blob: adbe1c5193d3c6ab1d4872d9e04271e4cd95f919 [file] [log] [blame]
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<s1 title="&XercesCName; Samples">
<s2 title="Building the Samples">
<p>&XercesCName; comes packaged with ten sample applications that
demonstrate salient features of the parser using simple
applications written on top of the SAX and DOM APIs provided by
the parser.</p>
<p>Once you have set up your PATH variable, you can run the
samples by opening a command window (or your shell prompt for
UNIX environments). Sample XML data files are provided in the
samples/data directory.</p>
<p>The installation process for the samples is same on all UNIX
Note that <em>runConfigure</em> is just a helper script and you are free to
use <em>./configure</em> with the correct parameters to make it work
on any platform-compiler combination of your choice. The script needs the following parameters:
<source>Usage: runConfigure "options"
where options may be any of the following:
-p &lt;platform&gt; (accepts 'aix', 'linux', 'solaris', 'hp-10', 'hp-11')
-c &lt;C compiler name&gt; (e.g. gcc, xlc_r, cc or aCC)
-x &lt;C++ compiler name&gt; (e.g. g++, xlC_r, CC or aCC)
-d (specifies that you want to build debug version)
-h (get help on the above commands)</source>
<note><em>NOTE:</em>The code samples in this section assume that you are are working on the Linux binary drop.
If you are using some other UNIX flavor, please replace '-linux' with the appropriate
platform name in the code samples.</note>
<s2 title="Building the Samples for OS2">
<p>Building the Xerces-C samples using IBM Visual Age C++ Professional 4.0
for OS/2 (VAC++).</p>
<li> In the <code>XercesCSrcInstallDir;\samples\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory,
find and edit the VAC++ configuration file <code>basedir.icc</code>.</li>
<li>All of the directories used to build the samples are defined in
<code>basedir.icc</code>. You need to edit the directories to match your system.
Here are the directories you need to assign:
SRC_DIR -- <code>XercesCSrcInstallDir;</code>
This is where VAC++ should look to find the samples
directories containing the source files.
BASE_DIR -- The install directory <code>XercesCSrcInstallDir;</code>.
VAC++ will store the compiled samples in the <code>bin</code>
directory under BASE_DIR. It will also look for the
<code>xerces-c.lib</code> file in the <code>lib</code> directory under BASE_DIR.
Other directories are set based on these two. You can choose to override them
if you wish.</li>
<li>Save <code>basedir.icc</code></li>
<li>Start the Command Line in the VAC++ folder.</li>
<li>Navigate to the <code>XercesCSrcInstallDir;\samples\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory.</li>
<li>Run <code>bldsamples.cmd</code></li>
<li>When <code>build.cmd</code> finishes, review the file <code>compiler.errors</code>.
This file should contain only informational messages, almost all complaining about constant
values in comparisons.</li>
<li>You should now have several executable files.</li>
<p>Rebuilding the Configuration Files</p>
<p>Although it shouldn't be necessary, if you want to rebuild the VAC++
configuration files, you'll need to have Object Rexx running on your system:</p>
<li> If you are not currently running Object Rexx, run the SWITCHRX command from
a command line, answer "yes" to switching to Object Rexx, and follow the
instructions to reboot. (Note: You can switch back to "Classic Rexx" by
running SWITCHRX again. But you probably won't need to switch back since
Object Rexx runs almost 100% of Classic Rexx programs.)</li>
<li>In the Projects\OS2\VACPP40 directory, run genICC.cmd. This builds the VAC++
configuration files for the samples you have on your system.</li>
<li>Go to the first step above in the "Building asmples for OS/2" section.</li>
<s2 title="Running the Samples">
<p>The sample applications are dependent on the &XercesCName; shared library
(and could also depend on the ICU library if you built &XercesCName; with ICU).
Therefore, on Windows platforms you must make sure that your <code>PATH</code>
environment variable is set properly to pick up these shared libraries at
<p>On UNIX platforms you must ensure that <ref>LIBPATH</ref>
environment variable is set properly to pick up the shared libraries at
runtime. (UNIX gurus will understand here that <ref>LIBPATH</ref> actually
translates to <em>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</em> on Solaris and Linux, <em>SHLIB_PATH</em> on HP-UX
and stays as <em>LIBPATH</em> on AIX).</p>
<p>To set you LIBPATH (on AIX for example), you would type:</p>
<source>export LIBPATH=&XercesCInstallDir;/lib:$LIBPATH</source>
<s3 title="&XercesCName; Samples">
<li><link idref="saxcount">SAXCount</link>
<br/>SAXCount counts the elements, attributes, spaces and
characters in an XML file.</li>
<li><link idref="saxprint">SAXPrint</link>
<br/>SAXPrint parses an XML file and prints it out.</li>
<li><link idref="domcount">DOMCount</link>
<br/>DOMCount counts the elements in a XML file.</li>
<li><link idref="domprint">DOMPrint</link>
<br/>DOMPrint parses an XML file and prints it out.</li>
<li><link idref="memparse">MemParse</link>
<br/>MemParse parses XML in a memory buffer, outputing the number of elements and attributes.</li>
<li><link idref="redirect">Redirect</link>
<br/>Redirect redirects the input stream for external entities.</li>
<li><link idref="pparse">PParse</link>
<br/>PParse demonstrates progressive parsing.</li>
<li><link idref="stdinparse">StdInParse</link>
<br/>StdInParse demonstrates streaming XML data from standard input.</li>
<li><link idref="enumval">EnumVal</link>
<br/>EnumVal shows how to enumerate the markup decls in a DTD Validator.</li>
<li><link idref="createdoc">CreateDOMDocument</link>
<br/>CreateDOMDocument creates a DOM tree in memory from scratch.</li>