance not validating.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>NodeIDMap informational message about growing only be printed if debug is on.
Besides the throw message should be encap in the XMLErrList_EN_US.Xml, not hardcoded in the code.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 2717] Unterminated INCLUDE section causes infinite loop with setExitOnFirstFatalError(false)
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix: ReaderMgr Should check if XMLReader is created successfully.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1368] improper DOMStringHandle locking.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>[Bug 6445] Caldera (SCO) OpenServer Port.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix: default attribute are not added when namespace is on and validation is off.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix: SAX AttributeList::getName should attach prefix if present
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 6672] SAXValidator results in an access violation when validating against schema
with empty element that has default value.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix: Create ZeroOrOne node for PCDATA only if needed.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Schema Fix: Thread-safe the built-in datatype validator registry.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Schema Fix: Ensure no invalid uri index for UPA checking.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Merge IThreadTest and ThreadTest. Modify ThreadTest to do schema processing, and
add ThreadTest to
<td>Don Mastrovito</td>
<td>Project files for BCB6.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2845] HP-UX 10.20 with CC A.10.40 needs +Z instead of +z.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5977] Warnings on generating apiDocs.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Fix: Add code for ContentSpecNode::All in formatNode.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add support for building with new MacOSURLAccessCF NetAccessor that doesn't
require Carbon but can allow Xerces to live solely within CoreServices layer.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>[Bug 6092] stricmp and strnicmp not present in FreeBSD.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Update Mac OS projects to reflect "sane includes" changes.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add IDOM to API documentation.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Base64 interface redefined for conversion in XMLByte.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add getEnumString to DatatypeValidator.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 6461] Unexpected recursion errors reported against schema.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add constraint checking for the extension of an 'all' content model.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 4581] erroneous static cast in programming examples.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 6336] Output of XMLString::transcode not freed?
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Update samples to use SAX2 features/properties constants from XMLUni.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 6330] Base64::encode does not work.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2715] Build recursion suppresses make failures.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2496] libxerces-c1_5_0 fails to build correctly on Solaris.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Added a new flag '-p' to SAX2 samples to set the 'namespace-prefixes' feature.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Use IDOM for schema processing.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Remove 3rd party jar style-apachexmljar, expand into physical files.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add IDOMMemTest.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Modify InitTermTest to take option flag like -s, -f , and -n.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5716] Can't parse with Validation more than one file.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Recognize IBM01140 (IANA encoding) as alias of intrinsic encoding IBM1140.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 6114] Memory leaks on IDOM getElementsByTagName().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add DOM Level2 missing functions: NodeIterator::getRoot, TreeWalker::getRoot
Element::hasAttribute, Element::hasAttributeNS and Node::hasAttribute
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Memory leak fix in samples / test cases.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>src and include folder reorganization for "sane_include".
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix: some SAX calls were not passed to the LexicalHandler.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Remove those jar files that are not clear in license issue.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add a 'null' string constant in XMLUni.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add SAX2-ext's DeclHandler support.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>The namespace-prefixes feature in SAX2 should be off by default.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3111] Problem with LexicalHandler::startDTD() and LexicalHandler::endDTD().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Progressive parse does not do post-validation and thus ID/IDREF are not checked.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5545] Progressive Parse trashes when encountering "&lt;! ... "
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Update DOM/IDOM hasFeature method to correctly reflect current status.
And add more hasFeature test to DOMMemTest.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Some intrinsic encodings support (e.g. UTF-16) only work as input encoding
while reading in XML data; but do not work as output encoding in XMLformatter.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Document encoding alias for intrinsic encoding support.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5847] ICUMsgLoader can't be compiled with gcc 3.0.3 and ICU2.
And also fix the memory leak introduced by Bug 2730 fix.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>Adds the capability to compile the tests under FreeBSD and either ICU or
IconvFBSD transservice (the transcoding service is automatically detected
during configuration stage), with or without pthreads.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5371] runConfigure extra linker options ignored in Makefiles for tests and samples.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Break program.xml which takes too long to load, into program-sax.xml, program-sax2.xml
program-dom.xml, program-idom.xml.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Break faq-parse.xml which becomes longer and longer into faq-parse.xml and faq-build.xml
to better categorize the FAQ, and update the FAQ
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Create symbolic link to those duplicate ICU libraries, instead of physical duplicate copies.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 5807] Parser produces unexpected errors from 'Good' document.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>XMLURi bug fix: related to Authority and wellformedAddress
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>[Bug 5570] DOM_Range lacks the copy constructor.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>Support IconvFBSD in multi-threading environment with all the possible
combinations of threading and transcoding options.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 5786] Unexpected Schema errors.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix for identity constraints - union operation.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Resolve namespace first before resolving the schema location in &lt;import&gt;.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 5675] Use of setExternalSchemaLocation() yields inconsistent behavior.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix for validity constraint check for standalone documents.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix for regular expression patterns that begin with ".".
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix for error message when checking for attributes with a namespace prefix.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 5569] &lt;extension&gt; does not work -- ancestor elements not recognized.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Schema Fix: should not store a temp value as the key in the element
pool and the attribute pool.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 4953] Propagate existing CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 5514] XMLEnumerator needs virtual destructor.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2680] Remove '-instances=static' from the compile step.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1833] LexicalHandler::startDTD not called correctly.
<td>Frank Balluffi</td>
<td>[Bug 5466] Memory Leak: ElementImpl.cpp's ElementImpl::ElementImpl copy
constructor does not cleanup attributes before assignment.
<td>Frank Balluffi</td>
<td>[Bug 5464] Memory Leak: DocumentImpl::importNode does not delete
old attribute if its reference count equals zero.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Schema fix: leading whitespace should be preserved for CData type.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add surrogate support to comments and processing instructions.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: Do not transcode twice in DOMString constructor.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>update BUILDINSTRUCTIONS.TXT to be in sync with build instruction in build*.xml.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Fix: Invalid Argument to FreeLibrary (Hint: 0x0000000).
<td>Linda Swan</td>
<td>iSeries (AS/400) documentation update and other iSeries related fixes.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 5410] non-schema &lt;attribute&gt; attributes cause error.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix typos in messages.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Memory leak: fRedefineList.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5367] Progressive parse does not throw error when file is empty.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: Remove obsolete code in ElemStack.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>More changes to IconvFBSDTransService. Allow using "old" TransServece implementation
(via '-t native' option to runConfigure) or to employ libiconv (it is a part of FreeBSD
ports-collection) services.
<td>Christopher Just</td>
<td>[Bug 5320] 1.5.2 Build fails on IRIX. The variable "atomicOpsMutex" has been defined twice.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Swap checking to avoid "dangling pointer" reported by BoundsChecker.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Memory Leak: fLeafNameTypeVector.
<anchor name="Release160"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.6.0: December 6, 2001">
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Schema: Add Identity Constraint(Key, KeyRef, Unique, Selector, Field, and Partial XPath Support). <br/>
Add XPathSymbols, <br/>
XPathMatcherStack, <br/>
XPathMatcher, <br/>
XPathException, <br/>
XercesXPath, <br/>
ValueStoreCache, <br/>
ValueStore, <br/>
IdentityConstraint, <br/>
IC_Unique, <br/>
IC_Selector, <br/>
IC_KeyRef, <br/>
IC_Key, <br/>
IC_Field, <br/>
FieldValueMap, <br/>
FieldActivator. <br/>
Support Particle Derivation Constraint Checking.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
Support DateTimeValidator, <br/>
DateTimeDatatypeValidator, <br/>
DateDatatypeValidator, <br/>
TimeDatatypeValidator, <br/>
DayDatatypeValidator, <br/>
MonthDatatypeValidator, <br/>
MonthDayDatatypeValidator, <br/>
YearDatatypeValidator, <br/>
YearMonthDatatypeValidator, <br/>
DurationDatatypeValidator. <br/>
Add SchemaDataTimeException, <br/>
XMLAbstractDoubleFloat, <br/>
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1959] setNodeValue throws exception when spec specifies NOP.
<td>Erik Rydgren</td>
<td>[Bug 2174] Bug in NamedNodeMapImpl.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>Performance Enhancement. Added setNPrefix and setNLocalPart methods in QName that
allow code to take advantage of the fact that it knows the length of the prefix and
local name, when possible.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>Performance Enhancement. Added a second ContentSpecNode constructor that allows
the QName to be just assigned, not copied.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>Performance Enhancement. Added a second CMLeaf constructor that indicated the
QName passed in was to be adopted.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>Performance Enhancement. Modify the handling of the fNEL option so that it results
in fgCharCharsTable being modified, instead of having all of the low-level routines check
the option.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Make the runConfigure and associated config*, Makefile* in folders tests,
samples and src more consistent.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 1236] Incorrect NMTOKENS attribute normalization.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 2752] Surrogate support incomplete.
<td>Edward Avis</td>
<td>Fix runConfigure which can run into infinite loop with invalid argument
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Generate linker map for certain platforms
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5237] PATH_MAX undefined during build without threading support.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 5179] Misprint in downcasting description.
<td>Max Gotlib</td>
<td>Add FreeBSD native transcoder (IconvFBSD).
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Build all tests on HP-UX 11.
<td>Michael Huedepohl</td>
<td>Add FreeBSD Support.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>DOMMemTest: delete compiler generated temporary DOMString object "Hello Goodbye".
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix broken ParserTest.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Do not increment the error count if it is a warning.
<td>Phil Brown</td>
<td>[Bug 4019] XMLReader::getNextChar can over read (UTF-16).
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 4544] DOM_NodeList::getLength incorrect when called twice for empty list.
<td>Artur Klauser</td>
<td>[Bug 2238]libWWW problems with broken proxys and range requests.
<td>Artur Klauser</td>
<td>[Bug 2237] libWWW redirect error.
<td>Matt Lovett</td>
<td>[Bug 4422] BinMemInputStream::readBytes is inefficient.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3683] Access Violations when performing custom schema validation.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Check tohash pointer before accessing content in XMLString::hash.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix to correctly strip the zip file name from the target
directory which has "." dot in it.
<td>Don Mastrovito</td>
<td>BCB4 can use wchar_t.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Support ICU 2.0.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Eliminate Warning from Solaris Forte C++:
Warning (Anachronism): Formal argument start_routine of type extern "C".
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Eliminate Warning from Solaris Forte C++:
Warning: String literal converted to char* in initialization.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Eliminate Warning from AIX xlC 3.6:1540-399.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 4655] config.status be included in all future binary releases.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 4873] ICU 2.0 breaks Xerces 1.5.2 build.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Eliminate Visual C++ compiler warning C4273.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Schema: Allow "0.0" to be a valid lexcial representation of ZERO.
<td>Peter A. Volchek and PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add sample SEnumVal.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>New method InputSource::get/setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound to tell the parser
whether to issue fatal error or not if cannot find it (the InputSource).
This is required for schema processing as it shouldn't be a fatal error if the
schema is not found.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Allow schemaLocation and noNamespaceSchemaLocation to be specified outside the
instance document. New methods setExternalSchemaLocation and
setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation are added (for SAX2, two new properties are added).
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>XMLFloat and XMLDouble boundary Values updated.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add test case InitTermTest to test XMLPlatformUtils:Initialize/Terminate() pair.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Design change: GeneralAttributeCheck is not longer a singleton class.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Re-organize constant values in XMLAttDef.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Move root element check from XMLValidator to XMLScanner
and deprecate XMLValidator::checkRootElement().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Update documentation for SAX2XMLReader, DefaultHandler and DOMParser.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Regular Expression: Update the Block Names and Block Range to comply to the latest standard.
<td>Carolyn Weiss</td>
<td>DOMIDTest/MemParse fix: Pulled the hardcoded encoding out of the document
itself and made it a #define to make it easier to support other encodings.
<td>Carolyn Weiss</td>
<td>DOMMemTest fix: Changed some literal values to their equivalent hex values
so they work correctly on both ASCII and EBCDIC systems.
<td>Linda Swan</td>
<td>Bug Fix: maxChars in XMLString::copyNString is more related to the target than the src.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: Create QName in ContentSpecNode only if it is a leaf/Any/PCDataNode.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: move getRawName() to outer loop in DFAContentModel so that it
is called only once per outer loop.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 4644] Memory leak in schema traverser.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 4133] --prefix not used properly in configure.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 2730] Can't build xerces-c-1.5.1 with ICUMsgLoader.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 4578] No documentation for XMLTranscoder.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>IDOM: Leak: should allocate the fNodeListPool with the overloaded new.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Update samples doc to reflect the latest changes. Also update runConfigure usage
in build doc to reflect the latest changes.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Thread safe XMLFloat and XMLDouble.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Update SAX standard web link.
<anchor name="Release152"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.5.2: October 26, 2001">
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
Support group, <br/>
attributeGroup, <br/>
all, <br/>
any, <br/>
anyAttribute, <br/>
annotation, <br/>
notation, <br/>
redefine, <br/>
circular import. <br/>
Add AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator. <br/>
Add XercesGroupInfo. <br/>
More complex type constraint checking.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
Support DoubleDatatypeValidator, <br/>
FloatDatatypeValidator, <br/>
AnyURIDatatypeValidator, <br/>
AbstractStringValidator, <br/>
AbstractNumericValidator, <br/>
AbstractNumericFacetValidator, <br/>
NCNameDatatypeValidator, <br/>
NameDatatypeValidator. <br/>
Add XMLDouble, <br/>
XMLFloat, <br/>
XMLInteger, <br/>
XMLNumber, <br/>
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
Support xsi:type, <br/>
Unique Particle Attribution Constraint Checking, <br/>
anyAttribute in Scanner and Validator. <br/>
Add XercesElementWildCard, <br/>
AllContentModel, <br/>
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>XMLDeleterFor related functions and data are removed. Replace with XMLRegisterCleanup.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>[Bug 2924] runConfigure script to accept multiple linker options.
<td>John Warrier</td>
<td>[Bug 2924] runConfigure script to accept multiple compiler options.
<td>Mark Weaver</td>
<td>[Bug 4213] BinHTTPURLInputStream initialization not thread safe.
<td>John Clayton</td>
<td>[Bug 4121] BinHTTPUrlInputStream needs to read entire HTTP header.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 4318] Single threaded build fails due to obsolete #define.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2860] gAtomicMutex should be used when APP_NO_THREADS is not defined in both Tru64 and OS400.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Comment outside root element should also be reported.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 4342] Validator mutex is not deleted.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 3975] XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() leaks memory after thousands of calls.
<td>Kevin Philips</td>
<td>[Bug 3813] BinHTTPURLInputStream has weak HTTP request capabilities.
<td>Peter A. Volchek</td>
<td>[Bug 2305] Include stdlib.h to BinHTTPURLInputStream.cpp.
<td>Sean Bright</td>
<td>[Bug 2456] loadXML gives an exception.
<td>Curt Arnold</td>
<td>Fixed xml4com.idl which attempts to set the version of the type library to 1.5.2 when
only major.minor format is allowed.
<td>Mark Weaver</td>
<td>[Bug 4060] XMLPlatformUtils leaks a mutex on Solaris, Linux and others.
<td>Mark Weaver</td>
<td>[Bug 880] XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate cannot be called more than once.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3660] Off-by-one error in DOMString.cpp.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Check that memory has been acquired successfully after memory acquisition requests in DOMString.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3361] "String pool id was not legal" error in Attributes::getURI().
<td>Linda Swan</td>
<td>castToNodeImpl is inconsistent with other cast routines in IDCasts.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add new file name shortening hints; chmod +x.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Cleanup handling of transcoder failure to transcode a character;
implement canTranscodeTo; thanks to Geoff Coffey.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Correctly swap / and : in classic environment MacOS pathnames; thanks to Geoff Coffey.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Update MacOS projects for CodeWarrior 7 and ProjectBuilder 1.1, new files.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3909] return non-zero an exit code when error was encountered.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Modify PParse not to hardcode the number of expected elements as this may vary.
<td>David McCreedy</td>
<td>Fixed the binary search in XML256TableTranscoder.cpp which
fails for the last item in whichever table it is searching.
<td>David McCreedy</td>
<td>Added U+0110 to XMLEBCDICTranscoder.cpp's "Unicode to IBM037" translation table.
<td>David McCreedy</td>
<td>Modified DOMPrint and IDOMPrint not to use "endl" method which puts out a newline
in the local code page to generate output.
<td>Jerry Carter</td>
<td>[Bug 3666] Win32MsgLoader unable to retrieve error text if DLL is renamed.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Use opt2 on AIX platform.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1699] Redirect "delete this" to a temp ptr to bypass AIX xlC v5
optimization memory leak problem.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 4015] IDDOMImplementation::createDocumentType hopelessly broken.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 3750] GeneralAttributeCheck threading bug.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 4177] setupRange uses non-portable code.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 2409] undocumented XMLException in LocalFileInputSource::new().
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>[Bug 4133] --prefix not used properly in configure.
<td>Jason Stewart</td>
<td>XMLURL::parse now throws an exception if it sees a an http URL without
two forward slashes ('//') following the protocol.
<td>Petr Gotthard</td>
<td>Add "Base64::encode" for encoding binary data.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1685] memory leak after parsing document with validation error.<br/>
And other miscellaneous memory leak.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 3831] -1 returned from getIndex() needs to be checked.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3867] IDOM_Element::getElementsByTagName() threading problem.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Memory leak in IDOM, need to delete the fDocument created.
<td>Artur Klauser</td>
<td>Patch: Xerces 1.5 w/ libWWW for Tru64.
<td>Artur Klauser</td>
<td>Patch: Xerces 1.5 samples with g++ compiler.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 3565] Stream leaked in ReaderMgr.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3155] SAX2 does not offer progressive parse.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 3523] SchemaElementDecl.cpp(242) : error C2202 : not all control paths return a value.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: Store the fGrammarType instead of calling getGrammarType all the time for faster performance.
<td>Christopher Just</td>
<td>Support IRIX's sproc().
<td>Kevin Philips</td>
<td>[Bug 3170] URLs with ? type fragments in them don't work.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>Allowing -p as argument to -z or -l in runConfigure.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: Use XMLBufBid instead of XMLBuffer directly for better performance.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Performance: No need to new the child QName in ElemStack addChild. Remove it for performance gain.
<td>Don Mastrovito</td>
<td>Project files for BCB5.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 2816]Numerous datatype headers cause CC error 1144.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 3017] MSVC5.0: C2202: 'compareSpecial' : not all control paths return a value.
<td>Nick Chiang</td>
<td>Fix to memory leak in buildDFA().
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Performance: stateTable created to optimize the identification of new state created.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add isHex(), isAlphaNum(), isAllWhiteSpace() and patternMatch() in XMLString.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2947]IDOM segfault calling getElementsByTagName() using a DOM_Document().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Port test case DOMTest to IDOMTest.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2676] IDOM: pure virtual called in IDDeepNodeListImpl::item().
<td>Kari Whitcomb</td>
<td>IDOM: Unaligned Access warnings in IDOM samples.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1329] SAX2XMLReaderImpl leaks XMLBuffers.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Allow DOMCount/SAXCount/IDOMCount/SAX2Count to take a file that has a list of xml file as input.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Fix: memory leak in DFAContentModel::postTreeBuildInit().
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Fix bug in 'transcode' functions reported by Evgeniy Gabrilovich.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>put getScanner() back as they were there before, not to break existing apps.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2751] Several NameChar characters missing from internal tables.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 2815] util/regx/RegxParser.cpp compile fails on HP-UX 10.20 with CC A.10.40.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 2707] DFAContentModel memory leaks.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add IDOMCount, IDOMPrint, SAX2Count, and SAX2Print to samples.dsw.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add more tests in
<anchor name="Release151"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.5.1: July 18, 2001">
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 2643] - derivation by extension of complex types does not permit
addition of ONLY element content.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2410] DOMParser::parse() throws undocumented exceptions.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2512] typing mistake in code example of chapter "Constructing an XML Reader".
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>APIDocs fix: default for schema processing in DOMParser, IDOMParser,
and SAXParser should be false.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add new files to UnionTypeValidator and ListDataTypeValidator to MacOS Project files.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add constraint checking for simple types.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Fix to normalizeWhiteSpace: synchronize fDatatypeBuffer with toFill.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add ListDatatypeValidator and UnionDatatypeValidator.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Give proper error message when scanning external id.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>The first char of PI Target Name should be checked.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add &lt;any&gt; declaration.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fixes for import/include declarations.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Partial Markup in Parameter Entity is validity constraint and thus
should be just error, not fatal error.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add new samples projects: IDOMPPrint and SAX2Print for ProjectBuilder
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Update ProjectBuilder Xerces project for latest file additions.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>[Bug 2486] Files missing from XercesLib.mcp.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add new samples for CodeWarrior build: IDOMPrint and SAX2Print.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>New file for use in building Carbon samples.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Simplify file existence checks.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>[Bug 2495] Missing ( in xerces-c-src1_5_0/obj/
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Fix clean and distclean targets; broken because rm fails if passed no files.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2472] Linker options ignored on IRIX.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>Automatic build of single-threaded library.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Encoding String must present for external entity text decl.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Standalone checking is validity constraint and thus should be just error, not fatal error.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add NotationDatatypeValidator, QNameDatatypeValidator and ENTITYDatatypeValidator.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add IDREFDatatypeValidator and IDDatatypeValidator.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>XMLString:isValidName(): to validate Name (XML [4][5]).
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Some compilers (e.g. the HP compiler) has mistaken the parameter 'std',
which is short for standalone as the special prefix used by the standard libraries.
<td>Miroslaw Dobrzanski-Neumann</td>
<td>Supporting dce threading on AIX and Solaris.
<td>David Bertoni</td>
<td>[Bug 2365] Huge performance problem with the parser in XMLScanner::sendCharData().
<td>David Bertoni</td>
<td>[Bug 2363] XMLScanner::sendCharData() can send the wrong length to the handler.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 2353] Validating Parser parses after validation failed.
<td>Murray Cumming</td>
<td>[Bug 1147] Headers install in wrong directory.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2119] DOMString::print() should use DOMString::transcode() for transcoding.
<td>Stephen Dulin</td>
<td>OS390 updates.
<td>Linda Swan</td>
<td>AS400 updates.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 1393] Converting from Unicode to iso8859.
<td>Matt Lovett</td>
<td>[Bug 965] scanDocTypeDecl messes up the source offsets.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Add constraint checking on elements in complex types.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>[Bug 2277] Bad argument to ConvertFromUnicodeToText.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>[Bug 2263] 'SIZE' : redefinition ( BooleanDatatypeValidator.cpp ).
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 2258] Bug in Iconv and Iconv390.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2225] assignment vs. comparison in if clause.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2257] 1.5 thinks a &lt;?xml-stylesheet ...&gt; tag is a &lt;?xml ...&gt; tag.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>[Bug 1946] Standalone validity check only for external decl.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2262] Duplicated header guard.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Proper Debug Guard: Reported by Dean.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Namespace should be off by default in XMLScanner.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Add installAdvDocHandler to SAX2XMLReader as the code is there already.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Handle maxChars > length(toTranscode).
<td>Erik Rydgren</td>
<td>Memory leak fix: to addlevel().
<td>Khaled Noaman and PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Add support for 'fixed' facet.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Added constraint checking for ref on elements.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>ICU 1.8.1 update.
<anchor name="Release150"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.5.0: June 15, 2001">
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
Add Schema support in XMLParsers (DOM/SAX/SAX2), XMLScanner. <br/>
Create SchemaValidator. <br/>
Add Grammar Model. <br/>
Support xsi:nil. <br/>
Support xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation. <br/>
Update samples to enable schema.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>Break DTDValidator into DTDGrammar, DTDScanner, and DTDValidator.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
Complete the Range, TreeWalker, NodeIterator, and other memory fixes.<br/>
Support IDOM on UNIX platform.<br/>
Add samples IDOMPrint, and IDOMCount.<br/>
Add test cases IRangeTest and ITraversal.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
Add Regular Expression. <br/>
Add Schema Messages. <br/>
Add Schema Simple Type Support. <br/>
Add Schema Complex Type Support (Except Group). <br/>
Add Schema Attribute Declarations support. <br/>
Add Schema Element Declarations support. <br/>
Support Simple Content and Complex Content. <br/>
Support Element and attribute reuse using "ref". <br/>
Support Schema Choice and Sequence. <br/>
Support Schema Import and Include.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
Add DatatypeValidator and DatatypeValidatorFactory.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
Add Schema support in Content Model. <br/>
Add Schema Exception Handling. <br/>
Add Schema XUtil. <br/>
Add QName Support. <br/>
Support SubstitutionGroup.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
Support Base64DatatypeValidator, <br/>
BooleanDatatypeValidator, <br/>
DecimalDatatypeValidator, <br/>
HexBinDatatypeValidator, <br/>
StringDatatypeValidator, <br/>
InvalidDatatypeFacetException, <br/>
<td>Erik Rydgren</td>
<td>[Bug 812] Memory leak with multiple !ATTLIST on single !ELEMENT.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 2043] XMLFormatter unallocates arrays incorrectly.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>Documentation and project files update for Xerces 1.5.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>IDOM Documentation.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Fix no error message for faulted-in attributes if reuse grammar for 3+ times.
<td>Peter A. Volchek</td>
Include stdlib.h.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Update Mac OS ProjectBuilder projects.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Fix invalid file references in project.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>/src/util XMLString.cpp<br/>
Clean up compiler warning.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>/src/util/regx RegxParser.cpp<br/>
Fix two improper NULL tests.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add support for Mac OS X command line configuration and build.
<td>Peter A. Volchek</td>
<td>Add 'const' to getGrammar.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>The start tag "&#60;?xml" could be followed by (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Add support for tracking error count during parse; enables
simple parse without requiring error handler.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
Keep the BCB4 project files in the source package.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>Check for existence of MacOS Unicode Converter routines prior to instantiating our
transcoder object; Xerces will thus panic, rather than crash, if they don't exist.
Add support to check for existence of MacOS Unicode Converter to avoid calling through NULL pointer.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>IDOM: Add DeepNodeList support.
<td>Henry Zongaro</td>
<td>IDOM: Add namespace support.
<td>Christian Schuhegger</td>
<td>[Bug 1158] built-in buffer limit could be smaller than system limit,
use PATH_MAX instead.
<td>Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td>[Bug 1605] AttrNSImpl.cpp: fixed typo in constructor.
<td>Curt Arnold</td>
<td>[Bug 1500] The public id was set twice and the system id was not set on Notations.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOMPrint: Check error before continuing.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>ICU 1.8 update.
<td>Khaled Noaman</td>
<td>Added new option to the parsers so that the NEL (0x85) char can be
treated as a newline character.
<td>Erik Rydgren</td>
<td>DTDScanner: Reuse grammar should allow users to use any stored
element decl as root.
<td>William L Hopper</td>
<td>Win32PlatformUtils: InterlockedCompareExchange on different Windows.
<td>William L Hopper</td>
<td>BCB project changes.
<td>James Berry</td>
<td>MacOSUnicodeConverter: Fix include path, Updates to reflect changes for
Mac OS X final and Update MacOS projects for Mac OS X final ProjectBuilder.
<td>Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td>[Bug 1303] AttrImpl: allow value to be set to null.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>DOMParser: Attribute default values not printed in document
type internal subset interface.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>createdocs.bat: fix PDF generation.
<td>Alberto Massari</td>
<td>DTDElementDecl: Error checking for null content spec.
<td>Andy Heninger</td>
<td>IDOM: imported.
<td>Andy Heninger</td>
<td>IThreadTest: imported.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 1150] Problems with Namespaces and validating parsing.
<td>Roman Sulzhyk</td>
<td>[Bug 1069] Explicit Makefile dependency for 'lib' build.
<td>PeiYong Zhang</td>
<td>When Standalone="yes", it is NOT supposed to accept element
which is defined in external DTD with #FIXED attribute.
<td>Andy Heninger</td>
<td>Update for ICU 1.8. ICU debug .lib file
names and locations changed.
<td>Jeff Harrell</td>
<td>[Bug 1018] AutoSense looks for "IRIX" when it should look for "sgi" or "__sgi".
<td>Roman Sulzhyk</td>
<td>[Bug 1069] The Makefiles fail to locate .cpp -> .o dependency and rebuild .o all the time.
<td>John Rope</td>
<td>[Bug 1021] Accessing an XML file using the file "protocol" and a UNC path fails
to open the file.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 733] Seg fault when trying to parse empty filename.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 677] Infinite loop caused by malformed XML. Happen when namespace is on.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>Enabling libWWW NetAccessor support under UNIX. Tested with latest
tarball of libWWW (w3c-libwww-5.3.2) under RedHat Linux 6.1.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 676] Linux for S/390 build requires -fPIC.
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 678] StdInParse doesn't output filename or duration.
<td>Matt Lovett</td>
<td>ICUTranscoder::transcodeFrom() expects ICU function ucnv_toUnicode
to return an extra element in fSrcOffsets to allow us to figure
out the last char size, which in fact it is not. The fix is to compute
the last char size ourselves using the total bytes used.
<td>Andy Heninger</td>
<td>Change limit test to reduce spurious pointer assignment warnings from BoundsChecker.
<td>Bob Kline</td>
<td>Better FAQ for the checksum error.
<td>Mark Everline</td>
<td>Core dump when UTF-16 encoding contradicts actual encoding.
<td>Hiram Clawson</td>
<td>Update samples/tests files for on UnixWare 7.1.1 with gcc 2.95. Add
UNIXWARE platform defines to Makefile.incl, add recognition of
sysv5uw7 to, and add unixware as recognized platform to runConfigure.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>Update support for SCO UnixWare 7 (gcc). Tested under UnixWare 7.1.1
with gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release) with gmake 3.79.1.
<td>Martin Kalen</td>
<td>Enable COMPAQ Tru64 UNIX machines to build xerces-c with gcc (tested using
COMPAQ gcc version2.95.2 19991024 (release) and Tru64 V5.0 1094).
<td>Bill Schindler</td>
<td>Rearranged statements in Initialize() so that platformInit() is called
before an XMLMutex is created.
<td>Richard Ko</td>
<td>Storage overlay in ucnv_setFromUCallBack.</td>
<td>Tinny Ng</td>
<td>[Bug 766] /src/util/Compilers/CSetDefs.hpp: define NO_NATIVE_BOOL macro only
if not pre-defined/reserved.
<td>Jordan Naftolin</td>
<td>Add createPDF.jar and apachPDFStyle.xsl to convert documentation xml files
to pdf format.
<anchor name="Release140"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.4.0: January 31, 2001">
<td >Date</td>
<td >Contributor</td>
<td >Description</td>
<td >2001-01-26</td>
<td >Walker Curtis</td>
<td >Undefined symbol error when building a single threaded version of the xerces lib on irix.
<td >2001-01-25</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >Added a flag to turn off error checking in the DOM, this is primarily
used while building the DOM from the parser to get better performance.
<td >2001-01-25</td>
<td >Khaled Noaman</td>
<td >Let users add their encoding to the intrinsic mapping table.
<td >2001-01-25</td>
<td >Khaled Noaman</td>
<td >const should be used instead of static const. And other clean up bug fixes.
<td >2001-01-24</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >Fixed replaceChild to handle the case where a node is replaced
by itself. Cleaned up insertBefore.
<td >2001-01-24</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Guard the use of '-ptr${OUTDIR}' in EnumVal/
<td >2001-01-22</td>
<td >Curt Arnold.</td>
<td >Loads winsock dynamically.
<td >2001-01-19</td>
<td >Curt Arnold.</td>
<td >COM various updates: updated the GUID's so both can coexist,
better error reporting and fixed a new minor bugs.
<td >2001-01-18</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >FAQ spell check, fix typos, fix grammar, readability editing, clean up formatting,
re-organize so related topics appear together.
<td >2001-01-18</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >Project file updated due to removal of ChildAndParentNode.cpp.
<td >2001-01-17</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >DOM Implementation Optimization.
<td >2001-01-17</td>
<td >Volker Krause</td>
<td >ElementImpl::getAttributeNS should check null pointer.
<td >2001-01-17</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >Have a single counter global to the document. Removed node basis change counter.
<td >2001-01-17</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >Removed unused field in NodeImpl that was left over.
<td >2001-01-17</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Access violations and stack overflows in insertBefore.
<td >2001-01-15</td>
<td >David Bertoni</td>
<td >Performance Patches.
<td >2001-01-12</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Fix for documentation generation.
<td >2001-01-12</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Remove the two obsolete file: stylesheets\Copy of book2project.xsl and
stylesheets\Copy of document2html.xsl in style-apachexml.jar
<td >2001-01-12</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Documentation Enhancement: explain values of Val_Scheme.
<td >2001-01-12</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Documentation Enhancement: Add list of SAX2 feature strings that are supported.
<td >2001-01-04</td>
<td >Khaled Noaman</td>
<td >Assertion `size > 0' failure when cloning a node if the last attributes
has been removed.
<td >2000-12-28</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Omit include carbon.h in favor of specific include files.
<td >2000-12-28</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Add or modify cvs header in various files.
<td >2000-12-28</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Eliminate compiler warning in RangeImpl.cpp.
<td >2000-12-28</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Replace include of Carbon.h with specific include files.
<td >2000-12-28</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Move away from include of Carbon.h; include only needed files instead.
Fix bug in parsing of upwardly relative paths under classic (thanks to Lawrence You).
<td >2000-12-22</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >XMLUni::fgEmptyString which is defined as "EMPTY" is incorrectly used as
an empty string; in fact XMLUni::fgZeroLenString should be used instead.
<td >2000-12-22</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Add the new header LexicalHandler.hpp to
<td >2000-12-22</td>
<td >Murray Cumming</td>
<td >removes '-instances=static' from the Linux link sections.
<td >2000-12-22</td>
<td >David Bertoni</td>
<td >SAX2-ext's LexicalHandler support.
<td >2000-12-14</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Better instruction for using Use symbol XercesCInstallDir
and XercesCSrcInstallDir instead of hardcoding the Xerces version number in the file.
<td >2000-12-14</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Fix API document generation warning: "Warning: end of member group without matching begin".
<td >2000-12-14</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Add RangeTest as part of the xerces-all MSVC++ workspace.
<td >2000-12-12</td>
<td >Gareth Reakes</td>
<td >null pointer bug.
<td >2000-12-08</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Entity Reference cleanup dumping core if the last entity reference is deleted.
<td >2000-12-06</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >fix the link to FAQ.
<td >2000-12-06</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >further fixes to Range, and update RangeTest.cpp with more test coverage.
<td >2000-11-30</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >Spell check, fix typos, fix grammar, readability editing, clean up formatting.
<td >2000-11-30</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >Remove dead code (old StdOut and StdErr functions); minor clean-up.
<td >2000-11-30</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >patch to fix a number of Range problems. See mail of 11/21/2000.
<td >2000-11-30</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >DOM_Text::splitText(), fix off by one error in the test for index too big error.
<td >2000-11-30</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >reuseValidator - fix bugs (spurious errors) that occurred on reuse due to
pools already containing some items.
<td >2000-11-08</td>
<td >Andrei Smirnov</td>
<td >Build updates for Solaris 2.8 64 bit.
<td >2000/11/07</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Bug fix for DTD entity reference problem reported by Tony Wuebben on 10/25.
<td >2000-11-07</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >config.guess and config.sub updated to newer versions.
<td >2000-11-07</td>
<td >Pieter Van-Dyck</td>
<td >Change InterlockedCompareExchange for compatibility with Borland BCB5
<td >2000-11-07</td>
<td >Pieter Van-Dyck</td>
<td >Fix incorrect version number in gXercesMinVersion.
<td >2000-11-01</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >SAX bug fix: Attribute lists were throwing exceptions rather than returning
null when an attribute could not be found by name.
<td >2000-11-01</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >Scanner bug fix: with progressive parsing, namespace and validation
options were not being set correctly. Symptoms included failure to detect
ignorable white space.
<td >2000-10-31</td>
<td >Tinny Ng</td>
<td >DOM NodeIterator bug fix: iterators would sometimes continue beyond their
starting (root) node.
<td >2000-10-20</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMParser bug fix - erroneous attempt to look up name space URIs
while scanning default attribute values in DTD removed. Was a
crashing bug when namespaces were enabled.
<td >2000-10-20</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOM NodeFilter - define values for FilterAction enum to match those in the
DOM spec.
<td >2000-10-19</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >SAXCount sample, allow multiple files on command line. DOMCount sample, rename
error handler class to say that it is an error handler.
<td >2000-10-18</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >MacOS project file updates. Small code optimization. Add comments to clarify and
to reflect new fixed XMLCh size.
<td >2000-10-17</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Bug Fix - problems with multi-byte characters on input buffer boundaries.
<td >2000-10-17</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMPRintFormatTarget, bad override of writeChars fixed (missing const).
XMLFormatTarget, removed version of writeChars with no length. Can not be
safely used, and obscured other errors.
<td >2000-10-16</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Change XMLCh back to unsigned short on all platforms
<td >2000-10-13</td>
<td >Devin Barnhart</td>
<td >COM: interpret BSTR as UTF-16 in documents
<td >2000-10-13</td>
<td >Edward Bortner</td>
<td >Solaris: change detection for native support for type bool to defined(_BOOL).
<td >2000-10-13</td>
<td >Nadav Aharoni</td>
<td >MXLString::trim() bug fix: failure to null terminate result.
<td >2000-10-10</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >XMLFormatter: Fix problems with output to multi-byte encodings.
<td >2000-10-10</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >From Janitor, remove the addition that is having compile problems in MSVC.
<td >2000-10-10</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Fix a bug in returned length of transcoded string.
Add a few comments.
<td >2000-10-09</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >ProjectBuilder project to build Xerces.
<td >2000-10-09</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td > Numerous Changes:
- Increase environmental sensitivity with hope of supporting pre OS 9
OS versions.
- Enhanced path creation/interpretation to support proper unix style
paths under Mac OS X instead of the volume rooted paths we previously
used. Paths under Classic remain the same.
- Better timer resolution.
- Detect functionality via unresolved symbols rather than Gestalt
where possible.
- Softly back away from URLAccess...if it's not installed, we just
don't support a net accessor.
- Additional support for XMLCh/UniChar size differences under
GCC on Mac OS X.
- Fix Mac OS X support. GCC in this environment sets wchar_t to a 32 bit
value which requires an additional transcoding stage (bleh...)
- Improve sensitivity to environment in order to support a broader
range of system versions.
- Fix a few compiler sensitivities.
- Carbon.h header support
<td >2000-10-09</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Add some auto_ptr functionality to allow modification of monitored
pointer value. This eases use of Janitor in some situations.
<td >2000-10-09</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Autosense.hpp: modify sensing of Mac OS X.
<td >2000-09-28</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOM_Document::putIdentifier() removed. There never was an implementation
for this function.
<td >2000-09-28</td>
<td >Curt Arnold</td>
<td >COM wrappers updated.
<td >2000-09-28</td>
<td >Linda Swan</td>
<td >AS400 related changes.
<td >2000-09-28</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOM_Document - remove the un-implemented function putIdentifier()
from the header.
<td >2000-09-28</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMParser MemoryLeak fixed. Occurred when a document redefined the
a builtin entity, e.g. &lt;.
<td >2000-09-28</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMPrint sample: add deletes before exit so boundschecker runs cleanly.
<td >2000-09-22</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td > Change file access permissions to fsRdPerm. Since we never write, there's
no reason to request write access. Thanks to John Mostrom @ Adobe.
Also nuke a few spaces and the entire defunct support for reading
directly from MacOS resources.
<td >2000-09-22</td>
<td >Arundhari Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOM Parser: internal subset entity printing update.
<anchor name="Release130"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.3.0: Sept 21, 2000">
<table >
<td >Date</td>
<td >Contributor</td>
<td >Description</td>
<td >2000-09-21</td>
<td >Torbjörn Bäckström</td>
<td >HPUX - Incorrect use of Array Janitor in Platform Utils removed.</td>
<td >2000-09-21</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOMPrint - DTD internal subset, printing of attribute value enumerations was broken.</td>
<td >2000/09/19</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOMPrint - output entity reference nodes as XML entity references, instead of just printing their children.</td>
<td >2000-09-19</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >OS/2 - port update</td>
<td >2000-09-18</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOM EntityReferences, fixed bugs with length() and hasChildNodes() methods.</td>
<td >2000-09-12</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOM: changed name of expandEntityReferences option to createEntityReferenceNodes. More accurately describes what
it does. Fixed bugs that caused creation of Entity Reference nodes to fail.</td>
<td >2000-09-12</td>
<td >IBM</td>
<td >AS400 - transcoder updates.</td>
<td >2000-09-11</td>
<td >Shengkai Qu</td>
<td >OS390 - makefile updates</td>
<td >2000-09-11</td>
<td >Kirk Wylie</td>
<td >Alpha processor support update in config.sub.</td>
<td >2000-09-08</td>
<td >Kirk Wylie</td>
<td >Reordered member variables in ThrowEOEJanitor. </td>
<td >2000-09-08</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >DOM NamedNodeMap - because in many cases we may have to deal with both nodes with a namespace and nodes without
any, NS methods through findNamePoint must handle both types of nodes.</td>
<td >2000-09-08</td>
<td >Kirk Wylie</td>
<td >Some destructors not virtual that should have been; some members of DOM_Entity virtual that should not have been.</td>
<td >2000-09-08</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Removed incorrect detection of nested CDATA sections. Problem reported by Johannes Lipp.</td>
<td >2000-09-08</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMPrint incorrectly handled DOCTYPE declarations containing both a public and system id. Problem reported by
Jesse Pelton.</td>
<td >2000-09-08</td>
<td >Radovan Chytracek</td>
<td >MSVC: RangeTest project settings incorrect, build failed.</td>
<td >2000-09-07</td>
<td >Bob Kline</td>
<td >XMLReader::skippedString(), failed under certain rare circumstances.</td>
<td >2000-09-07</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Fix SAXException assignment operator. Now non-virtual, and SAXParseException subclass invokes base class operator.</td>
<td >2000-09-06</td>
<td >William L. Hopper</td>
<td >Borland updates. It had fallen way behind.</td>
<td >2000-09-06</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >HPUX 11, packageBinaries build script, DCEThreads no longer default</td>
<td >2000-09-06</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Macintosh: Add support for new compile time options defined in prefix file. These control the selection of the
msgloader, transcoder, and netaccessor. Add a tiny bit of robustness to the nasty panic method..</td>
<td >2000-09-06</td>
<td >Shengkai Qu</td>
<td >S390: socket related changes</td>
<td >2000-09-06</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Macintosh: Allow ShortenFiles to work even when destination directory already exists.</td>
<td >2000-09-06</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >HP compile options modified for ICU compatibility</td>
<td >2000-09-05</td>
<td >Michael Crawford</td>
<td >Macintosh: Fix atomic increment &amp; decrement to return value after operation rather than before.</td>
<td >2000-09-05</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Cleaned up various compiler warnings.</td>
<td >2000-09-05</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >SAX parser: added advanced callback support for XMLDecl</td>
<td >2000-09-01</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Fix ICU transcoding service, crashing bug on Linux, Solaris</td>
<td >2000-08-30</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Builds - clean up a number of compiler warnings.</td>
<td >2000-08-24</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMPrint - fixed crash when input xml file was not found.</td>
<td >2000-08-23</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Build Script updates and cleanups</td>
<td >2000-08-18</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Version number bumped to 1.3 in preparation for the upcoming xerces 1.3 / xml4c 3.3 release</td>
<td >2000-08-17</td>
<td >Arnaud Lehors</td>
<td >DOM: Rewrote code updating the linked list on node addition and removal. I believe it is now easier to read and
it uses fewer tests so it is also a little faster.</td>
<td >2000-08-17</td>
<td >Arnaud Lehors</td>
<td >DOM: small cleanup: renamed a set of [] boolean flag methods. yes, I know, I also wish I got them right
in the first place...</td>
<td >2000-08-17</td>
<td >Sumit Chawla</td>
<td >PTX port updates</td>
<td >2000-08-16</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Fixed crash when XML text content has very long lines. Bug pointed out by Simon Fell.</td>
<td >2000-08-14</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >SAX2 DefaultHandler, inconsistency in const parameters fixed.</td>
<td >2000-08-11</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >ICU Transcoding - updates to support ICU 1.6</td>
<td >2000-08-09</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOM Range: Add const to API where appropriate.</td>
<td >2000-08-09</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Many conformance and stability changes:<br/>
- ContentHandler::resetDocument() removed<br/>
- attrs param of ContentHandler::startDocument() made const<br/>
- SAXExceptions thrown now have msgs<br/>
- removed duplicate function signatures that had 'const'<br/>
[ eg: getContentHander() ]<br/>
- changed getFeature and getProperty to apply to const objs<br/>
- setProperty now takes a void* instead of const void*<br/>
- SAX2XMLReaderImpl does not inherit from SAXParser anymore<br/>
- Reuse Validator ( implemented<br/>
- Features &amp; Properties now read-only during parse</td>
<td >2000-08-09</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Namespaces bug - bogus default namespace removed.</td>
<td >2000-08-09</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >SAXException enhanced, messages added.</td>
<td >2000-08-08</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >SAX2Count - new sample program for SAX2.</td>
<td >2000-08-07</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >Remove detach() method from TreeWalker. </td>
<td >2000-08-03</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Add Mac Codewarrior projects.</td>
<td >2000-08-01</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >SAX2 support added</td>
<td >2000-08-01</td>
<td >Gary Gale</td>
<td >Compaq Tru64 port added.</td>
<td >2000-07-31</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >bug fix in removeAll() to zero out all the pointers.</td>
<td >2000-07-31</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >utf-8 byte order mark recognition</td>
<td >2000-07-29</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Mac OS Port, general cleanups.</td>
<td >2000-07-28</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Addition of NetAccessor functionality for MacOS, built on URLAccess library.</td>
<td >2000-07-28</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >ICU Transcoding service: changes for move to ICU 1.6</td>
<td >2000-07-27</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOM Range added. (Major new feature)</td>
<td >2000-07-27</td>
<td >Murray Cumming</td>
<td >makefile fixes for SUNW_0.7</td>
<td >2000-07-25</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >XMLCh character constants definitions moved to XMLUniDefs.h. Removes name clashes with application defined symbols.</td>
<td >2000-07-25</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >allow nesting of PlatformUtils::Init() and Terminate()</td>
<td >2000-07-25</td>
<td >Gary Gale</td>
<td >ICU transcoding: fix off by one error.</td>
<td >2000-07-21</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >Change wcsupr to _wcsupr</td>
<td >2000-07-21</td>
<td >Eric Schroeder</td>
<td >Win32TransService - fix error in use of hashtables</td>
<td >2000-07-21</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOMPrint: fixed error in handling of null CDATA sections.</td>
<td >2000-07-20</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Improved net access (parse of URLs). Still weak, though.</td>
<td >2000-07-20</td>
<td >Erik Schroeder</td>
<td >XMLScaner.cpp bugfix: call startDocument() at beginning of scan.</td>
<td >2000-07-20</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOMCount exception handling cleaned up.</td>
<td >2000-07-19</td>
<td >Todd Collins</td>
<td >runConfigure: modified to take &quot;configureoptions&quot;</td>
<td >2000-07-19</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >Add 'make install' target to src/util/Platforms/</td>
<td >2000-07-19</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >DOM: BugFix: DocumentType nodes can not have children.</td>
<td >2000-07-19</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >DOM: Bug in NodeIDMap constructor.</td>
<td >2000-07-18</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Documentation generation tools updated.</td>
<td >2000-07-17</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Mac OS port brought up to date (was very old)</td>
<td >2000-07-17</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Change windows project to link with ws2_32.lib instead of winsock32.lib</td>
<td >2000-07-17</td>
<td >Grace Yan, Joe Kesselman</td>
<td >DOM NodeIterator: bug fix for SHOW_ELEMENT flag incorrectly being retrieved.</td>
<td >2000-07-17</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >switched scanMisc() with endDoc() in scanNext. Pointed out by Dean Roddey.</td>
<td >2000-07-17</td>
<td >Jim Reitz</td>
<td >fix for uninitialized variable gotData bug in XMLScanner.cpp.</td>
<td >2000-07-12</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >DOM: fix bug in setting previous sibling pointer during insertNode</td>
<td >2000-07-07</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Update to use of hashtables.</td>
<td >2000-07-07</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOM userdata: several bug fixes.</td>
<td >2000-07-06</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Speedups in XMLScanner, XMLReader</td>
<td >2000-07-07</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >bug fixes in IXMLDOM*</td>
<td >2000-07-06</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Performance tweaks, added more inlines.</td>
<td >2000-07-05</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Documentation updates.</td>
<td >2000-07-05</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOM: Attribute node default value handling implemented.</td>
<td >2000-07-05</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOM Attr nodes - fixed setting of specified when cloning. (change may be in error)</td>
<td >2000-07-04</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixed a memory leak when namespaces are enabled.</td>
<td >2000-06-28</td>
<td >Curt Arnold</td>
<td >COM object usage documentation update.</td>
<td >2000-06-28</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOM Userdata - put pointers in a hash table rather than having one pre-allocated per node. Memory footprint reduction.</td>
<td >2000-06-27</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >extended the (implementation) hash table classes.</td>
<td >2000-06-26</td>
<td >John</td>
<td >Bug fix: check if initialized in Terminate() to stop access violations.</td>
<td >2000-06-26</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >Solaris build - template directory related changes.</td>
<anchor name="Release120"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.2.0: June 22, 2000">
<td >2000/06/22</td>
<td >&lt;check&gt;</td>
<td >OS/2 Port updated.</td>
<td >2000-06-22</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOM Attr nodes, specified flag not set correctly by parser. Fixed.</td>
<td >2000-06-20</td>
<td >Rahul, Joe, Arundhati</td>
<td >Many doc updates in preparation for release of 1.2</td>
<td >2000-06-19</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Update Package Binaries script to build Xerces with ICU.</td>
<td >2000-06-19</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Added help messages to PParse and StdInParse samples.</td>
<td >2000-06-19</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Changed &quot;XML4C&quot; to &quot;Xerces-C&quot; in DOMPrint. (Missed in earlier mass name change.)</td>
<td >2000-06-19</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >Moved version.incl up one directory level.</td>
<td >2000-06-19</td>
<td >Curt Arnold</td>
<td >Improved Windows project file.</td>
<td >2000-06-16</td>
<td >John Smirl</td>
<td >Bug Fix: Document Handler was not called for PIs occurring before the document element. Bug identified by John Smirl
and Rich Taylor</td>
<td >2000-06-16</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >DOMPrint, SAXPrint: remove extra space in printing PIs.</td>
<td >2000-06-16</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Windows Debug Build: add 'D' suffix to DLL name in VCPPDefs.hpp</td>
<td >2000-06-16</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Samples: added -v option (validate always). Needed for testing scripts.</td>
<td >2000-06-14</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Fixed null ptr failures in DOM NamedNodeMap</td>
<td >2000-06-12</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Fixed bug in XMLString::trim(), reported by Michele Laghi</td>
<td >2000-06-07</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >DOM: reduced memory usage for elements with no attributes.</td>
<td >2000-06-01</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >DOMString - add const to return type of const XMLCh *DOMString::rawBuffer()</td>
<td >2000-06-01</td>
<td >Arundhati Bhowmick</td>
<td >Fix crash with Solaris optimized build. Modified XMLURL.cpp to dodge compiler code generation error.</td>
<td >2000-06-01</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Bug fix: DOM Attr Specified flag was incorrectly set when cloning or importing attributes.</td>
<td >2000-05-31</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >MSVC projects modified to produce separate debug and release versions of Xerces lib and dll.</td>
<td >2000-05-31</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Bug fix: DOMPrint, SAXPrint produced garbage output on Solaris. Solaris library problem.</td>
<td >2000-05-31</td>
<td >Joe Polastre</td>
<td >Fixed incorrect error check for end of file in Win32 platform utils.</td>
<td >2000-05-31</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >DOMPrint enhancements. Add options for specifying character encoding of the output, better control over escaping
of characters, better handling of CDATA sections. Default validation is now &quot;auto&quot;</td>
<td >2000-05-22</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >XMLFormatter now escapes characters, as reqd., occurring midway in strings. Reported by Hugo Duncan.</td>
<td >2000-05-22</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Bug fix in implementation of DOM_Document::GetElementById()</td>
<td >2000-05-18</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Documentation, DTD for source xml files moved into xerces-c project, sbk: prefixes removed, xml can now be validated
<td >2000-05-15</td>
<td >Dean</td>
<td >Fixed 'fatal error' when 'reusing the validator' problem reported<br/>
by Rocky Raccoon ( Fix submitted by<br/>
Dean Roddey (</td>
<td >2000-05-15</td>
<td >James Berry</td>
<td >Changed #include &lt;memory.h&gt; to &lt;string.h&gt; everywhere. &lt;;</td>
<td >2000-05-15</td>
<td >Andy H.</td>
<td >DOMTest: removed incorrectly failing entity tests</td>
<td >2000-05-12</td>
<td >Andy H.</td>
<td >Revised implementation of DOMDocument::getElementsById(), removed memory leaks, new test program for it.</td>
<td >2000-05-12</td>
<td >Dean</td>
<td >Bug fix - A PE ref appearing at the start of a skipped conditional section<br/>
was incorrectly being processed rather than ignored. Fix from Dean Roddey.</td>
<td >2000-05-11</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Start using the socket based netaccessor by default on most Unix platforms.</td>
<td >2000-05-11</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Update ICUTransService to work with latest revision of ICU which provides a hard linked data DLL. i.e. icudata.dll
will be loaded when xerces-c is loaded.</td>
<td >2000-05-05</td>
<td >Dean</td>
<td >Problem with progressive parsing. parseNext() would through an exception when the document contains entities, either
or external.</td>
<td >2000-05-11</td>
<td >Sean MacRoibeaird</td>
<td >Add missing validity checks for stand-alone documents, character range<br/>
and Well-formed parsed entities.</td>
<td >2000-05-10</td>
<td >Radovan Chytracek</td>
<td >Fix compilation problems on MSVC 5. &lt;;</td>
<td >2000-05-10</td>
<td >Dean</td>
<td >Fix XMLReader defect reported by SHOGO SAWAKI</td>
<td >2000-05-09</td>
<td >Andy H</td>
<td >Fix problem with Windows filenames containing '\' in Japanese and Korean encodings.</td>
<td >2000-05-08</td>
<td >Andy H</td>
<td >Memory Cleanup. XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() deletes all lazily allocated memory</td>
<td >2000-05-05</td>
<td >Dean</td>
<td >Fixed defect in progressive parsing 'parseNext()' reported by Tim Johnston</td>
<td >2000-05-03</td>
<td >Tom Jordahl</td>
<td >Fixed Solaris build problems with static character constants. Tom Jordahl &lt;;</td>
<td >2000-04-28</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >Reduced memory usage for DOM Attributes.</td>
<td >2000-04-28</td>
<td ></td>
<td >New runConfigure options -P and -C</td>
<td >2000-04-27</td>
<td >Andy H</td>
<td >Memory leaks in TransService. Joseph Chen &lt;;</td>
<td >2000-04-27</td>
<td >Arnaud LeHors</td>
<td >DOM - storage requirements for nodes substantially reduced.</td>
<td >2000-04-27</td>
<td >Arundhati</td>
<td >Added DOM XMLDecl node type; provides access to XML declaration.</td>
<td >2000-04-20</td>
<td >Arundhati</td>
<td >Added DOM access to DTD subset (DOM Level 2 feature)</td>
<td >2000-04-19</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >API document generation changed to Doxygen from Doc++</td>
<td >2000-04-18</td>
<td >Arundhati</td>
<td >Full support for DOM_EntityReference, DOM_Entity and DOM_DocumentType introduced</td>
<td >2000-04-18</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Don't allow spaces before PI target. Bug #42</td>
<td >2000-04-17</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Follow the SMP/E procedures for the OS/390 BATCH install</td>
<td >2000-04-12</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Auto-validate mode. Validate only when a DTD is present.</td>
<td >2000-04-11</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >If a SAX error handler is installed, then the resetErrors() event handler<br/>
should call the one on the installed SAX error handler.</td>
<td >2000-04-10</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Allow an empty DOCTYPE declaration, with just the root name.</td>
<td >2000-04-06</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Add low level support for transcoding XML output to different character encodings.</td>
<td >2000-04-06</td>
<td >Arnaud Lehors</td>
<td >DOM node memory footprint reduction.</td>
<td >2000-04-06</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixed hanging bug in character transcoding.</td>
<td >2000-04-05</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Enable installation of DTDHandler on SAX parser.</td>
<td >2000-04-04</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Support for PTX platform</td>
<td >2000-04-03</td>
<td >&nbsp;</td>
<td >IRIX 6.5 port</td>
<td >2000-03-30</td>
<td >&nbsp;</td>
<td >COM wrappers</td>
<td >2000-03-24</td>
<td >Jeff Lewis</td>
<td >DOM_Document::GetElementsByTagId() added.</td>
<td >2000-03-23</td>
<td >Chih Hsiang Chou</td>
<td >DOM: support for identifying &quot;ignorable white space&quot; text nodes.</td>
<td >2000-03-23</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >URL Net Accessor added.</td>
<td >2000-03-20</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fix null pointer exception with some bad documents.</td>
<td >2000-03-17</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Initial support for two-way transcoding.</td>
<td >2000-03-17</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Intrinsic transcoding table generation utility added.</td>
<td >2000-03-17</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >UNIX build: Now generates object files in platform-specific directories</td>
<td >2000-03-13</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Fix GCC build problem: Changed XML_GNUG to XML_GCC</td>
<td >2000-03-13</td>
<td >Helmut Eiken</td>
<td >Fixed #54. Changed self-assignment to now use the parameter value.<br/>
Reported by Helmut Eiken &lt;;</td>
<td >2000-03-10</td>
<td >Chih Hsiang Chou</td>
<td >Fix bug # 19, add const keyword to API. As a result, update test case.</td>
<td >2000-03-10</td>
<td >Chih Hsiang Chou</td>
<td >DOM: &quot;specified&quot; flag of attributes now set correctly.</td>
<td >2000-03-08</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Some fixes for content models that have multiple, trailing, empty<br/>
PE refs (for content model extension.)</td>
<td >2000-03-07</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >First cut for additions to Win32 xcode. Based very loosely on a<br/>
prototype from Eric Ulevik.</td>
<td >2000-03-03</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixed a bug in SimpleContentModel that allowed an &lt;a/&gt; to be taken<br/>
as valid for a content model of (a,b).</td>
<td >2000-03-02</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Added a scanReset()/parseReset() method to the scanner and<br/>
parsers, to allow for reset after early exit from a progressive parse.<br/>
Added calls to new Terminate() call to all of the samples. Improved<br/>
documentation in SAX and DOM parsers.</td>
<td >2000-03-02</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Change &quot;XML4C&quot; to &quot;Xerces&quot; in many places<br/>
Add a cleanup method to XMLPlatformUtils.<br/>
Implement the Locator scheme for SAX.<br/>
Add a -n option to most of the samples, to enable namespaces<br/>
Fix an error where XMLScanner::parseNext() was falling through on an<br/>
exception instead of return a failure.<br/>
Implement the specialized string loading for Win98, since LoadStringW()<br/>
doesn't work on 98 and makes the loaded error text from the Win32<br/>
message loader come out junk<br/>
fix error when two trailing entity references in a content model, like so:<br/>
&lt;!ELEMENT foo (a|b|c|d|e %one;%two;)*&gt;</td>
<anchor name="Release110"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.1.0: Feb 28, 2000">
<td >2000/02/18</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >XMLCh defaults to wchar_t on platforms where wchar_t uses Unicode.</td>
<td >2000-02-18</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Add Windows-1252 as a built in encoding</td>
<td >2000-02-17</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixed an infinite loop caused while trying to trim leading white space from the raw URL during parsing.</td>
<td >2000-02-17</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Add LibWWW based net accessor</td>
<td >2000-02-17</td>
<td >Chih Hsiang Chou</td>
<td >DOM: NodeIterator, TreeWalker added.</td>
<td >2000-02-16</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Updates for EBCDIC code page issues.</td>
<td >2000-02-15</td>
<td >Chih Hsiang Chou</td>
<td >DOM: several namespace bugfixes</td>
<td >2000-02-14</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Disallow EBCDIC documents without an encoding declaration</td>
<td >2000-02-10</td>
<td >Bill Schindler</td>
<td >Fixed defect in compare[N]IString function. Defect and fix reported<br/>
by Bill Schindler from</td>
<td >2000-02-10</td>
<td >Anupam Bagchi</td>
<td >Sample source code cleaned up.</td>
<td >2000-02-08</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixed bug: xmlns:xxx=&quot;&quot; should affect the mapping of the prefixes of sibling attributes</td>
<td >2000-02-07</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Don't weave base and relative paths unless relative part is really relative.</td>
<td >2000-02-03</td>
<td >Dietrich Wolf</td>
<td >C++-Builder 4 support</td>
<td >2000-02-03</td>
<td >Robert Weir</td>
<td >DOMString enhancements</td>
<td >2000-01-31</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Win32 mutex implementation was changed to use critical sections for speed.</td>
<td >2000-01-28</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >The API is not in place to allow client code to make sense of start/end entity<br/>
ref calls from attribute values. So suppress them for now.</td>
<td >2000-01-28</td>
<td >Andy Heninger</td>
<td >Fix multi-threading problem in DOM.</td>
<td >2000-01-27</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixed bug: If an entity ends on the last &gt; of some markup, then the end of entity<br/>
won't be sent because the end of entity is not sensed.</td>
<td >2000-01-24</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Fixes a bogus error about ]]&gt; in char data.</td>
<td >2000-01-24</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Exposed the APIs to get to the byte offset in the source XML buffer.</td>
<td >2000-01-21</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Added a check for a broken pipe error on file read.</td>
<td >2000-01-18</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Update to support new ICU 1.4 release</td>
<td >2000-01-18</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Remove dependence on old utils standard streams</td>
<td >2000-01-18</td>
<td >Rahul Jain</td>
<td >Added CreateDOMDocument sample.</td>
<td >2000-01-13</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Added a NetAccessorException for use by implementations of the NetAccessor abstraction, if they need to report
errors during processing</td>
<td >2000-01-12</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >get the C++ and Java versions of error messages more into sync.</td>
<td >2000-01-11</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Moved the input source classes from / to framework/.</td>
<td >2000-01-11</td>
<td >Dean Roddey</td>
<td >Changes to deal with multiply nested, relative paths, entities</td>
<anchor name="Release101"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.0.1: December 15, 1999">
<li>Port to Solaris.</li>
<li>Improved error recovery and clarified error messages.</li>
<li>Added DOMTest program.</li>
<anchor name="Release100"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; 1.0.0: December 7, 1999">
<li>Released &XercesCName; after incorporating ICU as a value-added plug-in.</li>
<li>Has bug fixes, better conformance, better speed and cleaner internal architecture</li>
<li>Three additional samples added: PParse, StdInParse and EnumVal</li>
<li>Experimental DOM Level 2 support</li>
<li>Support for namespaces</li>
<li>Loadable message text enabling future translations to be easily plugged-in</li>
<li>Pluggable validators</li>
<li>Pluggable transcoders</li>
<li>Reorganized the util directory to better manage different platforms and compilers</li>
<anchor name="ReleaseBETA"/>
<s2 title="Release Information of &XercesCName; BETA: November 5, 1999">
<li>Created initial code base derived from IBM's XML4C Version 2.0</li>
<li>Modified documentation to reflect new name (Xerces-C)</li>