blob: b2f64e78ea75e8bc09251596f04f546c67b4b1cf [file] [log] [blame]
# Shorten file names to fit Mac HFS 31 character name limit. Names
# are shortened using a table of hints.
# $Log$
# Revision 1.6 2001/10/19 20:55:41 jberry
# Add new file name shortening hints; chmod +x
# Revision 1.5 2001/06/10 19:37:40 jberry
# Neaten formatting of output.
# Revision 1.4 2000/09/06 21:55:40 jberry
# Allow ShortenFiles to work even when the destination directory already exists
use Config;
use FindBin;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
# Constants
$kMaxLength = 31;
# Globals
$gScriptBase = $FindBin::RealBin;
$gPathSep = GetPathSeparator();
$gSrcBase = $gScriptBase.$gPathSep."src";
$gDstBase = $gScriptBase.$gPathSep."MacSrc";
# Map from unshortened to shortened name
# Hints for shortening names.
# Hints are considered in order of occurance in list
# until the name is adaquately shortened or there
# are no more hints, in which case the name is
# more rudely truncated.
@gHints =
["Exception", "Except" ],
["Implementation", "Impl" ],
["Reference", "Ref" ],
["Documentation", "Doc" ],
["Document", "Doc" ],
["Definition", "Def" ],
["Count", "Cnt" ],
["Entity", "Ent" ],
["Character", "Char" ],
["Processing", "Proc" ],
["Instruction", "Instr" ],
["Parent", "Par" ],
["Fragment", "Frag" ],
["Construction", "Constr" ],
["Default", "Def" ],
["Processor", "Proc" ],
["Compare", "Comp" ],
["Execution", "Exe" ],
["Functor", "Func" ],
["Collation", "Col" ],
["Element", "El" ],
["Datatype", "DT" ],
["Numeric", "Num" ],
sub GetPathSeparator
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
return '\\';
elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS')
return ':';
return '/';
sub ShortenName
$newName = $_;
while (length($newName) > $kMaxLength)
foreach $hint (@gHints)
$pattern = $hint->[0];
$replacement = $hint->[1];
if ($newName =~ s/$pattern/$replacement/)
#print "\tmatched ".$hint->[0]."; replaced with ".$hint->[1]."\n";
next LOOP;
# No hint found, so we need to shorten the name manually
$kill = length($newName) - $kMaxLength + 1;
substr($newName, $kMaxLength / 2, $kill) = "_";
#print "\tshorten manually\n";
return $newName;
sub Gather
$path = $File::Find::name;
$name = $_;
if (-f $path)
if (length($name) > $kMaxLength)
#print "$name is too long\n";
$newName = ShortenName($name);
#print "--> ".$newName."\n";
# Add an entry to our bad map
$gBadMap{$name} = $newName
#print "NOT A FILE: $File::Find::dir".$_."\n";
sub GatherBadFiles
find(\&Gather, $gSrcBase);
sub Copy
# Caller wants $_ the same across this call
$save_ = $_;
$_ = "" if ($_ eq '.');
# remap the destination name as needed
$srcName = $_;
$dstName = $srcName;
if (exists $gBadMap{$srcName})
$dstName = $gBadMap{$srcName};
print "Renaming file $srcName\n\t--> $dstName\n";
$srcPath = $File::Find::name;
$dstPath = $srcPath;
# Interpolate paths
$dstPath =~ s/$srcName$/$dstName/;
$dstPath =~ s/^$gSrcBase/$gDstBase/;
#print "srcName $srcName, dstName $dstName, srcPath $srcPath, dstPath $dstPath\n";
if (-d $srcPath)
# make the dst directory if it doesn't already exist
if (not -e $dstPath)
print "Making directory $dstPath\n";
# Copy the file, fixing up includes as we go
# Open files
open(SRC, "< $srcPath") or die "can't open $srcPath: $!";
open(DST, "> $dstPath") or die "can't open $dstPath: $!";
# Copy the file a line at a time
while (<SRC>)
# Look for an include line
if ( /^(\s*)#(\s*)include(\s*)<(\s*)(.*)(\s*)>(.*)/
|| /^(\s*)#(\s*)include(\s*)"(\s*)(.*)(\s*)"(.*)/
# We've got the include file name (path).
# Now isolate just the leaf of that
$includePath = $5;
$includePath =~ /^([^\/]*\/)*([^\/]+)$/;
$includeLeaf = $2;
# Check for the include file in our bad map, replacing
# it as necessary
if (exists $gBadMap{$includeLeaf})
$dup = $_;
$was = $includeLeaf;
$sub = $gBadMap{$was};
print "file $srcName: changed include $includePath\n\t--> $_";
#print "Change $dup to $_";
# Output the modified (or not) line
(print DST $_) or die "can't write to $dstPath: $!";
# Close 'dem files
close(SRC) or die "can't close $srcPath: $!";
close(DST) or die "can't close $dstPath: $!";
$_ = $save_;
sub CopyFiles
find(\&Copy, $gSrcBase);
# Tell what we know:
print "\n";
print "Script: $0\n";
print "Source Directory: $gSrcBase\n";
print "Destination Directory: $gDstBase\n";
print "\n";
#-- Scan phase
#NOTE: we actually don't limit our processing to the file types listed here!!!
#for each .cpp or .hpp or .c or .cc file in tree
# if name too long
# shorten the name
# store it in a map
# end if
#end for
# Gather up the bad files into global map gBadMap
print "Scanning...\n";
undef %gBadMap;
# Print bad map
#print "BadMap:\n";
#foreach $key (sort(keys %gBadMap)) {
# print $key, '=', $gBadMap{$key}, "\n";
#-- Copy/Modify phase
#for each file in tree
# copy file to new directory, scanning for include as we go
# if include contains a name from the map
# then replace it
#end for
print "Copying...\n";
CopyFiles($srcBase, $dstBase);
print "\nDone\n";