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<title>C++ Language Binding for DOM</title>
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<a href="ApacheDOMC++BindingL2.html">C++ Language Binding for DOM Level
This document contains the complete Apache Recommended C++ Language binding
for the
<a href="">Document Object
Model Level 2.0 Core</a>, and for the <a href="">Document
Object Model Level 2.0 Traversal and Range</a>, the W3C Recommendation
of November 13, 2000.</li>
<a href="ApacheDOMC++BindingL3.html">Experimental C++ Language Binding
for DOM Level 3 (subset)</a></h2>
This document contains the Experimental Apache Recommended C++ Language
binding for the <a href="">Document
Object Model Level 3.0 Core</a>, and for the subset of&nbsp; <a href="">Document
Object Model Level 3.0 Abstract Schemas and Load and Save</a>, the
W3C Working Draft of 09 April 2002.</li>
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