blob: 282824ea23cda197f87044291c635eb7942cc44e [file] [log] [blame]
push(@INC, "/home/xerces-c/bin", "/home/xerces-c/bin/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib", "/Development2/cupert/bin/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib", "/Development/cupert/usr/local/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib");
require "";
$|=1; # Force a flush after every print
# Set up the environment variables for XERCES-C and ICU
# Check for the environment variables and exit if error
if (!length($XERCESCROOT)) {
print "You must set an environment variable called XERCESCROOT to work with this script.\n";
$OUTPUTDIR = $opt_o;
# Check for the environment variables and exit if error
if (!length($XERCESCROOT) || !length($OUTPUTDIR)) {
print ("Usage is: packageSources -o<output_directory>\n");
print ("Example: perl -oc:\\xerces-c_1_1_1\n");
print (" perl -o\$HOME/xerces-c_1_1_1\n");
# We need ICUROOT only if we intend to use ICU for transcoding or message loading
# As of Version 3, this is not mandatory any more.
if (length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
print "Using $ICUROOT as the ICU root directory.\n";
#Fix the backslashes on the Windows platform
$XERCESCROOT =~ s/\\/\//g;
$ICUROOT =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Read the target version from the file $XERCESCROOT/src/util/XercesDefs.hpp
$versionfile = "$XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp";
$openresult = open (VERSIONFILE, "<$versionfile");
if ($openresult == 0) {
print "Sorry, I could not find the file $versionfile to pick up the version. Aborting ...\n";
# Now check if the target directory exists, exit if it does
if (-e $OUTPUTDIR) {
print ("Error: The target directory \'$OUTPUTDIR\' already exists.\n");
print (" You must start with a clean directory to package your product.\n");
#Construct the name of the zip file by extracting the last directory name
$srczipfiles = $OUTPUTDIR;
$srczipfiles =~ s/.*\/([\w|-]*)$/$1/g;
$srczipfiles = $srczipfiles . "/*";
$srctargetdir = $OUTPUTDIR;
# Find out the platform from 'uname -a'
open(PLATFORM, "uname -a|");
$platform = <PLATFORM>;
$platform =~ m/(\w*)/;
$platform = $1;
close (PLATFORM);
print "\nPackaging XERCES-C sources in $srctargetdir on platform $platform ...\n";
sub package_sources {
# Packaging of source files begins here
# We just copy over the relevant files from the actual source tree into
# a mirror location, and then zip (or tar) it up
chdir ("$srctargetdir");
# Now copy over the files directory-by-directory
print ("\nCopying source tree ...\n");
system ("mkdir $srctargetdir");
print ("Targetdir is : " . $srctargetdir . "\n");
system("cp -Rf $XERCESCROOT/* $srctargetdir");
# Select APache style or IBM Alphaworks style docs
if (length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
# Now create the API documentation from the XML sources
chdir ("$srctargetdir/doc");
system ("doxygen");
# Now create the User documentation from the XML sources
if ($platform =~ m/Windows/ || $platform =~ m/CYGWIN_NT/) {
$RM = "rm";
system("$RM -rf *.obj");
system("$RM -rf *.dep");
system("$RM -rf *.mak");
system("$RM -rf Makefile");
chdir ("$srctargetdir");
else { # all UNIX flavors
# Docs are only building on Windows for now...
$RM = "\\rm";
system("find $srctargetdir -name \"*.o\" -print -exec rm -f {} \\;");
system("find $srctargetdir -name \"core\" -print -exec rm -f {} \\;");
system("find $srctargetdir -name \"a.out\" -print -exec rm -f {} \\;");
system("find $srctargetdir -name \"Makefile\" -print -exec rm -f {} \\;");
system("find $srctargetdir -name \"*.dep\" -print -exec rm -f {} \\;");
system("find $srctargetdir -name \"*.mak\" -print -exec rm -f {} \\;");
print "Changing directory permissions of the following files ...\n";
# Change the directory permissions
system ("chmod 644 `find $srctargetdir -type f -print`");
system ("chmod 755 `find $srctargetdir -type d -print`");
# Change the script file permissions
system ("chmod 755 `find $srctargetdir -name runConfigure -print`");
system ("chmod 755 `find $srctargetdir -name configure -print`");
system ("chmod 755 `find $srctargetdir -name install-sh -print`");
# To make sure that configure script is updated, run autoconf
# chdir ("$srctargetdir/src");
# system("autoconf"); # Our configure script is special, it has OS390 and AS400 tweaks
# chdir ("$srctargetdir/samples");
# system("autoconf"); # Our configure script is special, it has OS390 and AS400 tweaks
# Delete the irrelevant parts before the packaging
system("$RM -f $srctargetdir/CMVC.GON");
system("$RM -f $srctargetdir/KEYS");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/*.\$??");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/*.o");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/Build");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/build");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/bin");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/obj/*.o");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/obj/Makefile");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/obj/*.obj");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/lib");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/include");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/doc/*.zip");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/samples/Projects/OS2");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/Projects/OS2");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/Projects/Win32/BCB4");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/Projects/Win32/BCB5");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/Projects/Win32/Unsupported");
system("$RM -rf $srctargetdir/Projects/Win32/VACPP40");
system("$RM $srctargetdir/scripts/");
chdir ($srctargetdir);
system("$RM -rf *.opt");
system("$RM -rf *.o");
system("$RM -rf *.so");
system("$RM -rf *.sl");
system("$RM -rf *.a");
system("$RM -rf *.ncb");
system("$RM -rf *.plg");
system("$RM -rf #*");
# Walk through the source directory structure and delete all CVS directories
# remove the export clauses
chdir ("$srctargetdir/doc/html/apiDocs");
opendir (THISDIR, "$srctargetdir/doc/html/apiDocs");
@allfiles = grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir(THISDIR));
@allhtmlfiles = grep(/\.html/, @allfiles);
foreach $htmlfile (@allhtmlfiles) {
&remove_export_clauses ("$srctargetdir/doc/html/apiDocs/" . $htmlfile);
chdir ("$srctargetdir/..");
if ($platform =~ m/Windows/ || $platform =~ m/CYGWIN/) {
# Now package it all up using ZIP
print ("\n\nZIPping up all source files ...\n");
$srczipname = $srctargetdir . ".zip";
print ("zip -r $srczipname $srczipfiles");
system ("zip -r $srczipname $srczipfiles");
else {
# Now package it all up using TAR
print ("\n\nTARing all source files ...\n");
$srczipname = $srctargetdir . ".tar";
print ("tar -cvf $srczipname $srczipfiles");
system ("tar -cvf $srczipname $srczipfiles");
system ("gzip $srczipname");
print ("Done with packaging sources.\n");
sub remove_export_clauses()
my ($thefile) = @_;
print "\nRemoving export clauses in file $thefile";
my $thefiledotbak = $thefile . ".bak";
rename ($thefile, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLE, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLEOUT, ">$thefile");
while ($line = <FIZZLE>) {
$line =~ s/SAX_EXPORT//g;
$line =~ s/SAX2_EXPORT//g;
$line =~ s/CDOM_EXPORT//g;
$line =~ s/XMLPARSER_EXPORT//g;
$line =~ s/PARSERS_EXPORT//g;
$line =~ s/XMLUTIL_EXPORT//g;
print FIZZLEOUT $line;
close (FIZZLEOUT);
close (FIZZLE);
unlink ($thefiledotbak);
sub deleteCVSdirs {
local($dir,$nlink) = @_;
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink) = stat($dir) unless $nlink;
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Cannot open $dir";
local(@filenames) = readdir(DIR);
if ($nlink == 2) {
for (@filenames) {
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
print "$dir/$_\n";
else {
$subcount = $nlink - 2;
for (@filenames) {
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
$name = "$dir/$_";
$localName = "$_";
# print $name, "\n";
next if $subcount == 0;
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink) = lstat($_);
next unless -d _;
if ($localName =~ m/CVS/i) {
print ("Removing $name ...\n");
system("$RM -rf $name");
chdir $_ || die "Cannot cd to $name";
chdir '..';
sub change_documentation_entities()
my ($thefile) = @_;
print "\nConverting documentation entities ($thefile) for ICU usage...";
my $thefiledotbak = $thefile . ".bak";
rename ($thefile, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLE, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLEOUT, ">$thefile");
while ($line = <FIZZLE>) {
$line =~ s/"Xerces C\+\+ Parser"/"XML for C\+\+ Parser"/g;
$line =~ s/"Xerces-C\+\+"/"XML4C"/g;
$line =~ s/"2\.0\.0"/"5\.0\.0"/g;
$line =~ s/"1\.5\.2"/"3\.5\.2"/g;
$line =~ s/"Xerces"/"XML4C"/g;
$line =~ s/"xerces-c2_0_0"/"xml4c-5_0_0"/g;
$line =~ s/"xerces-c-src2_0_0"/"xml4c-src-5_0_0"/g;
$line =~ s/xerces-c-dev\@xml\.apache\.org/xml4c\@us\.ibm\.com/g;
$line =~ s/xml\.apache\.org\/dist\/xerces-c/www\.alphaworks\.ibm\.com\/tech\/xml4c/g;
print FIZZLEOUT $line;
close (FIZZLEOUT);
close (FIZZLE);
unlink ($thefiledotbak);
sub change_doxygen()
my ($thefile) = @_;
print "\nConverting Doxygen ($thefile) for ICU usage...";
my $thefiledotbak = $thefile . ".bak";
rename ($thefile, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLE, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLEOUT, ">$thefile");
while ($line = <FIZZLE>) {
$line =~ s/Xerces-C\+\+/XML4C/g;
$line =~ s/1\.6\.0/4\.0\.0/g;
$line =~ s/header.html/header_ibm.html/g;
print FIZZLEOUT $line;
close (FIZZLEOUT);
close (FIZZLE);
unlink ($thefiledotbak);
sub change_createdocs_bat()
my ($thefile) = @_;
print "\nConverting createdocs.bat ($thefile) for ICU usage...";
my $thefiledotbak = $thefile . ".bak";
rename ($thefile, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLE, $thefiledotbak);
open (FIZZLEOUT, ">$thefile");
while ($line = <FIZZLE>) {
$line =~ s/doc\/style/tools\/jars\/;
print FIZZLEOUT $line;
close (FIZZLEOUT);
close (FIZZLE);
unlink ($thefiledotbak);